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The Sauce-man strikes again.
Precisely. You are an idea stealer, aren't you ;).
I thought "Merpeople" meant folks who dressed up in elven costumes and brandished wooden swords. :D
Excellent puzzle! |
6. Beer Mona! I’ve been lonely far too long.
Stupid, stupid me!
It's Amon Ereb! |
Why of course it is...
Relisted questions and answers: 1. Goblin-Cleaver = theres one for meat, and one for scrambling the short world contained. 2. Legolas = young lady lawyer takes a shot in the dark 3. Iris = Deep purple sword-bearer of Ithilien 4. Nessa = Ye gods! It's Elton Johns single sensational sister 5. Gildor = Airy entrance for merpeople, and "well met" at that 6. Amon Ereb = Beer Mona! Ive been lonely far too long. 7. Labadal = Boy precedes one small ball walking backwards. Only one more... And since it's hard, and not a very good clue, here's a mini guide to solving it. Shorten a synonym for "world" add a synonym for "contain", scramble. That gives you part 1 of a hyphenated word. The other part of the word often follows "meat" in the same hyphenated fashion. As in, "meat-__________" Sophia |
The first part may be Goblin - a small globe + in, scrambled - but I can't think of a word that follows both "Goblin" and "meat". :confused:
Piggybacking again
"Cleaver" would be just such a word Turambar, so the answer must be Goblin-cleaver (aka Orcrist). :p ;)
You've got it!
Between the two of you, at least.
But either way, the thread goes to Nilpaurion now that all the clues have been solved. *Makes way for the Schizophrenic Noldo* |
Erm . . .
Can it wait 'til the day after today?
You mean tomorrow? Yes. That. I still have to concoct a puzzle. |
OK, here is it!
1. Star namer's wife confused with first universe Ainu.
2. Landed boy before starless diminutive king? 3. Iceman and Batman first name presently demolished home. 4. My first bread, boy! 5. Jewelry befuddle, maul grain. Have at it! :smokin: |
I believe #5 is Nauglamir.
Having at it ...
#5 Jewelry befuddle, maul grain.
"Maul grain" unbefuddled is Nauglamir, an item of jewelry. Edit: Cross-posted with Sophia (just to avoid any further accusations of piggybacking ;) ). |
Correct, Sophia.
1. Star namer's wife confused with first universe Ainu.
2. Landed boy before starless diminutive king? 3. Iceman and Batman first name presently demolished home. 4. My first bread, boy! 5. Nauglamir - Jewelry befuddle, maul grain. :) |
4. Ibun?
's ok, Saucy, I won't accuse you of clue-stealing anymore. :rolleyes: God knows I do it myself.
Sophs |
Firefoot got it!
1. Star namer's wife confused with first universe Ainu.
2. Landed boy before starless diminutive king? 3. Iceman and Batman first name presently demolished home. 4. Ibūn - My first bread, boy! 5. Nauglamir - Jewelry befuddle, maul grain. ~*~ This is easier than I thought--which is already quite easy. Oh, well. I just thought it up on the way to school. On the way to Downs, perhaps you mean. School, Downs--ain't that the same thing? :rolleyes: And you expect to get that degree in European Languages . . . |
*foreboding cricket music*
Anyone? Anybody at all? Do you need hintses?
*waves hands in air*
I need help, I do! I do!
Hinting . . .
1. Ainu. For "Star-namer", see Silm.
2. "Landed" means a land in the past. ;) "Diminutive king" is a clue I used once on this very thread. 3. Place. You must find a guy who played both Iceman and Batman, then get his first name. Then find out where to put that with the rest of the clues. If more hints are needed, more guesses are required. :p |
#3 Valinor, or Valmar?
Though I admit I don't see how "presently demolished" fits in. :confused: |
"Valmar" is correct.
1. Star namer's wife confused with first universe Ainu.
2. Landed boy before starless diminutive king? 3. Valmar - Iceman and Batman first name presently demolished home. 4. Ibūn - My first bread, boy! 5. Nauglamir - Jewelry befuddle, maul grain. ~*~ "presently demolished" -> present tense of "marred" -> mar. ;) |
I shall guess Ladros again! But I think I have it for real this time. ;)
#2: Ladros - A boy is a lad. - Diminutive sounds like Tar-Minyataur, aka Elros, a king. Take away the "el"= star and you are left with ros. - Thus I got Ladros, a land of old. |
Encai, it *is* correct!
1. Star namer's wife confused with first universe Ainu.
2. Ladros - Landed boy before starless diminutive king? 3. Valmar - Iceman and Batman first name presently demolished home. 4. Ibūn - My first bread, boy! 5. Nauglamir - Jewelry befuddle, maul grain. Vy ze vay, the password is initial letter-anagrammatic. Or whatever better jargon I could come up with . . . |
Confused . . .
Is the "star namer" Oromė, because he named the eldar? :confused:
Nyet, Turambar.
The "star" is really a star, albeit a weird one. ;)
Idril as the "star-namer's wife"? I would assume that Tuor named Earendil...
"Star-namer" is not one who gives name to a star. It was the one who said that there shall be a new star.
Oh, and initial > first for the last/first clue. The password requires de-anagramming. ;) |
In that case, I think Arien is the Ainu, being Rķan confused with the first letter of Eä.
Which makes the Password either Alvin, the Chipmunk of Valinor, or perhaps vilna, the troposphere in BoLT 1? |
Sharp, Turambar!
1. Arien - Star namer's wife confused with first universe Ainu.
2. Ladros - Landed boy before starless diminutive king? 3. Valmar - Iceman and Batman first name presently demolished home. 4. Ibūn - My first bread, boy! 5. Nauglamir - Jewelry befuddle, maul grain. All three of your answers are correct! :cool: :D Present the next conundrum! |
Thanks, Nilpaurion - Good Puzzle!
Here's a new one:
1. A letter returned to a Greek goddess (memorys daughter!) becomes something that (in M.E.) only hobbits build. 2. "Flower" that decorates Rohan. 3. Bedlam began on the 27th, when he spoke in tongues. 4. Sat aimless about the silent fallen one in the woods? 5. What may be passed by the irresponsible, when aged, became a local leader. 6. Suffered an exophthalmic demise. 7. Taverns around the heedless one's original home? |
1. Smial?
2. Uilos? 6. Sauron? :D |
W, indeed
Ummm - if this were baseball, you would now be returning to the dugout. :(
A strikeout, eh?
I'll be back next inning. ;)
can't be this simple, can it?
2) simbelmynė? (evermind?)
No, it can't.
#2 is not a flower.
I've edited some of the clues. |
"son" of a Cook?
5) Alf the Prentice (from Smith of Wootton Major)?
Celebrian is back!
(Nilpaurion nances around like the Elf he is)
5. Haldad? |
Not the Entwash, though you're on the right track. There is a sort-of-pun in #2 (on the name of the "flower").
#5 - like all the clues in this puzzle except #6, perhaps - is cryptic . You have to ask yourself, "what is passed by the irresponsible?" Or, inversely, what do responsible people not pass? |
6. Shelob?
Not Shelob.
Reminder: around and about are scramble (anagram) indicators. |
I hope I didn't kill this thread . . .
Here are some hints:
1. A Greek letter. Which Greek goddesses were the daughters of memory? 2. "Flower" = river. There's a pun in the clue on the river's name. 3. Tengwar. 4. "About" = scramble pointer. 5. What do responsible people not pass? 6. Look up "exophthalmic" An evil character in LotR died this way. 7. "Around" = scramble pointer. |
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