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Wizard wheeze
Are the staffs of the Five Wizards offered as a prize for getting this one?
1: Curumo 4: Olorin 5: Aiwendil No time to work out the password, though. |
Maybe The Saucepan Man is employing Rule #5, and the Password is simply "Istari" or "Wizards".
Those are correct, Squatter. :) No staff, I am afraid. Merely the key to the thread for finding the Password.
Which Turambar has indeed correctly identified. 1. Curumo (Cur + Ulmo - l) Vala lost weight after dog turned traitor. 2. Alatar Latecomer buries article in religious location ... 3. Pallando … accompanied by friend visiting place with ring. 4. Olorin (polo ring) Key player in polo ring. 5. Aiwendil (Ail taking in Wendi) Forest native to feel ill after consuming girl, we hear. Password: Istari Your thread, Turambar. :) |
1. Raider ranks high around Mordor.
2. Angrod - Worm destroyed elf. 3. Lamedon - Injured professor in Gondor. 4. Beleg - Maybe legends of the past can reveal the faithful friend. 5. Athelas - Leaders of Last Alliance pursued two articles to a point, and found a healer. 6. Really good times, and better than the Leap of Beren. 7. Incanus - We follow the ancient mountain dweller, wizard! 3 . . . 2 . . . . 1 . . . |
3. Lamedon (injured = lame; professor = don)
5. Athelas (Leaders of Last Alliance = LA; after two articles = a + the; to a point = s(outh))
Both correct, of course.
4. Maybe legends of the past can reveal the faithful friend.
Beleg. |
A few guesses
1: Corsair. Coarse air ranks very highly around Mordor; in fact it stinks to high heaven. A corsair is a raider. Alternatively, Uruk could answer the same question.
2: Angrod. Simply an anagram of Dragon (worm). 6: Overlithes. Beren's leap was lithe, and Overlithe was a particularly celebrated occasion. 7: Incanus We (us) follow the ancient mountain-dweller (Inca). The answer is a wizard (Gandalf). Of course there is an 'n' that I haven't accounted for. |
Any chance of an answer?
Turambar? Your Saucepanness ?:confused:
Uh, sorry
Sorry - I thought this thread had died. :confused:
Well, in case anyone still cares, Angrod and Incanus are correct. (Squatter - "ancient mountain dweller" = Incan.) "Corsair" is not correct for #1 - I think this clue violates classic cryptic clue rules, but it's a scramble, and "raider" is the straight clue. #6 - a pun of sorts. |
If I am correct, the password must be GALBASI, the forerunner of Gamgee. |
Correct! :)
It's been a long time ...
Time for a new puzzle, I think:
1. Feanor’s first cry of sorrow on finding place of havens. 2. You heard nine agitating for calming influence. 3. Young queen backs up state-of the-art storage medium. 4. Disadvantaged lord makes mark initially in Rohan. 5. It is charged by knight before flower emerges. Click here for the rules to the game. |
:(You heard nine agitating for calming influence.
Ringwraiths? |
Hello Samwise. :)
As is my wont, the clues are cryptic, although one word or phrase in each (either at the beginning of the end) provides a literal clue. |
I am pondering over the clues; alas, as an American I had to learn cryptics as a second language and am unskilled in the art.
But am not intending to let this one pass without a fight. |
Cryptic clues
In case it helps, here is a guide to solving cryptic clues which I put together ... good lord ... over six years ago ... :eek:
Well I learnt cryptics at my mother's knee (literally) but it isn't helping much. Though if it helps anyone get started flower usually indicates a river, agitating would suggest an anagram, backs up a reversal of letters, first and initially..initials but not if they are part of the "straight" part of the clue. At the moment I am lacking in inspiration of how to apply the theory.. but I am thinking... (slow process - especially after three days solid gawping at spreadsheets).
Mith's analysis of the cryptic conventions used in my clues is spot on, in case that is any help ... |
Oooh after some intensive training (making a point of doing what I can of the Telegraph crossword for a week or so) , I think I have the first:
1, Feanor’s first cry of sorrow on finding place of havens -falas Feanor's initial F + alas, a cry of sorrow. Fairly confident since Sauce's clues always work tidily. :D |
The training paid off, Mith. You are correct. :)
1. Falas - Feanor’s first cry of sorrow on finding place of havens. 2. You heard nine agitating for calming influence. 3. Young queen backs up state-of the-art storage medium. 4. Disadvantaged lord makes mark initially in Rohan. 5. It is charged by knight before flower emerges. Any more for any more? |
Spot on with that one, Mnemosyne. Well done. :)
1. Falas - Feanor’s first cry of sorrow on finding place of havens. 2. You heard nine agitating for calming influence. 3. Young queen backs up state-of the-art storage medium. 4. Brandir - Disadvantaged lord makes mark initially in Rohan. 5. It is charged by knight before flower emerges. Next? |
Not so sure on this but I think 2 might well be Uinen.
You heard nine agitating for calming influence. U= you heard inen= agitation (anagram) of nine. Uinen was a calming influence on Osse. Since I am posting anyway I should give full credit for clue one... I had just thought of falas as the elvish for coast and so generally a place for havens but looking for something else last night I saw a reference to the Havens of the Falas in Beleriand which I had quite forgotten about. |
You're on a roll, Mith. :)
1. Falas - Feanor’s first cry of sorrow on finding place of havens. 2. Uinen - You heard nine agitating for calming influence. 3. Young queen backs up state-of the-art storage medium. 4. Brandir - Disadvantaged lord makes mark initially in Rohan. 5. It is charged by knight before flower emerges. The 'calming influence' clue is perhaps a little obscure, but I didn't want to make it too easy. Only two more to go ... |
I don't know about that ...very erratic if I were a horse there would be a stewards enquiry.. I nearly finished the Telegraph puzzle yeasterday but not a scud the day before and only today... so it may be Memo's turn.. though I have been looking up Queens and Rivers without much inspiration so far...
My only guess for 3 is Morwen...
Backwards is New ROM (read only memory) which is rather a state-of-the-art storage medium... However something doesn't quite add up about it. Anyway there's no harm in guessing, is there? |
1. Falas - Feanor’s first cry of sorrow on finding place of havens. 2. Uinen - You heard nine agitating for calming influence. 3. Morwen - Young queen backs up state-of the-art storage medium. 4. Brandir - Disadvantaged lord makes mark initially in Rohan. 5. It is charged by knight before flower emerges. Only one more to get now ... |
Couldn't do the Times at all and we don't take it anymore...but my mother always said Thursdays were impossible...and I think the Tuesday setter ..even when I had the answer I couldn't get why...
I see why Morwen but not why she is a young queen. Edit Gah Morwen of Lossarnach, Queen of Rohan.... |
One visit to the HASA Research library later...
And #5 is Sirion, made of a knight (sir) preceding a charge (ion). |
Mith, if you can make a password out of this obscure array, I can't (unless Fumbs is, say, an early name for one of The Hobbit's trolls or sommat like that).
Spot on, Menmo. Now, you're in the swing of it. :)
1. Falas - Feanor’s first cry of sorrow on finding place of havens. 2. Uinen - You heard nine agitating for calming influence. 3. Morwen - Young queen backs up state-of the-art storage medium. 4. Brandir - Disadvantaged lord makes mark initially in Rohan. 5. Sirion - It is charged by knight before flower emerges. Ok, so what's the Password, folks? (And no, it's not Fumbs :D ) |
I am in awe.... I was going to pretend I was keeping a low profile because I didn't want to set the next one but really I was no where near. Have to admit that I thought that it would start with e because the only trace of a word in Tolkien starting was a Qenya (not Quenya) pp of Fume..fumbe.
I didn't think bumf took a plural and it isn't very Tolkienesque.. I am getting a lot better at the Telegraph one though.... |
I guess that Sauce has invoked Law Five....
I would guess Turin but dont' quite get the Uinen connection... |
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