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Gollum is right and for the right reasons. Some of the reasoning for #1 is heading in the right direction, but a lot of it isn't. Galadriel has the password, which is indeed mellon. Incidentally, mellon does appear on the Doors of Moria: ennyn Durin aran Moria. Pedo mellon a minno.
1. Loiterers in disarray using southern coinage 2. IORETH One alternative, possibly, from royal authority 3. GALDOR Confused, pleased with gold supplied by shipyard agent 4. PALLANDO Grim drapery and ring make one blue 5. ANGRENOST Bewilderingly, no strange place for a quiet smoke 6. GOLLUM Birthday boy is, note, possibly amused with hesitation |
Ha! I was trying to squish Bilbo and Frodo into the birthday clue. Good one, Mith!
I'll take a stab at Nandor for the first but last clue, for a lack of better ideas. |
1. NANDOR Loiterers in disarray using southern coinage 2. IORETH One alternative, possibly, from royal authority 3. GALDOR Confused, pleased with gold supplied by shipyard agent 4. PALLANDO Grim drapery and ring make one blue 5. ANGRENOST Bewilderingly, no strange place for a quiet smoke 6. GOLLUM Birthday boy is, note, possibly amused with hesitation |
Feel like an experiment...
Hoom humm. Alright. This is an unconventional password and for a certain reason it does not follow the conventions of cryptic clues in that it does not have straight clues. But, so that it's not utterly blind guesswork, none of these is a place or a thing. I don't know how much or how little this gives you, and I'll gladly give more hints about the clues.
1. Confused elderly sprinted 2. Reverse angry article 3. First to die, yet follows monk's chopped off head 4. First of famous explorer who found not what he sought 5. Greet a man deprived of a right 6. Make amends before the start of hegemony 7. Mix the foreign regret Happy riddling! |
7 Reuel? Rue and el or le . Bit desperate..
1. Confused elderly sprinted 2. Reverse angry article 3. First to die, yet follows monk's chopped off head 4. First of famous explorer who found not what he sought 5. Greet a man deprived of a right 6. Make amends before the start of hegemony 7. REUEL Mix the foreign regret |
OK..in that case I will hazard Ronald for 1(anagram of Run + old)
Right again. :)
1. RONALD Confused elderly sprinted 2. Reverse angry article 3. First to die, yet follows monk's chopped off head 4. First of famous explorer who found not what he sought 5. Greet a man deprived of a right 6. Make amends before the start of hegemony 7. REUEL Mix the foreign regret |
Carrying on the same theme, EDITH for 6? (Edit + h).
1. RONALD Confused elderly sprinted
2. Reverse angry article 3. First to die, yet follows monk's chopped off head 4. First of famous explorer who found not what he sought 5. Greet a man deprived of a right 6. EDITH Make amends before the start of hegemony 7. REUEL Mix the foreign regret |
Could 4 be Christopher? First name of Christopher Columbus, who thought he'd found America but had found the West Indies.
In which case 2 could be Adam if you take mad the American way to be angry not crazy and A is an article.
Both correct. But Columbus didn't think he found America, or history would look a little - or big - bit different. ;) Any guesses at the password yet?
1. RONALD Confused elderly sprinted 2. ADAM Reverse angry article 3. First to die, yet follows monk's chopped off head 4. CHRISTOPHER First of famous explorer who found not what he sought 5. Greet a man deprived of a right 6. EDITH Make amends before the start of hegemony 7. REUEL Mix the foreign regret |
3 Mabel initial of Monk andwas Abel the first person. To die according to the Bible?
Hi + Larry missing one of the R's. (At first I thought it was Simon and was trying to do something with Sir ....) |
1. RONALD Confused elderly sprinted
2. ADAM Reverse angry article 3. MABEL First to die, yet follows monk's chopped off head 4. CHRISTOPHER First of famous explorer who found not what he sought 5. HILARY Greet a man deprived of a right 6. EDITH Make amends before the start of hegemony 7. REUEL Mix the foreign regret Now just the password. :) |
Oh I wondered about Hilary but got stuck cos was working on Hail and then wondered about Michael bit that obviously went wrong too..
I was trying to make Hilary out of Hail, too. I thought Michael might have been the Mabel answer, but, as you demonstrated, it wasn't.
Well, I've even looked at some of the lines of letters in rot13, and I still can't find the password! First line down is an anagram of charmer, recharm, marcher and remarch, but none of these seem to have a Tolkien connection. ;) |
We have had ssome non standard passwords which had a link word...Saucy I think did one where itvwas Tol... so could it simply be Tolkien? Unless Ramcher is a discarded name gor an obscure character only featuring in a HoME footnote.
Oh I thought of Michael to since of the M indicator and being first of Tolkien's children to die.
Great password anyway, Galadriel. It's always fun to have a change. :)
You have it, Mith. The password is Tolkien. That's also the straight clue to every single person on there. I haven't read any HOME books, though I've skimmed through a couple, and I wouldn't make the password that obscure. ;) Anyways, the stage is yours.
Ok.well late is better than never
1. DEAGOL Murdered, confused, gaoled.
2. Will the artist have his day? Sounds like it. 3. ANGELIMIR Prince is unendingly virtuous in face of Elvish gem. 4. Rearrange twilight right after singer. 5. Great elf confused in churchgoers furlong. 6. OLWË Relocated German lion king. 7. RIVER-DAUGHTER Flower child? 8. Heart of the Easterling? 9. Future king, from Dorwinion maybe. 10. GLORFINDEL Dwarf took fright initially about direction before guided back to elf. |
6. Olwe? (Anagram of Lowe, German for lion).
1. Deagol. Anagram of gaoled, and he was murdered.
Password: Dorthonion? |
7. Elanor?
Deagol correct.
Dorthonion not. One day, galadriel, I may write a clue when a flower is a flower. Today is not that day. |
Goldberry, the River-Daughter?
Was thinking Nimrodel at first (when I thought Dorthonion was the password).
10. Dwarf took fright initially about direction before guided back to elf.
I think this is GLORFINDEL. GLOIN + F (initial of 'fright') + R mixed up (about), followed by LED (for guided) backwards. |
Yep. Groin would work too with L for left.
I started with Fror (is there even a dwarf called Fror?) or it might have been Gror, and tried Groin but plumped for Gloin in the end ....
So no more guesses?
Well, I have two ideas for clue number three, but I can only justify half the clue with the answer in both cases. I can make the "elvish gem" part work, but not the "unendingly virtuous" part.
Unless - and this is a pretty long shot - "unendingly virtuous" could simply mean it doesn't need to have the ending letter of virtuous - the s - and Imrahil can be derived from Silmaril that way - but an L also has to turn into an H for that to happen. ;) |
Well, if a prince called Moramir existed, I would guess that - Moral loses the last letter and adds mir for jewel. ;) My other guess was Faramir, but mir (the elvish for jewel) is the only part of my answer that I can justify.
He doesn't but nevertheless the mir 3lement is correct. Wrong synonym.
The closest I can get is Aravir. Ara means royal/noble, and apparently mir is lenited to vir. However, the unending bit is not there.
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