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Here you are, then:
1. Port loses note, you hear? ... troubled is this realm. 2. Edge back, lie around, but don’t blame her. 3. Norse bard loses direction, but mingles with valley for a flower. 4. Happy street, yet troubled? It’s plain. 5. Dwarf meets troll for a Bolger. |
Could 2 be Miriel? (rim backwards and lie anagram-ed)
5 is Filibert Bolger. |
1. Port loses note, you hear? ... troubled is this realm.
MIRIEL: Edge back, lie around, but don’t blame her. 3. Norse bard loses direction, but mingles with valley for a flower. 4. Happy street, yet troubled? It’s plain. FILIBERT: Dwarf meets troll for a Bolger. Well done! Plus the fact that Miriel asked Finwe to hold her blameless for what happened, and what might happen afterwards. I thought of making it 'Dwarf meets troll for a hobbit,' but decided that would be too mean. ;) |
EDIT: 4. Dagorlad - road and glad. |
Yep! Dagorland Plain.
1. Port loses note, you hear? ... troubled is this realm. MIRIEL: Edge back, lie around, but don’t blame her. 3. Norse bard loses direction, but mingles with valley for a flower. DAGORLAD: Happy street, yet troubled? It’s plain. FILIBERT: Dwarf meets troll for a Bolger. There's a little surprise, password-wise. I'll say no more for now. ;) |
3. Elanor?
No - in cryptic land, a spanner can be a bridge (a think that spans), a butter can be a thing that butts (a goat), and a flower can be a thing that flows (rather than flowers). ;)
(Thanks to Mithalwen for teaching me these). :) |
While a bloomer is something that blooms... ie a flower....
3. Rivendell?
A bloomer could be a loaf of bread (but a bit of a stretch for cram or lembas) or I suppose half a pair of knickers ... but not much scope for a Tolkien clue either way, perhaps? ;)
Not Rivendell ... 'for a flower' implies that you put together the cryptic elements to find the flower (river/stream), not that the valley is the straight part of the clue. |
There are many Norse bards, and I dunno which one to pick......
I could only think of one without looking them up!
Also, I've been trying to do something with Bragi for #3 (or bagi, once he loses the direction) but can't get anywhere with it. |
Not Bragi. It's the name of a very well-known Norse bard that you need (well, well-known to anyone with any interest in Norse bards).
Yes, of course, a mount can be a mountain or a horse! Forgot that one. |
3. Silverlode?
No - you need to find the separate elements and put them together. Norse Bard minus a direction, plus valley - and then 'mingle' the letters you are left with.
Have a think, and if everyone's still stuck I'll give another clue. |
Well, there are a lot of bards there.
Here's the full list:
I never claimed it was going to be easy. ;) (Well, perhaps I did, regarding the finding of the correct Bard).
But a new student of Old Norse is likely to read some of the Sagas and one or both of the two Eddas, or rather extracts of them in Old Norse and maybe the whole works in translation. Given that most (I believe) of the well-known sagas are anonymous, who does that leave? |
I found him, but I don't see how it fits yet. I will think more tomorrow if I am not beaten to the punch.
HINT: You might need to 'translate' valley.
To elvish?
Edit: Nvm, I got it. Hebun is valley, combine it with Snorri, the bard who lost direction (either Sorri, Norri or Snori) and you get Shirebourn, the flower |
Good try and the correct bard. Also correct that you need Snorri, his first name, not his surname of Sturluson. Wrong valley though. It is Elvish you need, but maybe you chose the wrong elvish language?
Feel a bit mean jumping in when so much help provided - Sirannon? nan for vale and Snorri minus an r for right?
*grins* found it. nan for valley in Sindarin and snori which is snorri without r give Sirannon.
1. Dor Dinen?
Well done both! Sirannon it is.
Not Dor Dinen. (Or Dorset Dine, as my phone saw fit to autocorrect it to). Maybe guess the password to get help with the last clue? |
1. Port loses note, you hear? ... troubled is this realm.
MIRIEL: Edge back, lie around, but don’t blame her. SIRANNON: Norse bard loses direction, but mingles with valley for a flower. DAGORLAD: Happy street, yet troubled? It’s plain. FILIBERT: Dwarf meets troll for a Bolger. Anyone guessed the surprise in the password? |
The password seems to be Bragi, but it isn't tolkien term.
1. Beleriand, the troubled realm?
The password isn't Bragi.
Not Beleriand. You need to account for the letters and satisfy each part of the clue. |
Try starting with the port.
Is it a name of port or synonym for it?
A name.
And regarding the password, remember that some of the letters are very narrow, like I. Ideally one would put them in a grid/table, like they are in a puzzle book. |
I've tried downward and diagonal and various other combinations and the only thing that makes sense is 'bori' but what letter can be added to it to make it Tolkien-esque is what's the problem here....
I have put them on squared paper and not helping much
Maybe the password is Borin? If you read certain diagonal from down, Borin is what comes to mind. Borin is the son of dwarf king Nain.
Borin is correct, but there's another, similar password there, if you look.
N ......... : Port loses note, you hear? ... troubled is this realm. MIRIEL: Edge back, lie around, but don’t blame her. S IRANNON: Norse bard loses direction, but mingles with valley for a flower. DAGORLAD: Happy street, yet troubled? It’s plain. F I L I BERT: Dwarf meets troll for a Bolger. |
In that case, the first answer is Numenor, the only tolkien realm that beginst with N, at least according to wiki.
Yes, but can you take us from port to realm?
And what is the other password? NUMENOR: Port loses note, you hear? ... troubled is this realm. MIRIEL: Edge back, lie around, but don’t blame her. S IRANNON: Norse bard loses direction, but mingles with valley for a flower. DAGORLAD: Happy street, yet troubled? It’s plain. F I L I BERT: Dwarf meets troll for a Bolger. |
The other password is Farin.
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