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Huinesoron 06-12-2019 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 718093)
Underground realms?

That's right. :)

1. A proper plural and archaic form gives the black its English name.
2. Named for their master in the blackened green.
3. Known by where and what it is, home of gold.
4. Belted and counted; look three from the back.
IRON HILLS - Fear halved, an elementary rise for the new king.
NARGOTHROND - Elvish fire, depart! The hammer begins to be cast by the river.
GUNDABAD - Firearms - the evil in the north.

Theme: Underground realms


Urwen 06-12-2019 08:33 AM

Elvenking's Halls?

Huinesoron 06-12-2019 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 718097)
Elvenking's Halls?

That sounds like a possible underground realm. Can you fit it to any of the clues?


Pervinca Took 06-12-2019 08:56 AM


Known for being the Lonely Mountain.

Urwen 06-12-2019 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 718098)
That sounds like a possible underground realm. Can you fit it to any of the clues?


For 2.

Pervinca Took 06-12-2019 09:09 AM

Is 1 DWARROWDELF? Tolkien's preferred plural for dwarf (in English) was the archaic dwarrows/dwerrows (which I think he wrote ought to have existed, or something), and Moria was the black chasm.

Pervinca Took 06-12-2019 09:11 AM

Could password be DEEPING?

Huinesoron 06-12-2019 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 718100)

Known for being the Lonely Mountain.

No, but also yes, so I'll give you that.


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 718102)
For 2.

In that case yes. :)


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 718103)
Is 1 DWARROWDELF? Tolkien's preferred plural for dwarf (in English) was the archaic dwarrows/dwerrows (which I think he wrote ought to have existed, or something), and Moria was the black chasm.

Exactly that.


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 718104)
Could password be DEEPING?

It could be... if this were a different puzzle.

DWARROWDELF - A proper plural and archaic form gives the black its English name.
ELVENKING'S HALLS - Named for their master in the blackened green.
LONELY MOUNTAIN - Known by where and what it is, home of gold.
4. Belted and counted; look three from the back.
IRON HILLS - Fear halved, an elementary rise for the new king.
NARGOTHROND - Elvish fire, depart! The hammer begins to be cast by the river.
GUNDABAD - Firearms - the evil in the north.

Theme: Underground realms

One to go!


Pervinca Took 06-12-2019 09:21 AM


Huinesoron 06-12-2019 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 718108)


DWARROWDELF - A proper plural and archaic form gives the black its English name.
ELVENKING'S HALLS - Named for their master in the blackened green.
LONELY MOUNTAIN - Known by where and what it is, home of gold.
4. V - Belted and counted; look three from the back.
IRON HILLS - Fear halved, an elementary rise for the new king.
NARGOTHROND - Elvish fire, depart! The hammer begins to be cast by the river.
GUNDABAD - Firearms - the evil in the north.

Theme: Underground realms

This is the one clue I couldn't find a word with the right initial for.


Pervinca Took 06-12-2019 09:26 AM

Is the 'blackened green' of clue 2 Mirkwood?

Huinesoron 06-12-2019 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 718111)
Is the 'blackened green' of clue 2 Mirkwood?

Yep; Greenwood becomes Murky.


Pervinca Took 06-12-2019 09:35 AM

Them elves and their decadent ways. Drinking at all hours.

I guess there are two letters after V.

Huinesoron 06-12-2019 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 718113)
Them elves and their decadent ways. Drinking at all hours.

I guess there are two letters after V.

There are indeed.


Pervinca Took 06-12-2019 12:41 PM

Is it ------------ Caves?

Glittering Caves, perhaps, but how are they belted and counted?

Huinesoron 06-12-2019 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 718130)
Is it ------------ Caves?

Glittering Caves, perhaps, but hos are they belted and counted?

Caves, but not the Glittering ones. One half of 'belted and counted' is a straight clue.


Urwen 06-12-2019 03:07 PM

4. Caves of the Forgotten?

Huinesoron 06-12-2019 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 718132)
4. Caves of the Forgotten?

Not that either.

One of 'belted' and 'counted' is a clue to the realm as a, um, realm; the other is a direct clue to the name.


Urwen 06-12-2019 03:40 PM

Then I will leave it to others.

Btw, a bit of self promotion, but no guesses for my riddle? It's easy......

Pervinca Took 06-13-2019 12:12 AM

I guess it must be the Thousand Caves? Regarding 'belted' ... they are also called Menegroth. Is 'Mene' belt, since I think 'Menelwhatsisface' is Orion, the constellation with the shining belt?


No Angband or Utumno, then? ;)

Huinesoron 06-13-2019 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 718137)
I guess it must be the Thousand Caves? Regarding 'belted' ... they are also called Menegroth. Is 'Mene' belt, since I think 'Menelwhatsisface' is Orion, the constellation with the shining belt?


No Angband or Utumno, then? ;)

It is the Thousand Caves, which are famously within the Girdle of Melian.

DWARROWDELF - A proper plural and archaic form gives the black its English name.
ELVENKING'S HALLS - Named for their master in the blackened green.
LONELY MOUNTAIN - Known by where and what it is, home of gold.
THOUSAND CAVES - Belted and counted; look three from the back.
IRON HILLS - Fear halved, an elementary rise for the new king.
NARGOTHROND - Elvish fire, depart! The hammer begins to be cast by the river.
GUNDABAD - Firearms - the evil in the north.

Theme: Underground realms

Mene in this case is meneg, 'thousand'; in the constellation, I think it's menel, 'heaven'.

Over to you, Pervinca.


Pervinca Took 06-13-2019 05:44 AM

True ... I then remembered 'O menel aglar elenath' and realised that I was talking pants. :D

Another interesting password, so this one might disappoint. However, if the theme is still unguessed at the end *and* I can work out the answer to Huinesoron's 'One Thing In Common' question, (highly unlikely!), I might drop the answers in there as well. As far as I am aware, and with one caveat that I will explain, I think these are the only examples pertaining to this theme.

Here we go, then:

1. French valley lingerie? No way! Mix it up for him.
2. A handle and the French one are in turmoil for her.
3. After an awful, unsung muddle, forty-nine with reveal her.
4. She sounds like a silly one, the Spanish girl.
5. Spouse around a way for him.

By the way, in my clues, from now on, sing/sang/sung can mean a note, and unsung/unsing can mean take a note away.

Urwen 06-13-2019 07:18 AM

4. Niniel (Nina+El)

Pervinca Took 06-13-2019 07:31 AM

1. French valley lingerie? No way! Mix it up for him.
2. A handle and the French one are in turmoil for her.
3. After an awful, unsung muddle, forty-nine with reveal her.
NINIEL: She sounds like a silly one, the Spanish girl.
5. Spouse around a way for him.

It IS Niniel, but it's NINNY + EL.

Urwen 06-13-2019 08:05 AM

2. Earwen (Ear+un)

Pervinca Took 06-13-2019 08:45 AM


I'd be pretty annoyed if someone used my ears as handles!

Urwen 06-13-2019 08:46 AM

Well, ear is a synonym for handle.

Pervinca Took 06-13-2019 11:44 AM

1. French valley lingerie? No way! Mix it up for him.
2. A handle and the French one are in turmoil for her.
3. After an awful, unsung muddle, forty-nine with reveal her.
NINIEL: She sounds like a silly one, the Spanish girl.
5. Spouse around a way for him.

Apologies. I made a mistake in clue 5. Now amended, in every post it appears in.

Urwen 06-13-2019 01:35 PM

5. Finwe (Wife around N)

Urwen 06-13-2019 01:36 PM

Password is Turin. Yeah, I deducted that from only two answers.

Pervinca Took 06-13-2019 01:44 PM

You didn't.

You may, however, have *deduced* it. :D

Pervinca Took 06-13-2019 01:48 PM

1. French valley lingerie? No way! Mix it up for him.
2. A handle and the French one are in turmoil for her.
3. After an awful, unsung muddle, forty-nine with reveal her.
NINIEL: She sounds like a silly one, the Spanish girl.
FINWE: Spouse around a way for him.

Urwen 06-13-2019 02:10 PM

Hurin, then?

Pervinca Took 06-13-2019 03:08 PM

???T???: French valley lingerie? No way! Mix it up for him.
???U???: A handle and the French one are in turmoil for her.
???R???: After an awful, unsung muddle, forty-nine will reveal her.
NINIEL: She sounds like a silly one, the Spanish girl.
FINWE: Spouse around a way for him.

It's Turin. I just forgot to put the password letters in.

Whoops! A typo in the R clue. Now fixed.

Urwen 06-13-2019 03:21 PM

3. Miriel?

Urwen 06-13-2019 03:27 PM

2. Urwen (UN+WER)

WER is an abbreviation for handling services, in case you didn't know.

Pervinca Took 06-13-2019 03:27 PM

No and no.

Urwen 06-13-2019 03:30 PM

Well, if the theme is husband and wife, then Miriel must be an answer to 3.....

Pervinca Took 06-13-2019 03:32 PM

If it was the answer, I would have said so.

Urwen 06-13-2019 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 718166)
If it was the answer, I would have said so.

Then the theme is not husband and wife?

I am confused here. There are only two relationships between Turin and Niniel: husband and wife, or brother and sister. But Finwe has no sister, thus it must be husband and wife. And only one of Finwe's wives contains R, and it's Miriel.

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