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Huinesoron 06-08-2019 12:14 PM

Oh dear, that's a high bar. I'm afraid this doesn't even come close to clearing it.

1. "I turn... into my gold!" the son declared.
2. I am the king, I am angry, I
3. "We are fair as one!" he said; find the end of his title.
4. Identify a neverending stream for the princess.
5. No way you'll hear the bearer in here.
6. In (very) bad Spanish, her name is what she has.
7. "Eee, not greater," the restorer said, turning tail.

(Mostly first letters, those which aren't do say as much. No anagrams, but a lot of soundalikes.)

(And yes, all the answers are different this time, promise. ^_~)


Urwen 06-08-2019 12:19 PM

1. Maglor

Urwen 06-08-2019 12:22 PM

Seven letters, seven letters. What word beginning with M could possibly have seven letters? :eek:

Huinesoron 06-08-2019 12:29 PM

't'ain't Maglor.


Urwen 06-08-2019 12:31 PM

My sounds like Mae, as you made me realize with your last puzzle. *looks at Huinesoron suspiciously*

Huinesoron 06-08-2019 12:32 PM

It kinda does, doesn't it?


Urwen 06-08-2019 12:33 PM

7. Erestor (RESTORER turned)

Urwen 06-08-2019 12:35 PM

Hmmmm.....gilt for gold, inside, turn


I know, Teiglin! Q.Q :p

Urwen 06-08-2019 12:42 PM

All right, time to end my pretense that I don't know what you mean.

1. Maeglin (Mae+Gilt-T+N)
4. Idril (ID, from identify + Rill - L)

Urwen 06-08-2019 12:51 PM

3. Feanor (FER+A+ON)

Urwen 06-08-2019 12:55 PM

Or is 1 Turin (from 'I TURN')?

Pervinca Took 06-08-2019 01:54 PM

Is 3 a soundalike of AR-PHARAZON?

Huinesoron 06-08-2019 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 717906)
7. Erestor (RESTORER turned)

Nope. I did say no anagrams.


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 717908)
All right, time to end my pretense that I don't know what you mean.

1. Maeglin (Mae+Gilt-T+N)

Nope. ^_^


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 717908)
4. Idril (ID, from identify + Rill - L)

Correct & exact.


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 717909)
3. Feanor (FER+A+ON)



Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 717910)
Or is 1 Turin (from 'I TURN')?

It is not. The ellipsis is significant.


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 717912)
Is 3 a soundalike of AR-PHARAZON?

It is indeed! 'Are fair-as-one', but we don't need the first letter...

1. "I turn... into my gold!" the son declared.
2. I am the king, I am angry, I
AR-PHARAZON - "We are fair as one!" he said; find the end of his title.
IDRIL - Identify a neverending stream for the princess.
5. No way you'll hear the bearer in here.
6. In (very) bad Spanish, her name is what she has.
7. "Eee, not greater," the restorer said, turning tail.


Urwen 06-08-2019 03:38 PM

7. Elessar (E+LESSER)

Urwen 06-08-2019 03:56 PM

1. Mae+In+Gold?

Urwen 06-08-2019 03:57 PM

Ar-Pharazon, Idril......

Theme: Descendants of Turgon?

Urwen 06-08-2019 04:01 PM

1. Minyatur?

Pervinca Took 06-10-2019 12:54 AM

6 is a very hard one. Is Lobelia Spanish for spoons or something?

Huinesoron 06-10-2019 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 717916)
7. Elessar (E+LESSER)

Exactly right. ^_^ And using the last letter (all others are first letters from now on).


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 717918)
1. Mae+In+Gold?

I'm... not even sure what name you were trying to spell out here, but it's wrong.


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 717919)
Ar-Pharazon, Idril......

Theme: Descendants of Turgon?



Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 717920)
1. Minyatur?



Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 717935)
6 is a very hard one. Is Lobelia Spanish for spoons or something?

Not as far as I know. My Spanish is really, really bad; I'm the sort of person who would go into a bar and order 'UNO... BEERS... SI?'. (For the purposes of this clue, anyway...)

1. "I turn... into my gold!" the son declared.
2. I am the king, I am angry, I
AR-PHARAZON - "We are fair as one!" he said; find the end of his title.
IDRIL - Identify a neverending stream for the princess.
5. No way you'll hear the bearer in here.
6. In (very) bad Spanish, her name is what she has.
ELESSAR "Eee, not greater," the restorer said, turning tail.


Nerwen 06-10-2019 03:44 AM


Not as far as I know. My Spanish is really, really bad; I'm the sort of person who would go into a bar and order 'UNO... BEERS... SI?'. (For the purposes of this clue, anyway...)
Bad enough for you to think ELWING is Spanish? (Just checking!)

Nerwen 06-10-2019 03:48 AM


Huinesoron 06-10-2019 03:52 AM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 717938)
Bad enough for you to think ELWING is Spanish? (Just checking!)


(To be clear this is a commentary on English people in Spain, not on the Spanish who I'm sure know their own language better than that.)


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 717939)

He am wroth.

1. "I turn... into my gold!" the son declared.
AMROTH - I am the king, I am angry, I
AR-PHARAZON - "We are fair as one!" he said; find the end of his title.
IDRIL - Identify a neverending stream for the princess.
5. No way you'll hear the bearer in here.
ELWING - In (very) bad Spanish, her name is what she has.
ELESSAR "Eee, not greater," the restorer said, turning tail.

Two (and the password) to go.


Urwen 06-10-2019 04:19 AM

Password: Mariner?

Nerwen 06-10-2019 04:42 AM

Hmmn. I think the password might be MARINER, in which case the known answers could be connected thus-

AMROTH- this one is tenuous. Amroth set foot on a ship, at least, though he didn't exactly voyage far...
AR-PHARAZÔN- descendant of Eärendil, the Mariner; had a fleet.
IDRIL- mother of Eärendil.
ELWING- wife of Eärendil.
ELESSAR- jewel worn by Eärendil; title of Aragorn II, another descendant.

Edit: ninja'd by Urwen!

Urwen 06-10-2019 04:46 AM

1: Minastir?

Urwen 06-10-2019 04:47 AM

There is also Aldarion, but there is no M there....

Urwen 06-10-2019 04:48 AM

And 5 could be Tarannon, the ship-king

Urwen 06-10-2019 04:50 AM

P.S: It's your turn for riddle game.

Huinesoron 06-10-2019 05:16 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 717941)
Password: Mariner?

It is!

1. M - "I turn... into my gold!" the son declared.
AMROTH - I am the king, I am angry, I
AR-PHARAZON - "We are fair as one!" he said; find the end of his title.
IDRIL - Identify a neverending stream for the princess.
5. N - No way you'll hear the bearer in here.
ELWING - In (very) bad Spanish, her name is what she has.
ELESSAR "Eee, not greater," the restorer said, turning tail.


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 717942)
Hmmn. I think the password might be MARINER, in which case the known answers could be connected thus-

AMROTH- this one is tenuous. Amroth set foot on a ship, at least, though he didn't exactly voyage far...
AR-PHARAZÔN- descendant of Eärendil, the Mariner; had a fleet.
IDRIL- mother of Eärendil.
ELWING- wife of Eärendil.
ELESSAR- jewel worn by Eärendil; title of Aragorn II, another descendant.

Amroth sailed 'far out to see'; he counts. Ar-Pharazon had a big ship, Idril sailed to Valinor, and so did Elwing (though she started further out to sea). Aragorn sailed on Umbar in service to Ecthelion. All the characters are actual mariners, though only one of the remaining two was necessarily any good at it.


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 717943)
1: Minastir?


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 717944)
There is also Aldarion, but there is no M there....


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 717945)
And 5 could be Tarannon, the ship-king

Are you just guessing sailors now? None of those.

In 1, you need to find two words that would fit into the ellipsis.

In 5, you're looking for someone really known for their boat connection, but by an uncommon name of theirs. Spotting the straight clue might also help.

And both of them begin with their password letter.


Urwen 06-10-2019 05:24 AM

Are the words in ellipsis 'my water'?

Urwen 06-10-2019 05:25 AM

The bearer is Frodo.....I think.....

Huinesoron 06-10-2019 05:36 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 717948)
Are the words in ellipsis 'my water'?

'Water into gold', that well-known saying, leading to Tolkien's famous character Maewotor.



Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 717949)
The bearer is Frodo.....I think.....

Nope - but right kind of bearer!


Urwen 06-10-2019 05:44 AM

Known ring-bearers: Bilbo, Sam, Elrond, Cirdan, Galadriel, Gandalf, Gil-Galad, Finrod, Barahir, Beren, Aragorn, and Sauron.

Urwen 06-10-2019 05:46 AM

How about turning iron into gold, in which case, the answer is Mae+Iron = Mairon, who traveled via boat with good old Phary.

Nerwen 06-10-2019 05:55 AM

So it's just "made voyages"? I'm still doubtful about the applicability to unwilling sailors who throw themselves overboard, but it's your call.;)

Is #5 NOWË (a name of Círdan)?

Nerwen 06-10-2019 05:57 AM

And Urwen, thanks for the reminder. I'll put one up shortly.

Huinesoron 06-10-2019 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 717953)
How about turning iron into gold, in which case, the answer is Mae+Iron = Mairon, who traveled via boat with good old Phary.

Nope, not him. Is 'iron to gold' a common thing? Lead would be the usual metal, but it's not that either.


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 717954)
So it's just "made voyages"? I'm still doubtful about the applicability to unwilling sailors who throw themselves overboard, but it's your call.;)

The sailing was always the plan, though; he just wanted it to happen later. :)


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 717954)
Is #5 NOWË (a name of Círdan)?

No way! Yes, it is. :)

1. M - "I turn... into my gold!" the son declared.
AMROTH - I am the king, I am angry, I
AR-PHARAZON - "We are fair as one!" he said; find the end of his title.
IDRIL - Identify a neverending stream for the princess.
NOWË - No way you'll hear the bearer in here.
ELWING - In (very) bad Spanish, her name is what she has.
ELESSAR "Eee, not greater," the restorer said, turning tail.

(Running into that name made me wonder again about the names of the end-Cuivienen Eldar: Ingwe, Finwe, Elwe, Olwe, Nowe, Morwe, Nurwe. Were they all named [single syllable]-we - and if so, could we use this to deduce the maximum male population of Cuivienen, or perhaps just of this generation?

(The counter argument is Elmo, of course.)


Urwen 06-10-2019 07:13 AM

Copper? Stone?

Huinesoron 06-10-2019 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 717964)
Copper? Stone?

You're just guessing random substances now.

I believe the idiom I'm using goes back to the Bible; it's certainly found in various hymns. No specific substance is named, and the context is more refining than alchemy.


Urwen 06-10-2019 07:42 AM

Bible says 'Instead of bronze, I bring you gold'.

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