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Pervinca Took 03-18-2020 05:24 AM

VANIMELDA: Most beautiful and beloved.
OSTLER: Troels gets mixed up with the horses? Well, it’s his job! We heard it in a song.
LEAF: One of a quartet that we were bidden (in song) to give the right of way.
UNDOMIEL: Deafening explosive reveals her in devastation.
MIDGEWATER MARSHES: Swamp where Ultravox have had a wee?
ERIADOR: Anger is reversed? What a fuss on the way here, though!

OLD MAN WILLOW: Showboat time? Sing! But trade a flower for a tree to reveal him.
NENYA: Two negatives: one French, one English, mingle circularly.
ERESTOR: A Latin queen, initially? Add mixed stock to reveal him.

Well, not *quite* precisely. It's NE + NAY. But perhaps I should have said 'slightly archaic English.' Although we still say it in Yorkshire, (together with thee and thou!) :D

Over to you! :)

Urwen 03-19-2020 08:42 AM

Will put one up as soon as I decide what to use for my theme.

Urwen 03-20-2020 08:04 AM

Sorry for lateness. Here it is:

1. Muddled garb for him.
2. A hearing organ and a confused female horse mingle for this.
3. A boy and an endless bloomer join here.
4. A confused flower and a returned fib mingle for her.
5. Here, muddled wrath goes two ways.
6. A confused dwarf finds a way. For him.
7. Here, jumbled country has a vowel shift.
8. Here, a silent plosive is within a confused dog.
9. Stupid inn is here.

Pervinca Took 03-20-2020 08:47 AM

Is 2 EOMER, (a soundalike for EAR MARE?)

Urwen 03-20-2020 08:53 AM

If it were Eomer, I would have said 'for him', not 'for this'. I am sure he'd be thrilled to hear that you called him an object, though.

Pervinca Took 03-20-2020 08:54 AM

Easy to misread things when you have a lot on your mind.

Pervinca Took 03-20-2020 09:05 AM

3. Ladros

(lad + ros(e)).

Urwen 03-20-2020 09:48 AM

1. Muddled garb for him.
2. A hearing organ and a confused female horse mingle for this.
LADROS: A boy and an endless bloomer join here.
4. A confused flower and a returned fib mingle for her.
5. Here, muddled wrath goes two ways.
6. A confused dwarf finds a way. For him.
7. Here, jumbled country has a vowel shift.
8. Here, a silent plosive is within a confused dog.
9. Stupid inn is here.

Galadriel55 03-20-2020 11:26 AM

1. Beor, from robe?

Urwen 03-20-2020 11:36 AM

BEOR: Muddled garb for him.
2. A hearing organ and a confused female horse mingle for this.
LADROS: A boy and an endless bloomer join here.
4. A confused flower and a returned fib mingle for her.
5. Here, muddled wrath goes two ways.
6. A confused dwarf finds a way. For him.
7. Here, jumbled country has a vowel shift.
8. Here, a silent plosive is within a confused dog.
9. Stupid inn is here.

Pervinca Took 03-20-2020 12:37 PM

Beleriand? (Password).

G55, I was trying to scramble 'raiment!'


Urwen 03-20-2020 12:46 PM

BEOR: Muddled garb for him.
E: A hearing organ and a confused female horse mingle for this.
LADROS: A boy and an endless bloomer join here.
EILINEL: A confused flower and a returned fib mingle for her.
R: Here, muddled wrath goes two ways.
I: A confused dwarf finds a way. For him.
A: Here, jumbled country has a vowel shift.
N: Here, a silent plosive is within a confused dog.
D: Stupid inn is here.

Pervinca Took 03-20-2020 01:37 PM

D = Dimbar.

Dim + bar.

Urwen 03-20-2020 01:42 PM

BEOR: Muddled garb for him.
E: A hearing organ and a confused female horse mingle for this.
LADROS: A boy and an endless bloomer join here.
EILINEL: A confused flower and a returned fib mingle for her.
R: Here, muddled wrath goes two ways.
I: A confused dwarf finds a way. For him.
A: Here, jumbled country has a vowel shift.
N: Here, a silent plosive is within a confused dog.
DIMBAR: Stupid inn is here.

Pervinca Took 03-20-2020 01:58 PM

INDOR, father of Aerin.


Pervinca Took 03-20-2020 02:02 PM


IRE + R x 2?

Urwen 03-20-2020 02:42 PM

BEOR: Muddled garb for him.
E: A hearing organ and a confused female horse mingle for this.
LADROS: A boy and an endless bloomer join here.
EILINEL: A confused flower and a returned fib mingle for her.
RERIR: Here, muddled wrath goes two ways.
INDOR: A confused dwarf finds a way. For him.
A: Here, jumbled country has a vowel shift.
N: Here, a silent plosive is within a confused dog.
DIMBAR: Stupid inn is here.

Galadriel55 03-20-2020 03:03 PM

Following Pervinca's guess about ears and mares, Earrame?

Urwen 03-20-2020 04:02 PM

BEOR: Muddled garb for him.
EARRAME: A hearing organ and a confused female horse mingle for this.
LADROS: A boy and an endless bloomer join here.
EILINEL: A confused flower and a returned fib mingle for her.
RERIR: Here, muddled wrath goes two ways.
INDOR: A confused dwarf finds a way. For him.
A: Here, jumbled country has a vowel shift.
N: Here, a silent plosive is within a confused dog.
DIMBAR: Stupid inn is here.

Pervinca Took 03-21-2020 03:49 AM


Urwen 03-21-2020 03:59 AM

BEOR: Muddled garb for him.
EARRAME: A hearing organ and a confused female horse mingle for this.
LADROS: A boy and an endless bloomer join here.
EILINEL: A confused flower and a returned fib mingle for her.
RERIR: Here, muddled wrath goes two ways.
INDOR: A confused dwarf finds a way. For him.
ANACH: Here, jumbled country has a vowel shift.
N: Here, a silent plosive is within a confused dog.
DIMBAR: Stupid inn is here.

Pervinca Took 03-21-2020 04:24 AM


T within Huan.

Urwen 03-21-2020 04:38 AM

BEOR: Muddled garb for him.
EARRAME: A hearing organ and a confused female horse mingle for this.
LADROS: A boy and an endless bloomer join here.
EILINEL: A confused flower and a returned fib mingle for her.
RERIR: Here, muddled wrath goes two ways.
INDOR: A confused dwarf finds a way. For him.
ANACH: Here, jumbled country has a vowel shift.
NUATH: Here, a silent plosive is within a confused dog.
DIMBAR: Stupid inn is here.

Over to you. :D

Pervinca Took 03-21-2020 05:07 AM

Nice password, Urwen. Beleriand is one of Tolkien's nicest place names, I think.

1. Expeditious ray? He's quite translated!
2. Between the eagle and the hart? O sing!
3. Beloved tree.
4. It's all the Uruk-Hai think about!
5. Ventilating equipment disappeared, we hear? Another who's quite translated.
6. Luxuriant soul! Through chaos, see him.
7. Grishnakh's Nemesis (although why is anyone's guess).
8. Sorrow returns. Ask why. November begins. And there she stands.
9. A company who knows how to address a stag? After a fashion, and with (perhaps) a tone of regret?

Urwen 03-21-2020 05:28 AM

8. Eowyn (WOE backwards + Y + N)

Pervinca Took 03-21-2020 05:40 AM

1. Expeditious ray? He's quite translated!
2. Between the eagle and the hart? O sing!
3. Beloved tree.
4. It's all the Uruk-Hai think about!
5. Ventilating equipment disappeared, we hear? Another who's quite translated.
6. Luxuriant soul! Through chaos, see him.
7. Grishnakh's Nemesis (although why is anyone's guess).
EOWYN: Sorrow returns. Ask why. November begins. And there she stands.
9. A company who knows how to address a stag? After a fashion, and with (perhaps) a tone of regret?

Urwen 03-21-2020 05:46 AM

Password: Book Three?

Pervinca Took 03-21-2020 05:58 AM

B: Expeditious ray? He's quite translated!
O: Between the eagle and the hart? O sing!
OROFARNE: Beloved tree.
K: It's all the Uruk-Hai think about!

T: Ventilating equipment disappeared, we hear? Another who's quite translated.
H: Luxuriant soul! Through chaos, see him.
R: Grishnakh's Nemesis (although why is anyone's guess).
EOWYN: Sorrow returns. Ask why. November begins. And there she stands.
E: A company who knows how to address a stag? After a fashion, and with (perhaps) a tone of regret?

Urwen 03-21-2020 06:24 AM

3. Orofarne?

Pervinca Took 03-21-2020 07:09 AM

See above.

Urwen 03-21-2020 08:00 AM

9. Eored (from O DEER)

Pervinca Took 03-21-2020 08:52 AM

B: Expeditious ray? He's quite translated!
O: Between the eagle and the hart? O sing!
OROFARNE: Beloved tree.
K: It's all the Uruk-Hai think about!

T: Ventilating equipment disappeared, we hear? Another who's quite translated.
H: Luxuriant soul! Through chaos, see him.
R: Grishnakh's Nemesis (although why is anyone's guess).
EOWYN: Sorrow returns. Ask why. November begins. And there she stands.
EORED: A company who knows how to address a stag? After a fashion, and with (perhaps) a tone of regret?

Which with a tone (sound) could also double as the regretful 'Oh dear!'

Urwen 03-21-2020 02:49 PM

5. Treebeard (aka Fangorn, which sounds like 'FAN GONE')

Pervinca Took 03-21-2020 03:17 PM

B: Expeditious ray? He's quite translated!
O: Between the eagle and the hart? O sing!
OROFARNE: Beloved tree.
K: It's all the Uruk-Hai think about!

TREEBEARD: Ventilating equipment disappeared, we hear? Another who's quite translated.
H: Luxuriant soul! Through chaos, see him.
R: Grishnakh's Nemesis (although why is anyone's guess).
EOWYN: Sorrow returns. Ask why. November begins. And there she stands.
EORED: A company who knows how to address a stag? After a fashion, and with (perhaps) a tone of regret?

The pesky FAN is GORN, indeed. :D

Urwen 03-21-2020 04:21 PM

1 would be Bregalad (QUICK+BEAM)

Urwen 03-21-2020 04:21 PM

And 4 would be Killing.

Pervinca Took 03-21-2020 04:36 PM

BREGALAD: Expeditious ray? He's quite translated!
O: Between the eagle and the hart? O sing!
OROFARNE: Beloved tree.
KILLING: It's all the Uruk-Hai think about!

TREEBEARD: Ventilating equipment disappeared, we hear? Another who's quite translated.
H: Luxuriant soul! Through chaos, see him.
R: Grishnakh's Nemesis (although why is anyone's guess).
EOWYN: Sorrow returns. Ask why. November begins. And there she stands.
EORED: A company who knows how to address a stag? After a fashion, and with (perhaps) a tone of regret?

Urwen 03-22-2020 05:43 AM

6. Hasufel (Lush + Fea)

Urwen 03-22-2020 06:14 AM

For 7, is it some variation of 'ORC FOE'? Because I can't seem to find anything....

Urwen 03-22-2020 06:15 AM

And 2 is OX.

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