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Urwen 08-31-2019 11:39 AM

AULE: He is a lord of two metals, mixed up.
IRMO: Briefly, a gentleman returns, within Jupiter's moon, for him.
NIENNA: A confused female goat reveals her.
ULMO: A light-conjuring spell loses direction, in a spin, for him
RADAGAST: Slightly confused male deer meets a returning Elvish father, for him.

And Morsul wins the right to make the next round.

Pervinca Took 08-31-2019 11:43 AM

TWO HUNDRED PAGES of my favourite thread! :)

Morsul the Dark 08-31-2019 05:27 PM

Another not first letter puzzle. This particular puzzle is all very obscure(especially for me).However I Think once one or two are discovered the rest will be easy.

1. Skateboarding prankster gets disoriented within a sound sensor.
2. There’s a big cat interviewing for a job. If they get the job it’ll be a big mix up
3. My friend, Mr. Eckhart, who played Harvey Dent, is sailing.
4. Herzog tells me this feathered appendage very much floats.
5. A truncated prison story being followed by Burgandy is in this Spiegel article

1. EamBar
2. HirlOnde
3. PalArron
4. VingiloT
5. AlcarondaS

Pervinca Took 08-31-2019 06:05 PM

A guess at Wingelot for 4. Wing for the feathered appendage. For Herzog I found a Werner Herzog, but couldn't make the connection.

Morsul the Dark 08-31-2019 06:11 PM

You’re only a couple letters off. Herzog is known for a particular trait.

Pervinca Took 08-31-2019 06:21 PM

Vingilot? With German-sounding W implied by Herzog?

Morsul the Dark 08-31-2019 06:24 PM


Pervinca Took 08-31-2019 06:29 PM

Wikipedia tells me Herzog makes films about people with impossible dreams or extraordinary talents. What aspect of him does the clue allude to?

Pervinca Took 08-31-2019 06:31 PM

Could the password be boats? (Although I don't know of any other named ones ... maybe Aldarion's, but I've forgotten it!)

If it IS boats, though, Tol Eressea could be one of the answers!

Morsul the Dark 08-31-2019 06:33 PM

It really just meant to put a German accent on Wing and get “ving” it’s a running gag that German accents are just caricatures of Herzog.

Pervinca Took 08-31-2019 06:45 PM

2. Hirilonde.

Lion + hired.

Morsul the Dark 08-31-2019 06:47 PM

Excellent work!

Pervinca Took 08-31-2019 06:51 PM

I think 5 is ALCARONDAS, because ALCA is ALCATRAZ truncated.

Spiegel is mirror in German, I think? Is it also a German newspaper?

Morsul the Dark 08-31-2019 06:54 PM

Alcatraz + Ron Burgandy + Das Spiegel(yes it’s a German newspaper worked with the journalist angle)

Pervinca Took 08-31-2019 07:08 PM

Don't know much about skateboarding pranksters, but I guess whatever it is must lie between the EA and R of EAMBAR.

Pervinca Took 08-31-2019 07:10 PM

And PALARRAN for 3, because of PAL for friend.

Morsul the Dark 08-31-2019 07:11 PM

Bam Margera

Morsul the Dark 08-31-2019 07:12 PM

Pal Aaron

5 for 5

Pervinca Took 08-31-2019 07:16 PM

Aaron is Mr Eckhart's first name?

(Looks it up).

Ah, indeed it is.

I have the next password planned, and will write the clues as soon as I can.

Pervinca Took 09-01-2019 04:14 AM

Here you go:
1. Games and a Surrey town lose direction for them.
2. One may mither a ewe’s consort, (slowly at first), to see them.
3. They sound like the transgressions of a Shakespearean thief.
4. They pass in the night.
5. For these warlike things, a generic British pub gains an article, but loses others.
6. A murder of them disperses and loses direction. But the end result is still pretty murderous!
7. Concerning charity, they stand clear.
8. A good war vest reveals them.
9. They type backwards, swallowing a very Welsh beginning.
10. They are parts for a cooker top.
11. For these flowers, a weaver loses an article and is conflicted between two ways.
12. Delve safely to find them. Go on!
13. Rian, you hear, was conflicted about them.
14. For them, see the dwarf of the sand mountain appear.
15. Mashed potato turns dental to plosive for these.
16. Tear around before embracing truth for them.
17. Ancient fortress returns for refreshment.
18. Here is a kingdom in disarray, with endless damnation.
19. Reset (twice) and see them.
20. Hospital rooms swallow endless zip for them.
21. Confused but giving person sings backwards for them.
22. Disadvantages declare, by charged atoms, their shining name.

Urwen 09-01-2019 04:53 AM

6. Orcs (Crows - W)

Pervinca Took 09-01-2019 04:56 AM

1. Games and a Surrey town lose direction for them.
2. One may mither a ewe’s consort, (slowly at first), to see them.
3. They sound like the transgressions of a Shakespearean thief.
4. They pass in the night.
5. For these warlike things, a generic British pub gains an article, but loses others.
ORCS: A murder of them disperses and loses direction. But the end result is still pretty murderous!
7. Concerning charity, they stand clear.
8. A good war vest reveals them.
9. They type backwards, swallowing a very Welsh beginning.
10. They are parts for a cooker top.
11. For these flowers, a weaver loses an article and is conflicted between two ways.
12. Delve safely to find them. Go on!
13. Rian, you hear, was conflicted about them.
14. For them, see the dwarf of the sand mountain appear.
15. Mashed potato turns dental to plosive for these.
16. Tear around before embracing truth for them.
17. Ancient fortress returns for refreshment.
18. Here is a kingdom in disarray, with endless damnation.
19. Reset (twice) and see them.
20. Hospital rooms swallow endless zip for them.
21. Confused but giving person sings backwards for them.
22. Disadvantages declare, by charged atoms, their shining name.


Urwen 09-01-2019 04:59 AM

13. Sindar?

Pervinca Took 09-01-2019 04:59 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 720137)
13. Sindar?


Urwen 09-01-2019 05:00 AM

4. Ships?

Pervinca Took 09-01-2019 05:01 AM

1. Games and a Surrey town lose direction for them.
2. One may mither a ewe’s consort, (slowly at first), to see them.
3. They sound like the transgressions of a Shakespearean thief.
SHIPS: They pass in the night.
5. For these warlike things, a generic British pub gains an article, but loses others.
ORCS: A murder of them disperses and loses direction. But the end result is still pretty murderous!
7. Concerning charity, they stand clear.
8. A good war vest reveals them.
9. They type backwards, swallowing a very Welsh beginning.
10. They are parts for a cooker top.
11. For these flowers, a weaver loses an article and is conflicted between two ways.
12. Delve safely to find them. Go on!
13. Rian, you hear, was conflicted about them.
14. For them, see the dwarf of the sand mountain appear.
15. Mashed potato turns dental to plosive for these.
16. Tear around before embracing truth for them.
17. Ancient fortress returns for refreshment.
18. Here is a kingdom in disarray, with endless damnation.
19. Reset (twice) and see them.
20. Hospital rooms swallow endless zip for them.
21. Confused but giving person sings backwards for them.
22. Disadvantages declare, by charged atoms, their shining name.

Urwen 09-01-2019 05:13 AM

I don't know how to proceed from here. Which clues should I try to solve first?

(Also, this password is big, really big)

Pervinca Took 09-01-2019 05:24 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 720141)
I don't know how to proceed from here. Which clues should I try to solve first?

(Also, this password is big, really big)

Yes, but you don't have to solve it all by yourself!

Try whichever clues take your fancy.

Not ALL will be obviously Tolkienian at first, but there is a good reason for this, which I will not disclose now because it would spoil the puzzle. But some are, and it will all make sense in the end.

Urwen 09-01-2019 05:30 AM

I considered 'Curse of Morgoth' for the password, but it's too short for the number of clues.

Pervinca Took 09-01-2019 05:33 AM

Good idea, given the letters guessed so far, but it's not a curse of any kind.

Huinesoron 09-01-2019 11:28 AM

20. WARDS + ZI(p) = WIZARDS?


Galadriel55 09-01-2019 11:30 AM

2. ARMS - ram +S

Morsul the Dark 09-01-2019 03:40 PM

Ok. So. 22 a charged atom is an ion. Ion is used as a Quenyan suffix a shining name could refer to the sun Anárion? I can’t get the first half though. I’m also worried it’s wrong because most of these clues imply multiples which would perhaps I indicate the last one should be an S to make is plural.

Edit: Silpion literally derives from Sil meaning shine

Morsul the Dark 09-01-2019 04:19 PM

Got it! It’s House of the Rising Sun it is a house in New Orleans and it’s been the ruin of many poor boys

Pervinca Took 09-01-2019 06:01 PM

1. Games and a Surrey town lose direction for them.
2. One may mither a ewe’s consort, (slowly at first), to see them.
3. They sound like the transgressions of a Shakespearean thief.
SHIPS: They pass in the night.
5. For these warlike things, a generic British pub gains an article, but loses others.
ORCS: A murder of them disperses and loses direction. But the end result is still pretty murderous!
7. Concerning charity, they stand clear.
8. A good war vest reveals them.
9. They type backwards, swallowing a very Welsh beginning.
10. They are parts for a cooker top.
11. For these flowers, a weaver loses an article and is conflicted between two ways.
12. Delve safely to find them. Go on!
13. Rian, you hear, was conflicted about them.
14. For them, see the dwarf of the sand mountain appear.
15. Mashed potato turns dental to plosive for these.
16. Tear around before embracing truth for them.
17. Ancient fortress returns for refreshment.
18. Here is a kingdom in disarray, with endless damnation.
19. Reset (twice) and see them.
WIZARDS: Hospital rooms swallow endless zip for them.
21. Confused but giving person sings backwards for them.
22. Disadvantages declare, by charged atoms, their shining name.

No further correct answers as yet.

Try 8, 10, 12, 13 and 14 next. I'd say they're the easiest ones.

Urwen 09-01-2019 10:49 PM

10. Hobbits (Hob+bits)

Urwen 09-01-2019 10:51 PM

13. Ainur (Rian+Or)

Pervinca Took 09-02-2019 12:47 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 720153)
13. Ainur (Rian+Or)

Rian + U ('you' is heard - 'conflicted' is the anagram indicator).

Both correct answers. :)

Pervinca Took 09-02-2019 12:51 AM

1. Games and a Surrey town lose direction for them.
2. One may mither a ewe’s consort, (slowly at first), to see them.
3. They sound like the transgressions of a Shakespearean thief.
SHIPS: They pass in the night.
5. For these warlike things, a generic British pub gains an article, but loses others.
ORCS: A murder of them disperses and loses direction. But the end result is still pretty murderous!
7. Concerning charity, they stand clear.
8. A good war vest reveals them.
9. They type backwards, swallowing a very Welsh beginning.
HOBBITS: They are parts for a cooker top.
11. For these flowers, a weaver loses an article and is conflicted between two ways.
12. Delve safely to find them. Go on!
AINUR: Rian, you hear, was conflicted about them.
14. For them, see the dwarf of the sand mountain appear.
15. Mashed potato turns dental to plosive for these.
16. Tear around before embracing truth for them.
17. Ancient fortress returns for refreshment.
18. Here is a kingdom in disarray, with endless damnation.
19. Reset (twice) and see them.
WIZARDS: Hospital rooms swallow endless zip for them.
21. Confused but giving person sings backwards for them.
22. Disadvantages declare, by charged atoms, their shining name.

HINT TO ALL: This password is celebrating something. ;)

Try clues 8, 12 and 14.

Pervinca Took 09-02-2019 12:59 AM


Originally Posted by Morsul the Dark (Post 720149)
Ok. So. 22 a charged atom is an ion. Ion is used as a Quenyan suffix a shining name could refer to the sun Anárion? I can’t get the first half though. I’m also worried it’s wrong because most of these clues imply multiples which would perhaps I indicate the last one should be an S to make is plural.

Edit: Silpion literally derives from Sil meaning shine

ION is correct for that element of the clue. The answer to this one is something we get in Tolkien's works/world, but in our world as well. This is true of several of the answers.

For 2 and 3, think of some of the crafts and wiles we use when creating the clues. :D For 2, G55 was right in using RAM for the ewe's consort.

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