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You said I'd like this one, but I don't see how and why.
Wait, is the password 'bards'?
5. Elrond (END+OR+L)
No. Not pairs of anything.
One of the above fruits is right (although there are lots of other sweet ones. ;)) |
Is it? |
Then the fruit is either 'fig' or 'date'.
1. Prosper endlessly? No! Mix it up. See him.
MAGLOR: He may seem a glorious prince, but take a look inside. 3. Sweet fruit. French? No. He's a little confused. FINROD: Find him in the place Morfin rode out to. ELROND: It's finished - there's no two ways about it. Or are there? He's troubled, but there he is. ELROND is DONE + L+ R, though. I didn't. I said 'I HOPE you like it.' Not the same thing at all. EDIT: Not bards, but not far off. |
People who made an oath?
I assume 'prosper endlessly' means that we're looking at synonym of prosper which lacks the final letter(s)?
Also, what does the word 'no' in clues 1 and 3 mean? Does it mean 'no' or something else entirely?
'No' means pretty much what you would expect it to.
Not oathmakers. On the right track with 'prosper endlessly.' |
Synonyms for prosper: gain, rise, score, yield, bloom, flower......
Password: NANDE (Elvish for harp)
3. Fingon (FIG+NON)
1. Thorin (THRIVE-VE+NO)
This puzzle was solved by Urwen and Parf Edhellen.
THORIN: Prosper endlessly? No! Mix it up. See him.
MAGLOR: He may seem a glorious prince, but take a look inside. FINGON: Sweet fruit. French? No. He's a little confused. FINROD: Find him in the place Morfin rode out to. ELROND: It's finished - there's no two ways about it. Or are there? He's troubled, but there he is. THEME: HARPISTS PASSWORD: NANDE (GNOMISH FOR 'HARP'). Your go. |
I am running out of options. I have an idea, but it forces me to re-use certain characters I've overused before.
Here you go......
Hope you don't think I am *too* obsessed, or that my puzzle is subpar after this one.
1. Behold a note in a spin to find him 2. That which is hard to understand is troubled, even with a direction? Sums him up nicely. 3. A smithy with a spin? Add direction and see him! 4. A cow product changes vowels, alternatively. He's there. 5. A specialized language meets a violent throw (without direction). In turmoil is he revealed. |
4 is Milk > Melk + or = MELKOR.
So there goes my theory that all the answers were just 'Maeglin'. :D hS |
1. Behold a note in a spin to find him
2. That which is hard to understand is troubled, even with a direction? Sums him up nicely. 3. A smithy with a spin? Add direction and see him! MELKOR: A cow product changes vowels, alternatively. He's there. 5. A specialized language meets a violent throw (without direction). In turmoil is he revealed. |
Pwahaha. Now there is a neat idea, but not this time. That's not to say that none of the answers are, or that the password/theme wasn't inspired by 'im. Let's see...... Maeglin, Lomion, Eolion, Orc-spawn, the Betrayer, Dead Elf walking, Wrench-Owned Sounds like a good password, if you ask me....... |
1. Eol.
Lo + e. |
2. Enigma + L = Maeglin.
EOL: Behold a note in a spin to find him
MAEGLIN: That which is hard to understand is troubled, even with a direction? Sums him up nicely. 3. A smithy with a spin? Add direction and see him! MELKOR: A cow product changes vowels, alternatively. He's there. 5. A specialized language meets a violent throw (without direction). In turmoil is he revealed. The password follows the same rule as the last two passwords used by you. |
I only found ONANA when I was looking up Middle-earth twins for my pairs-of-twins password. Odd that there are no hobbit twins in the family trees.
I thought of harpists when racking my brains for a new theme, though, and looked up the Elvish for harp/harper to find a possible password. P.S. I liked your *Fimbrethil* clue. Although the pedant in me says they were protecting the trees from *becoming* timber. :D |
I did something similar. |
3. Forweg?
Forge + W. |
EOL: Behold a note in a spin to find him
MAEGLIN: That which is hard to understand is troubled, even with a direction? Sums him up nicely. FORWEG: A smithy with a spin? Add direction and see him! MELKOR: A cow product changes vowels, alternatively. He's there. 5. A specialized language meets an endlessly violent throw (without direction). In turmoil is he revealed. |
Is the password EMFEG?
(Meaning: infamous; of evil name). That leaves ... hmmm ... Gorthaur, Gothmog, Morgoth, Ungoliant .... |
I have been suspecting a shortened version of HURL for the violent throw, which suggests GORTHAUR. But maybe the language is Goth(ic).
There's Bauglir as well ... that has the end of 'hurl.' So does Glaurung. |
Right on
It is Gorthaur, except it's ARGOT+HUR. Argot is a synonym for slang/lingo.
EOL: Behold a note in a spin to find him MAEGLIN: That which is hard to understand is troubled, even with a direction? Sums him up nicely. FORWEG: A smithy with a spin? Add direction and see him! MELKOR: A cow product changes vowels, alternatively. He's there. GORTHAUR: A specialized language meets an endlessly violent throw (without direction). In turmoil is he revealed. Over to you. |
Argot, of course ... the nearest I could think of semantically was jargon, and we know JRR wasn't free with his J's.
OK ... I have an idea, but I need to finish writing the clues. ... Done: 1. Spoil, but beam endlessly within for him. 2. Two geezers join to make a third! (More nicknames than epesses). 3. Disperse racket because ... oh, just see him! 4. Film genre disquiets him a little. 5. He sounds like a mutilated fish. 6. He's a famous gun, give and take a vowel, but lacks sibilance. 7. Endless pastry adds pronoun for him. 8. Turn, turn, and swallow metal for him. |
8. Turlin, an old name for Tuor (LI inside TURN)
As for the gun, I think it's Kalashnikov.
And 3 must be Tuor. Synonym for disperse is ROUT, and synonym for racket is turmoil, which is an anagram indicator. Anagram of ROUT is Tuor.
No correct answers yet. Also, wrong gun.
And does racket mean noise, a sports racket, or is it an anagram indicator?
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