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Urwen 06-30-2019 07:43 AM

And it's your turn to make a riddle too.

Pervinca Took 06-30-2019 07:46 AM

New page.

TUNA: A dark fish for a hill? (Dark Elves).
HYARROSTAR: Linger, wife of Abraham! Switch an exclamation, and take a turn about here! (Elendil)
EREBOR: Partition switches note and meanders. (Frodo).
4. A German baptism unit and a spy, note! How it all twists around here! (Tolkien).
DALE: Note boy returning here, (or show surprise to him, in Yorkshire!) (Frodo).
MORDOR: Disemvowelled red room in a mess around here! (Aragorn).
7. Leave him in singularly dire straits, when they all mingle here? (Boromir).
8. Sweetly old-fashioned tile broken here? (Dark Elves).
9. Rob thin person? No, place. Confused? (Frodo)
PINE-WOODS: Place to shoot Carry On films, severally. (Frodo). *
GONDOR: A bird changes its note here. (Bilbo & Frodo).
VALINOR: The first of November! Behold, heraldic fur! Scramble for it! (Dark Elves).
MORIA: A dwarf in his rightful place, with his mother surrounding him? (Thrain).
14. Note quaint fruit with an unusual core, after an article here. (Pippin).

* Probably/possibly

THEME: Places one or more people (fairly notably/significantly) did not go or return to, (either on a particular occasion or ever, and sometimes in spite of intention and/or invitation).

The Dark Elves never sailed west, so did not visit Tuna or Valinor.

Elendil could not go back to any part of Numenor once it was under the sea (unless he invented a very powerful snorkel).

Frodo never visited Dale or Erebor, although Gloin invited him.

Aragorn never went to Mordor (at least, not before the Ring was destroyed), although he would have gone there with Frodo had Merry and Pippin not needed rescuing (as it seemed).

'Good morning!' said Bilbo. `Feel ready for the great council?' `I feel ready for anything,' answered Frodo. `But most of all I should like to go walking today and explore the valley. I should like to get into those pine-woods up there.' He pointed away far up the side of Rivendell to the north. 'You may have a chance later,' said Gandalf. `But we cannot make any plans yet.' … I suppose he never went in the end. He might have, but once the weight of Middle-earth was truly on his shoulders …? It's said that he spent as much time as possible with Bilbo. Would Bilbo have been up to exploring pine woods?

Bilbo never visited Gondor, although he was, of course, invited to A and A's wedding (too old; packing such a bother). Frodo would always have been welcome back there, but he was too deeply hurt and sailed west.

I believe Thrain meant to enter Moria, but he was waylaid and died in the pits of Dol Guldur.*

* Have I got this right? The bit about Thrain and Moria?

Urwen 06-30-2019 07:49 AM

Password: The Golden Glow?

Urwen 06-30-2019 07:52 AM

Tile = slab?

Pervinca Took 06-30-2019 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 718965)
Password: The Golden Glow?


Tile remains tile.

Urwen 06-30-2019 08:53 AM

Old-fashioned = archaic?

Urwen 06-30-2019 08:54 AM

Password: The Floating Log?

Pervinca Took 06-30-2019 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 718970)
Old-fashioned = archaic?

No. There's a word meaning old-fashioned in a sweet way.

You can actually find it in the wording of one of the still unsolved clues.

Urwen 06-30-2019 09:29 AM

I see.

8. Taniquetil (Tile+Quaint)

Pervinca Took 06-30-2019 09:31 AM

TUNA: A dark fish for a hill? (Dark Elves).
HYARROSTAR: Linger, wife of Abraham! Switch an exclamation, and take a turn about here! (Elendil)
EREBOR: Partition switches note and meanders. (Frodo).
???F??? A German baptism unit and a spy, note! How it all twists around here! (Tolkien).
DALE: Note boy returning here, (or show surprise to him, in Yorkshire!) (Frodo).
MORDOR: Disemvowelled red room in a mess around here! (Aragorn).
???A??? Leave him in singularly dire straits, when they all mingle here? (Boromir).
TANIQUETIL: Sweetly old-fashioned tile broken here? (Dark Elves).
???I??? Rob thin person? No, place. Confused? (Frodo)
PINE-WOODS: Place to shoot Carry On films, severally. (Frodo). *
GONDOR: A bird changes its note here. (Bilbo & Frodo).
VALINOR: The first of November! Behold, heraldic fur! Scramble for it! (Dark Elves).
MORIA: A dwarf in his rightful place, with his mother surrounding him? (Thrain).
???G??? Note quaint fruit with an unusual core, after an article here. (Pippin).

* Probably/possibly

THEME: Places one or more people (fairly notably/significantly) did not go or return to, (either on a particular occasion or ever, and sometimes in spite of intention and/or invitation).

The Dark Elves never sailed west, so did not visit Tuna, Taniquetil or Valinor.

Elendil could not go back to any part of Numenor once it was under the sea (unless he invented a very powerful snorkel).

Frodo never visited Dale or Erebor, although Gloin invited him.

Aragorn never went to Mordor (at least, not before the Ring was destroyed), although he would have gone there with Frodo had Merry and Pippin not needed rescuing (as it seemed).

'Good morning!' said Bilbo. `Feel ready for the great council?' `I feel ready for anything,' answered Frodo. `But most of all I should like to go walking today and explore the valley. I should like to get into those pine-woods up there.' He pointed away far up the side of Rivendell to the north. 'You may have a chance later,' said Gandalf. `But we cannot make any plans yet.' … I suppose he never went in the end. He might have, but once the weight of Middle-earth was truly on his shoulders …? It's said that he spent as much time as possible with Bilbo. Would Bilbo have been up to exploring pine woods?

Bilbo never visited Gondor, although he was, of course, invited to A and A's wedding (too old; packing such a bother). Frodo would always have been welcome back there, but he was too deeply hurt and sailed west.

I believe Thrain meant to enter Moria, but he was waylaid and died in the pits of Dol Guldur.*

THE FLOATING LOG: The four hobbits meant to go here when they returned to the Shire, but things weren't well in the Shire and they didn't.

* Have I got this right? The bit about Thrain and Moria?

Urwen 06-30-2019 10:24 AM

Try my riddle. It's easier than you think.

Mithalwen 06-30-2019 05:16 PM

Imladris for Boromir?

Pervinca Took 06-30-2019 05:59 PM

There is an Imladris in the set, but it's not for Boromir.

Urwen 06-30-2019 11:30 PM

9. Imladris (Raid+Slim)

Urwen 06-30-2019 11:50 PM

And no one willing to try my riddle?

Urwen 06-30-2019 11:52 PM

And why was I in Imladris surrounded by '?'s? I thought you don't do that for first letters, only for ones that aren't first. :confused:

Pervinca Took 07-01-2019 03:26 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 718982)
And why was I in Imladris surrounded by '?'s? I thought you don't do that for first letters, only for ones that aren't first. :confused:

As I've said before, I do it when it's a random letters password. It might be first, it might be last, it might be middle.

When they're ALL first letter, I put them all first.

Pervinca Took 07-01-2019 03:32 AM

TUNA: A dark fish for a hill? (Dark Elves).
HYARROSTAR: Linger, wife of Abraham! Switch an exclamation, and take a turn about here! (Elendil)
EREBOR: Partition switches note and meanders. (Frodo).
???F??? A German baptism unit and a spy, note! How it all twists around here! (Tolkien).
DALE: Note boy returning here, (or show surprise to him, in Yorkshire!) (Frodo).
MORDOR: Disemvowelled red room in a mess around here! (Aragorn).
MINAS TIRITH: Leave him in singularly dire straits, when they all mingle here? (Boromir).
TANIQUETIL: Sweetly old-fashioned tile broken here? (Dark Elves).
IMLADRIS: Rob thin person? No, place. Confused? (Frodo)
PINE-WOODS: Place to shoot Carry On films, severally. (Frodo). *
GONDOR: A bird changes its note here. (Bilbo & Frodo).
VALINOR: The first of November! Behold, heraldic fur! Scramble for it! (Dark Elves).
MORIA: A dwarf in his rightful place, with his mother surrounding him? (Thrain).
THE GOLDEN PERCH: Note quaint fruit with an unusual core, after an article here. (Pippin).

* Probably/possibly

THEME: Places one or more people (fairly notably/significantly) did not go or return to, (either on a particular occasion or ever, and sometimes in spite of intention and/or invitation).


The Dark Elves never sailed west, so did not visit Tuna, Taniquetil or Valinor.

Elendil could not go back to any part of Numenor once it was under the sea (unless he invented a very powerful snorkel).

Frodo never visited Dale or Erebor, although Gloin invited him.

Aragorn never went to Mordor (at least, not before the Ring was destroyed), although he would have gone there with Frodo had Merry and Pippin not needed rescuing (as it seemed).

Boromir died at Parth Galen, so did not return to .inas Tirith as he intended.

Frodo said he would come back to Imladris soon, to see Bilbo, but Elrond said he thought he would not need to, unless he came back very soon ... and this proved to be right.

'Good morning!' said Bilbo. `Feel ready for the great council?' `I feel ready for anything,' answered Frodo. `But most of all I should like to go walking today and explore the valley. I should like to get into those pine-woods up there.' He pointed away far up the side of Rivendell to the north. 'You may have a chance later,' said Gandalf. `But we cannot make any plans yet.' … I suppose he never went in the end. He might have, but once the weight of Middle-earth was truly on his shoulders …? It's said that he spent as much time as possible with Bilbo. Would Bilbo have been up to exploring pine woods?

Bilbo never visited Gondor, although he was, of course, invited to A and A's wedding (too old; packing such a bother). Frodo would always have been welcome back there, but he was too deeply hurt and sailed west.

I believe Thrain meant to enter Moria, but he was waylaid and died in the pits of Dol Guldur.*

Pippin wanted to reach The Golden Perch at Stock by sundown, for the best beer in the Eastfarthing, but Frodo insisted on them taking a short-cut instead.

THE FLOATING LOG: The four hobbits meant to go here when they returned to the Shire, but things weren't well in the Shire and they didn't.

* Have I got this right? The bit about Thrain and Moria?

Urwen 07-01-2019 06:59 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 718981)
And no one willing to try my riddle?

It's not hard.....

If you prefer a different one, say so. :(

Pervinca Took 07-01-2019 07:10 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 718985)
It's not hard.....

If you prefer a different one, say so. :(

It's more a time thing, Urwen. I participate in the Password thread a lot, because it's my favourite one, and I enjoy the distraction, but keeping up with two threads when I'm busy is difficult. I have solved and contributed 5 riddles over the past two weeks, though!

Urwen 07-01-2019 07:12 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 718986)
It's more a time thing, Urwen. I participate in the Password thread a lot, because it's my favourite one, and I enjoy the distraction, but keeping up with two threads when I'm busy is difficult. I have solved and contributed 5 riddles over the past two weeks, though!

I am talking about everyone. No one wants to play it anymore, not even Huey, who used to specialize in these. And if they don't have time/are too busy to answer stuff, then they shouldn't log on here, period.

Pervinca Took 07-01-2019 07:29 AM

That's not very fair, Urwen. You can't deny people the right to log on and read! It takes a lot longer to formulate and type a reply. No-one should feel compelled to do that if they're not ready.

Urwen 07-01-2019 09:08 AM

If they claim they're too busy to reply, they are too busy to log on as well. And giving others false hope isn't fair either.

Urwen 07-01-2019 09:15 AM

And it's summer. People should be more free during summer, not less.

Urwen 07-01-2019 09:19 AM

And yes, Huinesoron, I stand by what I said. Given the mean things you said about Lomion, you have no right to complain either.

Huinesoron 07-01-2019 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 718987)
I am talking about everyone. No one wants to play it anymore, not even Huey, who used to specialize in these. And if they don't have time/are too busy to answer stuff, then they shouldn't log on here, period.


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 718989)
If they claim they're too busy to reply, they are too busy to log on as well. And giving others false hope isn't fair either.


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 718990)
And it's summer. People should be more free during summer, not less.

I think if you sit back and think about it for a while, you'll realise that 'if you're not going to play games with me then stay off the site' is a... well, frankly terrible message to be giving out.

Nothing gives you the right to police my usage of the forum. In the spirit of cooperation, however: when you see me appear for a minute or two (or five) and disappear, it's because I've pulled up the Downs on my phone to see if there's any new posts to read in the top few sub-forums. Sometimes I'll also click through to the most recent thread in Quizzes, usually to see how the password's going, but I'm not going to try and reply to anything on a phone keyboard unless it really jumps out and grabs me.

If you're seeing me on for a long time, it's probably because I've forgotten to close the tab on my phone. It happens.

As for 'more free during summer' - sadly, work doesn't follow the holidays we all got used to at school and uni. I'm still stuck in my office five days a week, and with the good weather to hand, we can finally go out places at the weekends. It's nice.


Huinesoron 07-01-2019 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 718991)
And yes, Huinesoron, I stand by what I said. Given the mean things you said about Lomion, you have no right to complain either.

... what?

Could you please clarify what you mean by this.


Urwen 07-01-2019 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 718993)
... what?

Could you please clarify what you mean by this.


You said he is an evil villain who'll never be redeemed and whose death was entirely justified. Not nice. Not nice at all.

Urwen 07-01-2019 11:49 PM

You used to play these games rather frequently two months ago.

Urwen 07-02-2019 12:02 AM

And I'll have you know I go to work too, have been going for the past month or so, and I still have ample time to check this forum and reply to threads.

Pervinca Took 07-02-2019 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 719001)
You used to play these games rather frequently two months ago.

Maybe people need a break now and then? There is such a thing as burnout!

Posting things like that will make people not want to come back at all.

Grievances in another thread really should be kept to that thread. Apart from anything else, no-one new will want to join in if all they see is bickering.

This is supposed to be fun, and a hobby.

Pervinca Took 07-02-2019 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 719002)
And I'll have you know I go to work too, have been going for the past month or so, and I still have ample time to check this forum and reply to threads.

That's great, but there are other commitments beside work. And if I had kids I would not be here nearly as much.

But let's move on, yes? Good to hear about the job, and I hope it's going well.

Huinesoron 07-02-2019 03:06 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 719004)
But let's move on, yes?

Good idea; sorry.

So we're down to three clues:

???F??? A German baptism unit and a spy, note! How it all twists around here! (Tolkien).
???A??? Leave him in singularly dire straits, when they all mingle here? (Boromir).
???G??? Note quaint fruit with an unusual core, after an article here. (Pippin).

Boromir notably was not seen again in Minas Tirith, and I can see that name contains all of STRAIT... and the leftover letters spell HIM IN. So MINAS TIRITH.

Where did Pippin not go? I feel like this might be tied up in their various adventures around Rohan. I thought it might be something from his chat with Bergil, but the proposal there was to travel to Lossarnach, which doesn't have a G in it.

And Tolkien? I do seem to faintly recall a 'I have never visited', but I'm wondering if this might be more of a 'my father never came back to the story of [whatever]'. In which case the obvious answer would be the Fall of Gondolin, but I can't see how to pull that from the clue.

A 'German baptism unit' could be a way of saying 'the German for "font"', which appears to be [Tauf]becken.


Morsul the Dark 07-02-2019 03:41 AM

Pippin never went to Belgium. That answer is clearly Belgium

Pervinca Took 07-02-2019 06:07 AM


Originally Posted by Morsul the Dark (Post 719007)
Pippin never went to Belgium. That answer is clearly Belgium

Great answer, but ...

... Pippin really wanted to go somewhere specific at one point, but he wasn't alone, and the others did not agree to it, so they didn't.

Well done hS for getting MINAS TIRITH ... maybe the hardest one. It is, indeed, HIM IN STRAIT scrambled.

You are going to kick yourselves over the Tolkien clue!

hS, you could try treating 'German one' and 'baptism unit' as separate elements. ;)

Pervinca Took 07-02-2019 06:09 AM


Originally Posted by Morsul the Dark (Post 719007)
Pippin never went to Belgium. That answer is clearly Belgium

He might possibly have wanted to go to Belgium for a similar reason. :D

I won't repost the puzzle just now, because it's very long with the explanations. But I have entered MINAS TIRITH in the latest version, upthread.

Huinesoron 07-02-2019 06:20 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 719009)
You are going to kick yourselves over the Tolkien clue!

hS, you could try treating 'German one' and 'baptism unit' as separate elements. ;)

I do that. Like, all the time.

So... EIN(E) + FONT + a spy + a note. ... this isn't getting me anywhere.


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 719009)
Great answer, but ...

... Pippin really wanted to go somewhere specific at one point, but he wasn't alone, and the others did not agree to it, so they didn't.


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 719010)
He might possibly have wanted to go to Belgium for a similar reason. :D

Of course! Gammer Proudfoot's chocolate shop! (What? That's why I go to Belgium...)

I'm thinking now of the GOLDEN PERCH down at Stock (best beer in the Eastfarthing!). Perch is PEACH with an 'unusual core'... ah, and it's G + OLDEN, for 'note quaint'. And I guess the article means it's THE Golden Perch.


Pervinca Took 07-02-2019 06:28 AM


(Regarding 'The Golden Perch). :)

Entered upthread.

One clue to go!

Mithalwen 07-02-2019 04:55 PM

Bloemfontein? Tolkien never went back to his birthplace AFAIK. Can’t get spy to work but font and ein are there.

Pervinca Took 07-02-2019 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by Mithalwen (Post 719028)
Bloemfontein? Tolkien never went back to his birthplace AFAIK. Can’t get spy to work but font and ein are there.


Well done all.

And over to Urwen!

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