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Pervinca Took 04-21-2020 05:52 AM

Wow! Cool.

I didn't realise Malva was a flower/plant name. I just thought it was one of those hobbit names with no apparent meaning, like Bilbo, Bungo and Linda.

Well done Huey and (I assume) Urwen.

I think I learned that mallow wasn't just a gooey bit inside a sweet when I saw it mentioned as growing on the prairie in the Little House books. (I think a marshmallow tree would be a little too psychedelic for Laura Ingalls Wilder. More a John Lennon kind of thing).

Huinesoron 04-21-2020 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 722518)
(The Blue Mountains themselves have a very dwarvish connection, of course).

Gosh, do they? ;)


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 722519)
If that's true, then maybe it's Malva Brandubuck nee Headstrong. She is pink and is of Buckland.


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 722520)
Further, latin for bad is Mal, add Roman Virginia to that and you have Malv.

I'm at least 90% sure the abbreviation for Virginia is VA... 'mal' is 'bad, Roman'. And apparently 'Malva' is the mallow flower, which is usually pink. :)

RUSSANDOL - Eldest son of the Urals with a little doll? Not I! (Red-headed Son of Feanor)
AFRICA, SOUTH - Far Harad? Shelob's lair? Where it all began? Maybe, but the direction is secondary. (Home of the Orange Free State)
IRIS - I risk many things, but only the first four blossom. (Yellow flowers of the Gladden Fields)
NELDORETH - The middle of a funeral bell, a squashed door, the beginning of booze - is Luthien on the beach? (Green woodlands)
5. B - Bein sei (east); dig deep and reverse it.
NORI - Not you or I, but a choice of letters all the same. Pick a dwarf (doesn't matter which; you're in second place). (Dwarf with a purple hood)
W∀˥Λ∀ BRANDYBUCK - Stand her on her head! Indeed, Bergil's threat applies here, to bad Roman Virginia. (Named for the pink mallow)

One to go!


Urwen 04-21-2020 07:43 AM

So if we reverse that, we get IESNIEB...

Huinesoron 04-21-2020 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 722523)
So if we reverse that, we get IESNIEB...

Ah, Maeglin's little-known younger brother Iesnieb Bluemountainhands! ;)

Nah, you need a different sort of 'reverse'. (And '(east)' is not a straight clue.)


Pervinca Took 04-21-2020 08:16 AM

Well, you could reverse the 'dig deep' by filling the hole back in. :D

Or reverse IT?

And there's a B ...

Ah! It's TIB, Thorin's cat. He's one of those blue Persians, and has a bright blue collar, to boot!

(Another blue thing: Tom Bombadil's jacket!)

Huinesoron 04-21-2020 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 722525)
Well, you could reverse the 'dig deep' by filling the hole back in. :D

What, with an earthquake or something? Oh - the sinking of Beleriand, right? (It's not Beleriand, fyi.)

You've actually pretty much pinned down the answer between these two comments:


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 722500)
For 5, all I can see is elements kind of resembling parts of SEIN, the German for 'to be' and possibly 'mine' for 'dig deep.' Could it possibly be something to do with the Blue Mountains?


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 722518)
(The Blue Mountains themselves have a very dwarvish connection, of course).

Though I don't think you've come anywhere near the cryptic answer...


PS: Now I'm wishing I'd thought of Bombadil's jacket! That would've been a fun one.

Pervinca Took 04-21-2020 10:19 AM

You crafty devil! Because there WAS a Roman Virginia/Verginia and you put the two words together, I didn't think of using the abbreviation of the state.

I really have no clue regarding the B clue.

But TIB the cat is now official Pervinca-Canon, for your information.

Pervinca Took 04-21-2020 10:27 AM

If BE is an element ... but it isn't Beleriand.

BEORN lives ... to the east of the Blue Mountains. A lot to the east. :D

BELEGAER ... but it's west of the BM?


And you said EAST was cryptic. Oh dear.

Huinesoron 04-21-2020 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 722537)
You crafty devil! Because there WAS a Roman Virginia/Verginia and you put the two words together, I didn't think of using the abbreviation of the state.

I really have no clue regarding the B clue.

But TIB the cat is now official Pervinca-Canon, for your information.

Tib-canon accepted. It's a Khuzdul word meaning 'cat' (ultimately suspected to be of Elvish origin, as a corruption of 'Tevildo' via 'Tebi'). He's either extremely long-lived, or people keep replacing him without Thorin noticing (shades of Esio Trot).


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 722538)
If BE is an element ... but it isn't Beleriand.

BEORN lives ... to the east of the Blue Mountains. A lot to the east. :D

BELEGAER ... but it's west of the BM?


And you said EAST was cryptic. Oh dear.

None o'them. You've forgotten a big, important B word.

"Bein sei (east)... and reverse it" is the cryptic clue; I think that's already clear, but just to put it up plain.


Urwen 04-21-2020 12:37 PM

So apparently, the whole phrase translates into 'LEG HAS'.

Pervinca Took 04-21-2020 01:10 PM


Sei is BE, not have.

I'd forgotten the German word for leg.

Beleg the Blue, notorious pirate of the First Age? :D

Pervinca Took 04-21-2020 01:15 PM

You know, you could have used Sting, Orcrist or Glamdring for blue, too. They glow blue when enemies are near ... or is it specifically orcs?

Oh, by the way ... I had a hunch that SEI was the present subjunctive form of SEIN as well as the imperative. I checked, and it is: present subjunctive, first person, AND the imperative form of the verb too.

Urwen 04-21-2020 01:35 PM

But the clue also says to reverse it, so GELEB?

Huinesoron 04-21-2020 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 722543)

You have successfully reversed Bein sei.

Was that the only cryptic part of the clue?

Neither Beleg nor Geleb are the answer.


Urwen 04-21-2020 02:43 PM

Does 'ost' mean 'east'?

If so, maybe Belegost?

Huinesoron 04-22-2020 01:42 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 722548)
Does 'ost' mean 'east'?

If so, maybe Belegost?

It does in my German, at least! 'Bein sei (east)' is German German (English), so you needed English English (German) to reverse it. And as someone guessed a while back, Belegost is a mine - 'dig deep'!

RUSSANDOL - Eldest son of the Urals with a little doll? Not I! (RED-headed Son of Feanor)
AFRICA, SOUTH - Far Harad? Shelob's lair? Where it all began? Maybe, but the direction is secondary. (Home of the ORANGE Free State)
IRIS - I risk many things, but only the first four blossom. (YELLOW flowers of the Gladden Fields)
NELDORETH - The middle of a funeral bell, a squashed door, the beginning of booze - is Luthien on the beach? (GREEN woodlands)
BELEGOST - Bein sei (east); dig deep and reverse it. (Dwarven city of the BLUE Mountains.)
NORI - Not you or I, but a choice of letters all the same. Pick a dwarf (doesn't matter which; you're in second place). (Dwarf with a PURPLE hood)
W∀˥Λ∀ BRANDYBUCK - Stand her on her head! Indeed, Bergil's threat applies here, to bad Roman Virginia. (Named for the PINK mallow)

THEME: Colours of the rainbow (in order)

Over to... Urwen, right? Good work, everyone!


Pervinca Took 04-22-2020 02:15 AM

Very clever! There are two reversals, though - the translation one AND the reversal of LEG and BE.

I love colours, especially bright colours. And that, coupled with the cleverness of fitting it with a password, makes this one of my favourite passwords EVER.

Very handy that RAINBOW has the same amount of letters as it has colours!

P.S. How do you do that upside-down typing? (I think Nerwen has it under her avatar or name, too).

Huinesoron 04-22-2020 03:13 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 722551)
Very clever! There are two reversals, though - the translation one AND the reversal of LEG and BE.

The German sentence/phrase "Bein sei" translates as "Be leg". Originally I wanted to use "Ist bein", but that technically means "Is Leg" and I didn't want to make it too hard. ^_~


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 722551)
I love colours, especially bright colours. And that, coupled with the cleverness of fitting it with a password, makes this one of my favourite passwords EVER.

Very handy that RAINBOW has the same amount of letters as it has colours!

Thank you! I was really pleased when it all fitted together, I'll tell you that. (And very relieved to find that Tolkien was thinking of yellow irises.)


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 722551)
P.S. How do you do that upside-down typing? (I think Nerwen has it under her avatar or name, too).

:ǝʇᴉsqǝʍ ɐ s,ǝɹǝɥ┴


It's actually just using letters and other characters that look like the inverted versions - you can see the T doesn't work overly well. I had to manually reverse it to be written left-to-right, though.


Urwen 04-22-2020 03:42 AM

Well, I've done my best to provide more straightforward clues for this one.

1. Discombobulated foe ran from him who started it all.
2. Tranquility inside of greeting? Return it for a founder's son
3. Confused country leads to a hero's mother.
4. Alike, with double path for 1's creations.
5. Attenuated register (in reverse) for the King.
6. Demise with two directions? It's all jumbled for a wise conversationalist.
7. Germanium? Predatory cat? A stockade was here.
8. Electronic glower and a saint were at the harbor.

Hope you enjoy it. :)

Kath 04-22-2020 04:52 AM

I didn't achieve well on that last one but here goes!

3. A confused country I'm assuming is an anagram ... so could it be Iran --> Rian who is the mother of Tuor, the great hero of men?

Huinesoron 04-22-2020 04:58 AM

#8: I have the name EGLAREST (e-glare + St.) in my head, but can't remember where it is.

Ah, one of the Havens of the Falas. That ought to work, then. :)

And for #6: my mind immediately jumped to the Athrabeth (I am after all a Finrod loyalist), and I think ANDRETH = death + North + Right?


Urwen 04-22-2020 05:00 AM

1. Discombobulated foe ran from him who started it all.
2. Tranquility inside of greeting? Return it for a founder's son
RIAN: Confused country leads to a hero's mother.
4. Alike, with double path for 1's creations.
5. Attenuated register (in reverse) for the King.
ANDRETH: Demise with two directions? It's all jumbled for a wise conversationalist.
7. Germanium? Predatory cat? A stockade was here.
EGLAREST: Electronic glower and a saint were at the harbor.

Galadriel55 04-22-2020 05:32 AM

4. Silmaril, from similar?

Urwen 04-22-2020 05:38 AM

1. Discombobulated foe ran from him who started it all.
2. Tranquility inside of greeting? Return it for a founder's son
RIAN: Confused country leads to a hero's mother.
SILMARILS: Alike, with double path for 1's creations.
5. Attenuated register (in reverse) for the King.
ANDRETH: Demise with two directions? It's all jumbled for a wise conversationalist.
7. Germanium? Predatory cat? A stockade was here.
EGLAREST: Electronic glower and a saint were at the harbor.

Huinesoron 04-22-2020 05:46 AM

Which presumably makes #1 foe ran = FEANOR?


Urwen 04-22-2020 05:53 AM

FEANOR: 1. Discombobulated foe ran from him who started it all.
2. Tranquility inside of greeting? Return it for a founder's son
RIAN: Confused country leads to a hero's mother.
SILMARILS: Alike, with double path for 1's creations.
5. Attenuated register (in reverse) for the King.
ANDRETH: Demise with two directions? It's all jumbled for a wise conversationalist.
7. Germanium? Predatory cat? A stockade was here.
EGLAREST: Electronic glower and a saint were at the harbor.

Pervinca Took 04-22-2020 06:15 AM

First Age?

Sorry, really wanted to help solve clues, but I was working.

So would 7 be GE + LION = GELION?

Urwen 04-22-2020 06:22 AM

FEANOR: 1. Discombobulated foe ran from him who started it all.
I: Tranquility inside of greeting? Return it for a founder's son
RIAN: Confused country leads to a hero's mother.
SILMARILS: Alike, with double path for 1's creations.
T: Attenuated register (in reverse) for the King.
ANDRETH: Demise with two directions? It's all jumbled for a wise conversationalist.
GELION: Germanium? Predatory cat? A stockade was here.
EGLAREST: Electronic glower and a saint were at the harbor.

Pervinca Took 04-22-2020 06:25 AM

THIN + reversed LOG = THINGOL?

Urwen 04-22-2020 06:27 AM

FEANOR: 1. Discombobulated foe ran from him who started it all.
I: Tranquility inside of greeting? Return it for a founder's son
RIAN: Confused country leads to a hero's mother.
SILMARILS: Alike, with double path for 1's creations.
THINGOL: Attenuated register (in reverse) for the King.
ANDRETH: Demise with two directions? It's all jumbled for a wise conversationalist.
GELION: Germanium? Predatory cat? A stockade was here.
EGLAREST: Electronic glower and a saint were at the harbor.

One to go.

Pervinca Took 04-22-2020 06:29 AM

CALM inside HI = IMLACH, the father of AMLACH.

Urwen 04-22-2020 06:32 AM

FEANOR: 1. Discombobulated foe ran from him who started it all.
IMLACH: Tranquility inside of greeting? Return it for a founder's son
RIAN: Confused country leads to a hero's mother.
SILMARILS: Alike, with double path for 1's creations.
THINGOL: Attenuated register (in reverse) for the King.
ANDRETH: Demise with two directions? It's all jumbled for a wise conversationalist.
GELION: Germanium? Predatory cat? A stockade was here.
EGLAREST: Electronic glower and a saint were at the harbor.

And over to you, I think.

Pervinca Took 04-22-2020 06:47 AM

Nice clues, Urwen. Here we go, then:

1. Belongs to a thing sounding like a seabird’s carpus.
2. Whatever the danger, one man desired this.
3. It sounds like a Scottish circle.
4. Note and depend in confusion, for a thing allowed to fall.
5. Aragorn calls for them, we hear, without direction.
6. A Numenorean’s centaur?
7. In the present, Macbeth, one might say, changes direction for it.
8. An Anglo-Saxon spear driven into lacework will produce these.

Urwen 04-22-2020 06:55 AM

So 1 sounds like Gull+Wrist. Can't make anything of it though....

Pervinca Took 04-22-2020 06:56 AM


Originally Posted by Kath (Post 722556)
I didn't achieve well on that last one but here goes!

3. A confused country I'm assuming is an anagram ... so could it be Iran --> Rian who is the mother of Tuor, the great hero of men?

You're doing great! Want to get a password of your own ready? They're really fun to write. Sometimes I get obsessed by the bug and write loads at once, so I have a store of passwords I can't wait to post!

(But then, I am quite odd, even for a Took!) :D

Pervinca Took 04-22-2020 07:00 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 722570)
So 1 sounds like Gull+Wrist. Can't make anything of it though....

Ah, you've started with the hardest clue. WRIST is correct, but you need a different seabird.

The hard bit is that it's then something that *belongs* to that answer, not the seabird itself.

Urwen 04-22-2020 07:12 AM


Pervinca Took 04-22-2020 07:38 AM

No. Because Ternwrist doesn't make anything meaninful, (AFAIAA).

Urwen 04-22-2020 07:46 AM

Angrist? (Rist sounds like wrist, and Gan from Gannet...)

Pervinca Took 04-22-2020 08:01 AM

Rist is right; gan is not. A whole bird, and no mixing.

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