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Urwen 09-03-2019 05:40 AM

Is the P clue Palantiri?

Pervinca Took 09-03-2019 07:15 AM

P: Games and a Surrey town lose direction for them.
ANAGRAMS: One may mither a ewe’s consort, (slowly at first), to see them.
SYNONYMS: They sound like the transgressions of a Shakespearean thief.
SHIPS: They pass in the night.
WEAPONS: For these warlike things, a generic British pub gains an article, but loses others.
ORCS: A murder of them disperses and loses direction. But the end result is still pretty murderous!
REALMS: Concerning charity, they stand clear.
DWARVES: A good war vest reveals them.

TROLLS: They type backwards, swallowing a very Welsh beginning.
HOBBITS: They are parts for a cooker top.
RIVERS: For these flowers, a weaver loses an article and is conflicted between two ways.
ELVES: Delve safely to find them. Go on!
AINUR: Rian, you hear, was conflicted about them.
DUNEDAIN: For them, see the dwarf of the sand mountain appear.

PUBS: Mashed potato turns dental to plosive for these.
A: Tear around before embracing truth for them.
GRUB: Ancient fortress returns for refreshment.
E: Here is a kingdom in disarray, with endless damnation.

T: Reset (twice) and see them.
WIZARDS: Hospital rooms swallow endless zip for them.
ONODRIM: Confused but giving person sings backwards for them.

CONSTELLATIONS: Disadvantages declare, by charged atoms, their shining name.


I did have Palantiri and Rings in it at one point, but not now.

Look at the Surrey names in the link that Morsul posted.

Huinesoron 09-03-2019 07:40 AM

P: The most likely Surrey places from the map to be usable in a password look to be Woking and Dorking, and possibly Horley. Epsom is also a possibility.

'A' could be:
-A synonym for 'tear' split around a synonym for 'before' around a synonym for 'truth'.
-A synonym for 'tear' reversed, followed by a synonym for 'embracing truth'.
-Some combination of the above.

The fact that 'tear' and 'before' both have lots of meanings makes this even harder. ;)

E: I really want this to end with 'hel', but that just throws up a lot of Eithel relatives, which isn't much help. I assume the start is either a synonym for or name of a kingdom, scrambled.

T: Two synonyms for 'reset', one of which starts with a T. Seems simple enough! Except I can't come up with anything. ^_^

I'm going to put two questions here; whether and how you answer them, Pervinca, is of course up to you.

1. Are there any straight clues left other than 'them' and 'here'?
2. Are any of the answers Tolkien-specific words, or are they English nouns?


Pervinca Took 09-03-2019 08:45 AM

T are something Tolkien loved. Several of them, in his books, have names. You only need one anagram. That's where you're going wrong! It's an anagram, not a synonym. One of the resets ('twice') is an ORDER to reset.

Basically, you need to reset 'reset!'

A was a way of covering rings, Silmarils, Palantiri and jewels/jewellery of any kind, and more besides.

Huinesoron 09-03-2019 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 720207)
T are something Tolkien loved. Several of them, in his books, have names.

And if I reset (like movable type) 'reset', I get TREES.


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 720207)
A was a way of covering rings, Silmarils, Palantiri and jewels/jewellery of any kind, and more besides.

Tear, spun around a bit + 'truth' = ARTE-FACTS. I guess 'embracing' meant to push them together?


Pervinca Took 09-03-2019 09:09 AM

P: Games and a Surrey town lose direction for them.
ANAGRAMS: One may mither a ewe’s consort, (slowly at first), to see them.
SYNONYMS: They sound like the transgressions of a Shakespearean thief.
SHIPS: They pass in the night.
WEAPONS: For these warlike things, a generic British pub gains an article, but loses others.
ORCS: A murder of them disperses and loses direction. But the end result is still pretty murderous!
REALMS: Concerning charity, they stand clear.
DWARVES: A good war vest reveals them.

TROLLS: They type backwards, swallowing a very Welsh beginning.
HOBBITS: They are parts for a cooker top.
RIVERS: For these flowers, a weaver loses an article and is conflicted between two ways.
ELVES: Delve safely to find them. Go on!
AINUR: Rian, you hear, was conflicted about them.
DUNEDAIN: For them, see the dwarf of the sand mountain appear.

PUBS: Mashed potato turns dental to plosive for these.
ARTEFACTS: Tear around before embracing truth for them.
GRUB: Ancient fortress returns for refreshment.
E: Here is a kingdom in disarray, with endless damnation.

TREES: Reset (twice) and see them.
WIZARDS: Hospital rooms swallow endless zip for them.
ONODRIM: Confused but giving person sings backwards for them.

CONSTELLATIONS: Disadvantages declare, by charged atoms, their shining name.



Two to go! And both are specifically Tolkien words/names.

Morsul the Dark 09-03-2019 01:57 PM

Here in disarray added to da for endless damnation

Sort of kind of gives Eldar er from here and yeah, da from damnation and the L? Just added for the L of it badumch

Pervinca Took 09-03-2019 02:49 PM

Surprisingly close, but 'here' is the straight part of the clue.

Urwen 09-04-2019 05:13 AM

Nothing is coming to me.

Urwen 09-04-2019 05:15 AM

Wait, is the p clue puzzles?

Pervinca Took 09-04-2019 05:56 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 720213)
Wait, is the p clue puzzles?

Nice idea! But no.

Start with a synonym for GAMES, then use one of the Surrey towns. Not one that Huinesoron chose in his last post, though.

Urwen 09-04-2019 06:08 AM


Pervinca Took 09-04-2019 06:17 AM

The GAMES synonym is an abbreviation.

Urwen 09-04-2019 06:33 AM

OG for Olympic Games?

Pervinca Took 09-04-2019 08:15 AM


What did we call Games at school?

Urwen 09-04-2019 10:02 AM

I dunno.

Huinesoron 09-04-2019 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 720225)

What did we call Games at school?


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 720226)
I dunno.

I suspect Pervinca is thinking of P.E. (short for Physical Education, a lesson sometimes - particularly in secondary school - referred to as Games), but I still can't conjure an answer from that.

'Lose direction' could mean either an anagram, or dropping one of the direction letters from the Surrey town. The latter has been a complete dead-end for me so far, though.


Pervinca Took 09-04-2019 10:32 AM

It starts PE (short for Physical Education, as Huinesoron said).

All you do is add one of those Surrey towns on to PE, and then remove a directional letter. You don't have to mix anything up.

Not Dorking, Woking, Epsom or Horley (none of which make anything Tolkienian that I can see, added to PE or not). One of the others.

Urwen 09-04-2019 10:39 AM


Pervinca Took 09-04-2019 11:41 AM

Where's the Surrey town in that?

Huinesoron 09-04-2019 11:43 AM

After writing literally all of them out and staring blankly at them for several minutes:



Pervinca Took 09-04-2019 11:48 AM

PEREDHIL: Games and a Surrey town lose direction for them.
ANAGRAMS: One may mither a ewe’s consort, (slowly at first), to see them.
SYNONYMS: They sound like the transgressions of a Shakespearean thief.
SHIPS: They pass in the night.
WEAPONS: For these warlike things, a generic British pub gains an article, but loses others.
ORCS: A murder of them disperses and loses direction. But the end result is still pretty murderous!
REALMS: Concerning charity, they stand clear.
DWARVES: A good war vest reveals them.

TROLLS: They type backwards, swallowing a very Welsh beginning.
HOBBITS: They are parts for a cooker top.
RIVERS: For these flowers, a weaver loses an article and is conflicted between two ways.
ELVES: Delve safely to find them. Go on!
AINUR: Rian, you hear, was conflicted about them.
DUNEDAIN: For them, see the dwarf of the sand mountain appear.

PUBS: Mashed potato turns dental to plosive for these.
ARTEFACTS: Tear around before embracing truth for them.
GRUB: Ancient fortress returns for refreshment.
E: Here is a kingdom in disarray, with endless damnation.

TREES: Reset (twice) and see them.
WIZARDS: Hospital rooms swallow endless zip for them.
ONODRIM: Confused but giving person sings backwards for them.

CONSTELLATIONS: Disadvantages declare, by charged atoms, their shining name.


That's more like it.

One to go!

Huinesoron 09-05-2019 02:35 AM

E: Here is a kingdom in disarray, with endless damnation.

Okay. So 'here' is the straight clue; could it mean literally here?

EARTH begins with E, and things from Earth are used in passwords from time to time. But while H is the beginning of 'Hell', I can't make 'eart' an anagram of any kingdom.

The Barrow-Downs are in ERIADOR, which... nearly contains 'Dorado', as in El Dorado? I dunno.

Okay, so probably not here-here. What other places start with E? Um... actually quite a lot of places. ENDOR seems the most promising for the theme, but once again I can't fit it to the clue at all.


Pervinca Took 09-05-2019 05:09 AM

Find a synonym for KINGDOM and scramble it.


There is already one in the collection of guessed clues, albeit pluralised.

Huinesoron 09-05-2019 05:56 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 720256)
Find a synonym for KINGDOM and scramble it.

But anagrams are haaaaaaaard. :(


There is already one in the collection of guessed clues, albeit pluralised.
... well, you can almost get EMERALD from Realm + D, but I don't think the Emerald City is particularly close to Tirion, jewelled theming notwithstanding.

ELDAMAR, from REALM + DA(mnation)?


Morsul the Dark 09-05-2019 06:19 AM

Eldamar sounds right Pervinca did say Eldar was surprisingly close

Pervinca Took 09-05-2019 11:44 AM

PEREDHIL: Games and a Surrey town lose direction for them.
ANAGRAMS: One may mither a ewe’s consort, (slowly at first), to see them.
SYNONYMS: They sound like the transgressions of a Shakespearean thief.
SHIPS: They pass in the night.
WEAPONS: For these warlike things, a generic British pub gains an article, but loses others.
ORCS: A murder of them disperses and loses direction. But the end result is still pretty murderous!
REALMS: Concerning charity, they stand clear.
DWARVES: A good war vest reveals them.

TROLLS: They type backwards, swallowing a very Welsh beginning.
HOBBITS: They are parts for a cooker top.
RIVERS: For these flowers, a weaver loses an article and is conflicted between two ways.
ELVES: Delve safely to find them. Go on!
AINUR: Rian, you hear, was conflicted about them.
DUNEDAIN: For them, see the dwarf of the sand mountain appear.

PUBS: Mashed potato turns dental to plosive for these.
ARTEFACTS: Tear around before embracing truth for them.
GRUB: Ancient fortress returns for refreshment.
ELDAMAR: Here is a kingdom in disarray, with endless damnation.

TREES: Reset (twice) and see them.
WIZARDS: Hospital rooms swallow endless zip for them.
ONODRIM: Confused but giving person sings backwards for them.

CONSTELLATIONS: Disadvantages declare, by charged atoms, their shining name.


Correct. All done!

And over to Huinesoron!

P.S. Now wishing I'd made H horses (as there is no fauna covered, except for the human/speaking kind) and made the first P Pheriannath, as per one of Urwen's guesses. But I guess Peredhil covers the Half-Elven, which none of the other categories (singly) do.

Huinesoron 09-06-2019 07:13 AM

That was an excellent password, Pervinca! Unfortunately the idea I had for the next one hasn't panned out (or rather, I'm too stressed to come up with clues for any of the words in it); I'll try and come up with another one.


Pervinca Took 09-06-2019 08:52 AM

No worries - take your time.

Huinesoron 09-09-2019 04:31 AM

Yeah, that was a pretty hectic weekend, but I finally have something for you.

1. - A dull pub between the rivers.
2. - I say: Oh sir! I hand this damp place (to you).
3. - An area, with trees.
4. - A little later, the shortened line of Italian nobles stands on the shore.
5. - By a slightly longer name, would still smell as sweet, and probably of holly.
6. - Big, purple, fancy glove - no, sorry, I misread, it's just a river.
7. - A cry of greeting over most of a thousand kilos of rabbits, just outside the door.
8. - You send, formally and pretty much, Latin cautions underground.
9. - A division without us? Normally after a short monster where the capital stands.
10. - Attila in bad French runs towards a haven.
11. - I am aged, I am off to bed, I am just west of here.
12. - In anger and the voice of the laws of Hell, name me a second time after the battle.
13. - Hell, Mike reversed into a pit and found the leader a step in.
14. - He stole ads? You'd never hear it once in the camp.
15. - A scrambled article, a stick, and a singular lens got turned around in the woods.

This may be of relevance.


Urwen 09-09-2019 05:05 AM

2 sounds like Sirion.

Pervinca Took 09-09-2019 05:17 AM

1. Well, a FORSAKEN INN might be a bit dull.

P.S. Hope your week is more relaxing!

Huinesoron 09-09-2019 06:46 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 720310)
2 sounds like Sirion.

Nope, but you're thinking with the right techniques.


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 720311)
1. Well, a FORSAKEN INN might be a bit dull.

Even duller than that, I'm afraid. Dull to the point of imbecility.


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 720311)
P.S. Hope your week is more relaxing!

Pfft - as if.


Pervinca Took 09-09-2019 07:10 AM


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 720312)
Nope, but you're thinking with the right techniques.

Even duller than that, I'm afraid. Dull to the point of imbecility.

Pfft - as if.


I can understand Maglor being weary and raddled after all this time, but he'd be very hurt to hear your appraisal of his pub karaoke sessions.

Pervinca Took 09-09-2019 07:12 AM

Is Deadman's Dyke between two rivers, and did you just think it sounded like a pub name?

Huinesoron 09-09-2019 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 720313)
I can understand Maglor being weary and raddled after all this time, but he'd be very hurt to hear your appraisal of his pub karaoke sessions.

"And today we have Maglor Feanorion on the harp, Tinfang of Gelion on the pipes, and Daeron of Doriath on the... what's an 'air gitar'?"


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 720314)
Is Deadman's Dyke betwern two rivers, and did you just think it sounded like a pub name?

O.o Um, no.

I mean, it totally does though. I'd have a drink there. (I wouldn't, but I would, if you know what I mean.)

(I don't know what I mean, so good luck!)


Pervinca Took 09-09-2019 09:55 AM

5. Rosie?

Rose, from the balcony scene in R and J, and the end of holly?

Huinesoron 09-09-2019 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 720316)
5. Rosie?

Rose, from the balcony scene in R and J, and the end of holly?

You're right with the Rose connection, but not with Rosie. There is a straight clue here as well (well... pretty much), and in all the clues for that matter.


Mithalwen 09-09-2019 03:13 PM

10 Lhun Attila is generally known as Attila the Hun which could be rendered into French as l’hun. Lhun was the river that ran out to sea and The Grey Havens was near its mouth.

5 I can’t get beyond Eregion which I think literally means “of holly”.

Pervinca Took 09-09-2019 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by Mithalwen (Post 720318)
10 Lhun Attila is generally known as Attila the Hun which could be rendered into French as l’hun. Lhun was the river that ran out to sea and The Grey Havens was near its mouth.

5 I can’t get beyond Eregion which I think literally means “of holly”.

Mith referring to Eregion has given me the idea that the 'area with trees' one is REGION.

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