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Pervinca Took 06-22-2021 06:41 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 732894)
6. Isilme?

Not Isilme. Look at the order the elements come in.

Pervinca Took 06-22-2021 06:42 AM

For the new page:

1. Relief for flatulence? Mix it first, if you want to see her!
2. She mixes a spinning circle and a lair.
3. Number is slightly shaken, but does not apply for her.
4. Vend and eat, she says.
HALETH: Madcap prince meets an old character, and she appears.
6. I am both objective and mirrored. And angered and confused. As she will attest.
7. Hautboys, note, mingle for her, losing nothing but gaining direction.

Urwen 06-22-2021 06:49 AM


Pervinca Took 06-22-2021 07:34 AM

ME is right. SI isn't. You need a word for angered.

Urwen 06-22-2021 08:05 AM


Pervinca Took 06-22-2021 10:16 AM

Sorry. ME is a correct element, but you need to do something with it.

IRI is not a correct element.

Urwen 06-22-2021 11:55 AM

ME when mirrored becomes EM.

Emeldir? (EM+IRED+L)

Pervinca Took 06-22-2021 01:13 PM

1. Relief for flatulence? Mix it first, if you want to see her!
2. She mixes a spinning circle and a lair.
3. Number is slightly shaken, but does not apply for her.
4. Vend and eat, she says.
HALETH: Madcap prince meets an old character, and she appears.
EMELDIR: I am both objective and mirrored. And angered and confused. As she will attest.
7. Hautboys, note, mingle for her, losing nothing but gaining direction.


Galadriel55 06-22-2021 09:34 PM

7. SHELOB? OBOES + H (note) + L (direction) - O (nothing).

WENCHES for password?

Pervinca Took 06-23-2021 01:59 AM

W Relief for flatulence? Mix it first, if you want to see her!
E She mixes a spinning circle and a lair.
N Number is slightly shaken, but does not apply for her.
C Vend and eat, she says.
HALETH: Madcap prince meets an old character, and she appears.
EMELDIR: I am both objective and mirrored. And angered and confused. As she will attest.
SHELOB: Hautboys, note, mingle for her, losing nothing but gaining direction.


Huinesoron 06-23-2021 02:28 AM

C: I was pondering the various Sindarin names beginning with 'Sell' - er, I mean, 'Cel' - but stopped when I remembered the hard C.

I should have thought further. Sell-an'-Dine, or rather, CELANDINE BRANDYBUCK?


Pervinca Took 06-23-2021 06:17 AM

W Relief for flatulence? Mix it first, if you want to see her!
E She mixes a spinning circle and a lair.
N Number is slightly shaken, but does not apply for her.
CELANDINE: Vend and eat, she says.
HALETH: Madcap prince meets an old character, and she appears.
EMELDIR: I am both objective and mirrored. And angered and confused. As she will attest.
SHELOB: Hautboys, note, mingle for her, losing nothing but gaining direction.

That's the girl!

Galadriel55 06-23-2021 08:12 AM


Pervinca Took 06-23-2021 08:27 AM

W Relief for flatulence? Mix it first, if you want to see her!
E She mixes a spinning circle and a lair.
NIENNA: Number is slightly shaken, but does not apply for her.
CELANDINE: Vend and eat, she says.
HALETH: Madcap prince meets an old character, and she appears.
EMELDIR: I am both objective and mirrored. And angered and confused. As she will attest.
SHELOB: Hautboys, note, mingle for her, losing nothing but gaining direction.


Urwen 06-24-2021 04:50 AM

2. Eledhwen (DEN+WHEEL)

Urwen 06-24-2021 04:52 AM

1. Widow Rumble?

Pervinca Took 06-24-2021 05:24 AM

W Relief for flatulence? Mix it first, if you want to see her!
ELEDHWEN: She mixes a spinning circle and a lair.
NIENNA: Number is slightly shaken, but does not apply for her.
CELANDINE: Vend and eat, she says.
HALETH: Madcap prince meets an old character, and she appears.
EMELDIR: I am both objective and mirrored. And angered and confused. As she will attest.
SHELOB: Hautboys, note, mingle for her, losing nothing but gaining direction.

Not Widow Rumble, though a good idea. ;)

The answer is a name made from two cryptic elements.

Urwen 06-24-2021 06:41 AM

There is no first name beginning with letter W other than her...

Huinesoron 06-24-2021 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 732923)
There is no first name beginning with letter W other than her...

I mean, that's clearly not true*, because the clue is there. :D I looked at Windfola, but apparently Eowyn's horse is male. I think Wind as the first cryptic element is probably a good bet.

*Edit: Although it could be a surname or epesse; or have they been ruled out?

(Nor is 'Widow' a first name... :D)


Huinesoron 06-24-2021 08:24 AM

Melian was at one point called WENDELIN, which could be a hearalike for "Wind dealing [with]". And amusingly Morwen attracted the nickname Witchwife, which sadly I don't think can fit.


Pervinca Took 06-24-2021 09:25 AM

Not Wendelin or any of the above.

WIND is a correct element, but there is another element, and you have to mix the two of them.

What's another word for relief?

Urwen 06-24-2021 09:53 AM


Pervinca Took 06-24-2021 10:24 AM

Something you'd apply to an affliction for relief/ease.

Urwen 06-24-2021 10:29 AM


Pervinca Took 06-24-2021 11:15 AM

The stuff you might apply.

(It wouldn't actually cure wind, I don't think). ;)

Urwen 06-24-2021 11:31 AM


Urwen 06-24-2021 11:33 AM


Pervinca Took 06-24-2021 12:10 PM


Urwen 06-24-2021 01:07 PM

Then what is it?

Urwen 06-24-2021 01:08 PM

Ointment? Cream?

Pervinca Took 06-24-2021 01:49 PM

No. Close. Something that soothes.

Lip _________

Huinesoron 06-24-2021 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 732939)
No. Close. Something that soothes.

Lip _________

Balm, usually. Anagrams of Windbalm, then.




Pervinca Took 06-24-2021 04:21 PM

WANDLIMB: Relief for flatulence? Mix it first, if you want to see her!
ELEDHWEN: She mixes a spinning circle and a lair.
NIENNA: Number is slightly shaken, but does not apply for her.
CELANDINE: Vend and eat, she says.
HALETH: Madcap prince meets an old character, and she appears.
EMELDIR: I am both objective and mirrored. And angered and confused. As she will attest.
SHELOB: Hautboys, note, mingle for her, losing nothing but gaining direction.

And that's the set! Well done, all.

And over to Galadriel!

Galadriel55 06-25-2021 08:57 PM

Thank you! That was a nice set of wenches, spanning all sorts of texts and Ages.

1. Violet dwarf retreats from rooster’s call in the north - aye, in the north.
2. In sonars, ill-advised choice of weapon.
3. Angry, yes for one short street it would cut anything.
4. Adorn yourself with glamour, one for naught and all around, with a grain (or half) of salt.
5. Round nearly a Numenorian’s legume.
6. Without his bundle, Elvis Presley can see quite far.
7. “I can stow!” - or so they said in the north-eastern parts.
8. Spam the right god with chaos, and it will show you the way.
9. An organ and a horse, at sea and afloat.

Pervinca Took 06-26-2021 01:58 AM

I will guess EARENDIL for 9. It has EAR and he is kind of at sea and afloat.

No horse element, though - except Vingilot as a metaphor - but the clue seems to suggest an actual word element meaning horse.

Galadriel55 06-26-2021 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 732949)
I will guess EARENDIL for 9. It has EAR and he is kind of at sea and afloat.

No horse element, though - except Vingilot as a metaphor - but the clue seems to suggest an actual word element meaning horse.

"Ear" is correct, but you need the horse element for the rest of the word. What are some synonyms for "horse"?

Pervinca Took 06-26-2021 08:39 AM

Earrame (mare?)

Galadriel55 06-26-2021 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 732952)
Earrame (mare?)

Indeed! Ear and mare, at sea (=confused) and floating.

1. Violet dwarf retreats from rooster’s call in the north - aye, in the north.
2. In sonars, ill-advised choice of weapon.
3. Angry, yes for one short street it would cut anything.
4. Adorn yourself with glamour, one for naught and all around, with a grain (or half) of salt.
5. Round nearly a Numenorian’s legume.
6. Without his bundle, Elvis Presley can see quite far.
7. “I can stow!” - or so they said in the north-eastern parts.
8. Spam the right god with chaos, and it will show you the way.
9. EARRAME: An organ and a horse, at sea and afloat.

Pervinca Took 06-26-2021 12:04 PM

Wondering if 3 is either DIAMOND or ADAMANT, which will both cut anything and which both contain MAD.


DIAMOND has MAD, I (AYE = YES) and a short version of ONE. Street? Is there a Diamond Street in Valinor, perhaps? ;)

Galadriel55 06-26-2021 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 732954)
Wondering if 3 is either DIAMOND or ADAMANT, which will both cut anything and which both contain MAD.


DIAMOND has MAD, I (AYE = YES) and a short version of ONE. Street? Is there a Diamond Street in Valinor, perhaps? ;)

"Mad" is not the right element. In fact, you're taking extra steps here.

"Street", however, is - and you need this element to complete the word.

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