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Pervinca Took 07-02-2019 11:07 PM

TUNA: A dark fish for a hill? (Dark Elves).
HYARROSTAR: Linger, wife of Abraham! Switch an exclamation, and take a turn about here! (Elendil)
EREBOR: Partition switches note and meanders. (Frodo).
BLOEMFONTEIN: A German baptism unit and a spy, note! How it all twists around here! (Tolkien).
DALE: Note boy returning here, (or show surprise to him, in Yorkshire!) (Frodo).
MORDOR: Disemvowelled red room in a mess around here! (Aragorn).
MINAS TIRITH: Leave him in singularly dire straits, when they all mingle here? (Boromir).
TANIQUETIL: Sweetly old-fashioned tile broken here? (Dark Elves).
IMLADRIS: Rob thin person? No, place. Confused? (Frodo)
PINE-WOODS: Place to shoot Carry On films, severally. (Frodo). *
GONDOR: A bird changes its note here. (Bilbo & Frodo).
VALINOR: The first of November! Behold, heraldic fur! Scramble for it! (Dark Elves).
MORIA: A dwarf in his rightful place, with his mother surrounding him? (Thrain).
THE GOLDEN PERCH: Note quaint fruit with an unusual core, after an article here. (Pippin).

* Probably/possibly

THEME: Places one or more people (fairly notably/significantly) did not go or return to, (either on a particular occasion or ever, and sometimes in spite of intention and/or invitation).


The Dark Elves never sailed west, so did not visit Tuna, Taniquetil or Valinor.

Elendil could not go back to any part of Numenor once it was under the sea (unless he invented a very powerful snorkel).

Frodo never visited Dale or Erebor, although Gloin invited him.

Tolkien never went back to his birthplace of Bloemfontein.

Aragorn never went into Mordor (at least, not before the Ring was destroyed), although he would have gone there with Frodo had Merry and Pippin not needed rescuing (as it seemed).

Boromir died at Parth Galen, so did not return to Minas Tirith as he intended.

Frodo said he would come back to Imladris soon, to see Bilbo, but Elrond said he thought he would not need to, unless he came back very soon ... and this proved to be right.

'Good morning!' said Bilbo. `Feel ready for the great council?' `I feel ready for anything,' answered Frodo. `But most of all I should like to go walking today and explore the valley. I should like to get into those pine-woods up there.' He pointed away far up the side of Rivendell to the north. 'You may have a chance later,' said Gandalf. `But we cannot make any plans yet.' … I suppose he never went in the end. He might have, but once the weight of Middle-earth was truly on his shoulders …? It's said that he spent as much time as possible with Bilbo. Would Bilbo have been up to exploring pine woods?

Bilbo never visited Gondor, although he was, of course, invited to A and A's wedding (too old; packing such a bother). Frodo would always have been welcome back there, but he was too deeply hurt and sailed west.

I believe Thrain meant to enter Moria, but he was waylaid and died in the pits of Dol Guldur.*

Pippin wanted to reach The Golden Perch at Stock by sundown, for the best beer in the Eastfarthing, but Frodo insisted on them taking a short-cut instead.

THE FLOATING LOG: The four hobbits meant to go here when they returned to the Shire, but things weren't well in the Shire and they didn't.

* Have I got this right? The bit about Thrain and Moria?


BLOEMFONTEIN = B + MOLE + FONT + EIN (mixed up a bit).

Urwen 07-03-2019 12:18 PM

I managed to put this one together, and it's all first letters. Hope you enjoy it.

1. Son of Jacob, combine with a hard-shelled fruit and a pronoun, chaotically, for her.
2. To find him, put together his kind's dwelling and a gale, tumultuosly.
3. Note a cliff; it's all in a muddle for him.
4. Initially, life of mine precedes an electrically charged particle for him.
5. Chaotically, religious women and an American organization reveal him.
6. Note, he is a confused noble.
7. A gaseous element precedes a confused bird for her.

Pervinca Took 07-03-2019 01:38 PM

No clue 1?

Pervinca Took 07-03-2019 01:40 PM


(Name given to Merry in Rohan).

Urwen 07-03-2019 01:43 PM

Sorry, fixed.

Urwen 07-03-2019 01:44 PM

1. Son of Jacob, combine with a hard-shelled fruit and a pronoun, chaotically, for her.
HOLDWINE: To find him, put together his kind's dwelling and a gale, tumultuosly.
3. Note a cliff; it's all in a muddle for him.
4. Initially, life of mine precedes an electrically charged particle for him.
5. Chaotically, religious women and an American organization reveal him.
6. Note, he is a confused noble.
7. A gaseous element precedes a confused bird for her.

Pervinca Took 07-03-2019 01:52 PM

7. Ne(on) + wren = Nerwen?

Urwen 07-03-2019 01:59 PM

1. Son of Jacob, combine with a hard-shelled fruit and a pronoun, chaotically, for her.
HOLDWINE: To find him, put together his kind's dwelling and a gale, tumultuosly.
3. Note a cliff; it's all in a muddle for him.
4. Initially, life of mine precedes an electrically charged particle for him.
5. Chaotically, religious women and an American organization reveal him.
6. Note, he is a confused noble.
NERWEN: A gaseous element precedes a confused bird for her.

Pervinca Took 07-03-2019 05:06 PM

4. Initially, life of mine precedes an electrically charged particle for him.
4. L O M + ION = Lomion.

Pervinca Took 07-03-2019 05:10 PM

1. Son of Jacob, combine with a hard-shelled fruit and a pronoun, chaotically, for he

Levi + nut + I.


Urwen 07-03-2019 11:09 PM

TINUVIEL: Son of Jacob, combine with a hard-shelled fruit and a pronoun, chaotically, for her.
HOLDWINE: To find him, put together his kind's dwelling and a gale, tumultuosly.
A: Note a cliff; it's all in a muddle for him.
LOMION: Initially, life of mine precedes an electrically charged particle for him.
I: Chaotically, religious women and an American organization reveal him.
O: Note, he is a confused noble.
NERWEN: A gaseous element precedes a confused bird for her.

Pervinca Took 07-04-2019 02:45 AM


Is there a theme this time, Urwen?

Urwen 07-04-2019 04:11 AM

Yes, there is. Think about what all the answers so far ARE.

Pervinca Took 07-04-2019 04:57 AM

All steadfast? (The meaning of 'Thalion').

Urwen 07-04-2019 07:46 AM

No, it has to do with names.

Pervinca Took 07-04-2019 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 719049)

Is there a theme this time, Urwen?

1. Is Incanus correct?

2. Is the theme that they are all epesses, not birth-names?

3. O: Note, he is a confused noble - Is this ORALD? LORD + A, confused.

Urwen 07-04-2019 10:16 AM

Yes, both are
TINUVIEL: Son of Jacob, combine with a hard-shelled fruit and a pronoun, chaotically, for her.
HOLDWINE: To find him, put together his kind's dwelling and a gale, tumultuosly.
A: Note a cliff; it's all in a muddle for him.
LOMION: Initially, life of mine precedes an electrically charged particle for him.
INCANUS: Chaotically, religious women and an American organization reveal him.
ORALD: Note, he is a confused noble.
NERWEN: A gaseous element precedes a confused bird for her.

THEME: Epesses/other names given to characters

Pervinca Took 07-04-2019 10:48 AM


Ollo/oldo seem to be elvish for cliff.

No actual cliff names - real or Tolkien ones - come to mind.

Scar/scarp etc don't work either.

I have a couple of possible epesses, but I can't make the elements work for them.

Urwen 07-04-2019 10:53 AM

Not Elvish, English. There is an english synonym for a cliff that will make it work.

Urwen 07-07-2019 05:00 AM

Do you need a hint?

Pervinca Took 07-07-2019 06:15 AM

I'm afraid I do.


and one ending in 'maite' that I've forgotten are all epesses, but resolutely cliffless, as far as I can see.

Urwen 07-07-2019 06:22 AM

Hint: Remember mah house.

Pervinca Took 07-07-2019 07:28 AM

The house of Hurin?

Pervinca Took 07-07-2019 07:32 AM


Making it not Agarwaen, but ADANEDHEL.

Urwen 07-07-2019 07:33 AM

TINUVIEL: Son of Jacob, combine with a hard-shelled fruit and a pronoun, chaotically, for her.
HOLDWINE: To find him, put together his kind's dwelling and a gale, tumultuosly.
ADANEDHEL: Note a cliff; it's all in a muddle for him.
LOMION: Initially, life of mine precedes an electrically charged particle for him.
INCANUS: Chaotically, religious women and an American organization reveal him.
ORALD: Note, he is a confused noble.
NERWEN: A gaseous element precedes a confused bird for her.

THEME: Epesses/other names given to characters

Urwen 07-07-2019 07:34 AM

Well done, and it's yours.

Could I get a single hint for your riddle, pls?

Pervinca Took 07-07-2019 07:38 AM

Yes ... the answer (surprise, surprise!) is much more hobbitlike than what you guessed.

And since my laptop is less than a yard away from me, you can have the next password in a few minutes ... check this post, which I will edit.

Told you! :)

1. Rubbish without sibilance; well but confused. There he is!
2. The car went last. (Gandalf and Aragorn were in the van, remember). But look inside and see her.
3. A round trip reveals him. Then he returns.
4. Find him appearing in rude films?
5. Think archaically, take two paths, and circulate to find her.
6. A jealousy over a locomotive worsens before he is revealed.
7. Willow loses incentive, initially, but then winds itself around her.
8. See where the legend lies, breathed through this, and join it to an iambus, a trochee, an anapaest or a dactyl. For her.

Urwen 07-07-2019 08:00 AM

2. Arwen

Urwen 07-07-2019 08:06 AM

3. Peregrin, from peregrination? Or Tuor, from tour?

Pervinca Took 07-07-2019 08:20 AM

1. Rubbish without sibilance; well but confused. There he is!
ARWEN: The car went last. (Gandalf and Aragorn were in the van, remember). But look inside and see her.
ROUT: A round trip reveals him. Then he returns.
4. Find him appearing in rude films?
5. Think archaically, take two paths, and circulate to find her.
6. A jealousy over a locomotive worsens before he is revealed.
7. Willow loses incentive, initially, but then winds itself around her.
8. See where the legend lies, breathed through this, and join it to an iambus, a trochee, an anapaest or a dactyl. For her.

Urwen 07-07-2019 10:53 AM

5. Nerwen (Ween+N+R)

Pervinca Took 07-07-2019 01:32 PM

1. Rubbish without sibilance; well but confused. There he is!
ARWEN: The car went last. (Gandalf and Aragorn were in the van, remember). But look inside and see her.
ROUT: A round trip reveals him. Then he returns.
4. Find him appearing in rude films?
NERWEN: Think archaically, take two paths, and circulate to find her.
6. A jealousy over a locomotive worsens before he is revealed.
7. Willow loses incentive, initially, but then winds itself around her.
8. See where the legend lies, breathed through this, and join it to an iambus, a trochee, an anapaest or a dactyl. For her.

Urwen 07-07-2019 01:48 PM

So 8 is Silver+Meter?

Urwen 07-07-2019 01:56 PM

4. Derufin (In+Rude+F)

Urwen 07-07-2019 02:16 PM

And for 1, Hale+Trah?

Pervinca Took 07-07-2019 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 719087)
So 8 is Silver+Meter?

Silver, yes. Meter, no.

No to 1 and 4.

Urwen 07-08-2019 12:13 AM

Ah. 8 is Celebrindal. Those are metrical feet.

Pervinca Took 07-08-2019 03:15 AM

1. Rubbish without sibilance; well but confused. There he is!
ARWEN: The car went last. (Gandalf and Aragorn were in the van, remember). But look inside and see her.
ROUT: A round trip reveals him. Then he returns.
4. Find him appearing in rude films?
NERWEN: Think archaically, take two paths, and circulate to find her.
6. A jealousy over a locomotive worsens before he is revealed.
7. Willow loses incentive, initially, but then winds itself around her.
SILVER-FOOT: See where the legend lies, breathed through this, and join it to an iambus, a trochee, an anapaest or a dactyl. For her.

C S Lewis: "But myths are lies, though lies breathed through silver."

Pervinca Took 07-08-2019 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 719089)
And for 1, Hale+Trah?

Actually, HALE is the right element for 'well.'

It's not the 'literal' kind of rubbish, though, but rubbish as in 'no good.'

Urwen 07-08-2019 01:36 PM

I've checked everything, and no name fits.

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