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For this one, I also prepared a little suprise. It will make sense what a suprise is when you solve everything.
1. A confused basque mineral meets a confused heath plant for a traitor 2. Reversed world meets a shortened hill for a Gondorian 3. A dune with a cut-off tail in this place for him 4. Slim meets a reversed piece of wood for him 5. Initially, giant octopus lay low under mill for the guide 6. Cool insect for an orc |
2. Adrahil
5. Gollum |
1. A confused basque mineral meets a confused heath plant for a traitor
ADRAHIL: Reversed world meets a shortened hill for a Gondorian 3. A dune with a cut-off tail in this place for him 4. Slim meets a reversed piece of wood for him GOLLUM: Initially, giant octopus lay low under mill for the guide 6. Cool insect for an orc |
6. Radbug. (Apparently 'rad' is slang for radical/cool, and a bug is an insect).
1. A confused basque mineral meets a confused heath plant for a traitor
ADRAHIL: Reversed world meets a shortened hill for a Gondorian 3. A dune with a cut-off tail in this place for him 4. Slim meets a reversed piece of wood for him GOLLUM: Initially, giant octopus lay low under mill for the guide RADBUG:Cool insect for an orc |
I think lhind/lind is slim/slender in Sindarin. Dor is rod (piece of wood) backwards.
I'll guess Lindor, but it would mean using the D twice. Actually, looking it up, there isn't a character called Lindor! Never mind. |
Nope, find a synonym for 'slim'. He is a leader of certain group of people....
Thorin has thin, but not enough of a backward stick.
OOOOHHHH!! THINGOL. 'Thin' plus 'log' backwards. |
1. A confused basque mineral meets a confused heath plant for a traitor
ADRAHIL: Reversed world meets a shortened hill for a Gondorian 3. A dune with a cut-off tail in this place for him THINGOL: Slim meets a reversed piece of wood for him GOLLUM: Initially, giant octopus lay low under mill for the guide RADBUG:Cool insect for an orc |
3. A dune with a cut-off tail in this place for him
DUNHERE (dun + here) Chieftain of the folk of Harrowdale. |
1. A confused basque mineral meets a confused heath plant for a traitor
ADRAHIL: Reversed world meets a shortened hill for a Gondorian DUNHERE: A dune with a cut-off tail in this place for him THINGOL: Slim meets a reversed piece of wood for him GOLLUM: Initially, giant octopus lay low under mill for the guide RADBUG: Cool insect for an orc Almost there. I suggest googling 'basque mineral' and 'heath plant'. I got them from reverse searching parts of the name. Then you'll see the suprise. |
I came across Alzola, but I can't think of a traitor with Z in their name, except for Ar-Pharazon, which doesn't contain any L's.
I started out backwards. Off the top of my head, a list of traitors:
Gorlim Maeglin Gollum Ulfang Mim Most of Feanor's sons Saruman Gollum and Mim can be eliminated straight away - the former is the answer to a different clue, and the latter is too short to contain two scrambled words. Searching scrambled bits of a few of the above found me a couple of godforsaken geographical locations, obscure genera, random political movements, and a massage therapist. Great. :rolleyes: |
Alzola + Erica ...
(Erica (the Latin term for 'heather,') came up when I googled 'heath plant.' I bet it's one of those Numenorean kings ... Ar something. EDIT: Anana also comes up for Basque mineral / Basque liquid salt. Anana + Erica? |
Ohhh, it's heath plants! I read that as "health plant", which would have made the search MUCH more extensive. I feel a Treebeard moment coming in. :rolleyes:
Anyways, I also found Calluna as another Latin term for heath. No idea what that could lead to, though. |
Also, part of his name could also mean 'me' or 'my' in latin when you unscramble it......kinda fitting for this particular one..... |
Very little knowledge of Latin here... I just remember that I is ego. But Google Translate insists that my/mine is meus, mea, mei. Thus, Maeglin it is.
Ling now shows up as a synonym for Calluna vulgaris, aka heather. Still can't find a concrete mineral from the first part - I just keep getting acronyms for various mining/mineral organizations, like Energy and Minerals Australia. |
Still can't see the password. ERNIL comes up vertically, but it's one letter short. NIENOR can vaguely be seen diagonally, but there's a jump between the N and O.
Oh! But wait! If you align all the words against the RIGHT side, then Nienor fits perfectly! :D |
ADRAHIL: Reversed world meets a shortened hill for a Gondorian DUNHERE: A dune with a cut-off tail in this place for him THINGOL: Slim meets a reversed piece of wood for him GOLLUM: Initially, giant octopus lay low under mill for the guide RADBUG: Cool insect for an orc That's it exactly. I tried to find the answers that would match against the left side, but couldn't find any, so I decided to go with the right side. T'is my big sis indeed. As for mea bit, well, mea means mineral in basque, hence basque mineral. |
Tada! Here's another one that I enjoyed compiling, but that will probably be very easy once the first couple clues are solved.
1. Listen! In mirrored nut is he. 2. He blends local star with biblical brother. 3. Earthquake happens while company meets derogatory dragon on short street, and he appears. 4. Small aged dwarf takes direction from him. 5. He hears player jogs with animals. Enjoy! |
Nice one! I was going to post 'Is the surprise that there is no password?', but Galadriel's eagle eye saw what mine did not.
1. Tharkun. (Hark in a mirror image of nut).
2. Incanus (sun + Cain). Both names of Gandalf, I think? I'm wondering if it's one of those passwords where each clue connects to something, and that something is the password (like the 'Tolkien' one you did a while ago). Because I think that: 3. Is Stormcrow (co + worm + str) earthquaked/shaken up ... (Although at first I was using the standard shortening of street - St - and got as far as StormCOW. ;) ... and that the password might be GANDALF. (It was only when 'Stormcrow' started to form that I thought this, though. Thought Tharkun and Incanus was a coincidence at first). 4. Olorin (Ol (small old) + R + Oin). I think 5 might be Mithrandir - but the only bit I can make work is 'deer' for 'dir' - 'ran' being the wrong tense for 'jogs.' |
PASSWORD: GANDALF 1. THARKUN Listen! In mirrored nut is he. 2. INCANUS He blends local star with biblical brother. 3. STORMCROW Earthquake happens while company meets derogatory dragon on short street, and he appears. 4. OLORIN Small aged dwarf takes direction from him. 5. MITHRANDIR He hears player jogs with animals. |
The past two days were my vacation in between babysitting and university, so I've had way more time than I did in months, which lead me to dig up old clues including this old gem of yours, Pervinca:
Your 'Tolkien family' one was one of my favourites, and so was 'Brown Lands.' And the zigzag one.
I did remember my Mithrandir clue, because it was in one of my earliest passwords and I remember constructing the clue, but I think I'm maybe proudest of 'Cramsome bread' because I found one instance, and one only I think, where a 'bloomer' in Tolkien could be a loaf of bread and not a flower. :D (Also a bit embarrassed that 'dear' is an adjective and 'expensively' an adverb, so clue not 100% accurate!) I have all my past cryptic clues and passwords saved in a document together, though, with new ones I write as I need them or the obsession takes me again (!) - I look through it now and again to make sure I'm not exactly repeating a clue if I'm using the same answer again. But that still doesn't bring me any closer to answering your MITHRANDIR properly ... and I only guessed 'deer' because I'd run out of other Gandalf aliases. ;) Please tell me! 'Mithran' is a Hindu name meaning sun ... a player can mean a cad or bounder as well as a gamester ... but I can't get either to fit. Oh, and I edited my post several times. It took a while to guess them all. :) P.S. It isn't that 'Mithran' sounds a bit like 'Marathon,' is it? |
This one took ages to write, but you won't see why until the end. :)
1. Shakespearean harlot runs backwards for him. 2. Flower rearranged for a Baggins. 3. Complex role for this warrior. 4. Hope lost direction for her. |
3. Eorl? 1 seems easy, but I don't seem to have the right Shakespearean term. The first thing that came to mind was strumpet, but tepmurtz doesn't ring a bell. The only specific harlot I can recall from my not-too-extensive knowledge is Bianca, but she doesn't run back well either. |
Not Bianca, or Mistress Quickly (or Doll Tearsheet, for that matter!) Hamlet uses the term I'm after in the 'Hecuba' soliloquy.
Eorl is correct. And deserved fame for Mith! 1. Shakespearean harlot runs backwards for him. 2. Flower rearranged for a Baggins. EORL: Complex role for this warrior. 4. Hope lost direction for her. |
4. Este? Not keen on family trees, so 2 might take some more time. Also, for some reason it bothers me that so far all the answers have 4 letters. :confused: |
Why should it bother you? ;)
Correct. DRAB backwards is BARD and ESTEL minus L is ESTE. |
I've got it. 2 is Rosa, aka Aros the flower jumbled up.
The password is Bree then. |
Yes, Rosa.
Yes, Bree. And ................? |
Correct. It might not look much, but it took ages to get a 4 by 4 grid in Tolkien names with a password both ends. ;) I wanted to make one like you see in squares/a grid, like in puzzle books.
I tried and tried to get one or both diagonals as well, but couldn't. At least the across ones were people and the down ones were places, though. BARD: Shakespearean harlot runs backwards for him. ROSA: Flower rearranged for a Baggins. EORL: Complex role for this warrior. ESTE: Hope lost direction for her. Well done both, and over to Urwen. |
How about this?
1. Carbon precedes confused knowledge 2. Flame girl 3. Reversed wound meets a rodent for him 4. A man of stature meets a negative atom for a flower 5. Confused bullfighting cry for him 6. Leader of sea-farers 7. Note precedes confused entrance for a hero 8. Dark girl is the enemy of darkness 9. Reversed yell precedes a substance made from carbon 10. Direction precedes male name for her 11. Bleak meets an article for him 12. He shares his name with a Roman emperor 13. Reversed cut-off way for him 14. He keeps the beverage I had a lot of fun picking this particular one and making it work. Some clues are straightforward, some are not. |
1. Ceorl
3. Shagrat 6. Aldarion? |
2. Arien?
CEORL: Carbon precedes confused knowledge
2. Flame girl SHAGRAT: Reversed wound meets a rodent for him 4. A man of stature meets a negative atom for a flower 5. Confused bullfighting cry for him 6. Leader of sea-farers 7. Note precedes confused entrance for a hero 8. Dark girl is the enemy of darkness 9. Reversed yell precedes a substance made from carbon 10. Direction precedes male name for her 11. Bleak meets an article for him 12. He shares his name with a Roman emperor 13. Reversed cut-off way for him 14. He keeps the beverage Nope for 2 and 3...... for 2, try translating 'flame', and 8 is along similar lines. |
10. Rian?
6. Tar?
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