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Urwen 12-22-2019 10:39 AM

I think I have it.

Urwen 12-22-2019 10:54 AM

I think there is something obvious there that I can't see.....

Pervinca Took 12-22-2019 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 721084)
put nails in order?

Yes, that's the bit you need.

Two words of that form the anagram.

Pervinca Took 12-22-2019 01:21 PM

Carried forward from the last page ..
TOL ERESSEA: Here, a biblical fellow returns, to meet an archaic palindrome and a sibilant ocean.
HALBARAD: Half German article and liquid marketing. For him.
ERECH: Place of mirth ... but it's not unmixed.

RADBUG: Brag - dubiously, at first, you hear - before chaos ensues to expose him.
EAGLES: Seasoned sailors have more than one of these. But be that as it may, it's mangled to reveal these majestic creatures!
TEARS: Not all of these are evil.
UMBAR: Does one hesitate to suggest a pub here?
ROSE: She's inflamed - and troubled.
N: One must dress, groom, prepare? - put nails in order, certainly - for them.

OSGILIATH: Is David's foe around here?
FORLONG: Beat a Weasley? He's there - but discombobulated.

TOOKS: Group of sheaves slightly disturbed by - or rather for - the first ones to kill.
HAVENS: They're beardless and bewildered.
ELANOR: A role reversed; an article swallowed; a girl revealed.

KNIGHTS: Merry and Pippin, in white satin? (For thus it sounds, in song).
IORLAS: A painter's choice - Rembrandt's, initially - and Goya's, finally - mingles to reveal him.
NAZGUL: See this fearsome thing return, endlessly crazy, to endlessly deceive.
GILDOR: Aged apparatus collapses to reveal him.

Urwen 12-22-2019 02:02 PM

I keep coming back to NARSILION (NAILS + IN + OR)

Pervinca Took 12-22-2019 03:44 PM


What do you think is the anagram indicator?

Urwen 12-22-2019 04:57 PM


Pervinca Took 12-22-2019 07:49 PM

In order.

Urwen 12-23-2019 03:59 AM

There is no entry anywhere online which is an anagram of PUT NAILS, though.

Pervinca Took 12-23-2019 04:11 AM

There are anagram solvers online. I'm pretty sure you'll find one if you feed that phrase into one of them.

Urwen 12-23-2019 04:16 AM

It only gives me NUPTIALS, and there are indeed three sets of those in ROTK (well, four if you count Eomer and Lothiriel) but nuptials isn't a Tolkien word.

Pervinca Took 12-23-2019 04:34 AM

TOL ERESSEA: Here, a biblical fellow returns, to meet an archaic palindrome and a sibilant ocean.
HALBARAD: Half German article and liquid marketing. For him.
ERECH: Place of mirth ... but it's not unmixed.

RADBUG: Brag - dubiously, at first, you hear - before chaos ensues to expose him.
EAGLES: Seasoned sailors have more than one of these. But be that as it may, it's mangled to reveal these majestic creatures!
TEARS: Not all of these are evil.
UMBAR: Does one hesitate to suggest a pub here?
ROSE: She's inflamed - and troubled.
NUPTIALS: One must dress, groom, prepare? - put nails in order, certainly - for them.

OSGILIATH: Is David's foe around here?
FORLONG: Beat a Weasley? He's there - but discombobulated.

TOOKS: Group of sheaves slightly disturbed by - or rather for - the first ones to kill.
HAVENS: They're beardless and bewildered.
ELANOR: A role reversed; an article swallowed; a girl revealed.

KNIGHTS: Merry and Pippin, in white satin? (For thus it sounds, in song).
IORLAS: A painter's choice - Rembrandt's, initially - and Goya's, finally - mingles to reveal him.
NAZGUL: See this fearsome thing return, endlessly crazy, to endlessly deceive.
GILDOR: Aged apparatus collapses to reveal him.

Who said they all have to be Tolkien words? Nuptials/weddings feature in Tolkien's *story.* I like to make things a little different sometimes. We've had passwords about food and drink in the books, and Tolkien didn't invent tea and coffee! And the same goes for 'Tears,' (clue 6).

I'm pretty sure Eomer and Lothiriel's wedding is only in the Appendices, along with Merry's and Pippin's.

Over to you! :)

Urwen 12-23-2019 07:18 AM

And here is another.

1. He is Atilla's father.
2. Initially, instant messaging and a shaving supplement reveal him.
3. A jewel loses its end, but gains expensive network, initially, for her.
4. Briefly, a state is inside the turncloak, for him.
5. German lion spins for him.
6. A returning pronoun is inside a confused dwarf, for him
7. He is marbled, and confused
8. Confused Shakespearen lover reveals him
9. No price? Twist it for him.
10. An endless tree for him.
11. Reorder a Valie for a minstrel.
12. No read, but backwards, for him.
13. French company shares his name.
14. A Norse God finds a way, for him.
15. A direction inside a bloomer, for him.
16. Note common spice in a spin, for him.
17. Middle ear bones, in discord, reveal her.
18. Archaic dirt returns for him.
19. He is someone that laments, chaotically
20. He is common in Spain.

Fair warning, #4 might be difficult unless you've read a certain book. ;)

Pervinca Took 12-23-2019 08:08 AM

5. OLWE, from Löwe.

13. DIOR?


Urwen 12-23-2019 09:11 AM

1. He is Atilla's father.
2. Initially, instant messaging and a shaving supplement reveal him.
3. A jewel loses its end, but gains expensive network, initially, for her.
4. Briefly, a state is inside the turncloak, for him.
OLWE: German lion spins for him.
6. A returning pronoun is inside a confused dwarf, for him
7. He is marbled, and confused
8. Confused Shakespearen lover reveals him
9. No price? Twist it for him.
10. An endless tree for him.
11. Reorder a Valie for a minstrel.
DAERON: No read, but backwards, for him.
DIOR: French company shares his name.
14. A Norse God finds a way, for him.
15. A direction inside a bloomer, for him.
16. Note common spice in a spin, for him.
17. Middle ear bones, in discord, reveal her.
18. Archaic dirt returns for him.
19. He is someone that laments, chaotically
20. He is common in Spain.

Pervinca Took 12-23-2019 01:23 PM

8. OROME, from Romeo.

Urwen 12-23-2019 01:57 PM

1. He is Atilla's father.
2. Initially, instant messaging and a shaving supplement reveal him.
3. A jewel loses its end, but gains expensive network, initially, for her.
4. Briefly, a state is inside the turncloak, for him.
OLWE: German lion spins for him.
6. A returning pronoun is inside a confused dwarf, for him
7. He is marbled, and confused
OROME: Confused Shakespearen lover reveals him
9. No price? Twist it for him.
10. An endless tree for him.
11. Reorder a Valie for a minstrel.
DAERON: No read, but backwards, for him.
DIOR: French company shares his name.
14. A Norse God finds a way, for him.
15. A direction inside a bloomer, for him.
16. Note common spice in a spin, for him.
17. Middle ear bones, in discord, reveal her.
18. Archaic dirt returns for him.
19. He is someone that laments, chaotically
20. He is common in Spain.

Pervinca Took 12-23-2019 02:08 PM

2. Imrazor.

I + m + razor.

Urwen 12-23-2019 04:01 PM

Thank Nerwen for that clue. ;)

1. He is Atilla's father.
IMRAZOR: Initially, instant messaging and a shaving supplement reveal him.
3. A jewel loses its end, but gains expensive network, initially, for her.
4. Briefly, a state is inside the turncloak, for him.
OLWE: German lion spins for him.
6. A returning pronoun is inside a confused dwarf, for him
7. He is marbled, and confused
OROME: Confused Shakespearen lover reveals him
9. No price? Twist it for him.
10. An endless tree for him.
11. Reorder a Valie for a minstrel.
DAERON: No read, but backwards, for him.
DIOR: French company shares his name.
14. A Norse God finds a way, for him.
15. A direction inside a bloomer, for him.
16. Note common spice in a spin, for him.
17. Middle ear bones, in discord, reveal her.
18. Archaic dirt returns for him.
19. He is someone that laments, chaotically
20. He is common in Spain.

Pervinca Took 12-24-2019 05:59 AM

I think the password is "Something(s) of Middle-earth.'

'Minions,' perhaps? But are these characters really minions?

Pervinca Took 12-24-2019 06:01 AM

Could 14 be LONI? Loki would need to lose its K, though.

Urwen 12-24-2019 06:22 AM

Nope. I used this character in a password once before.

Urwen 12-24-2019 06:23 AM

And you're close with the password. Think about your last three passwords. ;)

Pervinca Took 12-24-2019 06:59 AM

History of Middle-earth. :)

3. SILMAR(IL) + E + N.


Urwen 12-24-2019 07:29 AM

H: He is Atilla's father.
IMRAZOR: Initially, instant messaging and a shaving supplement reveal him.
SILMARIEN: A jewel loses its end, but gains expensive network, initially, for her.
T: Briefly, a state is inside the turncloak, for him.
OLWE: German lion spins for him.
R: A returning pronoun is inside a confused dwarf, for him
Y: He is marbled, and confused
OROME: Confused Shakespearen lover reveals him
F: No price? Twist it for him.
M: An endless tree for him.
I: Reorder a Valie for a minstrel.
DAERON: No read, but backwards, for him.
DIOR: French company shares his name.
L: A Norse God finds a way, for him.
E: A direction inside a bloomer, for him.
E: Note common spice in a spin, for him.
A: Middle ear bones, in discord, reveal her.
R: Archaic dirt returns for him.
T: He is someone that laments, chaotically
H: He is common in Spain.

Pervinca Took 12-24-2019 07:30 AM


Son of Beleg.

Urwen 12-24-2019 07:30 AM

Minions of Middle Earth is a good idea, though. I will have to do that sometime.

H: He is Atilla's father.
IMRAZOR: Initially, instant messaging and a shaving supplement reveal him.
SILMARIEN: A jewel loses its end, but gains expensive network, initially, for her.
T: Briefly, a state is inside the turncloak, for him.
OLWE: German lion spins for him.
R: A returning pronoun is inside a confused dwarf, for him
Y: He is marbled, and confused
OROME: Confused Shakespearen lover reveals him
F: No price? Twist it for him.
MALLOR: An endless tree for him.
I: Reorder a Valie for a minstrel.
DAERON: No read, but backwards, for him.
DIOR: French company shares his name.
L: A Norse God finds a way, for him.
E: A direction inside a bloomer, for him.
E: Note common spice in a spin, for him.
A: Middle ear bones, in discord, reveal her.
R: Archaic dirt returns for him.
T: He is someone that laments, chaotically
H: He is common in Spain.

Pervinca Took 12-24-2019 07:44 AM

Ist H.

Huan? (A Hun?)

Attila's father's name begins with M. That's why I guessed 'Minions' at first.

Urwen 12-24-2019 07:52 AM

Not an answer to that. :D

Pervinca Took 12-24-2019 02:31 PM

Is the second H HUAN, because JUAN is a frequently occurring name in Spain, and sounds the same?

Urwen 12-25-2019 04:18 AM

H: He is Atilla's father.
IMRAZOR: Initially, instant messaging and a shaving supplement reveal him.
SILMARIEN: A jewel loses its end, but gains expensive network, initially, for her.
T: Briefly, a state is inside the turncloak, for him.
OLWE: German lion spins for him.
R: A returning pronoun is inside a confused dwarf, for him
Y: He is marbled, and confused
OROME: Confused Shakespearen lover reveals him
F: No price? Twist it for him.
MALLOR: An endless tree for him.
I: Reorder a Valie for a minstrel.
DAERON: No read, but backwards, for him.
DIOR: French company shares his name.
L: A Norse God finds a way, for him.
E: A direction inside a bloomer, for him.
E: Note common spice in a spin, for him.
A: Middle ear bones, in discord, reveal her.
R: Archaic dirt returns for him.
T: He is someone that laments, chaotically
HUAN: He is common in Spain.

Pervinca Took 12-25-2019 04:21 AM

HURIN for the first one?

No reason, except for HUN being in it.

Urwen 12-25-2019 05:03 AM

No. What's an informal word for 'father'?

Pervinca Took 12-25-2019 05:36 AM

HUNDAD son of Hundar.

Urwen 12-25-2019 06:23 AM

HUNDAD: He is Atilla's father.
IMRAZOR: Initially, instant messaging and a shaving supplement reveal him.
SILMARIEN: A jewel loses its end, but gains expensive network, initially, for her.
T: Briefly, a state is inside the turncloak, for him.
OLWE: German lion spins for him.
R: A returning pronoun is inside a confused dwarf, for him
Y: He is marbled, and confused
OROME: Confused Shakespearen lover reveals him
F: No price? Twist it for him.
MALLOR: An endless tree for him.
I: Reorder a Valie for a minstrel.
DAERON: No read, but backwards, for him.
DIOR: French company shares his name.
L: A Norse God finds a way, for him.
E: A direction inside a bloomer, for him.
E: Note common spice in a spin, for him.
A: Middle ear bones, in discord, reveal her.
R: Archaic dirt returns for him.
T: He is someone that laments, chaotically
HUAN: He is common in Spain.

Pervinca Took 12-25-2019 10:31 AM

Y: YLMIR from MIRLY (a word I didn't know existed and had to look up).

Urwen 12-25-2019 10:51 AM

HUNDAD: He is Atilla's father.
IMRAZOR: Initially, instant messaging and a shaving supplement reveal him.
SILMARIEN: A jewel loses its end, but gains expensive network, initially, for her.
T: Briefly, a state is inside the turncloak, for him.
OLWE: German lion spins for him.
R: A returning pronoun is inside a confused dwarf, for him
YLMIR: He is marbled, and confused
OROME: Confused Shakespearen lover reveals him
F: No price? Twist it for him.
MALLOR: An endless tree for him.
I: Reorder a Valie for a minstrel.
DAERON: No read, but backwards, for him.
DIOR: French company shares his name.
L: A Norse God finds a way, for him.
E: A direction inside a bloomer, for him.
E: Note common spice in a spin, for him.
A: Middle ear bones, in discord, reveal her.
R: Archaic dirt returns for him.
T: He is someone that laments, chaotically
HUAN: He is common in Spain.

Well, I didn't know many of the words you used either, so it's only fair.

Pervinca Took 12-25-2019 12:43 PM

Well, of course. We learn stuff from this thread! :)

Is mirly a word used in America? I just found a very few male characters with names starting in Y and then tried scrambling them.

Pervinca Took 12-25-2019 08:09 PM

I = IVARE, working backwards from VAIRE.

Urwen 12-26-2019 04:25 AM

HUNDAD: He is Atilla's father.
IMRAZOR: Initially, instant messaging and a shaving supplement reveal him.
SILMARIEN: A jewel loses its end, but gains expensive network, initially, for her.
T: Briefly, a state is inside the turncloak, for him.
OLWE: German lion spins for him.
R: A returning pronoun is inside a confused dwarf, for him
YLMIR: He is marbled, and confused
OROME: Confused Shakespearen lover reveals him
F: No price? Twist it for him.
MALLOR: An endless tree for him.
IVARE: Reorder a Valie for a minstrel.
DAERON: No read, but backwards, for him.
DIOR: French company shares his name.
L: A Norse God finds a way, for him.
E: A direction inside a bloomer, for him.
E: Note common spice in a spin, for him.
A: Middle ear bones, in discord, reveal her.
R: Archaic dirt returns for him.
T: He is someone that laments, chaotically
HUAN: He is common in Spain.

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