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Urwen 03-30-2019 11:14 AM

Minas Anor?

Huinesoron 03-30-2019 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 714336)
Minas Anor?

Nope. You're way too late in the timeline.


Pervinca Took 03-30-2019 01:09 PM

Min-Rimmon, one of the oldest beacons?

Huinesoron 03-30-2019 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 714338)
Min-Rimmon, one of the oldest beacons?

Much older than that. Ages older.


Urwen 03-30-2019 03:46 PM

Marach, son of Malach, son of Marhach?

Huinesoron 03-30-2019 04:31 PM


Reposting onto the new page, and also giving the theme, since people basically got it:

1. LAURELIN - If among the boughs of victory I stood, still I would die with my brother.
2. ARKENSTONE - A ship of rock am I, buried far north of the ship of foam.
3. M - The eldest of the younger kings raised me up, and named me for myself and my people.
4. PHIAL - When they go out, I remain: I am more caustic than vile.
5. SILMARIL - Freed from bonds of iron, I say: Hell, the same twist?

Theme: Light sources


Urwen 03-30-2019 05:01 PM


Huinesoron 03-31-2019 01:19 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 714344)

All right, not quite that old.

But I think older than any other guess made, specifically including the Moon.


Pervinca Took 03-31-2019 01:27 AM

Ormal, using the 3rd letter?

Huinesoron 03-31-2019 02:22 AM

The Lamps are collectively the password, so no.

It uses the first letter, and is younger than the Lamps.


Pervinca Took 03-31-2019 05:56 AM

There are a few alternative names for Laurelin, and two of them begin with M. But am I right in assuming we need to look for another source of light, not another name for one we already have?

I know ... MEWLIPS' CANDLE! That's a light source! :D

'With single sickly candle lit
And there they count their gold.

Oh damn ... too late. The hobbit songs are Third and early Fourth Age. :D

Huinesoron 03-31-2019 06:31 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 714354)
There are a few alternative names for Laurelin, and two of them begin with M. But am I right in assuming we need to look for another source of light, not another name for one we already have?

Yes - a completely different source of light, though I believe you could see Laurelin from it.


I know ... MEWLIPS' CANDLE! That's a light source! :D

'With single sickly candle lit
And there they count their gold.

Oh damn ... too late. The hobbit songs are Third and early Fourth Age. :D
Ah, so you don't know the story of how Nessa and Vana, inspired by Aule's dwarves, sang a bunch of silly songs to create their own short, playful race...? ;)


Urwen 03-31-2019 06:42 AM

Wait, Nessa and Vana created Hobbits?

Nerwen 03-31-2019 06:46 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 714356)
Wait, Nessa and Vana created Hobbits?

I thought everyone knew that.

It's in the "History of Middle-earth"- forgot which volume.

Huinesoron 03-31-2019 06:46 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 714356)
Wait, Nessa and Vana created Hobbits?

You'll find the whole thing in The History of Middle-earth XIV: The Weirdest Bits. It's just after the rewritten Moria scene where the Balrog is said to have 'wings fourfold, like the greatest dragonfly ever seen', and right before the 'Description of the Isle of Tolfalas', with the list of all 27 unicorn princesses who ruled there. :D


Urwen 03-31-2019 06:53 AM

Oh, I am gonna have so much fun with that one.

Pervinca Took 03-31-2019 06:56 AM

I like the idea of a Dragonfly Balrog. Especially a clumsy one who couldn't control his wings.

Thinking about it, we're more or less told how all the speaking peoples *except* hobbits came into being. (Although I don't recall reading how the race of men began, either).


Urwen 03-31-2019 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 714360)
I like the idea of a Dragonfly Balrog. Especially a clumsy one who couldn't control his wings.

Thinking about it, we're more or less told how all the speaking peoples *except* hobbits came into being. (Although I don't recall reading how the race of men began, either).


Men and Elves were both sung into existence by Iluvatar, I believe.

Huinesoron 03-31-2019 07:54 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 714360)
I like the idea of a Dragonfly Balrog. Especially a clumsy one who couldn't control his wings.

Well, Tolkien never said its shadow only had TWO wings... ;)


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 714360)
Thinking about it, we're more or less told how all the speaking peoples *except* hobbits came into being. (Although I don't recall reading how the race of men began, either).


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 714361)
Men and Elves were both sung into existence by Iluvatar, I believe.

Yah that. Gilfanon's Tale in BoLT would have gone into detail on the awakening of Men, but Tolkien never finished it.

Hobbits are said, I think, to be derived Men, like Petty-dwarves are from dwarves. Though I can't help entertaining the notion that they're actually cross-breed with dwarves, or perhaps with the Druedain/Woses. (Whether we have to take the rumours of Fallohide elvish ancestry as canon is an exciting question!)


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 714360)

Oh, yeah, password. :D No, not Morwinyon; younger than that. The answer was made by elves, and the clue, with the king and name stuff, still applies.


Pervinca Took 03-31-2019 01:24 PM

Mindon Eldalieva, raised by Ingwe for the Eldar?

Huinesoron 03-31-2019 01:38 PM

1. LAURELIN - If among the boughs of victory I stood, still I would die with my brother.
2. ARKENSTONE - A ship of rock am I, buried far north of the ship of foam.
3. MINDON ELDALIEVA - The eldest of the younger kings raised me up, and named me for myself and my people.
4. PHIAL - When they go out, I remain: I am more caustic than vile.
5. SILMARIL - Freed from bonds of iron, I say: Hell, the same twist?

Theme: Light sources

And there it is! I didn't realise the Mindon was so obscure... sorry! Ingwe is the first of the Elvenkings, who are younger in comparison to Manwe the Elder King. And the name means 'tower of the elves' - hence, 'for myself and my people'.

It had a lamp/beacon on top of it, though what the purpose was when the Trees were alive I'm not sure.

Over to you, Pervinca!


Pervinca Took 03-31-2019 02:00 PM

'Lamps' really is a beautiful theme. A lovely idea for a password.

'It had a lamp/beacon on top of it, though what the purpose was when the Trees were alive I'm not sure.'

And what would power it? Would it just reflect the light of Laurelin and Telperion, I wonder? You said they could probably see Laurelin by it, but why would they need to, since Laurelin provided its own light?


1, Ioreth, two liquids and I make a queenly combination.
2. ‘Heard you, little bird!’ (She appears, with minimal disturbance).
3. Emaciated Stoor begins to resemble a highborn elf.
4. He’s initially a wee lad, without direction.
5. Edge around and greet him, with another little spin.
6. Loner? In a roundabout way, but not by choice. (A daddy, though, initially).
7. New bra loses plosive, but she appears with it back to front!

Urwen 03-31-2019 02:22 PM

1. Lothiriel?
7. Arwen?

Pervinca Took 03-31-2019 02:41 PM

LOTHIRIEL: Ioreth, two liquids and I make a queenly combination.
2. ‘Heard you, little bird!’ (She appears, with minimal disturbance).
3. Emaciated Stoor begins to resemble a highborn elf.
4. He’s initially a wee lad, without direction.
5. Edge around and greet him, with another little spin.
6. Loner? In a roundabout way, but not by choice. (A daddy, though, initially).
NEWRA: New bra loses plosive, but she appears with it back to front!

Urwen 04-01-2019 05:16 AM

I have gathered potential passwords, but I need some more letters to narrow it down more.....but I am drawing a blank on the rest.....

Urwen 04-01-2019 05:17 AM

4. Elwe?

Pervinca Took 04-01-2019 05:22 AM

I usually play around with my password ideas and see if any of the initials seem likely for the remaining answers.

Pervinca Took 04-01-2019 05:23 AM

Not Elwe.

Urwen 04-01-2019 05:25 AM

Judging by the answers so far, Luthien for password?

Pervinca Took 04-01-2019 05:38 AM


Urwen 04-01-2019 05:42 AM

2 is myself (U+Wren)

Huinesoron 04-01-2019 05:46 AM

And then is #3 the emaciated Stoor THIN GOL(lum)?


Pervinca Took 04-01-2019 06:47 AM

LOTHIRIEL: Ioreth, two liquids and I make a queenly combination.
URWEN: ‘Heard you, little bird!’ (She appears, with minimal disturbance).
THINGOL: Emaciated Stoor begins to resemble a highborn elf.
H: He’s initially a wee lad, without direction.
I: Edge around and greet him, with another little spin.
E: Loner? In a roundabout way, but not by choice. (A daddy, though, initially).
NEWRA: New bra loses plosive, but she appears with it back to front!

Correct ... well done, Urwen and hS.

Urwen 04-01-2019 07:17 AM

5. Imrahil?

Pervinca Took 04-01-2019 07:35 AM

Yes, but please say why.

Urwen 04-01-2019 07:36 AM

Rim + hi + a + l

Pervinca Took 04-01-2019 08:17 AM

LOTHIRIEL: Ioreth, two liquids and I make a queenly combination.
URWEN: ‘Heard you, little bird!’ (She appears, with minimal disturbance).
THINGOL: Emaciated Stoor begins to resemble a highborn elf.
H: He’s initially a wee lad, without direction.
IMRAHIL: Edge around and greet him, with another little spin.
E: Loner? In a roundabout way, but not by choice. (A daddy, though, initially).
NEWRA: New bra loses plosive, but she appears with it back to front!

Close! It's RIM + HAIL.

Urwen 04-01-2019 08:37 AM

Well, the next turn is mine, so I leave the last two to you fine folks.

Huinesoron 04-02-2019 02:25 AM

H: I'm looking over various people beginning with 'Hal'; there's half a dozen with the letters for 'lad', but once you remove the starting H (for 'he's initially'), none of them provide any useful leftover letters. If you'd mentioned Welsh bread or Arabia, I'd love HALBARAD, but... you didn't. ;)

E: I'm gonna throw out the usual guess for EOMER. His name starts with his father's first few letters, and by being kicked out of Meduseld by Grima, he became an involuntary loner, travelling around about the countryside.


Pervinca Took 04-02-2019 02:56 AM

Both wrong, I'm afraid.

There's a word in the H clue requiring a synonym you may not have considered. :D

(And there's a reason for that emoticon). ;)

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