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Other names?
Have felt pretty sure for a while that 6 is NOUN backwards with a direction in the middle. |
hS |
So we can see the clues.
If Pervinca has the password right, then #2 starts with T, and could be TARI. That's Quenya for 'queen'; I can't find that it's used as an alternate name for anyone, but it is 'irate', endless and backwards.
hS |
O: Renounce him in disarray.
TARI: She is endlessly angry, and backward. H: A greeting around a broken ornamental plate, for her. E: A cave within a meandering flower, for him. R: Scattered sodium reveals him. N: Reversed part of speech surrounds a way, for him A: A befuddled Shakespearean king surrounds direction, for her. M: A muddled youngster finds a way, for him. ELESTIRNE: A confused elver finds commotion, briefly, north-east. See her. S: Silence. Muddled reasoning leads to him. It's an alternate name for Varda, according to that Wiki. |
Found it at last!
SH + LOGIC. Another name (somewhere in Fandom) for Sauron. |
I found a few women with LEAR encasing other letters, but none seem to satisy 'direction' or 'other name':
Ariel Anorel Arafel Arminiel. You know, AR-FEINIEL, Huey's guess on the last page, satisfies 'other name,' and if we take 'direction' to mean 'order,' you could order someone to fine someone. However, unless my spelling is wrong, it would leave an extra I. |
'Shoglic'. What the what. My only guess is it's supposed to sound Orcish, but it doesn't even do that.
For R, I remain convinced it's an anagram of Natrium (sodium), but I don't have a specific anagram to offer. hS |
https://notionclubarchives.fandom.co...&useskin=oasis I didn't know what Na stood for, though, so I have at least learned something today. |
O: Renounce him in disarray
Forsake Abandon Disown Cast off Synonyms of 'renounce' that contain O. |
If 'scattered' isn't an anagram indicator, we could be looking for a synonym + NA. No luck on Rivenna, Rentna, Rarena, Rendna... hS |
I did think of 'remote' as a synonym for 'scattered.'
Remotena? :D EDIT: Finally found the noun one: NURON! R for the way. From that Notion Club Fanweb Whatsit Thing: 'Characters in The Lost Road and Other Writings Maidhros, Makalaure, Mando, Mandosse, Martan, Martano, Morimando, Morthu, Nambarauto, Nefantur, Neldion, Neorth, Nessaron, Neth, Nuin, Nuinoer, Nuinor, Núron, Oeros, Ohtor, Olfannor, Oraume, Orodlin, Orômê, Orontor, Oroume, Oswin Errol, Poldor, Radros, Ragnor, Sangahyando, Sauro, Sindingul, Singoldo' Anything else there that might help us? I need to see the clues without scrolling, so: Quote:
O: Renounce him in disarray.
TARI: She is endlessly angry, and backward. H: A greeting around a broken ornamental plate, for her. E: A cave within a meandering flower, for him. R: Scattered sodium reveals him. N: Reversed part of speech surrounds a way, for him A: A befuddled Shakespearean king surrounds direction, for her. M: A muddled youngster finds a way, for him. ELESTIRNE: A confused elver finds commotion, briefly, north-east. See her. SHOGLIC: Silence. Muddled reasoning leads to him. |
How about NURON?
O: Renounce him in disarray.
TARI: She is endlessly angry, and backward. H: A greeting around a broken ornamental plate, for her. E: A cave within a meandering flower, for him. R: Scattered sodium reveals him. NURON: Reversed part of speech surrounds a way, for him A: A befuddled Shakespearean king surrounds direction, for her. M: A muddled youngster finds a way, for him. ELESTIRNE: A confused elver finds commotion, briefly, north-east. See her. SHOGLIC: Silence. Muddled reasoning leads to him. Now you're getting the hang of it. |
How about HARANI for H? It's a caramaran/ship, but ships are feminine. :D
And it IS bookended by HI. |
Okay, this is... not impossible, exactly, but very much a brute-force, shooting-in-the-dark exercise. Take the Lear clue - there are 500 results starting with AR, 200 with AL, and if the direction provides the second letter the scope expands to the entire set of 2000 'A' entries. And the only way to approach the question is to read through each list and hope you spot a woman's name.
I'm not going to complain about the use of non-canon names - hey, I've used a MERP Ringwraith at least once, and I think I had an entire password of uncanonical women - but if people want to use them again, please can I appeal for more of a straight clue than 'him' or 'her'? Because this has been ten days of blind frustration, and we're not even halfway through yet. ~ I have searched the AR, AL, and AE lists, and see nothing beyond what's already been suggested, other than ARPEL, on the grounds that the map suggests it might be an old name for Pelargir. hS |
Hmmm....more straight clue than 'him' or 'her'? Okay. For this one, it's the momma of teh naughty elf. |
Well, Ar-Feiniel has already been guessed twice. Does she have another 'other name?'
EDIT: Which, surprisingly enough, is a genuine Tolkien word - it's a variant of aredhel, 'noble elf, Noldo or Sinda', found in Parma Eldalamberon 17. Doesn't look like the source used it as a personal name. hS |
I only found NURON by inventing it myself and putting it in that same search bar.
Maybe that's the key - construct the names yourself, then see it they exist? It didn't even tell me *who* Nuron was another name for. |
Sorry, it's pretty random. Except that Erendis, Maeglin and Saeros do have genuine Tolkien names here, I promise you that.
O: Renounce him in disarray. TARI: She is endlessly angry, and backward. H: A greeting around a broken ornamental plate, for her. E: A cave within a meandering flower, for him. R: Scattered sodium reveals him. NURON: Reversed part of speech surrounds a way, for him AEREL: A befuddled Shakespearean king surrounds direction, for her. M: A muddled youngster finds a way, for him. ELESTIRNE: A confused elver finds commotion, briefly, north-east. See her. SHOGLIC: Silence. Muddled reasoning leads to him. |
I did, and her name was the first result according to the link you gave |
Thank you for the pointer to Saeros; if you forgo him, you get ORGOF for #1. hS |
ORGOF: Renounce him in disarray.
TARI: She is endlessly angry, and backward. H: A greeting around a broken ornamental plate, for her. E: A cave within a meandering flower, for him. R: Scattered sodium reveals him. NURON: Reversed part of speech surrounds a way, for him AEREL: A befuddled Shakespearean king surrounds direction, for her. M: A muddled youngster finds a way, for him. ELESTIRNE: A confused elver finds commotion, briefly, north-east. See her. SHOGLIC: Silence. Muddled reasoning leads to him. |
There's Morlin as well as Morleg as another name for Maeglin.
Oh! It's MORLIN. MINOR + L. Good one! |
ORGOF: Renounce him in disarray.
TARI: She is endlessly angry, and backward. H: A greeting around a broken ornamental plate, for her. E: A cave within a meandering flower, for him. R: Scattered sodium reveals him. NURON: Reversed part of speech surrounds a way, for him AEREL: A befuddled Shakespearean king surrounds direction, for her. MORLIN: A muddled youngster finds a way, for him. ELESTIRNE: A confused elver finds commotion, briefly, north-east. See her. SHOGLIC: Silence. Muddled reasoning leads to him. |
Could Huey's guess of RIVENNA possibly be right, with RIVEN as a rather stretched synonym for 'scattered?'
OK, but I am not hunting through thousands of random fandom words without any hints. I have enough potential stress at the moment!
H: A Valie
E: The 'cave-hewing' Elf * R: He represents a month * * = genuine Tolkien names |
R: RANUIN, or ruin with Na, reversed, inside it, is the ?Ainu? incarnation of months. I'm not sure how well he fits the puzzle, though - there's no indication that sodium is 'eaten' or reversed, and I don't think he has an Other Name.
More certainly, for E: EDENNIL, or den + nile, a name for Finrod, used presumably by Andreth (it's from the Athrabeth). 'Friend of Men' in Sindarin, apparently, I guess from EDAIN+NDIL with some mutations or something. hS |
If so, I had the correct elements with Elendil, just the wrong end result.
For H, there is HESKIL listed as an alternative name on Yavanna's page. It has HI, but I think the clue says the greeting encases the other element(s). Or there is HIRADWA for Este, with HI at the beginning. |
hS |
The other 4 Valie don't seem to have any other names beginning with H. Hmmm ... HIRADWA has HI + AWARD. I suppose an award can take the form of an ornamental plate. Wimbledon awards a silver plate instead of a cup, I think. And you used to get a Wedgewood plate in the UK for your hundredth blood donation, (you might still, but I never got that far!) Oh! And 'around' could just mean mix up 'award.' It could be an anagram indicator for the second element, rather than an 'encase everything else' indicator. ... I wonder *which* month Ranuin was supposed to represent! |
ORGOF: Renounce him in disarray.
TARI: She is endlessly angry, and backward. H: A greeting around a broken ornamental plate, for her. EDDENIL: A cave within a meandering flower, for him. RANUIN: Scattered sodium reveals him. NURON: Reversed part of speech surrounds a way, for him AEREL: A befuddled Shakespearean king surrounds direction, for her. MORLIN: A muddled youngster finds a way, for him. ELESTIRNE: A confused elver finds commotion, briefly, north-east. See her. SHOGLIC: Silence. Muddled reasoning leads to him. |
Is HIRADWA wrong, then?
I looked up all seven Valie on the Notion Club website and only found the three names I have already posted:
Heskil Hiradwa Helinyetille. |
None of those.
I am tempted to just put in the right name and end this. |
If Ranuin is up for consideration, then Measse the Amazon must be as well. And by Tolkien's original counting, the children of the Valar are Valar themselves, which brings the like of Nieliqui (daughter of Orome and Vana) into play. Now, neither of those have an H-name on the Notion Club, but there may be others. Urwen - is 'ornamental plate' a single thing we need a synonym for? hS |
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