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Pervinca Took 06-07-2019 03:36 PM

But I have no idea why a green lantern is a ring slinger!

Urwen 06-07-2019 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 717819)
Aldor from alder, then? :D

(Just kidding).


Urwen 06-07-2019 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 717820)
But I have no idea why a green lantern is a ring slinger!

Pervinca Took 06-07-2019 03:46 PM

For the new page:


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 717804)
Anyway, this puzzle is titled 'Urwen's Revenge'.

1. She is endlessly full in reverse, with German one spinning.
2. The largest Australian lizard goes in circles and gains direction.
3. Turn a class of vertebrates around. Shorten England.
4. A compound and an element spin together, chemically speaking
5. Deceive, according to number. It's all jumbled up.
6. A scheme changes vowels and a wheel cover gains one, in a muddle
7. A hormone and a lake without eye. It's all broken.
8. Elite skill in a daze.
9. A Tree changes a vowel.

5. MIRIEL? LIE + RE + M? Er ... too many I's. Whoops!

Urwen 06-07-2019 04:02 PM


Urwen 06-07-2019 04:03 PM

I think Huinesoron would get this immediately, but he isn't around....

Urwen 06-07-2019 04:25 PM

Hint: Start from 9, the easiest one to guess; there is a reason 'tree' is capitalized. After that.....well, my little trick would be revealed. ;)

Huinesoron 06-07-2019 04:44 PM

1. So she's REPLET(e) + EIN?

Hello, TELPERIEN. Are you also the password or is that too easy?


Urwen 06-07-2019 04:50 PM

Alas, my little trick is uncovered.

Telperien: She is endlessly full in reverse, with German one spinning.
??E??: The largest Australian lizard goes in circles and gains direction.
??L??: Turn a class of vertebrates around. Shorten England.
??P??: A compound and an element spin together, chemically speaking
??E??: Deceive, according to number. It's all jumbled up.
??R??: A scheme changes vowels and a wheel cover gains one, in a muddle
??I??: A hormone and a lake without eye. It's all broken.
??E??: Elite skill in a daze.
??N??: A Tree changes a vowel.

I knew you would get it almost immediately. This has been Urwen's revenge.

Pervinca Took 06-08-2019 01:04 AM

I did actually consider replete. ;) But I was too tired to start thinking of anagrams.

Well, the Australian lizard is Perentie, and I guess the direction is L.

Are you saying that what Maeglin is to you, Telperien is to Huinesoron?

Urwen 06-08-2019 01:05 AM

Should I just give it over, considering that all the answers are the same?

Edit: Because he likes Telperien just as I like Lomion, and it was hard coming up with different clues.

Pervinca Took 06-08-2019 01:11 AM

No, let's work out how the clues work first.

How is PREN skill in the elite one? Or is the skill PR, and EN some medical term for a daze that I've never heard of?

Urwen 06-08-2019 01:17 AM

Pren is skill, according to this:

If you remove pren from the name, what letters are you left with?

Pervinca Took 06-08-2019 01:20 AM

REPTILE for the class of vertebrates, plus EN for shortened English.

Pervinca Took 06-08-2019 01:24 AM

LIE + RE + TEN still leaves the P of Telperien. ;)

EDIT: Oh, sorry. 'According to' must be PER, not RE.

Pervinca Took 06-08-2019 01:32 AM

I think TIRE is the North American spelling of a wheel cover?

PLAN - change A to E.


Oh, 'one' refers to a vowel.


Pervinca Took 06-08-2019 01:40 AM

LEPTIN (found in adipose tissue) and ER(I)E for the hormone and the lake.

Urwen 06-08-2019 04:24 AM

Something tells me you don't enjoy this one as much.

Urwen 06-08-2019 04:28 AM

TELPERIEN: She is endlessly full in reverse, with German one spinning.
??E??: The largest Australian lizard goes in circles and gains direction.
TELPERIEN: Turn a class of vertebrates around. Shorten England.
??P??: A compound and an element spin together, chemically speaking
TELPERIEN: Deceive, according to number. It's all jumbled up.
TELPERIEN: A scheme changes vowels and a wheel cover gains one, in a muddle
TELPERIEN: A hormone and a lake without eye. It's all broken.
??E??: Elite skill in a daze.
??N??: A Tree changes a vowel.

Huinesoron 06-08-2019 04:35 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 717820)
But I have no idea why a green lantern is a ring slinger!

It's like gun-slinger; GL is a space sherriff (or should that be Shirriff?).


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 717843)
Edit: Because he likes Telperien just as I like Lomion, and it was hard coming up with different clues.

This is actually not true in the least. ^_^ But it amuses me that you think it is.

Right, it looks like Pervinca has got 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7. So there's three left:

8. Elite skill in a daze.

If PREN is the skill, then TELEI gives 'elite'... and is, in fact, just an anagram of ELITE. (Which means I guess Pervinca got this one too.)

9. A Tree changes a vowel.

You said it was the easiest... TELPERION switches to an E.

4. A compound and an element spin together, chemically speaking

Ah, now you're speaking my language! Except I... can't... find a chemical compound in there. :-/ Hrm.


Urwen 06-08-2019 04:40 AM

Then your statement that she is your current obsession was a lie? :eek:

Huinesoron 06-08-2019 05:00 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 717854)
Then your statement that she is your current obsession was a lie? :eek:

Did I say that? :eek:


Urwen 06-08-2019 05:22 AM


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 715309)
Thanks! Let's move on from your favourite character to one of my bizarre obsessions: the Witch-Queen of Numenor theory (using the term 'theory' loosely).

Tar-Telperien -> The Witch-King of Angmar


Huinesoron 06-08-2019 06:15 AM

Well, yeah, the theory, because the idea amuses me immensely (and holds up pretty well I think). But the theory is not the character - and I have lots of bizarre obsessions.


Urwen 06-08-2019 06:25 AM


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 717864)
Well, yeah, the theory, because the idea amuses me immensely (and holds up pretty well I think). But the theory is not the character - and I have lots of bizarre obsessions.


My bad then. I misunderstood. And I only have one.

Pervinca Took 06-08-2019 08:42 AM

Is it a chemical compound? The clue suggests it, but is only the element a chemical one?

To COMPOUND something is also to make it worse and its annoyances more complex and stronger.

You can live in a compound ... a building or set of buildings where more than one family live.

TELPERIEN almost has the WORD element in it ... but no M.

Urwen 06-08-2019 09:14 AM

TELPERIEN: She is endlessly full in reverse, with German one spinning.
??E??: The largest Australian lizard goes in circles and gains direction.
TELPERIEN: Turn a class of vertebrates around. Shorten England.
??P??: A compound and an element spin together, chemically speaking
TELPERIEN: Deceive, according to number. It's all jumbled up.
TELPERIEN: A scheme changes vowels and a wheel cover gains one, in a muddle
TELPERIEN: A hormone and a lake without eye. It's all broken.
TELPERIEN: Elite skill in a daze.
TELPERIEN: A Tree changes a vowel.

Only two more left. Find them.

Nerwen 06-08-2019 10:20 AM

What an odd password!

#2 is PERENTIE + L for the direction.

Urwen 06-08-2019 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 717881)
What an odd password!

#2 is PERENTIE + L for the direction.

The one before it was similar.:smokin:

TELPERIEN: She is endlessly full in reverse, with German one spinning.
TELPERIEN: The largest Australian lizard goes in circles and gains direction.
TELPERIEN: Turn a class of vertebrates around. Shorten England.
??P??: A compound and an element spin together, chemically speaking
TELPERIEN: Deceive, according to number. It's all jumbled up.
TELPERIEN: A scheme changes vowels and a wheel cover gains one, in a muddle
TELPERIEN: A hormone and a lake without eye. It's all broken.
TELPERIEN: Elite skill in a daze.
TELPERIEN: A Tree changes a vowel.

One more left.

Pervinca Took 06-08-2019 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 717881)
What an odd password!

#2 is PERENTIE + L for the direction.

I had already found this one, Urwen!

Pervinca Took 06-08-2019 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 717842)
I did actually consider replete. ;) But I was too tired to start thinking of anagrams.

Well, the Australian lizard is Perentie, and I guess the direction is L.

Are you saying that what Maeglin is to you, Telperien is to Huinesoron?

But never mind.

Urwen 06-08-2019 10:57 AM

Sorry, I didn't see it.

Pervinca Took 06-08-2019 11:16 AM

The compound could be NITRE or PETRE (another word for saltpetre). What letters does that leave?




The thing is, I think the compound (if chemical compound it be) must be one with a layman's name, like the two above, because the full chemical name would be too long.

Urwen 06-08-2019 11:18 AM

The element is LI. That's all I am giving you.

Pervinca Took 06-08-2019 11:19 AM

Well, I thought it probably was.

Pervinca Took 06-08-2019 11:20 AM


Urwen 06-08-2019 11:28 AM

TELPERIEN: She is endlessly full in reverse, with German one spinning.
TELPERIEN: The largest Australian lizard goes in circles and gains direction.
TELPERIEN: Turn a class of vertebrates around. Shorten England.
TELPERIEN: A compound and an element spin together, chemically speaking
TELPERIEN: Deceive, according to number. It's all jumbled up.
TELPERIEN: A scheme changes vowels and a wheel cover gains one, in a muddle
TELPERIEN: A hormone and a lake without eye. It's all broken.
TELPERIEN: Elite skill in a daze.
TELPERIEN: A Tree changes a vowel.

And it's yours. Did you enjoy it at least? Or was it a failure on that account too?

Pervinca Took 06-08-2019 11:30 AM

It isn't mine. It's Huinesoron's!

I enjoyed it, though.

Huinesoron 06-08-2019 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 717892)

Uggggh, terpenes. They're the worst.

(Actually I don't think I've ever worked with terpenes. Technically I've probably ruined some clothes with them, though!)


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 717893)
And it's yours. Did you enjoy it at least? Or was it a failure on that account too?

It wasn't a failure on any account; I have to agree that I pay a lot more attention to the Queens of Numenor than their place in history warrants. And it was fun to play the 'I know the answer, now how do we get there?' game from both sides.


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 717894)
It isn't mine. It's Huinesoron's!

Oh yeah that's technically true. ^_^ Ummm, give me a little while. It's not so easy when you have to come up with multiple answers...


Urwen 06-08-2019 11:47 AM

I have to say that I love, love, love, your last puzzle, and I am eager to see what you'd come up with next. :D

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