![]() |
No. I probably could have said supplanted him rather than stepped into his shoes.
Re the Password, as I said when I posted this puzzle, the game has gotten going now. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] Re-posting on this page: (1) Forlong the Fat (Protractedly thick, before being cut down in the field.) (2) Eru (Singular composer.) (3) Anar (Fiery offspring of Yavanna and Nienna.) (4) Northfarthing (Where the first long drive occurred?) (5) The Ring-bearer stepped into his shoes. (6) Roheryn (Don't look this in the mouth.) HINT: #4 refers to an activity mentioned in the last Password. [ August 29, 2003: Message edited by: Turambar ] |
If we are talking Bandobras and his particular brand of putting and driving, then Greenfields should be #4. However, the password then eludes me entirely.
EDIT: Unless you mean North Farthing. Sure it's not Feanor? [img]smilies/confused.gif[/img] [ August 29, 2003: Message edited by: Rimbaud ] |
Rimbaud -- you have the right incident, but I was being slightly less specific about where this occurred. A penny for your thoughts?
[ August 29, 2003: Message edited by: Turambar ] |
Northfarthing is right, but Fėanor is not.
I'm going to be away all weekend. I've given Evisse the answers, so she will handle this over the weekend.
LAST HINTS: # 5 -- I hope you will adopt the right reasoning to solve this one; as I said, it is he who was supplanted by the Ring-bearer. For further clarification, the Ring-bearer referred to is Frodo. Password -- re-read the rules on page 1, all the way to the end. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] [ August 29, 2003: Message edited by: Turambar ] |
#5-Bilbo, perhaps?
No, not Bilbo, though he is definitely involved in the answer.
I've given Evisse the answers, so she will handle this over the weekend. Good luck! [ August 29, 2003: Message edited by: Turambar ] |
And #5 must be Otho (Sackville-Baggins), who was the rightful heir of Bag End by the laws of inheritance, but who was supplanted by Frodo. |
By the power invested in me by Turambar, I declare the Saucepan Man solver of the riddle [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] . Congrats! I for one never would have guessed it! [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]
Why thank you Evisse. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] Really, I just stole in at the end when everyone else had done all the hard work ... [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]
Here's the next one. I believe that it may prove quite difficult in parts (but then again, that is probably a rather hasty comment to make in light of all the speed-solving that goes on around here [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] ). 1st: We hear little of him in goal at arsenal. 2nd: Defence witness points to short retiring girl. 3rd: He was gone in a flash. 4th: Are they petrified of the light? 5th: Report disturbed otherwise fearless lord. 6th: Warrior making final journey falls here. |
#4 Trolls or Stone trolls?
[ September 01, 2003: Message edited by: Turambar ] |
Is #4 Trolls??
#3 Bilbo? |
Alternatives for 3 and 4: Shadowfax and Orcs. As for 5, Denethor?
#6 Rauros
I have added in the correct answers given so far.
1st: We hear little of him in goal at arsenal. 2nd: Defence witness points to short retiring girl. 3rd: He was gone in a flash. 4th: Trolls - Are they petrified of the light? 5th: Report disturbed otherwise fearless lord. 6th: Rauros - Warrior making final journey falls here. Keep going! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] |
#1 Alatar ?
#3 Ar-Pharazon ? Is the Password Aratar? [ September 02, 2003: Message edited by: Turambar ] |
#2 Legolas ("Legal-Lass") ?
Yes, no, no [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img] and no (but I like your way of thinking, Phrim [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] ).
1st: Alatar - We hear little of him in goal at arsenal. 2nd: Defence witness points to short retiring girl. 3rd: He was gone in a flash. 4th: Trolls - Are they petrified of the light? 5th: Report disturbed otherwise fearless lord. 6th: Rauros - Warrior making final journey falls here. |
How about Aeglos or Aiglos for the Password? [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img]
I can't possible imagine what the password is so I'm going to be crafty, Is it Anatar? If not I'm clueless....
Unfortunately Sauron's alias was Annatar, so it doesn't fit.
If it helps at all, #5 is Angbor |
Squatter, what was the report that disturbed Angbor? Or is there another hint in the clue?
Yes, Squatter, Angbor is correct (anagram of "bang" plus another word for "otherwise"):
1st: Alatar - We hear little of him in goal at arsenal. 2nd: Defence witness points to short retiring girl. 3rd: He was gone in a flash. 4th: Trolls - Are they petrified of the light? 5th: Angbor - Report disturbed otherwise fearless lord. 6th: Rauros - Warrior making final journey falls here. And what can I say Turambar? An inspired answer. AEGLOS is indeed the Password. How on earth did you get that with only 3 clues? Anyone care to solve nos 2 and 3 now that you know the Password? [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img] [ September 03, 2003: Message edited by: The Saucepan Man ] |
*sudden insight* - Ohhhh - report = "bang". I wouldn't have gotten that in 1,000 years.
Saucepan -- well I figured you'd try to go one step further (pun intended) than my last-letter puzzle (plus your last letters didn't spell anything), so the step-letter trick seemed likely. So the 2d letter of #2 will be "E", and the third letter of #3 will be "G" . . . Could #3 be BAGGINS ? Referring to his disappearance at the Long Expected Party? Btw, a possible variation of the rules would be that you guess the Password via PM, so that the others don't get the benefit of knowing the first letter of the remaining answers. [ September 03, 2003: Message edited by: Turambar ] |
Whaddya want? A hint? [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]
Well, OK then. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] In #2, "Defence witness" is the straight clue. The rest is cryptic. For #3, think of what a flash might be. |
D'oh ! I knew "defense witness" rang a bell -- is it Nellas, Tūrin's alibi?
[ September 05, 2003: Message edited by: Turambar ] |
Nellas it is, Turambar! A witness for Turin's defence before Thingol. Points refers to the compass points NE and the short retiring girl is Sally without her y reversed.
1st: Alatar - We hear little of him in goal at arsenal. 2nd: Nellas - Defence witness points to short retiring girl. 3rd: He was gone in a flash. 4th: Trolls - Are they petrified of the light? 5th: Angbor - Report disturbed otherwise fearless lord. 6th: Rauros - Warrior making final journey falls here. ANother hint for #3 - a sudden flame might be described as a flash. [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img] |
#3 Angrod or Aegnor ? (Both killed in the Battle of Sudden Flame)
Oops! I managed to miss the fact that either Angrod or Aegnor would fit. [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img] Angrod was the chap that I had in my mind.
So the complete solution is: 1st: Alatar - We hear little of him in goal at arsenal. 2nd: Nellas - Defence witness points to short retiring girl. 3rd: Angrod - He was gone in a flash. 4th: Trolls - Are they petrified of the light? 5th: Angbor - Report disturbed otherwise fearless lord. 6th: Rauros - Warrior making final journey falls here. And having succesfully worked out the Password (Aeglos), the thread is yours Turambar. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] [ September 07, 2003: Message edited by: The Saucepan Man ] |
(1) Reluctant literary critic, refused to count sheep.
(2) Purloiner of tree-fruit and jewelry. (3) Nobottle (Dry town of the Shire) (4) Queenly new raiment of the night. (5) One we would follow as general, teacher or messenger. (6) Yielded to a friend, I hear. (7) Call me (this) later. (8) But . . . what do you call Mordor ? [ October 09, 2003: Message edited by: Turambar ] [ October 09, 2003: Message edited by: Turambar ] |
2) Bilbo?
Finally, a guess !
Unfortunately, it's wrong. [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img] |
I thought as much.
*rereads clues* Aha! Thank you for that clarification... 1) Frodo? 2) Peregrin Took? I suspect I'm wrong again... |
No and no.
#1 is from LotR. #2 is not. |
Since this one is lagging, I've edited several clues to make them a bit easier. I hope. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]
5)Gandalf? 6)Narya [ October 07, 2003: Message edited by: Voralphion ] |
All wrong, unfortunately.
#5 has an embedded clue. So does #4, though they may be tough to spot. [ October 09, 2003: Message edited by: Turambar ] |
1) Gandalf?
3) Nobottle? |
Is #2 Beren?
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