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Give me a day or two to think about a good one...
I wasted a lot of time playing with "brooch", i.e. a "point trinket"
Here is a fun one, with a fun theme.
1. Note, he was baited 2. Two notes followed by a confused blow for her 3. We hear that you are a returned novelty (For her) 4. A vase mingles with reversed pronoun for him 5. A mixed number and a conjunction mingle together for her 6. A bar and a Hawaiian garland mix up and mingle. She appears. (You might be suprised by a little trick I've pulled here) |
2. Edith?
E + D + HIT. |
Oh! La la.
2. LALAITH. 3. URWEN. We hear U and R; NEW backwards. |
1. Note, he was baited LALAITH: Two notes followed by a confused blow for her URWEN: We hear that you are a returned novelty (For her) 4. A vase mingles with reversed pronoun for him 5. A mixed number and a conjunction mingle together for her 6. A bar and a Hawaiian garland mix up and mingle. She appears. Congratulations, you figured out my trick. |
6. Niniel.
Lei + inn. |
I think the theme is namesake pairs.
5. NIENOR - NINE + OR (conjunction). |
Not quite. I simply had to add these double names because.....well, I don't want to spoil the suprise....
1. Note, he was baited LALAITH: Two notes followed by a confused blow for her URWEN: We hear that you are a returned novelty (For her) 4. A vase mingles with reversed pronoun for him NIENOR A mixed number and a conjunction mingle together for her NINIEL: A bar and a Hawaiian garland mix up and mingle. She appears. |
ELURIN for the password?
1. Elured.
E + lured. |
ELURED: Note, he was baited LALAITH: Two notes followed by a confused blow for her URWEN: We hear that you are a returned novelty (For her) R..: A vase mingles with reversed pronoun for him NIENOR A mixed number and a conjunction mingle together for her NINIEL: A bar and a Hawaiian garland mix up and mingle. She appears. |
So maybe TURIN for the remaining clue.
URN + IT. And siblings for the theme. |
ELURED: Note, he was baited
LALAITH: Two notes followed by a confused blow for her URWEN: We hear that you are a returned novelty (For her) TURIN: A vase mingles with reversed pronoun for him NIENOR A mixed number and a conjunction mingle together for her NINIEL: A bar and a Hawaiian garland mix up and mingle. She appears. What I had in mind was children who died before their parents, but some research showed that this wasn't the case for Elured/Elurin, so let's go with your idea. :o |
That was fun! :)
Although I have a few already prepared, I had another idea today and have just written the clues for it. Here they are: 1. Find him circulating at a strange support group. 2. Put back, almost intact, to find him. 3. A twist of double pastry for him. 4. Search around the ship for him. 5. Coin in German money? Shake it up for him. 6. Hail, spirit! Turn and see him! 7. For him, a happy alternative, with minimal compromise. |
7. Maeglin or Turin, because that's what I wish for them. ;)
Alas, no. ;)
German money is GELD, but it has no Tolkien-esque connections.....
No, but it could be an element.
German coin is Munze
EZMUN+DLEG still doesn't give anything Tolkien-esque..... |
True. :D
2. Erestor. "Put back" = Restor-e
5. Glorfindel FLORIN + GELD rearranged
7. GALDOR (glad + or)
Seems to be people in attendance at Elrond's council. |
I tentatively had Galdor for 7, but I couldn't jibe OR with "minimal compromise."
Agree on the Council. Possibly council attendees NOT Fellowship members. That leaves Gloin, Elrond himself, and Bilbo. Or possibly Elladan and Elrohir, even though they weren't in attendance. |
A hat trick!
1. Find him circulating at a strange support group.
ERESTOR: Put back, almost intact, to find him. 3. A twist of double pastry for him. 4. Search around the ship for him. GLORFINDEL: Coin in German money? Shake it up for him. 6. Behold, spirit! Turn and see him! GALDOR: For him, a happy alternative, with minimal compromise. THEME: PEOPLE PRESENT AT THE COUNCIL OF ELROND. In GALDOR, OR is the 'alternative' bit. The 'minimal compromise' is that GLAD OR is only minimally compromised, because it's only just an anagram, (just as 'restore' is 'almost intact' in clue 2). Urwen, FLORIN still remains inside GELD, even though both are rearranged - hence 'Coin in German money.' N.B. I have slightly amended clue 6. |
Lo! Gin! Let us imbibe together, GLOIN!
hS |
4. Aragorn, which contains the ship ARGO.
1. Find him circulating at a strange support group.
ERESTOR: Put back, almost intact, to find him. 3. A twist of double pastry for him. 4. Search around the ship for him. GLORFINDEL: Coin in German money? Shake it up for him. GLOIN: Behold, spirit! Turn and see him! GALDOR: For him, a happy alternative, with minimal compromise. THEME: PEOPLE PRESENT AT THE COUNCIL OF ELROND. Yes, I realised 'Hail' wasn't really an anagram of 'Lo.' EDIT: Aragorn is not correct, I'm afraid. |
4. Elrond?
(Please include reasoning for guesses, especially when there is only a limited number of possible answers left). |
Well, none of other answers contain the word 'ship' or any of its synonyms...
But there's no ship in Elrond. Did you mean search for him on the ship west?
There is one you haven't thought of yet. |
Nope. Can't see it. Bilbo and Frodo almost fit, if you count their full names, but they lack the letter 'T'.
But I'll take a shot at the password: Meeting?
???M???: Find him circulating at a strange support group.
ERESTOR: Put back, almost intact, to find him. ???E???: A twist of double pastry for him. ???T???: Search around the ship for him. GLORFINDEL: Coin in German money? Shake it up for him. GLOIN: Behold, spirit! Turn and see him! GALDOR: For him, a happy alternative, with minimal compromise. THEME: PEOPLE PRESENT AT THE COUNCIL OF ELROND. Correct! Well done. P.S. I can't see how 'Baggins' has 'ship' in it. They would both work as answers if I meant 'Search for them on the ship west.' But that wasn't my initial reasoning behind the clue. |
Based on the letters, 1 is GIMLI.
4 is Gandalf the Grey
Both wrong.
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