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Galadriel55 05-26-2018 09:53 AM

Hurray for teamwork! :D

Pervinca Took 05-26-2018 02:54 PM

Indeed! Well done, all.

Pervinca Took 05-28-2018 04:29 PM

So ... Huinesoron, is there another password on its way?

Huinesoron 05-30-2018 03:44 AM

Sorry! The one I was working on didn't quite come together, so you get a different one instead:

1. Element of stone: 8 + 19 = 649 (with extra A)
2. Element of discord: Cob + final + not my = last of 10.
3. Element of green: Not B = cog + +/-
4. Element of fire: Salt (not green) + spot (not out) = 1, and also 1
5. Element of water: First title + first name = first blasphemy.
6. Element of wood: Borrow I... - 500 = father of the namesake of the last before the king

Well... you did ask! :D


Pervinca Took 05-30-2018 09:08 AM

Arassuil was the father of Arathorn I, namesake of the last chieftain before the king.

Huinesoron 05-30-2018 09:31 AM

I'm afraid not - but you got the right king!


Pervinca Took 05-30-2018 09:40 AM

Oh, maybe it's the two Denethors, then. Last steward before king. Denethor I was an elf, I think ... need to look him up.

Pervinca Took 05-30-2018 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 711604)
6. Element of wood: Borrow I... - 500 = father of the namesake of the last before the kin


That seems to point to Lenwe, father of the other Denethor. I'm guessing a D is removed from something woodlike ... ened? enyd?

Huinesoron 05-30-2018 10:06 AM

1. Element of stone: 8 + 19 = 649 (with extra A)
2. Element of discord: Cob + final + not my = last of 10.
3. Element of green: Not B = cog + +/-
4. Element of fire: Salt (not green) + spot (not out) = 1, and also 1
5. Element of water: First title + first name = first blasphemy.
6.L ENWE - Element of wood: Borrow I... - 500 = father of the namesake of the last before the king

Lenwe = Borrow I, lend we, minus D. Well found!


Pervinca Took 05-30-2018 10:15 AM

But borrowing and lending are opposites!

It appears I need to ignore the element bits for now. Unless the password is made up of chemical symbols.

No, hang on. Lithium is Li, I think.

Maybe it means the answer has a bit of Lebethron in it.

Pervinca Took 05-30-2018 10:23 AM

1. D C I L A


Huinesoron 05-30-2018 12:10 PM

You're right; the clue should really have been 'Borrow you...'. But you got it anyway!

You have about half the answer for #1. :)


Pervinca Took 05-31-2018 08:52 AM

Makes no sense that I can see to garner elements from VIII, XIX or XXVII.

But although there were 20 Great Rings, there were only 19 Great Rings *with stones.* I wonder if the stone element could be connected to that.

Huinesoron 06-01-2018 02:09 AM

8 and 19 are separate from each other.


Pervinca Took 06-01-2018 02:21 AM

That doesn't say whether the Great Rings connection is wrong or not, because that's connected only to 19.

Huinesoron 06-01-2018 04:39 AM

That's true, it doesn't; I was hoping you'd come up with some wild theories based around the Rings before I had to tell you that they have nothing to do with it. :) But they have nothing to do with it.

Every clue includes both a straight part and a cryptic clue to the name. They are always separated by the = sign, though not necessarily always the same way round. Oh, and the elements are never part of the cryptic clue; think of them as bonus and very vague straight hints. (For instance, Lenwe lived in the woods...)


Pervinca Took 06-01-2018 05:41 PM

1. The only thing I can find 8 of is the Aratar.

2. There are ten beacons. The last of them (going west to east) is Minlos.

Pervinca Took 06-01-2018 06:00 PM

However, I wonder if 4 could be Amon Lontir (the first beacon going west to east). Because:

1. Connected with fire.
2. Contains TAR (sailor) for salt (not green as a salt is an old sailor, not a young, green one).
3. Contains IN.

Monlo for spot? Oh, I don't know.

Pervinca Took 06-01-2018 06:05 PM

Then again, 4 could be Ancalagon, which contains NaCl, a + a for 1 twice ....

Huinesoron 06-01-2018 11:46 PM

#1: But can you find 8 and 19 of them? (No. The answer's no.)

No beacons, no dragons (that wouldn't have worked anyway; you were taking anagram parts from both sides of the =.). But I am indeed a chemist.


Galadriel55 06-02-2018 07:44 AM

Fiddling with ur as in your as in not my finally gave 2. EARENDUR, tenth and last King of Arnor as a single kingdom.

Galadriel55 06-02-2018 07:55 AM

1. I'm tempted in the direction of kings that end in -dacil or even -andil. What I don't understand is where the rest of the clue comes from - the other half of the equation is not supposed to contribute to the cryptic part.

Galadriel55 06-02-2018 07:56 AM

Oh! Romendacil, as in Roman 649?

Pervinca Took 06-02-2018 12:02 PM

Flipping heck! Well spotted, G55!

If it's right, the only regular password I can currently see is RINGIL.

Pervinca Took 06-02-2018 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 711643)
But I am indeed a chemist.


Insert Carly Simon's famous line here. :D

Huinesoron 06-02-2018 04:09 PM

1.R omendacil - Element of stone: 8 + 19 = 649 (with extra A)
2. E arendur - Element of discord: Cob + final + not my = last of 10.
3. Element of green: Not B = cog + +/-
4. Element of fire: Salt (not green) + spot (not out) = 1, and also 1
5. Element of water: First title + first name = first blasphemy.
6.L ENWE - Element of wood: Borrow I... - 500 = father of the namesake of the last before the king

And just as Earendur was Arnorian king #10, Romendacil was Gondorian kings #8 and 19. :)

Not Ringil. The password is connected to the theme.

Oh, #5 kind of doesn't have a cryptic half. It's pretty much straight.


Pervinca Took 06-02-2018 07:17 PM


Huinesoron 06-03-2018 01:31 AM

1.R OMENDACIL - Element of stone: 8 + 19 = 649 (with extra A)
2. E ARENDUR - Element of discord: Cob + final + not my = last of 10.
3. G - Element of green: Not B = cog + +/-
4. N - Element of fire: Salt (not green) + spot (not out) = 1, and also 1
5. A - Element of water: First title + first name = first blasphemy.
6.L ENWE - Element of wood: Borrow I... - 500 = father of the namesake of the last before the king

Nice catch, Pervinca! Three to go.


Pervinca Took 06-03-2018 03:50 AM

I only even tried that/knew of the word (through looking up synonyms) because I once used it as a (wrong) password guess for your horse-racing kings puzzle. I didn't think for one moment it would be correct!


I think Lenwe was a lord/leader (of the Nandor) rather than a king. So perhaps the answers just have to be those who rule/lead, but not necessarily kings?

Pervinca Took 06-03-2018 04:52 AM

4. N - Element of fire: Salt (not green) + spot (not out) = 1, and also 1.

I think this is NAIN. I guess chlorine is green, so take the green bit out of NaCl and add 'in.' No idea about the 'spot' bit.

1 + 1 ... I and AN/A?

No idea about the fire element, either. Except two letters of 'naur' are in it.

Huinesoron 06-03-2018 06:54 AM

1.R OMENDACIL - Element of stone: 8 + 19 = 649 (with extra A)
2.E ARENDUR - Element of discord: Cob + final + not my = last of 10.
3.G - Element of green: Not B = cog + +/-
4.N AIN - Element of fire: Salt (not green) + spot (not out) = 1, and also 1
5.A - Element of water: First title + first name = first blasphemy.
6.L ENWE - Element of wood: Borrow I... - 500 = father of the namesake of the last before the king

Na + the spot(=location) which is not out (ie, 'in'). The Nain I'm thinking of was the first of his name in Durin's line... and reigned for only a single year, before being killed by a balrog. 1, and also 1, and also fire. :)

(He would have been stone, but Gondor already stole that.)


Pervinca Took 06-03-2018 07:34 AM

Now, when I thought the password was Ringil, I thought 6 had something to do with Imin, the first elf to wake.

I think Adam must have something to do with it. There are only two names I could find with Adam in them. One of them is AMANDIL.

Pervinca Took 06-03-2018 11:11 AM

If a cog can be an iron, the G one could possibly be GIRION.

Huinesoron 06-04-2018 02:48 AM

1.R OMENDACIL - Element of stone: 8 + 19 = 649 (with extra A)
2.E ARENDUR - Element of discord: Cob + final + not my = last of 10.
3.G IRION - Element of green: Not B = cog + +/-
4.N AIN - Element of fire: Salt (not green) + spot (not out) = 1, and also 1
5.A - Element of water: First title + first name = first blasphemy.
6.L ENWE - Element of wood: Borrow I... - 500 = father of the namesake of the last before the king

A cog may be an iron, but it's definitely a gear, and a particle with a positive or negative charge is an ion. Gear-ion. ^_^ (He's also the only lord or king of Dale whose name doesn't start with a B.)

#5 has nothing to do with Adam. It's an entirely in-universe clue. And the first title was not originally given to the subject of the clue.


Pervinca Took 06-04-2018 02:53 AM

I tried gear first, but couldn't find what to do with the E.

Pervinca Took 06-04-2018 02:54 AM

Ar- Pharazon?

Huinesoron 06-04-2018 04:13 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 711661)
I tried gear first, but couldn't find what to do with the E.

It's just the pronunciation. "Gir" and "Gear" sound pretty much the same.


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 711662)
Ar- Pharazon?

Close! Look around there for some firsts. :)


Pervinca Took 06-04-2018 04:57 AM

Maybe the blasphemy is to do with not observing prayer and silence on the Meneltarma. (The first to usurp the throne might also fit the bill, if usurping counts as blasphemy ... it was certainly regarded as evil).

Huinesoron 06-04-2018 05:24 AM

Nah, it's all about the name. ^_^


Pervinca Took 06-04-2018 05:39 AM

You mean the first to have a certain name, not the first to commit blasphemy?

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