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Huinesoron 06-04-2018 08:17 AM

The first to commit this blasphemy, certainly.

(In some contexts 'first' might also mean 'preeminent'.)


Pervinca Took 06-04-2018 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 711660)
1.R OMENDACIL - Element of stone: 8 + 19 = 649 (with extra A)
2.E ARENDUR - Element of discord: Cob + final + not my = last of 10.
3.G IRION - Element of green: Not B = cog + +/-
4.N AIN - Element of fire: Salt (not green) + spot (not out) = 1, and also 1
5.A - Element of water: First title + first name = first blasphemy.
6.L ENWE - Element of wood: Borrow I... - 500 = father of the namesake of the last before the king

Maybe number 5 is (Tar-) Atanamir. The first to speak against the Ban of the Valar, and also the first (and I think it said all others followed him in this ... in Numenor, that is) to refuse to hand over the kingship while still strong in mind and body.

Regarding titles, he was also known (or came to be known) as 'the Great' and 'the Unwilling.'

Huinesoron 06-04-2018 09:05 AM

Ooh, you're getting... further away, actually. ^_^ I always get the Numenorean kings muddled up.

The first name is not about the name itself, but something about it (if that makes sense). And the blasphemy is bigger than the one you suggest.


Pervinca Took 06-04-2018 09:48 AM


Huinesoron 06-04-2018 09:50 AM

Okay, not quite that blasphemous. :eek: Actually, not even as blasphemous as Pharazon, though definitely heading towards the same path.


Pervinca Took 06-04-2018 10:04 AM

Looking at a few other possibilities, then ...

... apparently Ar-Adunakhor's name is blasphemous, because it means 'Lord of the West.'

I think he may have been the first to take an Adunaic name, too, but I've never learnt a smartphone equivalent of CONTROL-TAB.

Huinesoron 06-04-2018 12:42 PM

1.R OMENDACIL - Element of stone: 8 + 19 = 649 (with extra A)
2.E ARENDUR - Element of discord: Cob + final + not my = last of 10.
3.G IRION - Element of green: Not B = cog + +/-
4.N AIN - Element of fire: Salt (not green) + spot (not out) = 1, and also 1
5.A R-ADUNAKHOR - Element of water: First title + first name = first blasphemy.
6.L ENWE - Element of wood: Borrow I... - 500 = father of the namesake of the last before the king

[Theme: Kings and Rulers]

And of course 'Lord of the West' was specifically blasphemy because it was a title given to Manwe, and therefore preemiment/foremost/first.

Good job!


Pervinca Took 06-04-2018 01:51 PM

Good puzzle!

Here's the next one:

1. She’s only German around us, subjectively.
2. ... for mortal men, in trouble? Alternatively, for a woman.
3. Shroud him.
4. He’s small fry between vowels and liquid.
5. More citruslike, or a French sleuth? Confound her!
6. She rotates novel shelter.
7. Implement, aspirate, mingle for him!
8. Gleaming, resplendent things!
9. He puts an impolite spin on a fish’s appendage.
10. Signal backwards? Tor splits apart and mingles a little before he appears.
11. She’s ruddy and healthy: yes, both - combined!
12. He stepped, mark! Confusticate it!
13. Attila gives first to one of his own? Beast!
14. Sibilants swallow confectionery for him.

Huinesoron 06-05-2018 02:38 AM

"Right... where to begin?" ~Bilbo Baggins

#9 feels like it must be one of the Fins: Fingolfin, Finarfin, Finwe, Fingon... can't fit any of them to the other half of the clue, though.

#2 suggests the answer includes an anagram of Nine, and is female, so... Nienna?

I really love the simplicity of #3, though I have no idea what the answer is at this point. ^_^


Pervinca Took 06-05-2018 03:32 AM

#9 feels like it must be one of the Fins: Fingolfin, Finarfin, Finwe, Fingon... can't fit any of them to the other half of the clue, though.

'Fin' is correct, but in the wrong place.

#2 suggests the answer includes an anagram of Nine, and is female, so... Nienna?

You're right about nine, but it's not Nienna. There is another element in the clue to include.

I really love the simplicity of #3, though I have no idea what the answer is at this point. ^_^


Huinesoron 06-05-2018 03:58 AM

#2: Ah! Nienor, with 'or' = 'alternatively'.

#9 could be Curufin - 'cur' is an insult, which is certainly impolite.


Pervinca Took 06-05-2018 06:06 AM

1. She’s only German around us, subjectively.
NIENOR: ... for mortal men, in trouble? Alternatively, for a woman.
3. Shroud him.
4. He’s small fry between vowels and liquid.
5. More citruslike, or a French sleuth? Confound her!
6. She rotates novel shelter.
7. Implement, aspirate, mingle for him!
8. Gleaming, resplendent things!
9. He puts an impolite spin on a fish’s appendage.
10. Signal backwards? Tor splits apart and mingles a little before he appears.
11. She’s ruddy and healthy: yes, both - combined!
12. He stepped, mark! Confusticate it!
13. Attila gives first to one of his own? Beast!
14. Sibilants swallow confectionery for him.

'Cur' is not the 'impolite' element of clue 9, I'm afraid.

Huinesoron 06-08-2018 03:47 AM

#7: An implement is a tool, and I think h is an aspirated sound, so... LOTHO?

13: Hun + A (from Atilla) gives us a beast indeed: HUAN is here.

(For #5 I am currently trying to find an answer from 'Lemonier' and 'Clouseau'. It isn't going well. :-/)


Pervinca Took 06-08-2018 06:56 AM

1. She’s only German around us, subjectively.
NIENOR: ... for mortal men, in trouble? Alternatively, for a woman.
3. Shroud him.
4. He’s small fry between vowels and liquid.
5. More citruslike, or a French sleuth? Confound her!
6. She rotates novel shelter.
LOTHO: Implement, aspirate, mingle for him!
8. Gleaming, resplendent things!
9. He puts an impolite spin on a fish’s appendage.
10. Signal backwards? Tor splits apart and mingles a little before he appears.
11. She’s ruddy and healthy: yes, both - combined!
12. He stepped, mark! Confusticate it!
HUAN: Attila gives first to one of his own? Beast!
14. Sibilants swallow confectionery for him.

Lemonier is surprisingly close. ;) Perhaps search by language rather than nomenclature?

Huinesoron 06-15-2018 09:23 AM

#9: Perhaps GLORFINDEL? He's got the fin, and the rest of his name is nearly an anagram ('spin') of 'growled'.

#5: I'm not looking bewilderedly at 'lemonier gendarm'. It's pretty close to being an anagram of 'legendarium', but I don't think Tolkien ever said the mythos was female. :D


Pervinca Took 06-15-2018 10:36 AM

You had 'fin' in the right place with Curufin. You just need to change the first syllable. Try a very easy synonym of 'impolite.'

For the other, try looking up the French word for 'sleuth.'

Huinesoron 06-15-2018 04:01 PM

But Rudofin is not in the books. :(

There's always GRUFFO BOFFIN, who is gruffly impolite, and has a fin in the right place.

I also poked Bladorthin, who kind of has 'bad', and kind of still has 'fin', if you can't spell very well.


Pervinca Took 06-15-2018 04:10 PM

Change just the FIRST syllable.

And since when did rude have an o in it? ;)

If you're still stuck, look amongst the lamented dead of Rohan. [EDIT: Sorry, Gondor].

P.S. Rudofin would be a great name, though!

Nerwen 06-17-2018 06:52 AM


Pervinca Took 06-17-2018 07:17 AM

That's the chap
1. She’s only German around us, subjectively.
NIENOR: ... for mortal men, in trouble? Alternatively, for a woman.
3. Shroud him.
4. He’s small fry between vowels and liquid.
5. More citruslike, or a French sleuth? Confound her!
6. She rotates novel shelter.
LOTHO: Implement, aspirate, mingle for him!
8. Gleaming, resplendent things!
DERUFIN: He puts an impolite spin on a fish’s appendage.
10. Signal backwards? Tor splits apart and mingles a little before he appears.
11. She’s ruddy and healthy: yes, both - combined!
12. He stepped, mark! Confusticate it!
HUAN: Attila gives first to one of his own? Beast!
14. Sibilants swallow confectionery for him.

Urwen 06-17-2018 10:38 AM

Could the #3 be Turin? There's an object called Shroud of Turin....

Pervinca Took 06-17-2018 12:21 PM

1. She’s only German around us, subjectively.
NIENOR: ... for mortal men, in trouble? Alternatively, for a woman.
TURIN: Shroud him.
4. He’s small fry between vowels and liquid.
5. More citruslike, or a French sleuth? Confound her!
6. She rotates novel shelter.
LOTHO: Implement, aspirate, mingle for him!
8. Gleaming, resplendent things!
DERUFIN: He puts an impolite spin on a fish’s appendage.
10. Signal backwards? Tor splits apart and mingles a little before he appears.
11. She’s ruddy and healthy: yes, both - combined!
12. He stepped, mark! Confusticate it!
HUAN: Attila gives first to one of his own? Beast!
14. Sibilants swallow confectionery for him.

Indeed it is. :)

Long time no see, Urwen!

Nerwen 06-18-2018 08:13 AM

#5 is Míriel (LIMIER).

Pervinca Took 06-18-2018 08:45 AM

1. She’s only German around us, subjectively.
NIENOR: ... for mortal men, in trouble? Alternatively, for a woman.
TURIN: Shroud him.
4. He’s small fry between vowels and liquid.
MIRIEL: More citruslike, or a French sleuth? Confound her!
6. She rotates novel shelter.
LOTHO: Implement, aspirate, mingle for him!
8. Gleaming, resplendent things!
DERUFIN: He puts an impolite spin on a fish’s appendage.
10. Signal backwards? Tor splits apart and mingles a little before he appears.
11. She’s ruddy and healthy: yes, both - combined!
12. He stepped, mark! Confusticate it!
HUAN: Attila gives first to one of his own? Beast!
14. Sibilants swallow confectionery for him.

Huinesoron 06-18-2018 09:10 AM

Ah! Is the password perchance UNTIMELY DEATHS?

I really then want #8 to be a reference to the Two Trees, but can't find a name for them that starts with Y. It could be YAVANNAMIRE, the 'jeweled' trees that grew only in Numenor (and thus were lost in the Downfall), but I'm not terribly confident of that.

EDIT: #12 could just about be THEODEN; he's the lord of the Mark, and his name is very close to trodden with he injected into it.


PS: 'Derufin'?! It's not often I run into a name I don't even recognise... clearly I have unfairly slighted the lords of southern Gondor.

Pervinca Took 06-18-2018 10:47 AM

U: She’s only German around us, subjectively.
NIENOR: ... for mortal men, in trouble? Alternatively, for a woman.
TURIN: Shroud him.
I: He’s small fry between vowels and liquid.
MIRIEL: More citruslike, or a French sleuth? Confound her!
E: She rotates novel shelter.
LOTHO: Implement, aspirate, mingle for him!
YAVANNA'S TREES: Gleaming, resplendent things!
DERUFIN: He puts an impolite spin on a fish’s appendage.
E: Signal backwards? Tor splits apart and mingles a little before he appears.
A: She’s ruddy and healthy: yes, both - combined!
T: He stepped, mark! Confusticate it!
HUAN: Attila gives first to one of his own? Beast!
S: Sibilants swallow confectionery for him.

Well done, Huinesoron! (I can already hear you plotting your revenge for this one :D).

You can have Yavanna's Trees (as Morgoth said to Shelob ...) ... it's not as if it's an official name for them. It was the only way I could get an untimely deceased being starting with Y.

Theoden is close, but I don't do 'nearly' clues. I always account for every single letter. (But in addition, the Tolkienien connotation of 'mark' (Mark) *might* just be an added fluke).

P.S. Poor Derufin! But to be honest, he really owes his place here to the BBC sung version of that Lament. 'Nor the tall bowmen, Derufin and Duilin' is an especially haunting line, melodically.

Nerwen 06-18-2018 11:04 AM

AREDHEL for #11? (RED + HALE).

Nerwen 06-18-2018 11:10 AM

ELENWË for #6? (NEW + LEE).

And I think #12 is THÉODRED. (HEED + TROD).

Pervinca Took 06-18-2018 11:10 AM

That's her!
U: She’s only German around us, subjectively.
NIENOR: ... for mortal men, in trouble? Alternatively, for a woman.
TURIN: Shroud him.
I: He’s small fry between vowels and liquid.
MIRIEL: More citruslike, or a French sleuth? Confound her!
ELENWE: She rotates novel shelter.
LOTHO: Implement, aspirate, mingle for him!
YAVANNA'S TREES: Gleaming, resplendent things!
DERUFIN: He puts an impolite spin on a fish’s appendage.
E: Signal backwards? Tor splits apart and mingles a little before he appears.
AREDHEL: She’s ruddy and healthy: yes, both - combined!
THEODRED: He stepped, mark! Confusticate it!
HUAN: Attila gives first to one of his own? Beast!
S: Sibilants swallow confectionery for him.

P.S. Hs was getting close with 'trodden.'
P.P.S. Had not seen Nerwen's last post.

Edited to include two more correct answers from Nerwen.

Urwen 06-18-2018 01:14 PM

#1 has to be me. The only female I know whose name starts with U.

Pervinca Took 06-18-2018 01:23 PM

URWEN: She’s only German around us, subjectively.
NIENOR: ... for mortal men, in trouble? Alternatively, for a woman.
TURIN: Shroud him.
I: He’s small fry between vowels and liquid.
MIRIEL: More citruslike, or a French sleuth? Confound her!
ELENWE: She rotates novel shelter.
LOTHO: Implement, aspirate, mingle for him!
YAVANNA'S TREES: Gleaming, resplendent things!
DERUFIN: He puts an impolite spin on a fish’s appendage.
E: Signal backwards? Tor splits apart and mingles a little before he appears.
AREDHEL: She’s ruddy and healthy: yes, both - combined!
THEODRED: He stepped, mark! Confusticate it!
HUAN: Attila gives first to one of his own? Beast!
S: Sibilants swallow confectionery for him.

Yes. NUR is the German word for 'only.' Put this around WE, the subject form of the pronoun 'us.'

Urwen 06-18-2018 01:43 PM

Last one could be Saeros?

Pervinca Took 06-18-2018 01:53 PM

It is Saeros. Can you explain why?

Pervinca Took 06-18-2018 01:54 PM

URWEN: She’s only German around us, subjectively.
NIENOR: ... for mortal men, in trouble? Alternatively, for a woman.
TURIN: Shroud him.
I: He’s small fry between vowels and liquid.
MIRIEL: More citruslike, or a French sleuth? Confound her!
ELENWE: She rotates novel shelter.
LOTHO: Implement, aspirate, mingle for him!
YAVANNA'S TREES: Gleaming, resplendent things!
DERUFIN: He puts an impolite spin on a fish’s appendage.
E: Signal backwards? Tor splits apart and mingles a little before he appears.
AREDHEL: She’s ruddy and healthy: yes, both - combined!
THEODRED: He stepped, mark! Confusticate it!
HUAN: Attila gives first to one of his own? Beast!
SAEROS: Sibilants swallow confectionery for him.

Urwen 06-18-2018 01:57 PM

Well, Aero is a chocolate produced by Nestle. Surround that with sibilants, and you get him.

Pervinca Took 06-18-2018 02:04 PM

Quite right. :)

Two to go ....

Huinesoron 06-19-2018 05:57 AM

#4 feels like it should be ISILDUR, which starts with a vowel and ends with a liquid (which I didn't actually know included R); but I can't find any sense in 'sildu'. One or both of the vowels could be removed (because the clue says 'between vowelS'), but the best I can do then is 'slid', which... doesn't have anything to do with frying, chips, or baby fish.


Nerwen 06-19-2018 06:29 AM


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 711822)
#4 feels like it should be ISILDUR, which starts with a vowel and ends with a liquid (which I didn't actually know included R); but I can't find any sense in 'sildu'. One or both of the vowels could be removed (because the clue says 'between vowelS'), but the best I can do then is 'slid', which... doesn't have anything to do with frying, chips, or baby fish.


A "sild", however, is a baby herring...

Pervinca Took 06-19-2018 10:55 AM

URWEN: She’s only German around us, subjectively.
NIENOR: ... for mortal men, in trouble? Alternatively, for a woman.
TURIN: Shroud him.
ISILDUR: He’s small fry between vowels and liquid.
MIRIEL: More citruslike, or a French sleuth? Confound her!
ELENWE: She rotates novel shelter.
LOTHO: Implement, aspirate, mingle for him!
YAVANNA'S TREES: Gleaming, resplendent things!
DERUFIN: He puts an impolite spin on a fish’s appendage.
E: Signal backwards? Tor splits apart and mingles a little before he appears.
AREDHEL: She’s ruddy and healthy: yes, both - combined!
THEODRED: He stepped, mark! Confusticate it!
HUAN: Attila gives first to one of his own? Beast!
SAEROS: Sibilants swallow confectionery for him.


One to go!

Pervinca Took 06-21-2018 12:15 AM


The remaining character is not obscure, but this is not the main/best-known name for him. And it's made up of two synonyms (each of the two being a synonym of a word in the clue, I mean).

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