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Galadriel55 08-11-2011 08:38 PM

This may be the most random revival ever, but I just felt like it. And I'm not even good in cryptics...

1. An old option, and well-known!
2. A master, followers found in education and the underworld
3. A circle of the future
4. The guy doesn't know what he's saying: he said that a mountain are, and mixed up his articles!
5. Gosh, the breeze brings some choice!

Morsul the Dark 01-13-2013 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 660286)
This may be the most random revival ever, but I just felt like it. And I'm not even good in cryptics...

1. An old option, and well-known!
2. A master, followers found in education and the underworld
3. A circle of the future
4. The guy doesn't know what he's saying: he said that a mountain are, and mixed up his articles!
5. Gosh, the breeze brings some choice!

G55 you even remember the answers?:rolleyes: If you do I'll try some guesses otherwise mind if I try one?

Galadriel55 01-13-2013 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by Morsul the Dark (Post 679469)
G55 you even remember the answers?:rolleyes: If you do I'll try some guesses otherwise mind if I try one?

No, sadly not. :( I remember what some cryptic parts of some questions were referring to, but not the whole. I would have to try figure out my own question. :rolleyes:

I'll tell you if I succeed, but I think that anyone can post a new one instead.

EDIT: I just remembered #5 and #3. I think I remember the password now, but I would still have to recall the other clues.

Galadriel55 01-13-2013 01:47 PM

OK, I now remember what all the answers are, but I'm horrified at how badly the cryptics work. Evidently I tried this before I read the Cryptic Clues thread.

So if you want to you can guess, or you can start a new one.

Morsul the Dark 02-04-2013 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 660286)
This may be the most random revival ever, but I just felt like it. And I'm not even good in cryptics...

1. An old option, and well-known!
2. A master, followers found in education and the underworld
3. A circle of the future
4. The guy doesn't know what he's saying: he said that a mountain are, and mixed up his articles!
5. Gosh, the breeze brings some choice!

I forgot my thoughts on these....

5. sounds like when Gandalf chose the path....

Galadriel55 02-04-2013 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by Morsul the Dark (Post 681068)
I forgot my thoughts on these....

5. sounds like when Gandalf chose the path....

No, that's not it. They're all cryptic (but very bad cryptic because I didn't know how to make proper ones when I made this). And because it's such bad cryptics you may as well start a new one.

Morsul the Dark 02-04-2013 06:48 PM

1. Ironic such a place named for an abuncance of portals
2. Sacked city
3. Not quite birdbrained man but something like it.
4. Sand Piles and eating fancy, a long tradition.
5. Final walkers take this tower.
6. paddle the boat, with your appendage, gets you to Mr. Ed's home.

Lots of sillyness in there.

Galadriel55 02-07-2013 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by Morsul the Dark (Post 681076)
3. Not quite birdbrained man but something like it.



Originally Posted by Morsul
4. Sand Piles and eating fancy, a long tradition.


Morsul the Dark 02-07-2013 11:27 PM

1. Ironic such a place named for an abuncance of portals
2. Sacked city
3. Radagast
4. Dunedain
5. Final walkers take this tower.
6. paddle the boat, with your appendage, gets you to Mr. Ed's home.

correct and correct! :)

Ardent 02-08-2013 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by Morsul the Dark (Post 681076)
1. Ironic such a place named for an abuncance of portals.


Morsul the Dark 02-08-2013 06:14 AM

1. Mordor
2. Sacked city
3. Radagast
4. Dunedain
5. Final walkers take this tower.
6. paddle the boat, with your appendage, gets you to Mr. Ed's home.

Indeed! ;)

Ardent 02-08-2013 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by Morsul the Dark (Post 681211)
1. Mordor
2. Sacked city
3. Radagast
4. Dunedain
5. Final walkers take this tower.
6. paddle the boat, with your appendage, gets you to Mr. Ed's home.

Indeed! ;)

I think I wasn't supposed to reveal the password. Oops :o
So I guess I should take a stab at the others:

1. Mordor
2. Osgiliath
3. R
4. D
5. Orthanc
6. Rohan

really? Row + hand? I presume 'Mr. Ed' is a reference to Edoras but I ain't sure about the 'oras' bit, though around here we might pronounce 'our house' that way. If I'm right that's really groan-worthy.

Morsul the Dark 02-08-2013 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by Ardent (Post 681213)
I think I wasn't supposed to reveal the password. Oops :o
So I guess I should take a stab at the others:

1. Mordor
2. Osgiliath
3. R
4. D
5. Orthanc
6. Rohan

really? Row + hand? I presume 'Mr. Ed' is a reference to Edoras but I ain't sure about the 'oras' bit, though around here we might pronounce 'our house' that way. If I'm right that's really groan-worthy.

All the answers are right. Mr. Ed is a horse Rohan is known for horses. Like I said sillyness.:p

Ardent 02-08-2013 10:51 AM

  1. A term considered to remove a race from Disneyland.
  2. To stride Shire-ward when it's all over.
  3. Indefinite article, a zero, lingo for nothing.
  4. Regret is Sandyman's business and Haldir's sibling.
  5. Seek for the dale that was cloven. It's vulgar.
  6. He eats dirt, drinks deep, but should be glad to hear about
  7. Undomesticated timber devils.


Galadriel55 02-08-2013 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by Ardent (Post 681223)
Indefinite article, a zero, lingo for nothing.


Ardent 02-08-2013 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 681226)


1. A term considered to remove a race from Disneyland.
2. To stride Shire-ward when it's all over.
3. Anorien.
4. Regret is Sandyman's business and Haldir's sibling.
5. Seek for the dale that was cloven. It's vulgar.
6. He eats dirt, drinks deep, but should be glad to hear about
7. Undomesticated timber devils.

Galadriel55 02-09-2013 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by Ardent (Post 681229)
2. To stride Shire-ward when it's all over.

Homeward Bound?


Originally Posted by Ardent (Post 681229)
4. Regret is Sandyman's business and Haldir's sibling.

Rue+mill --> Rumil?

Ardent 02-09-2013 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 681247)
Homeward Bound?

Rue+mill --> Rumil?

4. Rumil is correct but not 2. homeward bound. Extra clue added...

1. A term considered to remove a race from Disneyland.
2. To stride Shire-ward, when it's all over, for a Feanorian title.
3. Anorien.
4. Rumil.
5. Seek for the dale that was cloven. It's vulgar.
6. He eats dirt, drinks deep, but should be glad to hear about
7. Undomesticated timber devils.

Galadriel55 04-18-2013 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by Ardent (Post 681256)
7. Undomesticated timber devils.

Wild Woodwoses?

Mithalwen 04-19-2013 11:34 AM

Is 5 Rivendell? Imladris is a cloven dale but assuming its vulgar means the common tongue so Rivendelll.

Pervinca Took 04-19-2013 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by Ardent (Post 681256)
6. He eats dirt, drinks deep, but should be glad to hear about

Willow-man was told to drink deep and eat dirt by Bombadil, I think?

Ardent 04-22-2013 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 683269)
Wild Woodwoses?

Erm, what are they? Anyway, no, not THAT obscure. This one is a play on words spoken by Saruman.

Ardent 04-22-2013 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by Mithalwen (Post 683273)
Is 5 Rivendell? Imladris is a cloven dale but assuming its vulgar means the common tongue so Rivendelll.


1. A term considered to remove a race from Disneyland.
2. To stride Shire-ward, when it's all over, for a Feanorian title.
3. Anorien.
4. Rumil.
5. Rivendell.
6. He eats dirt, drinks deep, but should be glad to hear about
7. Undomesticated timber devils.

Ardent 04-22-2013 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 683275)
Willow-man was told to drink deep and eat dirt by Bombadil, I think?

Yes, but his full title is... ?

Pervinca Took 04-22-2013 01:52 PM

Old Man Willow, unless he also has an elvish name of which I am unaware.

Mithalwen 04-24-2013 04:00 AM


Originally Posted by Ardent (Post 683288)
Erm, what are they? Anyway, no, not THAT obscure. This one is a play on words spoken by Saruman.

The woodwoses are the wild men of tje woods, Ghan buri ghan and co. But having reread The Voice of Saruman I think this is Ents. Funny I don't remeber ever seeing that before.

Ardent 04-25-2013 03:53 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 683291)
Old Man Willow, unless he also has an elvish name of which I am unaware.

I don't know if he had an elvish name either, but you're correct. It's the 'Old' that makes the key letter:

1. A term considered to remove a race from Disneyland.
2. To stride Shire-ward, when it's all over, for a Feanorian title.
3. Anorien.
4. Rumil.
5. Rivendell.
6. Old Man Willow should be glad to hear about
7. Undomesticated timber devils.


Originally Posted by Mithalwen (Post 683302)
The woodwoses are the wild men of tje woods, Ghan buri ghan and co. But having reread The Voice of Saruman I think this is Ents. Funny I don't remeber ever seeing that before.

Ah, I'd missed that title. I just thought of Gan Buri Gan's people as Pukel men.

You're in the right area with Ents. What did Saruman actually call his new guardians?

Mithalwen 04-26-2013 02:45 AM

Wild wood demons then? Is the first one dwarves as opposed to dwarfs?

It may be that wood wose is only used in the Unfinished Tales essay on them..

Pervinca Took 04-27-2013 03:48 AM

Is number two Hiking (= High King) ?

Ardent 04-27-2013 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 683329)
Is number two Hiking (= High King) ?

Kind of logical but no, though part of the word play includes a more formal word for hike.

Originally Posted by Mithalwen (Post 683327)
Wild wood demons then? Is the first one dwarves as opposed to dwarfs? ...

Undomesticated = Wild ... yes
You're on the right track. There was a third term considered for Dwarfs/Dwarves, but preserved only in a name.

1. A term considered to remove a race from Disneyland.
2. To stride Shire-ward, when it's all over, for a Feanorian title.
3. Anorien.
4. Rumil.
5. Rivendell.
6. Old Man Willow should be glad to hear about
7. Wild Wood Demons.

Nerwen 04-27-2013 11:19 PM

"Dwarrow", then?

Pervinca Took 04-29-2013 08:52 AM

I was thinking Dwarrow, but can't see what else could be the acrostic itself. (Unless one is dwarrows and the other dwerrows - I think Tolkien once wrote that the plural could be either).

To stride Shire-ward, when it's all over, for a Feanorian title.

March is kind of formal for hike, and Westmarch kind of fits some of the clue, as the Shire is in the (north)-west. I suppose they march back west when it's all over, albeit on ponies. But I don't know where the Feanorian title would come in. It's part of the title of a book, and Feanor devised a very important set of characters, but ... unless it could be something to do with the First Age elves who went west to Valinor and saw the light of the Two Trees.

Ardent 04-30-2013 07:24 AM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 683334)
"Dwarrow", then?

Yes, it only appears in the name "Dwarrowdelf" in the books. I read somewhere that JRR considerd the term because he didn't like the depiction of dwarves in Disney's Snow White.
You got the password (in bold letters), but Pervinca got the last clue so I don't know who gets to do the next one.


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 683349)

To stride Shire-ward, when it's all over, for a Feanorian title.

March is kind of formal for hike, and Westmarch kind of fits some of the clue, as the Shire is in the (north)-west. I suppose they march back west when it's all over, albeit on ponies. But I don't know where the Feanorian title would come in. It's part of the title of a book, and Feanor devised a very important set of characters, but ... unless it could be something to do with the First Age elves who went west to Valinor and saw the light of the Two Trees.

You got the answer, but the Feanorian title is an alternative title of Lord of the Rings/The Red Book written in the Feanorian letters at the bottom of the title pages.

1. Dwarrow.
2. Westmarch.
3. Anorien.
4. Rumil.
5. Rivendell.
6. Old Man Willow should be glad to hear about
7. Wild Wood Demons.


I was thinking Dwarrow, but can't see what else could be the acrostic itself. (Unless one is dwarrows and the other dwerrows - I think Tolkien once wrote that the plural could be either).
Hmm, I thought of this after I'd posted the clues. I considered adding an 's' clue but thought that the form without 's' may be allowable since that is how it appears in the Westron name for Khazad-dūm.

Galadriel55 04-30-2013 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by Ardent (Post 683355)
You got the password (in bold letters), but Pervinca got the last clue so I don't know who gets to do the next one.

IIRC, all the clues have to be solved before proceding to the next password, but the next one is made by whoever said the password first, even if it was before all the clues were guessed.

Mithalwen 05-08-2013 02:17 PM

So who is picking up the ball?

Ardent 05-10-2013 05:21 AM


Originally Posted by Mithalwen (Post 683327)
It may be that wood wose is only used in the Unfinished Tales essay on them..

I just found the term in LOTR. In The Ride of the Rohirrim, when merry hears the drums in Druadan Forest, Elfhelm tells him it is not Orc drums but Wood Woses.


Originally Posted by Mithalwen (Post 683424)
So who is picking up the ball?

By the rules Nerwen got the Password so it's her call, unless she wants to delegate or leave it for the ten day deadline, when anyone can start a new round.

Nerwen 05-10-2013 08:45 AM

I don't think I'm going to have enough spare time over the next few days, so someone else is welcome to take over.

Pervinca Took 05-18-2013 12:50 PM

I had a couple saved up for the Cryptic Clues thread, but I can't use them there yet. So I wrote five more clues for a new password:

1. Finance loses note for the father of a lord.
2. Palindromic hobbit mingled initially with Radagast, before meeting destruction at the place where his erstwhile comrade finally fell.
3. We hear anger and noise in the quiet place, but note the direction.
4. Stop around a while for an (arguably) unjust moniker.
5. All-Father loses note for a debt-ridden dwarf (we hear).
6. Teetotal Shire village.
7. A hostelry from Brontė country, we hear, inspired an unfinished demise.

Mithalwen 05-19-2013 01:53 AM

Is 6 Nobottle? 5 might be Oin because of owing biut not sure about all father.

Pervinca Took 05-19-2013 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by Mithalwen (Post 683524)
Is 6 Nobottle? 5 might be Oin because of owing biut not sure about all father.

Both correct, Mithalwen.

The Norse god Odin is often referred to as All-Father. If Odin loses a note (d), it becomes Oin.

BTW there is no clue to the whole password in my clues, because I think that gives it away too easily. I read the first page of this thread and I don't think that was stated as a requirement. I'll check again ....

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