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Here you go ...
1. At last! A rustic thinks a queen among elves as fair as one of these.
2. A third of this is what we need – due to answer number five? Or at Bombadil’s - for cut knees, perhaps? 3. Streaming things for which this housekeeper holds the key? That’s a first! 4. Wait a second. This is why you might need an understudy in a Shakespearean tragedy. Confused, and flowery. 5. Horse with highlights is confused in shining Sindarin. Take nought from the third? 6. It’s both long and longed for – by a dwarf. Go fourth. |
#1 and #6 are giving me Galadriel vibes. #1 sounds like Sam's speech to Faramir (but which of the similes?), and #6 sounds like the lock she gives to Gimli (but again, by what synonym? Lock? Hair? Strand? Tress?).
1. At last! A rustic thinks a queen among elves as fair as one of these.
2. A third of this is what we need – due to answer number five? Or at Bombadil’s - for cut knees, perhaps? 3. Streaming things for which this housekeeper holds the key? That’s a first! 4. Wait a second. This is why you might need an understudy in a Shakespearean tragedy. Confused, and flowery. 5. Horse with highlights is confused in shining Sindarin. Take nought from the third? NERWEN'S HAIR: It’s both long and longed for – by a dwarf. Go fourth. Any will do fine for 6. For 1, the answer is indeed in one of the similes. |
Number 3 has a very similar answer to Number 5. and Galadriel was very close to solving clue 1, (upthread). |
For #1, we're looking at this quote:
hS |
DAFFADOWNDILLY: At last! A rustic thinks a queen among elves as fair as one of these.
2. A third of this is what we need – due to answer number five? Or at Bombadil’s - for cut knees, perhaps? 3. Streaming things for which this housekeeper holds the key? That’s a first! 4. Wait a second. This is why you might need an understudy in a Shakespearean tragedy. Confused, and flowery. 5. Horse with highlights is confused in shining Sindarin. Take nought from the third? NERWEN'S HAIR: It’s both long and longed for – by a dwarf. Go fourth. Hence the 'At last.' ;) |
I solved a clue
I solved a clue for you Oh what a thing to do! And is the code YELLOW? hS |
DAFFADOWNDILLY: At last! A rustic thinks a queen among elves as fair as one of these.
????E???? A third of this is what we need – due to answer number five? Or at Bombadil’s - for cut knees, perhaps? L?????? Streaming things for which this housekeeper holds the key? That’s a first! ????L????Wait a second. This is why you might need an understudy in a Shakespearean tragedy. Confused, and flowery. ????O???? Horse with highlights is confused in shining Sindarin. Take nought from the third? NERWEN'S HAIR: It’s both long and longed for – by a dwarf. Go fourth. Indeedydo. |
Okay, so: 3 and 5 are very similar. I think 3 might be another 'Someone's Something'. That means 5 is either the same person or the same thing. Additionally, 2 references 'answer number 5', which likely means the, uh, actual answer to question 5. So solving any of these three will help with the other two.
The letters we will need are 3rd - 1st - 2nd - probably 3rd. If the Bombadil reference is direct, then things called yellow at Tom and Goldberry's are: - Her hair - His boots - Cream - The sunrise CREAM seems to fit best, though I don't think the sort of cream Tom serves would go well on your knees! hS |
DAFFADOWNDILLY: At last! A rustic thinks a queen among elves as fair as one of these.
CREAM: A third of this is what we need – due to answer number five? Or at Bombadil’s - for cut knees, perhaps? L?????? Streaming things for which this housekeeper holds the key? That’s a first! ????L????Wait a second. This is why you might need an understudy in a Shakespearean tragedy. Confused, and flowery. ????O???? Horse with highlights is confused in shining Sindarin. Take nought from the third? NERWEN'S HAIR: It’s both long and longed for – by a dwarf. Go fourth. Yes. Bombabil particularly refers to yellow cream, amongst other foodstuffs. You are right about the positions of the 'red' letters, too. |
I am gonna throw out LOCKS and ELANOR for the first two of the remaining clues. Locks, because it sounds like it should be hair. And Elanor because the letter fits.
(Also, locks have keys, and so do housekeepers). |
DAFFADOWNDILLY: At last! A rustic thinks a queen among elves as fair as one of these.
CREAM: A third of this is what we need – due to answer number five? Or at Bombadil’s - for cut knees, perhaps? L: Streaming things for which this housekeeper holds the key? That’s a first! ELANOR: Wait a second. This is why you might need an understudy in a Shakespearean tragedy. Confused, and flowery. ????O???? Horse with highlights is confused in shining Sindarin. Take nought from the third? NERWEN'S HAIR: It’s both long and longed for – by a dwarf. Go fourth. Oh, sorry! You were guessing ELANOR for the 4th clue. Quiet rightly. Because you would need an understudy if there were NO LEAR in the building. Number 3 is LOCKS OF someone, but please say who, (see my post upthread). |
On no more basis that this and 5 are "very similar", I'm going to guess BOOTS OF BOMBADIL for 5. hS |
DAFFADOWNDILLY: At last! A rustic thinks a queen among elves as fair as one of these.
CREAM: A third of this is what we need – due to answer number five? Or at Bombadil’s - for cut knees, perhaps? LOCKS OF GOLDBERRY: Streaming things for which this housekeeper holds the key? That’s a first! ELANOR: Wait a second. This is why you might need an understudy in a Shakespearean tragedy. Confused, and flowery. ????O???? Horse with highlights is confused in shining Sindarin. Take nought from the third? NERWEN'S HAIR: It’s both long and longed for – by a dwarf. Go fourth. Sorry; it's 3 and 6 that are very similar, (as you can see). Tom's boots are wrong, I'm afraid. |
For the remaining clue:
What's another reason you might need cream, besides cut knees or a dessert? Think of it, and put it into Sindarin. |
... which actually isn't true, there's an old proto-Sindarin word torn meaning "sunburnt". But I don't think that's going to fly. Is it just ANOR, the Sun? I'm sure someone calls it yellow sometime. ... ah, and a horse with highlights is a roan. Not a word I knew. :) Is "take nought" just straight-up telling us the answer is "O"? hS |
Ah. Yellow Face. *facepalm*
"Roan" has been hammered into my head by bio classes as an example of genetic codominance, but I have not thought to (accurately) describe it as highlights. Nicely put. |
DAFFADOWNDILLY: At last! A rustic thinks a queen among elves as fair as one of these.
CREAM: A third of this is what we need – due to answer number five? Or at Bombadil’s - for cut knees, perhaps? LOCKS OF GOLDBERRY: Streaming things for which this housekeeper holds the key? That’s a first! ELANOR: Wait a second. This is why you might need an understudy in a Shakespearean tragedy. Confused, and flowery. ANOR: Horse with highlights is confused in shining Sindarin. Take nought from the third? NERWEN'S HAIR: It’s both long and longed for – by a dwarf. Go fourth. Yes to all the above, including nought to indicate the letter O, and third for its position. The sun *is* yellow, isn't it, more or less? And one talks of sun cream, the preventative ointment. Not sunburn cream - that would be calamine lotion! :D Over to Huey! |
DAFFADOWNDILLY: At last! A rustic thinks a queen among elves as fair as one of these.
CREAM: A third of this is what we need – due to answer number five? Or at Bombadil’s - for cut knees, perhaps? LOCKS OF GOLDBERRY: Streaming things for which this housekeeper holds the key? That’s a first! ELANOR: Wait a second. This is why you might need an understudy in a Shakespearean tragedy. Confused, and flowery. ANOR: Horse with highlights is confused in shining Sindarin. Take nought from the third? NERWEN'S HAIR: It’s both long and longed for – by a dwarf. Go fourth. Yes to all the above, including nought to indicate the letter O, and third for its position. The sun *is* yellow, isn't it, more or less? And one talks of sun cream, the preventative ointment. Not sunburn cream - that would be calamine lotion! :D Over to Huey! (P.S. ELANOR was from NO LEAR, in case you missed that bit upthread). |
I will try and come up with something today. hS |
Okay! This is not a cryptic puzzle (other than in the sense that it might be confusing). The numbers are just which letter to use; as you can see, I really wanted them to all be the same, but it didn't work out.
1. - Where the last of his line on a hoard laid a curse, (6) 2. - And the same was a hostage and traitor or worse; (6) 3. - Where the eldest awoke and saw mist on his breath, (7) 4. - And where greed-addled minds plotted elder king's death; (6) 5. - Whence came those who bore up the king on his fall, (7) 6. - And the name of the pit in the language of all. (6) hS |
1. Sarn Athrad?
I'll also go ahead and throw Maeglin for 2, because 'traitor'. :p
Or maybe Mim, if the clues 1 and 2 are a pair.
And therefore where would be in NARGOTHROND, while the second would be at AMON RUDH. If 4 is a reference to Thingol's death by greedy / insulted Dwarves, then in DORIATH. 5 sounds like a reference to 4, but this really doesn't sound like Thingol. What it does sound like is the Dwarves of BELEGOST bearing away their fallen kind Azaghal during the Nirnaeth. There is very much a Dwarven flavour to this, I think. I thought 3 would be DURIN, but I can't find mention of mist on his breath in Gimli's Durin song, and besides it doesn't have enough letters. Then, when I first read "pit" my mind went to Tol-in-Gaurhoth. However, this is a Dwarven pit, in the Common speech - and therefore DWARROWDELF? |
I am not the puzzle maker, but I think only the first two answers you gave are right, because the password won't make sense otherwise (unless Huey chose a nonsense password.)
Because I'm being picky about precise names, I'll sum up the above hints: 1 - name for Nargothrond 2 - name for Amon Rudh 3 - something about Durin 4 - something about plotting Thingol's death 5 - name for Belegost 6 - name for Moria hS |
2. Bar-En-Danwedh/Sharbhund?
Nulukkhizdîn for 1, and Khazad for password?
5 and 6 are Gabilgathol and Khazad-Dum.
NULUKKHIZDIN - Where the last of his line on a hoard laid a curse, (6) SHARBHUND - And the same was a hostage and traitor or worse; (6) 3. ??????A- Where the eldest awoke and saw mist on his breath, (7) 4. ?????Z - And where greed-addled minds plotted elder king's death; (6) GABILGATHOL - Whence came those who bore up the king on his fall, (7) KHAZAD-DUM - And the name of the pit in the language of all. (6) hS |
Titles motivate me. :D
As does anything related to...well, us. |
3. Gundabad?
And that leaves No...I mean, Tumunzahar, as the last one. :D
SHARBHUND - And the same was a hostage and traitor or worse; (6) GUNDABAD- Where the eldest awoke and saw mist on his breath, (7) TUMUNZAHAR - And where greed-addled minds plotted elder king's death; (6) GABILGATHOL - Whence came those who bore up the king on his fall, (7) KHAZAD-DUM - And the name of the pit in the language of all. (6) This is a closed set - as far as I can tell, these are the only six dwarven residences named in Khuzdul. I'm slightly surprised Tolkien never wrote down a name for Erebor, but apparently he didn't. For the first time in my memory, that's a clean sweep for one person - congrats Urwen for all six clues and the password. :) The floor is yours. hS |
Actually, Galadriel did the heavy lifting, but thank you!
This is a mirror password. 1. It was born where the fighter on the plain was healed. (1) 2. Where the sorrowful one was undone. (2) 3. The joyous one's name came from here. (3) 4. A line of defense was here. (4) 5. Green, and one of the six. (3) 6. The nine first parted ways on its shores. (2) 7. It claimed the father of the forementioned three.(1) You'll be familiar with clue 1, Huinesoron. And 2, and 3, and there is that pesky 7 too. And I know the answers to every one of them. |
What happened to Pervinca? Is she sick, or just busy?
1. NAROG - born at Eithel Ivrin 3. NEN LALAITH? 7. SEA? |
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