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Pervinca Took 03-22-2020 06:20 AM

BREGALAD: Expeditious ray? He's quite translated!
OX: Between the eagle and the hart? O sing!
OROFARNE: Beloved tree.
KILLING: It's all the Uruk-Hai think about!

TREEBEARD: Ventilating equipment disappeared, we hear? Another who's quite translated.
HASUFEL: Luxuriant soul! Through chaos, see him.
R: Grishnakh's Nemesis (although why is anyone's guess).
EOWYN: Sorrow returns. Ask why. November begins. And there she stands.
EORED: A company who knows how to address a stag? After a fashion, and with (perhaps) a tone of regret?

For R, the answer is what led Grishnakh to his death, not what 'finally' caused it.

Yes, OX, from Treebeard's Lore of Living Creatures.

Urwen 03-22-2020 06:34 AM

7. Ring

Pervinca Took 03-22-2020 06:40 AM

BREGALAD: Expeditious ray? He's quite translated!
OX: Between the eagle and the hart? O sing!
OROFARNE: Beloved tree.
KILLING: It's all the Uruk-Hai think about!

TREEBEARD: Ventilating equipment disappeared, we hear? Another who's quite translated.
HASUFEL: Luxuriant soul! Through chaos, see him.
RINGLUST: Grishnakh's Nemesis (although why is anyone's guess).
EOWYN: Sorrow returns. Ask why. November begins. And there she stands.
EORED: A company who knows how to address a stag? After a fashion, and with (perhaps) a tone of regret?

It's RINGLUST, but you can have it.

Over to you.

Urwen 03-22-2020 08:50 AM

This next one is inspired by you. The password, limerick edition.

1. A mariner's food
2. I do not lie, for I am good
3. A dark path I travel, but I'll come through
4. I stayed up too late, did you know
5. The journey o'er the flowing sea us did include.

Warning: I am not liable for frustrations that may happen because of this puzzle.

Pervinca Took 03-22-2020 08:54 AM

4. The Man in the Moon?

5. Ringbearers?

Urwen 03-22-2020 08:57 AM

1. A mariner's food
2. I do not lie, for I am good
3. A dark path I travel, but I'll come through
MAN IN THE MOON: I stayed up too late, did you know
5. The journey o'er the flowing sea us did include.

No to Ringbearers.

Galadriel55 03-22-2020 09:08 AM

2. Oliphaunt?

POEMS for password?

Pervinca Took 03-22-2020 10:31 AM

1. Porridge?

5. Tall ships and tall kings?

3. Earendil, perhaps?

Urwen 03-22-2020 11:31 AM

PORRIDGE: A mariner's food
OLIPHAUNT: I do not lie, for I am good
E: A dark path I travel, but I'll come through
MAN IN THE MOON: I stayed up too late, did you know
S: The journey o'er the flowing sea us did include.

No to Earendil.

Urwen 03-22-2020 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 721885)
5. Tall ships and tall kings?

Right one there, but look at all the verses of that one. ;)

Pervinca Took 03-22-2020 02:09 PM

Stars or stones, I guess?

It's nice to have a password based on the songs. I've wanted to do one, but couldn't think how to make it work.

I have done two in rhyming couplets, though.

Pervinca Took 03-22-2020 02:12 PM

And is E EOMER, from 'Out of dark, out of doubt, to the day's rising' or something similar?

Urwen 03-22-2020 02:32 PM

PORRIDGE: A mariner's food
OLIPHAUNT: I do not lie, for I am good
E: A dark path I travel, but I'll come through
MAN IN THE MOON: I stayed up too late, did you know
STARS: The journey o'er the flowing sea us did include.

No to Eomer either. There is a reason I've written 'dark path'. It's a named path. Or paths.

Pervinca Took 03-22-2020 02:41 PM

ELESSAR - the rhyme Galadriel sent to him about the Paths of the Dead?

Urwen 03-22-2020 03:46 PM

PORRIDGE: A mariner's food
OLIPHAUNT: I do not lie, for I am good
ELESSAR: A dark path I travel, but I'll come through
MAN IN THE MOON: I stayed up too late, did you know
STARS: The journey o'er the flowing sea us did include.

Over to G55.

Galadriel55 03-22-2020 08:06 PM

Certainly not as creative, but inspired by the rhyming scheme.

1. A set sun to guard against foes
2. A dog and a sharp mind that knows
3. One windy mountain
4. East of shadow a fountain
5. And backwards the true darkness goes

(Also a friendly reminder that if you are expecting a PM please make sure there is space in your inbox :))

Pervinca Took 03-23-2020 02:11 AM

1. Minas Anor?

Huinesoron 03-23-2020 06:16 AM

2. ORTHANC, with the translations of Mount Fang (a Very Good Boy) and the Cunning Mind?


Galadriel55 03-23-2020 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 721894)
1. Minas Anor?

Not quite, but have the correct place.

1. A set sun to guard against foes
2. ORTHANC: A dog and a sharp mind that knows
3. One windy mountain
4. East of shadow a fountain
5. And backwards the true darkness goes

Pervinca Took 03-23-2020 07:47 AM

Possibly Moria for the password?

Pervinca Took 03-23-2020 07:49 AM

1. Minas Tirith, or Mundburg?

Galadriel55 03-23-2020 08:39 AM

1. TIRITH: A set sun to guard against foes
2. ORTHANC: A dog and a sharp mind that knows
3. One windy mountain
4. East of shadow a fountain
5. And backwards the true darkness goes

Not Moria.

Pervinca Took 03-23-2020 09:19 AM

TOWER for the password?

Would 5 be Barad-Dur?

Galadriel55 03-23-2020 10:36 AM


1. TIRITH: A set sun to guard against foes
2. ORTHANC: A dog and a sharp mind that knows
3. W One windy mountain
4. E East of shadow a fountain
5. RUD-DARAB: And backwards the true darkness goes

Huinesoron 03-23-2020 12:23 PM

3. Weathertop?

Pervinca Took 03-23-2020 01:27 PM

4. (Fornost) Erain?

(E + RAIN).

Galadriel55 03-23-2020 02:36 PM

Yes to Weathertop, no to Fornost Erain. The last clue is a bit different from the rest. I was not trying to group the towers by book or era or geography on purpose, but it just so happened that this one stands out alone.

1. TIRITH: A set sun to guard against foes
2. ORTHANC: A dog and a sharp mind that knows
3. WEATHERTOP: One windy mountain
4. E East of shadow a fountain
5. RUD-DARAB: And backwards the true darkness goes

Pervinca Took 03-23-2020 07:11 PM

Elostirion? ... but no fountain.

Galadriel55 03-23-2020 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 721919)
Elostirion? ... but no fountain.


But I do believe that it will show up on Enc of Arda if you search the word tower - certainly if you search its Elvish variant.

Huinesoron 03-24-2020 02:16 AM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 721920)

But I do believe that it will show up on Enc of Arda if you search the word tower - certainly if you search its Elvish variant.

Darn, I was wondering if it was a sneaky ECTHELION, for both the tower and the Lord of the Fountain.


Urwen 03-24-2020 04:11 AM


Galadriel55 03-24-2020 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 721923)

No. What is that? I don't even remember that one.

Ecthelion would have been more creative than I had the energy for. I wish I thought of that.

To aid your search, look in Beleriand.

Urwen 03-24-2020 07:02 AM

I have, and I can't find any tower there beginning with E.

Pervinca Took 03-24-2020 07:19 AM

Mindon Eldalieva was built on Tirion upon Tuna, by Ingwe.

Galadriel55 03-24-2020 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 721926)
Mindon Eldalieva was built on Tirion upon Tuna, by Ingwe.


So I checked. Enc of Arda does not pop it up with a search for tower, but it does pop it out if you look for the Elvish term.

Urwen, it might help you to go systematically, because there very much is a tower that fits the clue. You know it's east of shadow and is related to a fountain.

Urwen 03-24-2020 07:35 AM

Elvish term for tower is mindon, and if you search that, Mindon Eldalieva is all you get.

Urwen 03-24-2020 07:39 AM

Never mind, found it.


Thanks, map of Beleriand.

Galadriel55 03-24-2020 07:43 AM

Yay! Another word for tower is barad, which would have lead you straight there. East of Ered Wethrin, near the Well of Sirion

1. TIRITH: A set sun to guard against foes
2. ORTHANC: A dog and a sharp mind that knows
3. WEATHERTOP: One windy mountain
4. EITHEL: East of shadow a fountain
5. RUD-DARAB: And backwards the true darkness goes

Over to Pervinca!

Pervinca Took 03-24-2020 11:42 AM

Ah, yes - found the meaning 'well, spring' in a footnote (was searching for the 'fountain' reference).

Good password!

Here we go again:

1. In German, I believe we will find him, if we lose a revolutionary leader, grasp the way and spin.
2. Dwarf gains a thousand for him, despite the turmoil.
3. Fair disgruntled, she is, and a little discombobulated too!
4. Well may you do this, in great perturbation, in his halls.
5. A confused astronomer will lead you to him.
6. See him where a muddled murderer meets a burning sphere returning.
7. Note fea in great trouble for him.
8. An evil look meets a little woman. She shakes it up.
9. For him, a ford and an eighties singer each lose direction, and meet.

Galadriel55 03-25-2020 08:30 AM

1. Google translate says I believe is Ich glaube.

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