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3# Rathlóriel ?
4) either Isenmouthe or Ivrin?
1) Lossarnach (Other confused moon between defeat and a half goblin with flowers.)
2) No wooden bow edge. 3) High starts with back, before the right one river. 4) Isenmouthe (River stopped by white speaks at last note.) 5) Estel (Muddled steel youngling.) 6) Nargothrond (Pointy Greek ship before cut king's chair followed by a note.) |
Can you explain 1 and 3?
Half goblin = orch without or With flowers was the straight clue, as Lossarnach is a flowery region. Then stick in arna between loss and ch. Lossarnach! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] As for number 3, High is the straight clue. Think of a prefix meaning back, and I think you'll find it. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] |
I meant 4, not 3, but thanks for the hint on 3.
Rerir ? |
Oh, well, here it is:
Speaks = mouth And then an E. |
1) Lossarnach (Other confused moon between defeat and a half goblin with flowers.)
2) No wooden bow edge. 3) Rerir (High starts with back, before the right one river.) 4) Isenmouthe (River stopped by white speaks at last note.) 5) Estel (Muddled steel youngling.) 6) Nargothrond (Pointy Greek ship before cut king's chair followed by a note.) |
#2 Oakenshield? I'm not getting that one . . .
Nope. It's mostly synonyms in that one.
2) Onodrim?
Yeah, Onodrim it is. Next password, please. [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]
1. One who loves a large body of water (Earendil) 2. A land much fought over(Arnor) 3. Tall, stone, watchdog (Minas Tirith) 4. Heroic little river-rider (Bilbo) 5. Another growl, Spanish see, half of heroic archer (Arvedui) 6. One of Barahir's companions in Dorthonion who is a cloth scrap and a fire. (Ragnor) [ November 25, 2003: Message edited by: Finwe ] |
1. Camlost?
4. Nibs? 5. Curufin? |
Here's a hint:
1.) (person) 2.) (place) 3.) (place) 4.) (person) 5.) (person) 6.) (person) Many of them are in the Silmarillion. |
Apparently we need more hintses.
Yes, yes...more hintses...*gollum, gollum*
By the way...how many avatars have you had, Turambar...just a question...that one's new... [ November 24, 2003: Message edited by: Nilpaurion Felagund ] |
Look in the Silmarillion, especially in the index where it gives you the meaning of the names and the characteristics of the main characters. A couple of them are quite easy actually.
I'll give you a hint for number 1: He was a very famous wanderer. |
5. Arvedui?
I'll be stabbing blind here, for my Silmarillion has been snatched by a fool...a friend, actually... |
Right on!!!! I'm so glad someone finally got one!!!!
For some odd reason I think number 1 is Beren. No idea why, though.
I think that it would be helpful all round if the person giving the answer or (if they cannot) the question-setter could explain the answers when they are not obvious.
Ok. I'll change the questions around a little bit, to make them a little easier.
First, I thought it was Curufin, and heroic archer referred to was Derufin. But I was mistaken, so I went for Duilin. The first person that came to my mind that has either half of Duilin is Arvedui. So, I stabbed wildly and I posted my answer.
1. Tuor? 3. Argonath? 4. Bilbo? |
1) Eärendil?
And it appears the Master of Doom has beaten me to the answer to 6). [ November 24, 2003: Message edited by: The Laurenendorian ] |
#3 Silent Watchers?
#6 Ragnor ? [ November 24, 2003: Message edited by: Turambar ] |
#4 - Fili, the apple barrel floater?
Nilpaurion Felagund got # 4.
Turambar got # 6. Laure got # 1. |
#2 Dagorlad ?
#3 Minas Tirith ? |
#2 Arnor or Angmar?
#3 Mount Fang (Orthanc)? Is the Password Eämbar? |
Turambar got #3 and Saucy got #2 and the password! Good show, chaps! Saucy can continue.
Thanks, Finwe. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]
1. Hole in bottom of sack. 2. Superior troops may avoid being petrified in battle. 3. Magician found in Combe or near Archet. 4. Doomed ocean fortress. 5. Evil one gives love-bite, by the sound of it. 6. Horse lord said to have come to an end at this place. 7. King reverses commercial edict. 8. A Hobbit who can take his drink? 9. Headless swordsman and main attraction from Eastern land. Tricksy. [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img] |
1) Bag End?
4. Brithombar or Eglarest?
Yes and no. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]
1. Bag End (Hole in bottom of sack.) 2. Superior troops may avoid being petrified in battle. 3. Magician found in Combe or near Archet. 4. Doomed ocean fortress. 5. Evil one gives love-bite, by the sound of it. 6. Horse lord said to have come to an end at this place. 7. King reverses commercial edict. 8. A Hobbit who can take his drink? 9. Headless swordsman and main attraction from Eastern land. |
2. Helm's Deep, Hornburg, Aglarond?
6. Pelennor? |
Nope. [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img]
3) Tom Bombadil?
4) Sirion? |
#6 Hornburg? Or the Wold?
The best I seem to be able to manage at the moment is
2: Olog Hai 3: Beorn 8: Brandybuck 9: Orrostar |
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