![]() |
Also, pandemics aside, how many masks are there in Middle-earth? FRODO - A chocolate frog? O but Ed, no! He is no lord! (Arwen's jewel) ARWEN - Turn round and restore the sun god in the evening. (emeralds in the Ring of Barahir) TOMB - Singer of Middle-earth's GREATEST songs left his signature underground. (Arkenstone) ELESSAR - Half-resist the sale, mix it up with many titles. (two(?) Elfstones, and two Elendilmirs) 5. O - On the radio, the next word: Aiya Eärendil Elenion Ancalima! FIRE - One thing the movie archers did not do; it's pretty hot. (Maedhros' Silmaril) 7. G - A French element in the belly of a ship; instead of the end, a hole (and French swapped and moved) - wear a mask here! ERESSEA - Um (not um)... look back, briefly see the Sea, and it's lonesome. (jewels in the Three Rings) MIRKWOOD - A space station! Quick, it's okay, it's just a tree (but it's dark...) (emeralds in the Necklace of Girion) 10. S - As it took the Fifth, it roared. You know, if it weren't for Vilya and Narya, I'd be convinced Tolkien didn't know gems came in anything other than white and green... hS |
Did the SEA engulf 5 kingdoms in the War of Wrath? (For Maglor's Silmaril).
FRODO - A chocolate frog? O but Ed, no! He is no lord! (Arwen's jewel) ARWEN - Turn round and restore the sun god in the evening. (emeralds in the Ring of Barahir) TOMB - Singer of Middle-earth's GREATEST songs left his signature underground. (Arkenstone) ELESSAR - Half-resist the sale, mix it up with many titles. (two(?) Elfstones, and two Elendilmirs) 5. O - On the radio, the next word: Aiya Eärendil Elenion Ancalima! FIRE - One thing the movie archers did not do; it's pretty hot. (Maedhros' Silmaril) 7. G - A French element in the belly of a ship; instead of the end, a hole (and French swapped and moved) - wear a mask here! ERESSEA - Um (not um)... look back, briefly see the Sea, and it's lonesome. (jewels in the Three Rings) MIRKWOOD - A space station! Quick, it's okay, it's just a tree (but it's dark...) (emeralds in the Necklace of Girion) SEA - As it took the Fifth, it roared. (Maglor's Silmaril) Two to go! hS |
Were any jewels taken to ONDOLINDE (Gondolin?)
No idea about the radio. Frodo says those words in the BBC Radio LOTR, but the next's words, from Sam, are 'They're going away! The eyes are going away! Stars and glory, but the Elves would make a song about that ....' |
hS |
You know, if it weren't for Vilya and Narya, I'd be convinced Tolkien didn't know gems came in anything other than white and green...
You're forgetting hobbit names. ;) And the Man in the Moon. I'd kind of agree if you mentioned grey and green for eye-colour, though. ... The only seriously ancient things beginning with O I can think of are ... ORMAL (but did any jewels get sucked into it and burned?) OIOLOSSE (but that word/name is Quenya OROME (but is he into bling?) ;) There's Osse, but see parenthesis after Orome. ;) |
hS |
Of the two jewels left, one has its own name, while the other is pretty much the most obvious possibility, given the rest of the puzzle. hS |
GALLIUM means French/France.
But CURIUM is named after a French chemist. The most obvious remaining possibility is Earendil's Silmaril, but I haven't yet found anything to fit, letterwise. |
OK. GALLIUM and the GALLEY of a ship are the elements, I think. But ....
Masks as in blindfolds are used near Caras Galadhon. It isn't the light of the Silmaril caught in Galadriel's Phial, is it? |
hS |
No Topaz or Coral, I'll allow. Or Amber. |
Eala Earendel engla beorhtast! Ofer middangeard monnum sended "Hail, Earendel, brightest of angels! Over Middle-earth sent to Men" Aiya Eärendil Elenion Ancalima! ... ~The Crist, ca. AD 800. Read by Tolkien in 1913, and the source of Earendil the Evening-Star. FRODO - A chocolate frog? O but Ed, no! He is no lord! (Arwen's jewel) ARWEN - Turn round and restore the sun god in the evening. (emeralds in the Ring of Barahir) TOMB - Singer of Middle-earth's GREATEST songs left his signature underground. (Arkenstone) ELESSAR - Half-resist the sale, mix it up with many titles. (two(?) Elfstones, and two Elendilmirs) OVER - On the radio, the next word: Aiya Eärendil Elenion Ancalima! (Luthien's Silmaril) FIRE - One thing the movie archers did not do; it's pretty hot. (Maedhros' Silmaril) 7. G - A French element in the belly of a ship; instead of the end, a hole (and French swapped and moved) - wear a mask here! ERESSEA - Um (not um)... look back, briefly see the Sea, and it's lonesome. (jewels in the Three Rings) MIRKWOOD - A space station! Quick, it's okay, it's just a tree (but it's dark...) (emeralds in the Necklace of Girion) SEA - As it took the Fifth, it roared. (Maglor's Silmaril) I think it's a perfectly accurate answer to 'where's the Silmaril now?'. :D Quote:
The final gem was given by one elf to another in token of friendship, and then passed to the mask-wearers as payment. hS |
Nimphelos is a named pearl. No G in it, though. ;)
I know Cynewulf's Crist. Just didn't realise Frodo was talking to Earendil on a radio. :D I have a feeling I found GARNETS when I once went hunting for jewels to make a password with. But you want a named jewel. Oh yes ... Turgon's crown. Not helpful for an answer. I don't remember any masks except the one Sam doesn't have to cover Frodo's face with to make him look like an orc. |
hS |
I wonder if looking in the Silmarillion glossary will help with the last one. Am supposed to be working, though ....
hS |
hS |
Nimphelos ended up in Belegost, but full disclosure, I had to look up its other name. Dwarves called it GABILGATHOL. Ga + HOL(E) + ??? Also, can't remember if they wore masks. :confused:
Honestly, I thought the masks would be a bigger clue than they were: they're pretty much the only thing I remember about the dwarves of Beleriand! Quote:
Anyway! FRODO - A chocolate frog? O but Ed, no! He is no lord! (Arwen's jewel) ARWEN - Turn round and restore the sun god in the evening. (emeralds in the Ring of Barahir) TOMB - Singer of Middle-earth's GREATEST songs left his signature underground. (Arkenstone) ELESSAR - Half-resist the sale, mix it up with many titles. (two(?) Elfstones, and two Elendilmirs) OVER - On the radio, the next word: Aiya Eärendil Elenion Ancalima! (Luthien's Silmaril) FIRE - One thing the movie archers did not do; it's pretty hot. (Maedhros' Silmaril) GABILGATHOL - A French element in the belly of a ship; instead of the end, a hole (and French swapped and moved) - wear a mask here! (Nimphelos) ERESSEA - Um (not um)... look back, briefly see the Sea, and it's lonesome. (jewels in the Three Rings) MIRKWOOD - A space station! Quick, it's okay, it's just a tree (but it's dark...) (emeralds in the Necklace of Girion) SEA - As it took the Fifth, it roared. (Maglor's Silmaril) Over to Pervinca, and excellent work by both! This was hard-won. |
Good work, both. Excellent password, and Galadriel solved the hardest clues.
This is my 117th password! I keep them all in a Word document, and I counted them. 1. Refund without note. Troubled immolation tool. 2. Untruth runs back and swallows loan. See him. 3. Man of confused parts. 4. Strawberry ones? No. Pineapple? Well, mostly the same consonants. Conflict here. Forever? 5. Poldark around two notes? See him! 6. Ten lost from chest, but a thousand gained for him? All so confused! 7. Knights say it – mirror the French sleeping quarters for a streaming thing. 8. Paradise disturbed, but meets a god – there he is. 9. Dynamite with directional change swallows Araw’s confused beasts to produce shiny thing. 10. Hello – a sigh is heard – blue, is he? 11. Note a slightly disturbed bull for him! 12. For him, dwarf woman reigns endlessly with first person, in turmoil. 13. Mixed atmosphere, note – a violent thing that can happen. 14. Gorbag is confused – loses note, gains direction – it’s crazy! 15. Fingolfin’s was the first. 16. Tidy greeting element, all mixed up for him. 17. Note twice, but differently – Gene Hunt, without his city. See him now. 18. Caught between two points, almost a catcher of dark wizards … for another? |
That's an utterly bananas number of passwords, you realise that, right? ;)
For #9: TNT with a different direction + KINE = TRINKET. And #2 is backwards LIE around LEND = ELENDIL. hS |
12. DIS + RUL(E) + I = ISILDUR
So apparently the phenomenon where all caps posts are automatically uncapitalized also holds true if there are numbers present. I guess you really need lowercase letters. ETA: 13. RAID? AIR + D |
#6 sounds like 'box' - X + M, scrambled = ... BOM? Either -bur or -badil, I suppose (more likely the latter; I don't think dwarves do nicknames).
hS |
1. Refund without note. Troubled immolation tool.
ELENDIL: Untruth runs back and swallows loan. See him. 3. Man of confused parts. 4. Strawberry ones? No. Pineapple? Well, mostly the same consonants. Conflict here. Forever? 5. Poldark around two notes? See him! 6. Ten lost from chest, but a thousand gained for him? All so confused! 7. Knights say it – mirror the French sleeping quarters for a streaming thing. 8. Paradise disturbed, but meets a god – there he is. TRINKET: Dynamite with directional change swallows Araw’s confused beasts to produce shiny thing. 10. Hello – a sigh is heard – blue, is he? 11. Note a slightly disturbed bull for him! ISILDUR: For him, dwarf woman reigns endlessly with first person, in turmoil. RAID: Mixed atmosphere, note – a violent thing that can happen. 14. Gorbag is confused – loses note, gains direction – it’s crazy, and hot! 15. Fingolfin’s was the first. 16. Tidy greeting element, all mixed up for him. 17. Note twice, but differently – Gene Hunt, without his city. See him now. 18. Caught between two points, almost a catcher of dark wizards … for another? Good work. Wrong kind of chest, Huinesoron. EDIT - Have slightly altered one of the remaining clues. |
Not a dwarf, anyway. And as I said, not that kind of chest. |
7. Knights have to say NI, so with LE and DORM that makes NIMRODEL.
#6: I'm looking at 'thorax > thoram', but while Mathor is a plausible Tolkien name (derived from Noldorin Maethor, 'Warrior'), I can't find any evidence it actually is one.
#10: could just about be ALATAR - 'allo, ahhhhh. hS |
Not Alatar. The right-sounding sigh, but not my choice of spelling. |
1. Refund without note. Troubled immolation tool.
ELENDIL: Untruth runs back and swallows loan. See him. 3. Man of confused parts. 4. Strawberry ones? No. Pineapple? Well, mostly the same consonants. Conflict here. Forever? 5. Poldark around two notes? See him! AMROTH: Ten lost from chest, but a thousand gained for him? All so confused! 7. Knights say it – mirror the French sleeping quarters for a streaming thing. 8. Paradise disturbed, but meets a god – there he is. TRINKET: Dynamite with directional change swallows Araw’s confused beasts to produce shiny thing. 10. Hello – a sigh is heard – blue, is he? 11. Note a slightly disturbed bull for him! ISILDUR: For him, dwarf woman reigns endlessly with first person, in turmoil. RAID: Mixed atmosphere, note – a violent thing that can happen. 14. Gorbag is confused – loses note, gains direction – it’s crazy, and hot! 15. Fingolfin’s was the first. 16. Tidy greeting element, all mixed up for him. 17. Note twice, but differently – Gene Hunt, without his city. See him now. 18. Caught between two points, almost a catcher of dark wizards … for another? That's him! |
Bumping NIMRODEL for consideration.
15. Possibly FATHER, in echo of Mandos' famous words to Feanor? |
1. Refund without note. Troubled immolation tool.
ELENDIL: Untruth runs back and swallows loan. See him. 3. Man of confused parts. 4. Strawberry ones? No. Pineapple? Well, mostly the same consonants. Conflict here. Forever? 5. Poldark around two notes? See him! AMROTH: Ten lost from chest, but a thousand gained for him? All so confused! NIMRODEL: Knights say it – mirror the French sleeping quarters for a streaming thing. 8. Paradise disturbed, but meets a god – there he is. TRINKET: Dynamite with directional change swallows Araw’s confused beasts to produce shiny thing. 10. Hello – a sigh is heard – blue, is he? 11. Note a slightly disturbed bull for him! ISILDUR: For him, dwarf woman reigns endlessly with first person, in turmoil. RAID: Mixed atmosphere, note – a violent thing that can happen. 14. Gorbag is confused – loses note, gains direction – it’s crazy, and hot! 15. Fingolfin’s was the first. 16. Tidy greeting element, all mixed up for him. 17. Note twice, but differently – Gene Hunt, without his city. See him now. 18. Caught between two points, almost a catcher of dark wizards … for another? Really sorry, G55! Saw your answer but forgot to acknowledge it and put it in. Not father, but a great answer. It could apply to loads of characters. I just chose Fingolfin. |
18. Working with Auror (Harry Potter again), I got to SAURON: S and N are compass points at the end, and the middle is nearly an auror.
8. DENETHOR, from EDEN + THOR. |
1. Refund without note. Troubled immolation tool?
ELENDIL: Untruth runs back and swallows loan. See him. 3. Man of confused parts. 4. Strawberry ones? No. Pineapple? Well, mostly the same consonants. Conflict here. Forever? 5. Poldark around two notes? See him! AMROTH: Ten lost from chest, but a thousand gained for him? All so confused! NIMRODEL: Knights say it – mirror the French sleeping quarters for a streaming thing. DENETHOR: Paradise disturbed, but meets a god – there he is. TRINKET: Dynamite with directional change swallows Araw’s confused beasts to produce shiny thing. 10. Hello – a sigh is heard – blue, is he? 11. Note a slightly disturbed bull for him! ISILDUR: For him, dwarf woman reigns endlessly with first person, in turmoil. RAID: Mixed atmosphere, note – a violent thing that can happen. 14. Gorbag is confused – loses note, gains direction – it’s crazy, and hot! 15. Fingolfin’s was the first. 16. Tidy greeting element, all mixed up for him. 17. Note twice, but differently – Gene Hunt, without his city. See him now. SAURON: Caught between two points, almost a catcher of dark wizards … for another? Indeed! |
This is all very interesting and seems like fun but it appears to me that years of playing this game has made you all far too good at this.
Would anybody please explain in a little more detail how you might arrive at a guess that seems reasonable? I've spent far too much time arriving at nonsense. |
Hi Soriman! Welcome to the Downs.
There's a link on Page 1 to the different kinds of clues to be found in cryptic puzzles, but I've just tried said link, and it doesn't work any more. A hint or two instead, perhaps? For 3, what's another word for a part? As another hint, I've added a question mark at the end of number one, because the answer shouldn't be used as an immolation tool, but someone attempts to use it as such in LOTR. |
So now I'm at "Refund [minus one of A-G]. [Anagram of] immolation tool?". Most of the time, we need to look for synonyms of the parts of the clue - "refund" might be "rebate", "pay back", "compensate". All of those contain notes, so any would be possible - but how many could give a Tolkien-related answer? The structure of most clues these days is that you have a straight clue, which tells you what the actual answer means ("archer" could point at Legolas; a lot of these are "him" or "there"), and a cryptic clue which constructs the word through anagrams and synonyms and so forth ("construction toy + girl - S" would be Lego+las[s]). Given that Pervinca has hinted at "immolation tool?" being a straight clue (it's something actually used in the books), I think the split is: CRYPTIC: [Synonym of 'refund'] [minus one of A-G] [anagrammed] = STRAIGHT: [thing used in LotR as tool to set things on fire] Then it comes down to trying things out and seeing if you can find a Tolkien answer. You can narrow it down by thinking about the theme - earlier I figured we were doing something about the Last Alliance, but Denethor has scuppered that. We're still looking at a lot of people's names, though, so I'd focus in that direction. It can be worth browsing through the likes of Tolkien Gateway and Encyclopedia of Arda (smaller, but with helpful thematic lists), particularly if you know the first letter, but often you can find the answer in your memory of names - 'Denethor', for instance, I doubt many of us need to look up! ... after all that, though, I still can't find the answer. ^_^ Anagrams are my bane, sadly; I just can't make them work in my head, so I have to attack them from the theme/straight clue. In this case, I've not yet managed it. hS |
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