![]() |
Still not there.
All right, now I'm truly stumped.
Just for the record, what exactly is a "straight clue" again? I seem to have forgotten. *blush* |
A new avatar??? For Finwe???
A straight clue is the one that is not cryptic( [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img] ), hence what I'm looking for is the name of departing ones... |
3) Elrond? Elves? <font size=1 color=339966>[ 8:32 AM January 12, 2004: Message edited by: Celebrian ] |
I'm going to be asinine, and blatantly plagiarize Celebrian's answer. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]
3) Eldar? P.S. Yes, Nilpo, I changed my avatar. It is a picture of King Louis XIV of France, who was called Le Roi Soleil "The Sun King," which fits perfectly with my name, because Finwe's banner was a sixteen-pointed Sun, making him also "The Sun King." |
You're getting quite close...about a few hundred meters to the right...
*whacks self in the head* She's not a tank gunner! But it's close. You find a group of Eldar that has "half a ringbearer" in its name... P.S. King Louis...hey! That's me! I'm Louis. P.P.S. No, not the King Louis, but still a king whose name is Louis. P.P.P.S. Not Nilpo. Nil would be fine(but that's Niluial's) or Elenrod. Please, someone use Elenrod! [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img] [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img] |
Nope...it's not in Elvish...you'll find it in UT index...
*shakes head*
3) Grey Elves?
(Sorry for the seeming outburst, but...)
Departing ones! It's another name for the Noldor!!! |
3) Noldor I knew I would be able to drive you to an outburst eventually! Haha! I have succeeded! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] |
Hehe. Not Elvish, I said.
Loremasters? |
Finwe, Finwe, Finwe...your guesses are without rhyme or reason. Here's what I suggest you do: Read back, then collect all the hints. Hopefully, that will point you to the correct answer.
Good luck! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] <font size=1 color=339966>[ 10:05 PM January 18, 2004: Message edited by: Nilpaurion Felagund ] |
Anyone? The Ringbearer I refer to bore the One Ring. But he was never mentioned by that name. That should be clue enough.
Please? Answer? |
The only "bearer" of the One Ring, whose name has an even number of letters, is Sauron. Am I right with that, at least?
Question Finwe, doesn't Gollum have an even number of letters? But then, i'm not sure if he was called a "bearer" of the One. I'll have to check up on that
Quick! Someone's real close!!! Use all the clues! USE ALL THE CLUES!!!
3) Deagol?
Ummm...Déagol isn't another name for the Noldor...
Keep trying! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] |
4) Eldarin. Another name for Quenya, and aran is the Sindarin root for father.
I love the reasoning, but Eldarin is not an assembly, as I said above.
Keep 'em coming! EDIT: We have a winner!!!!! Golug it is, Firefoot! <font size=1 color=339966>[ 10:18 PM January 19, 2004: Message edited by: Nilpaurion Felagund ] |
Artificially generating update...
1) Ranga-Unit of measure in Númenórë or Angamandi. 2) Eärendil-The universe tore sick mariner. 3) Golug-Half a ringbearer leads departing ones. 4) Assembly that is Quenya and father. 5) Hollin-Chamber not outside, former Elven land. 6) Aulendil-Maiarin son of Vardamir. 7) Targon-Food-man of the Third Company. |
4) Eärendil?
<font size=1 color=339966>[ 12:16 AM January 20, 2004: Message edited by: Celebrian ] |
Could you please explain the meaning of "assembly" again, since I can't seem to find the above post? Thanks.
Reposting for this page...
OK, I'll stop now... |
Mereth Aderthad?
That's a negative, Star who cannot die.
4) Boromir? Council of Elrond?
Never! It requires translation!
Ok... so it's a council, and it's in Quenya, right?
Wait... nooooo.... could it be, Heren Istarion?? <font size=1 color=339966>[ 11:28 PM January 21, 2004: Message edited by: Finwe ] |
Wow. Nearer and nearer. They're in the same league as your answer, but it's like the professionals compared to the amateurs.
So, then...anyone? |
The White Council?
Máhanaxar, where the Council of the Valar met? It's Quenya, but I can't see any "father" connection. [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img]
Don't frown, Sauce. Even if your answer is wrong.
Still, I'll "reword" the question for all: Assembly that is Quenya "and father." That should clear things up... <font size=1 color=339966>[ 4:12 AM January 24, 2004: Message edited by: Nilpaurion Felagund ] |
I've been so infernally stupid! It's Aratar! |
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