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So #4's second letter is R... Hmmm... Brandybuck. |
Well done!~
So here's the full solved riddle: 1.Ithil Thing that starts a sword's harmless touch comes out at night. 2.Lhun Final journey begins here. 3.Boromir With my little brother I shared a jewel but not a passion. 4. Brandybuck Spirits pay off for him. 5.Silent Watchers Muted malice broken by a bright memory 6.Angband Hellish way to contain a musical ensemble The Password is THORIN. Nilpaurion Felagund will be serving the next one.:) |
No dillydallying here!
Here's a quick one.
1. Initially north of Bree. 2. Ringbearer without flinging Ring first. 3. Stable boy of the Pony. Enjoy. :) |
#3 - Bob?
But how quickly will it be guessed?
#1 Nob? (North of Bree.)
#2 Isildur? |
Just to be straightforward
1) Chetwood?
Here are the correct answers:
1. Nob Initially north of Bree.
2. Ringbearer without flinging Ring first. 3. Bob Stable boy of the Pony. Quote:
#2 Aragorn?
I'm sorry...
2. Odo?
That's it!
1. Nob Initially north of Bree.
2. Odo Ringbearer without flinging Ring first. 3. Bob Stable boy of the Pony. Now, what's the password? A hint: One thing in common. |
Can you explain #2 ?
Kind of a sideways palindrome you've got going there - reading down starting from the 1st, 2nd and 2rd letters of "Nob", you get Nob-Odo-Bob again. Very clever. |
Is the password not Nob then?
How about, say, um, ohhh, lessee... ure, tengwa for w that looks like an "o", meaning 'heat'? |
Neither are correct.
The letters of the clues themselves provide nothing to the password, but the clues have one thing in common. That's the password.
They're all names.
They all have three letters. They all have an o. |
They're all names...
Names of what? ;)
My password was legal, correct? I didn't violate any rules?
*skims rules* I'm pretty sure it was legal. Anyway, here's the new puzzle:
1. Amon Din: The silent place on which I am. 2. River Running: Water sprinted to the east. 3. Horn Call of Buckland: Hobbits are afraid because their enemies have torches. 4. Weathertop: Atmospheric Conditions on the upside. 5. Indis: Mother of the one with the sharp tongue. 6. Indor: Morwen's kinsman not outside. 7. Gamgee: Faithful companion ends up turning right. |
5. Indis? Fëanor accused Fingolfin of having a sharp tongue...
NightKnight is correct with #5.
1: East Emnet?
#2 River Running?
#4 Weathertop? |
Saucepan Man is correct with both 2 and 4.
Thorongil: not even close. |
#6 Aerin ?
7. Ragnor, Gildor, Hathaldir or Dagnir?
Turambar: getting warmer. "not outside" is cryptic.
NightKnight: All of those are very cold. |
6) Thingol?
Finwe and Nilpaurion, both getting colder...
6: House of Beor?
Mariska: colder, freezing cold...
3) Helm's Deep?
6) Thalion?
7) Huan? |
None of those.
#6 isn't going anywhere. Turambar's guess was the closest so far. #3 is entirely cryptic. In #7 "faithful companion" is the straight clue. |
1) Amon Din?
Yes, Amon Din is #1.
#6- Beren?
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