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Huinesoron 06-10-2019 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 717971)
Bible says 'Instead of bronze, I bring you gold'.

The word is one used to describe the rubbish left after you refine a metal.


Urwen 06-10-2019 08:03 AM


Nerwen 06-10-2019 08:03 AM

Dross. So, MAEDHROS?

Huinesoron 06-10-2019 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 717977)
Dross. So, MAEDHROS?

That's the one!

The flame shall not hurt thee; I only design
Thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine.

MAEDHROS - "I turn... into my gold!" the son declared.
AMROTH - I am the king, I am angry, I
AR-PHARAZON - "We are fair as one!" he said; find the end of his title.
IDRIL - Identify a neverending stream for the princess.
NOWË - No way you'll hear the bearer in here.
ELWING - In (very) bad Spanish, her name is what she has.
ELESSAR "Eee, not greater," the restorer said, turning tail.

Not the best of clues, but I had a complete blank on how to clue 'dross'. So.

Over to Urwen!


Urwen 06-10-2019 08:39 AM

A wild password appears
1. 'Tween the flower lacking an insect and a Faithful Easterling, a reversed note sits. A grandson is revealed.
2. An alcoholic liquor makes him endlessly sick.
3. A biblical sister returns without end. Hear the pronoun within. For him.
4. He went a long way and for a long period of time.
5. A returning rodent and a spinning dinosaur triggered an endless warning. He is revealed.

Nerwen 06-10-2019 11:04 AM

#2, I believe, is RUMIL (rum + il(l)).

Urwen 06-10-2019 11:07 AM

1. 'Tween the flower lacking an insect and a Faithful Easterling, a reversed note sits. A grandson is revealed.
RUMIL: An alcoholic liquor makes him endlessly sick.
3. A biblical sister returns without end. Hear the pronoun within. For him.
4. He went a long way and for a long period of time.
5. A returning rodent and a spinning dinosaur triggered an endless warning. He is revealed.

Pervinca Took 06-10-2019 12:16 PM

3 could be TURIN - RUTH backwards plus IN (within). You can hear U (you) but you don't need to, because it's already accounted for.

Urwen 06-10-2019 12:19 PM

No, it's a different sister.

Pervinca Took 06-10-2019 01:26 PM

4. Forlong? (Worth a guess).

Urwen 06-10-2019 01:27 PM


Pervinca Took 06-10-2019 01:34 PM

I think 1 is CELEBRIMBOR.

BOR= Chief of the Faithful Easterlings.
IM = MI backwards.
CELEBR(ANT) = river (flower).

Famous grandson of Feanor. I wonder if they ever knew each other.

Urwen 06-10-2019 01:40 PM

CELEBRIMBOR: 'Tween the flower lacking an insect and a Faithful Easterling, a reversed note sits. A grandson is revealed.
RUMIL: An alcoholic liquor makes him endlessly sick.
3. A biblical sister returns without end. Hear the pronoun within. For him.
4. He went a long way and for a long period of time.
5. A returning rodent and a spinning dinosaur triggered an endless warning. He is revealed.

Have you heard of the pairing called 'Fallen Banners', by the way? That pairing is rather popular on teh interwebz, and I'm starting to see why.

Nerwen 06-11-2019 12:58 AM

Is #4 FËANÁRO (far + aeon)?

Is the password CRAFT?

(And no, I haven't heard of that pairing and I'm chicken to google it...)

Urwen 06-11-2019 01:43 AM

It's a pairing of Feanor's grandson and Fingolfin's grandson.

CELEBRIMBOR: 'Tween the flower lacking an insect and a Faithful Easterling, a reversed note sits. A grandson is revealed.
RUMIL: An alcoholic liquor makes him endlessly sick.
A: A biblical sister returns without end. Hear the pronoun within. For him.
FEANARO: He went a long way and for a long period of time.
T: A returning rodent and a spinning dinosaur triggered an endless warning. He is revealed.

And it's your turn to make a riddle as well. :)

Pervinca Took 06-11-2019 04:40 AM

If it's crafts, I guess A must be AULE, with LEA(H) and U.

I was expecting it to run backwards without mixing up.

Ruth (my previous guess for the sister) is I think a daughter-in-law, not a sister.

Urwen 06-11-2019 04:47 AM

CELEBRIMBOR: 'Tween the flower lacking an insect and a Faithful Easterling, a reversed note sits. A grandson is revealed.
RUMIL: An alcoholic liquor makes him endlessly sick.
AULE: A biblical sister returns without end. Hear the pronoun within. For him.
FEANARO: He went a long way and for a long period of time.
T: A returning rodent and a spinning dinosaur triggered an endless warning. He is revealed.

Huinesoron 06-11-2019 06:11 AM

'Returning rodent' must be TAR-, and the best fit for the rest of the clue is dino + alar(m) = TAR-ALDARION, the shipwright.


Urwen 06-11-2019 07:50 AM

CELEBRIMBOR: 'Tween the flower lacking an insect and a Faithful Easterling, a reversed note sits. A grandson is revealed.
RUMIL: An alcoholic liquor makes him endlessly sick.
AULE: A biblical sister returns without end. Hear the pronoun within. For him.
FEANARO: He went a long way and for a long period of time.
TAR-ALDARION: A returning rodent and a spinning dinosaur triggered an endless warning. He is revealed.

Over to Nerwen.

Nerwen 06-11-2019 11:20 PM

1. Adding note to a vessel results in a failure to shed light.
2. An isle without water about it.
3. Flowers receive radiation. Sounds like it's a boy!
4. Exclamation from opening creates a tempest.
5. It stops everything from happening at once.
6. An unwise thing to do at the Mewlips' door!
7. One who has no need for bicycles.

Pervinca Took 06-11-2019 11:32 PM

6. Knock? (According to the poem).

3. Hwaet? Not sure about storm, but it has 4/5 of water ... perhaps it doesn't have to be from the *exact* opening of something, though.

7. Mr Bliss? He has a motor car.

Nerwen 06-11-2019 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 718059)
6. Knock? (According to the poem).

3. Hwaet? Not sure about storm, but it has 4/5 of water ... perhaps it doesn't have to be from the *exact* opening of something, though.

7. Mr Bliss? He has a motor car.

#3. No.

#7. No.

#6. Yes, but I'm looking for an equivalent action to perform at a door... and the poem is oddly ambiguous about this.

Pervinca Took 06-12-2019 02:01 AM


(I know it doesn't mean knock, but ....)


Nerwen 06-12-2019 02:37 AM

Nearly there.

Huinesoron 06-12-2019 02:38 AM

2. Thinks an island is a MOUNTAIN

6. And slow and softly RINGs their bell

7. We only wish to catch a FISH

5. Give me more time! Give me TIME!

At which point I think I may have found myself a theme, so I may as well round it out:

3. SUN on the daisies it means, it does (= son)

1. The answer was all round him anyway: "DARK!" (D + Ark, and very appropriate for the black-themed Downs)

4. WIND, wind of course. (window - OW!)

If it weren't for 5 & 6 I could make the password RIDDLES (by taking 3 as 'sun on the daisies'), but it doesn't quite fit. Ah, no, it's ANSWERS, isn't it?


Nerwen 06-12-2019 02:46 AM

DARK: Adding note to a vessel results in a failure to shed light.
MOUNTAIN: An isle without water about it.
SUN ON THE DAISIES: Flowers receive radiation. Sounds like it's a boy!
WIND: Exclamation from opening creates a tempest.
TIME: It stops everything from happening at once.
RING: An unwise thing to do at the Mewlips' door!
FISH: One who has no need for bicycles.

Theme: answers to the Riddle Game.

Nice work, Huey!

Pervinca Took 06-12-2019 02:56 AM

Nice password!

Was UIN strictly the island, though, or the whale moving it? ;)

Huinesoron 06-12-2019 05:22 AM

Thanks, Nerwen - that was fun! I don't think I would have got it if I hadn't started off by quoting poetry in my first couple of answers.

Well, let's try this:

1. A proper plural and archaic form gives the black its English name.
2. Named for their master in the blackened green.
3. Known by where and what it is, home of gold.
4. Belted and counted; look three from the back.
5. Fear halved, an elementary rise for the new king.
6. Elvish fire, depart! The hammer begins to be cast by the river.
7. Firearms - the evil in the north.


Urwen 06-12-2019 05:37 AM

5. Thorin (Fe=Iron)

Huinesoron 06-12-2019 05:56 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 718072)
5. Thorin (Fe=Iron)

You're entirely right about iron, and the dwarf association, but it's not Thorin.

I don't think there's any anagrams in this, though in general the clues are a bit looser than usual.


Pervinca Took 06-12-2019 06:35 AM

Maybe Meduseld for 3 ... mead-hall but also the golden hall?

6. NAR + GO ... is there a hammer called THROND? :D

Or maybe NAROG?

Nerwen 06-12-2019 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 718074)
Maybe Meduseld for 3 ... mead-hall but also the golden hall?

6. NAR + GO ... is there a hammer called THROND? :D

Or maybe NAROG?

NAROG contains most of GROND... maybe that's the idea.

Pervinca Took 06-12-2019 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 718080)
NAROG contains most of GROND... maybe that's the idea.

Yeah, I was in a rush (lunchtime). But I did think of Grond.

Wondering about FELAGUND for 5 .. FE + LA ... but can't account for 'gund' or 'rise.'

Nerwen 06-12-2019 07:12 AM


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 718073)
You're entirely right about iron, and the dwarf association, but it's not Thorin.

I don't think there's any anagrams in this, though in general the clues are a bit looser than usual.


Dáin II, then? He was called Ironfoot and came from the Iron Hills, which could be an "elementary rise", I guess.

Huinesoron 06-12-2019 07:28 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 718074)
Maybe Meduseld for 3 ... mead-hall but also the golden hall?

6. NAR + GO ... is there a hammer called THROND? :D

Or maybe NAROG?

No - but there's one called Grond, which can be changed to have the beginning of 'be cast' - ie, THrow.


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 718082)
Dáin II, then? He was called Ironfoot and came from the Iron Hills, which could be an "elementary rise", I guess.

'Elementary' is indicating that 'Fe' is iron, but rise is indeed the hills, which are the answer (they are themselves for Dain).

1. A proper plural and archaic form gives the black its English name.
2. Named for their master in the blackened green.
3. Known by where and what it is, home of gold.
4. Belted and counted; look three from the back.
IRON HILLS - Fear halved, an elementary rise for the new king.
NARGOTHROND - Elvish fire, depart! The hammer begins to be cast by the river.
7. Firearms - the evil in the north.


Nerwen 06-12-2019 07:33 AM

Huey... #7 isn't GUNDABAD ("guns are bad") is it?:rolleyes:

Huinesoron 06-12-2019 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 718087)
Huey... #7 isn't GUNDABAD ("guns are bad") is it?:rolleyes:

Oh come on - would I ever do something so crude?

1. A proper plural and archaic form gives the black its English name.
2. Named for their master in the blackened green.
3. Known by where and what it is, home of gold.
4. Belted and counted; look three from the back.
IRON HILLS - Fear halved, an elementary rise for the new king.
NARGOTHROND - Elvish fire, depart! The hammer begins to be cast by the river.
GUNDABAD - Firearms - the evil in the north.



Urwen 06-12-2019 07:44 AM

Dwarven realms for the theme?

Huinesoron 06-12-2019 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 718089)
Dwarven realms for the theme?

No, but there is a reason so many of them are.


Nerwen 06-12-2019 07:56 AM

Underground realms?

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