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Galadriel55 04-04-2022 06:05 PM

1. PHARAZON - Ar + Harp + Zon(e)

Urwen 04-05-2022 04:37 AM

Not quite. You forgot one element.

Galadriel55 04-05-2022 05:01 AM

Oh, Ar- Pharazon. I even wrote the Ar in the break down, but got a little overexcited with the answer.

Pervinca Took 04-05-2022 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 734736)
This one should be easier.

1. A pirate says he plays a distorted harp before an endless zone.
2. A black viscous substance precedes Ron's aunt with a vowel switch, for her.
3. An endless pickle follows a man. He emerges.
4. He is an aristocrat of the globe, literally.
5. An Egyptian god is mirrored inside a negative ion for him.
6. Finrod's moniker and sword's handle combine in disarray to reveal the burned one.
7. A sauce and a lowland, mixed, reveal a good king.
8. He sounds like an electronic legume.

3. A MAN DIL(L) ?

2. TAR something ... Ron Weasley has a Great Aunt Tessie. But looking further, he also has an Aunt Muriel. So, TAR-MIRIEL.

Is the password ATALANTE?

4. Lord of the something? Was there a Lord of a Palantir?

Urwen 04-05-2022 02:57 PM

AR-PHARAZON: A pirate says he plays a distorted harp before an endless zone.
TAR-MIRIEL: A black viscous substance precedes Ron's aunt with a vowel switch, for her.
AMANDIL: An endless pickle follows a man. He emerges.
L: He is an aristocrat of the globe, literally.
A: An Egyptian god is mirrored inside a negative ion for him.
N: Finrod's moniker and sword's handle combine in disarray to reveal the burned one.
T: A sauce and a lowland, mixed, reveal a good king.
E: He sounds like an electronic legume.

Pervinca Took 04-05-2022 06:38 PM


ANION with RA mirrored inside.


Galadriel55 04-05-2022 07:31 PM

ELENDIL for the last one, as e-lentil?

Urwen 04-06-2022 05:13 AM


AR-PHARAZON: A pirate says he plays a distorted harp before an endless zone.
TAR-MIRIEL: A black viscous substance precedes Ron's aunt with a vowel switch, for her.
AMANDIL: An endless pickle follows a man. He emerges.
L: He is an aristocrat of the globe, literally.
ANARION: An Egyptian god is mirrored inside a negative ion for him.
NIMLOTH: Finrod's moniker and sword's handle combine in disarray to reveal the burned one.
T: A sauce and a lowland, mixed, reveal a good king.
ELENDIL: He sounds like an electronic legume.

Pervinca Took 04-06-2022 07:14 AM

Is L Lord something?

Lord of the Rings?

Lord of the World?

Problem is, if the globe isn't a jewel, Middle-earth isn't a globe yet.

Lord Eru/Illuvatar, who then makes it one?

Urwen 04-06-2022 05:17 PM

AR-PHARAZON: A pirate says he plays a distorted harp before an endless zone.
TAR-MIRIEL: A black viscous substance precedes Ron's aunt with a vowel switch, for her.
AMANDIL: An endless pickle follows a man. He emerges.
LORD OF THE WORLD: He is an aristocrat of the globe, literally.
ANARION: An Egyptian god is mirrored inside a negative ion for him.
NIMLOTH: Finrod's moniker and sword's handle combine in disarray to reveal the burned one.
T: A sauce and a lowland, mixed, reveal a good king.
ELENDIL: He sounds like an electronic legume.

Galadriel55 04-06-2022 07:55 PM

I want the last one to be Tar-Palantir. PLAIN + ... oh, TARTAR. So yes, TAR PALANTIR for the answer.

Urwen 04-07-2022 05:51 AM

So it is.

AR-PHARAZON: A pirate says he plays a distorted harp before an endless zone.
TAR-MIRIEL: A black viscous substance precedes Ron's aunt with a vowel switch, for her.
AMANDIL: An endless pickle follows a man. He emerges.
LORD OF THE WORLD: He is an aristocrat of the globe, literally.
ANARION: An Egyptian god is mirrored inside a negative ion for him.
NIMLOTH: Finrod's moniker and sword's handle combine in disarray to reveal the burned one.
TAR-PALANTIR: A sauce and a lowland, mixed, reveal a good king.
ELENDIL: He sounds like an electronic legume.

And over to Pervinca.

Pervinca Took 04-08-2022 09:36 AM

Ah, I was using tartar and mint, and even taco and soy, but I was using dales, vales and valleys. ;)

Nice one, Urwen, and neat work, G55.

I'll have a password ready soon.

Pervinca Took 04-08-2022 12:50 PM

Here you go ...
1. Rave, bolt around, but find the little town!
2. Animated king combines with vault for a mount.
3. Iniquity and muck combine for him.
4. Stone me! A book without a beast. Or an article.
5. Gift of a street map book, mirrored within a small round toy one short November.
6. Here is a North Oxford college in minimal confusion.
7. Oh la la! It helps if you look for her carefully. (She’s running along, as was her wont).
8. He’s easily confused with the middle name of Christopher’s sometime helper.
9. A weapon showing effects of peroxide? There’s three scattered inside, barring the loss of direction – and most of it falls in a clump.
10. It’s here, somewhere in this newly risen garden.
11. A very flower of a priest?

Urwen 04-09-2022 04:02 AM

7. Lalaith. (I see what you did there.)

Urwen 04-09-2022 04:41 AM

10. Isengard.

Pervinca Took 04-09-2022 05:42 AM

1. Rave, bolt around, but find the little town!
2. Animated king combines with vault for a mount.
3. Iniquity and muck combine for him.
4. Stone me! A book without a beast. Or an article.
5. Gift of a street map book, mirrored within a small round toy one short November.
6. Here is a North Oxford college in minimal confusion.
LALAITH: Oh la la! It helps if you look for her carefully. (She’s running along, as was her wont).
8. He’s easily confused with the middle name of Christopher’s sometime helper.
9. A weapon showing effects of peroxide? There’s three scattered inside, barring the loss of direction – and most of it falls in a clump.
ISENGARD: It’s here, somewhere in this newly risen garden.
11. A very flower of a priest?

Yes indeed.

Galadriel55 04-15-2022 07:43 PM

I think we might need a hint or two, Pervinca. I'm dry.

Pervinca Took 04-16-2022 07:08 AM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 734775)
I think we might need a hint or two, Pervinca. I'm dry.


Number 1 is easy, and doesn't use synonyms.

Number 2 uses not a Tolkien king, but a king who gives his name to a set of British books created in 1980, and, (as I actually remember), a cartoon. There was a Viking leader with the same name, but I don't know if he has any connection with the cartoon king. I had a feeling I'd need to give a hint for that one.

Number 3 uses synonyms, but fairly easy ones.

For the final one, think of a Christian priest who is performing a ritual.

Huinesoron 05-11-2022 08:18 AM

I do keep coming back to this, but always get nowhere.

#2 is probably King Rollo, but apart from being very sad that it's not an Oliver Postgate clue I don't know where to go next.

#5: the street map book is probably an A-Z, and 'one short November' sounds like "in". So... ????ZA????IN. The toy could be a ball, but Balzalin isn't a thing.

-- wait. If the toy is a yo-yo, and "small" means it's missing a letter, this could be yo + z-a + y + an == YOZAYAN, an Adunaic name for Numenor.

#6: By pulling out a list of Oxford colleges, it looks like Oriel could become ERIOL, if we're feeling Lost Tales-ish.

#8: The middle name in question is probably Gavriel (as in Guy Kay), but, like... that just leads to GABRIEL, who's not very Middle-earthy.

#9: I ran down a chemical blind alley before realising that the effect of peroxide is probably just "bleach". Or white?

#11: I'm thinking hard about this priest of yours, but he's not giving me the answer; just muttering in Latin. :D


Pervinca Took 05-13-2022 09:27 AM

1. Rave, bolt around, but find the little town!
2. Animated king combines with vault for a mount.
3. Iniquity and muck combine for him.
4. Stone me! A book without a beast. Or an article.
YOZAYAN: Gift of a street map book, mirrored within a small round toy one short November.
6. Here is a North Oxford college in minimal confusion.
LALAITH: Oh la la! It helps if you look for her carefully. (She’s running along, as was her wont).
8. He’s easily confused with the middle name of Christopher’s sometime helper.
9. A weapon showing effects of peroxide? There’s three scattered inside, barring the loss of direction – and most of it falls in a clump.
ISENGARD: It’s here, somewhere in this newly risen garden.
11. A very flower of a priest?

2. ROLLO is the correct element. But what two things can 'mount' mean? And what is a vault?

6. So is ORIEL. I'm not 100% sure which part of Oxford ORIEL is in, but take North as a separate element anyway.

'Gift' was the straight clue for Yozayan, with A for one and N for the short November.

9. What does peroxide CAUSE?

8. No, it stays at GAVRIEL, until it gets switched around. Try running it through an anagram machine. There are a few on the internet.

Huinesoron 05-13-2022 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 734819)
2. ROLLO is the correct element. But what two things can 'mount' mean? And what is a vault?

A mount is a horse, a hill, or something to put things on. A vault is a safe, a cellar, or a jump. ROCHALLOR at least has Rollo, but I can't put anything useful together out of 'char'.


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 734819)
6. So is ORIEL. I'm not 100% sure which part of Oxford ORIEL is in, but take North as a separate element anyway.

Noriel... cripes, that sounds like an Amazon name for a dwarf-elf halfbreed. Roniel. Niroel. Nope, clearly too tired.


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 734819)
'Gift' was the straight clue for Yozayan, with A for one and N for the short November.

Yay I got one. ^_^ ^_^


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 734819)
9. What does peroxide CAUSE?

Rapid pressure increases, oxygen-rich explosions, masses of paperwork, and ultimately me having to revise my labels yet again. Sorry, I'm literally a peroxide regulatory chemist now, I am useless when it comes to general knowledge on it.


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 734819)
8. No, it stays at GAVRIEL, until it gets switched around. Try running it through an anagram machine. There are a few on the internet.

Oh, yeah, 'confused' is an anagram indicator. I am smart, I promise. :D

ARVEGIL, eleventh king of Arthedain? (Presumably originally Somethingelsevegil, since it would be a bit of a risk to stick "Ara-" on your firstborn's name when he might die and need a replacement. Perhaps he was originally named Mormegil, stealing the trick from the Stewards of Gondor of just ripping off the Silm.)


Galadriel55 05-13-2022 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 734821)
Rapid pressure increases, oxygen-rich explosions, masses of paperwork, and ultimately me having to revise my labels yet again. Sorry, I'm literally a peroxide regulatory chemist now, I am useless when it comes to general knowledge on it.

Lol, to each their own. My own (much shorter) list of effects of peroxide was "disinfection". :D

Before Pervinca's hint about what it causes, I was dead set on something that contained Hx2 and Ox2, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Umm... it causes... bubbles? Oxidation?

11. Great Water? Great for "very", water for "flower" (meh?), and of the most frequent rituals performed by priests, baptism certainly involves water.

Pervinca Took 05-13-2022 07:25 PM

1. Rave, bolt around, but find the little town!
ROCHALLOR: Animated king combines with vault for a mount.
3. Iniquity and muck combine for him.
4. Stone me! A book without a beast. Or an article.
YOZAYAN: Gift of a street map book, mirrored within a small round toy one short November.
6. Here is a North Oxford college in minimal confusion.
LALAITH: Oh la la! It helps if you look for her carefully. (She’s running along, as was her wont).
ARVEGIL: He’s easily confused with the middle name of Christopher’s sometime helper.
9. A weapon showing effects of peroxide? There’s three scattered inside, barring the loss of direction – but most of it falls in a clump.
ISENGARD: It’s here, somewhere in this newly risen garden.
11. A very flower of a priest?

VAULT can apparently be a synonym of ARCH.

9. Look at all the named weapons in Middle-earth.

No to 11.

P.S. Noriel? Prepare to kick yourself. ;) (No, Autocorrect. Not Muriel).

Urwen 05-14-2022 04:51 AM

9. Well, it does cause your stomach to hurt, or in other words, it makes your GUT WHINE? ;)

Huinesoron 05-14-2022 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 734824)
9. Well, it does cause your stomach to hurt, or in other words, it makes your GUT WHINE? ;)

:eek: Please don't drink hydrogen peroxide! This is literally my job, please don't drink the stuff! It will do its level best to oxidise you from the inside out.


Pervinca Took 05-14-2022 11:20 AM

Not Guthwine.

Think of the hairdresser's use of peroxide.

Urwen 05-14-2022 12:45 PM

Hair lightening?

Pervinca Took 05-14-2022 01:41 PM

Which results in ...

Urwen 05-14-2022 02:30 PM


Urwen 05-14-2022 02:46 PM

And 1 is Tavrobel. Which makes me think of a certain theme...

Urwen 05-14-2022 02:57 PM

3. Isengrim?

Urwen 05-14-2022 03:20 PM

The password is Trisyllabic. Thank you.

Galadriel55 05-15-2022 01:13 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 734832)
The password is Trisyllabic. Thank you.

Nice! That was a good catch. I wasn't even thinking in that direction.

6. I don't know whether to facepalm or if that would reduce brain function even further, but Noriel is an anagram of LORIEN... and yes, it took me this long to figure it out after reading the last post about it, after Hui did all the research and legwork.

Pervinca Took 05-15-2022 10:32 AM

TAVROBEL: Rave, bolt around, but find the little town!
ROCHALLOR: Animated king combines with vault for a mount.
ISENGARD: Iniquity and muck combine for him.
S: Stone me! A book without a beast. Or an article.
YOZAYAN: Gift of a street map book, mirrored within a small round toy one short November.
LORIEN: Here is a North Oxford college in minimal confusion.
LALAITH: Oh la la! It helps if you look for her carefully. (She’s running along, as was her wont).
ARVEGIL: He’s easily confused with the middle name of Christopher’s sometime helper.
BELTHRONDING: A weapon showing effects of peroxide? There’s three scattered inside, barring the loss of direction – but most of it falls in a clump.
ISENGARD: It’s here, somewhere in this newly risen garden.
C: A very flower of a priest?

Peroxide causes BLONDING. Scatter the word THREE into it, minus one of the E's, (lose direction), but most of it falls together in a clump, (THR).



When I double-checked, it seemed that Lalaith has two syllables, but I think it could be stretched to three.

Urwen 05-15-2022 10:56 AM

The straight clue for the last one is flower, yes?

Urwen 05-15-2022 11:01 AM

Oh, Google was very helpful. Thanks, Google.

11. Celebrant.

Pervinca Took 05-15-2022 12:03 PM

TAVROBEL: Rave, bolt around, but find the little town!
ROCHALLOR: Animated king combines with vault for a mount.
ISENGARD: Iniquity and muck combine for him.
S: Stone me! A book without a beast. Or an article.
YOZAYAN: Gift of a street map book, mirrored within a small round toy one short November.
LORIEN: Here is a North Oxford college in minimal confusion.
LALAITH: Oh la la! It helps if you look for her carefully. (She’s running along, as was her wont).
ARVEGIL: He’s easily confused with the middle name of Christopher’s sometime helper.
BELTHRONDING: A weapon showing effects of peroxide? There’s three scattered inside, barring the loss of direction – but most of it falls in a clump.
ISENGARD: It’s here, somewhere in this newly risen garden.
CELEBRANT: A very flower of a priest?

Nice one!

There's still one clue to go, though - the S one.

Urwen 05-15-2022 12:06 PM

Maybe a small hint for that one?

Pervinca Took 05-15-2022 12:58 PM

It's pretty easy. Stone is the straight clue. Start finding the elements with a book we all know very well.

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