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Huinesoron 05-16-2018 02:28 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 711504)
Con as in learn, or con as in deceive?

Con as in 'constructed language'. :)


Nerwen 05-16-2018 02:44 AM


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 711505)
Con as in 'constructed language'. :)


What he said. It's a term.

Galadriel55 05-16-2018 12:50 PM

For a bit of an unusual password, though it will be easy once you see the pattern.

1. One water points direction twice but can’t get its bearings, until found in the West.
2. Is it cheese? No, but it has good apples.
3. Pinch crater unsafe.
4. Manage mix under mountain.
5. Court inside requested, demanded, or asked subjects of news.
6. Cold consumes small one in the north.

Happy riddling!

Pervinca Took 05-16-2018 02:25 PM

2. Bree? (Brie/Sam's apples from Nob/Bob/both).

6. Fornost? (Frost surrounding on (small version of one).

Galadriel55 05-16-2018 02:43 PM

1. One water points direction twice but can’t get its bearings, until found in the West.
2. BREE: Is it cheese? No, but it has good apples.
3. Pinch crater unsafe.
4. Manage mix under mountain.
5. Court inside requested, demanded, or asked subjects of news.
6. FORNOST: Cold consumes small one in the north.

Pervinca Took 05-16-2018 02:49 PM

Is 3 Crickhollow? A hollow for a crater, a crick is a pain and I guess a pinch hurts too, and Crickhollow became unsafe.

Galadriel55 05-16-2018 06:34 PM

You're on a roll!

1. One water points direction twice but can’t get its bearings, until found in the West.
2. BREE: Is it cheese? No, but it has good apples.
3. CRICKHOLLOW: Pinch crater unsafe.
4. Manage mix under mountain.
5. Court inside requested, demanded, or asked subjects of news.
6. FORNOST: Cold consumes small one in the north.

Pervinca Took 05-16-2018 11:24 PM

Oh ... is the password ABCDEF?

Edit: With DALE a mix of 'deal' for 'manage?'

Pervinca Took 05-17-2018 12:08 AM

EDORAS! A royal court, and finally found it amongst the words of the clue after wondering what the 'news' bit was about. I know Edoras would contain some of the king's subjects, but not sure about news, although there is Ed for editor.

Pervinca Took 05-17-2018 12:55 AM

Does Alalminore have mineral (water) plus a (one) for the first clue? Not sure about the bearings/directions, though.

Galadriel55 05-17-2018 05:43 AM

All correct except the A clue. (Will edit from computer - now on phone which is giving me trouble).

Pervinca Took 05-17-2018 06:07 AM

Is 1 Akallabeth, which contains A plus LAKE and refers to an island losing its bearings?

Although Alqualonde has AQUA, two L's, and mortals can't get its bearings, because it's hidden from them. Oh! And it has ONE, so no need for a third A.

(I tried to find all of 'Evian' in Avallone and failed). :D

Galadriel55 05-17-2018 07:24 AM

You got it! Over to you!

1. ALQUALONDE: One water points direction twice but can’t get its bearings, until found in the West.
2. BREE: Is it cheese? No, but it has good apples.
3. CRICKHOLLOW: Pinch crater unsafe.
4. DALE: Manage mix under mountain.
5. EDORAS: Court inside requested, demanded, or asked subjects of news.
6. FORNOST: Cold consumes small one in the north.

Pervinca Took 05-17-2018 09:17 AM

That was fun! Thanks, G55. :) What was the news element in the Edoras clue, though?

Speaking of fun, Huinesoron in particular is REALLY going to like this one! :D:D

1. He’s a rough and churlish fellow, but amongst winding trees we see him more clearly.
2. He’s Wellsian, but less sibilant. More direction.
3. Demented canine in retreat: see him!
4. Keen-sighted hero, or just a comic character? Or perhaps a cocktail of both?
5. Coming up without direction, a girl joins here.
6. A competition to see who can plough fastest? She’s a bit messed up.
7. He reads maps backwards.

Galadriel55 05-17-2018 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 711521)
That was fun! Thanks, G55. :) What was the news element in the Edoras clue, though?

It doesn't mean anything - the entire clue doesn't mean anything, except for court as the straight clue. The name EDORAS is literally inside the words of the clue, that's it: demandED OR ASked. The rest of the clue is just to complete the sentence.

Pervinca Took 05-17-2018 03:20 PM

Ah, I see! Thanks. :)

A clue for the latest puzzle ... the answers all involve looking at Tolkien in a slightly unusual way. ;)

Bear that in mind, and look at clues 3 and 7.

Galadriel55 05-18-2018 11:01 AM

Spam? :confused: Is that a reference to HOME? :D:p

Pervinca Took 05-18-2018 11:10 AM

It's certainly SPAM, but it's certainly NOT from HOME! :D

1. He’s a rough and churlish fellow, but amongst winding trees we see him more clearly.
2. He’s Wellsian, but less sibilant. More direction.
3. Demented canine in retreat: see him!
4. Keen-sighted hero, or just a comic character? Or perhaps a cocktail of both?
5. Coming up without direction, a girl joins here.
6. A competition to see who can plough fastest? She’s a bit messed up.
SPAM: He reads maps backwards.

Huinesoron 05-18-2018 11:31 AM

Hmm. In that case, is #3 a reversal of Mad Dog, aka Goddam?


Pervinca Took 05-18-2018 11:58 AM

Most assuredly it is!

1. He’s a rough and churlish fellow, but amongst winding trees we see him more clearly.
2. He’s Wellsian, but less sibilant. More direction.
GODDAM: Demented canine in retreat: see him!
4. Keen-sighted hero, or just a comic character? Or perhaps a cocktail of both?
5. Coming up without direction, a girl joins here.
6. A competition to see who can plough fastest? She’s a bit messed up.
SPAM: He reads maps backwards.

Huinesoron 05-19-2018 03:27 PM

This is very hard. ;)

Is #4 perhaps BIRDSEYE, which could point at both keen sight (like a hawk, say), and the vaguely comedic Fish Finger-selling Captain? (It's also hinted at by 'cocktail' - 'bird+body part' matches both.)

hS, struggling

Pervinca Took 05-19-2018 04:00 PM

It's not that hard. The answers all come from the same place as Spam and Goddam. I had forgotten some of the other names, but I googled the book.

A book you got slightly cross at me for referencing, a page or two back.

Huinesoron 05-20-2018 12:41 AM

I spotted that; I used to own a copy, actually, but can't find it now.

The hard part is that I can't connect the clues to any of the names yet. ;) So possibly what I mean is 'Password is hard...'

(I assume that's no on Birdseye of the Vee-Ates?)


Pervinca Took 05-20-2018 03:06 AM

There is no character in the password called Birdseye, but there is a list of the 'Bored of the Rings' names on Wikipedia. That's where I got some of the answers, as I didn't remember quite enough of the names to make the password work.

Huinesoron 05-20-2018 07:00 AM

Yes, that's where I got Birdseye. ;) Ah - I see that GIMLET (son of Groin, which frankly is cheating given that Gloin already is) not only has eyes like gimlets, but is also the name of a cocktail (and is a version of Gimli, who got turned into comic relief). So him for #4.

And does that make the password BOGGIES?


Pervinca Took 05-20-2018 08:30 AM

Both correct!

B: He’s a rough and churlish fellow, but amongst winding trees we see him more clearly.
O: He’s Wellsian, but less sibilant. More direction.
GODDAM: Demented canine in retreat: see him!
GIMLET: Keen-sighted hero, or just a comic character? Or perhaps a cocktail of both?
I: Coming up without direction, a girl joins here.
E: A competition to see who can plough fastest? She’s a bit messed up.
SPAM: He reads maps backwards.


'Comic character' is because Gimlet *was* a character in a comic. Not a reference to Gimli being used for comic relief (grrrrr!!)

Galadriel55 05-20-2018 10:37 AM

EORACHE, thanks to wikipedia. Race + hoe.

Mithalwen 05-20-2018 10:43 AM

Oh I don’t know if I still have my copy but Orlon I remember Orson (Wells) minus sibilant s plus L for left.

Mithalwen 05-20-2018 10:52 AM

Isinglass? Rising minus r for right plus lass

Pervinca Took 05-20-2018 02:21 PM

Indeed to all three! Orlon was Elrond.

B: He’s a rough and churlish fellow, but amongst winding trees we see him more clearly.
ORLON: He’s Wellsian, but less sibilant. More direction.
GODDAM: Demented canine in retreat: see him!
GIMLET: Keen-sighted hero, or just a comic character? Or perhaps a cocktail of both?
ISINGLASS: Coming up without direction, a girl joins here.
EORACHE: A competition to see who can plough fastest? She’s a bit messed up.
SPAM: He reads maps backwards.


One to go!

Huinesoron 05-22-2018 07:48 AM

So the problem I'm having with #1 is that it's difficult to know where to start. There's nothing to obviously indicate an anagram (except maybe 'winding'), which suggests that there should be something from the clue visible in order in the answer... but there are so many key words that it could be!

Further, there's only a handful of B- names on the Wikipedia page, but I can't find anything relevant in any of them. If I had a better grasp of how the clue was structured, I could focus my attention, but at the moment I'm just in blunderbuss mode.

(Ultimately this is just a long-winded version of 'I'm stuck; hint plz?'.)


Pervinca Took 05-22-2018 01:56 PM

Well, you know the answer's a 'he' (obvious from the clue), and you know it isn't Birdseye. If you're struggling, it might be from assuming that anything more than 'he' is part of the straight clue. It isn't.

Just find a BOTR name beginning with B and work backwards.

Pervinca Took 05-25-2018 06:22 AM

If it helps, the name of the original character, before he's parodied, begins with B too.

What single word could mean a rough and churlish fellow?

Huinesoron 05-25-2018 07:59 AM

Rogue, ruffian, scoundrel, villain.

The remaining B- names on the Wikipedia list are:

Barbasol (=Isildur)
Bromosel (=Boromir)
Benelux (=Denethor)
Benzedrine (=Bombadil)
Ballhog (=Balrog)
Bugger (=Baggins)

Your latest hint means it's not Barbasol or Benelux. You could argue that the last option can be a colloquialism for 'rough and churlish fellow', but that makes the trees part a complete red herring. And due to my apparent blindness, I can't see any useful words, plain, broken, or anagrammed, in Bromosel, Benzedrine, or Ballhog.

I'm reeeeeeeally bad at this one. XD


Pervinca Took 05-25-2018 09:44 AM

Have you tried looking for a kind of tree?

Huinesoron 05-25-2018 10:03 AM

I have, and I have failed to find one. :)

I'm pretty sure anyone else would be able to find it in a split second, but I'm just drawing a complete blank, and th'ain't nobody else around.

Don't worry, I'm still looking!


Galadriel55 05-25-2018 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 711569)
I have, and I have failed to find one. :)

I'm pretty sure anyone else would be able to find it in a split second, but I'm just drawing a complete blank, and th'ain't nobody else around.

Don't worry, I'm still looking!


I've been around, but unfortunately I did not have anything useful to offer. All my tree attempts were unsuccessful, mainly because I don't really know what to do with the trees. As for the rough fellow, I've been trying various short insults for such people, but haven't made anything legible. The closest I can get is "bore" for a boring person, but that doesn't match the description well.

Pervinca Took 05-25-2018 11:24 AM

Galadriel, you would not *believe* how close 'bore' is to that bit of the clue!

You may be more used to seeing the adjective related to the noun that forms that element of the clue.

Huinesoron 05-26-2018 12:09 AM

Boor, then, and BROMOSEL minus boor leaves Elms.

I'm not sure why this one proved so hard. Obviously anagrams drive me batty at the best of times, but even so! I think it's because the anagram is made from two short words, so there's no real clusters of letters to spot. (If, for instance, the first word had been 'ruffian', the two fs and a u might have hinted at it.)

The flip side of this is: I'm amazed you spotted the combo to make it! So well done. :)


Pervinca Took 05-26-2018 12:49 AM

That's the one! You just needed to 'wind' elms a bit around boor and put boor amongst the elms a bit. ;)

I understand the frustration, Huey ... I have felt totally stumped by a lot of your clues, which then seemed quite logical once the answers were revealed.

I often don't instantly spot combinations. I sometimes write them out and play with the letters a bit, crossing them out as I use them.

BROMOSEL: He’s a rough and churlish fellow, but amongst winding trees we see him more clearly.
ORLON: He’s Wellsian, but less sibilant. More direction.
GODDAM: Demented canine in retreat: see him!
GIMLET: Keen-sighted hero, or just a comic character? Or perhaps a cocktail of both?
ISINGLASS: Coming up without direction, a girl joins here.
EORACHE: A competition to see who can plough fastest? She’s a bit messed up.
SPAM: He reads maps backwards.


Huinesoron, it's over to you again! :)

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