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Galadriel55 04-09-2019 08:04 PM

2. Maedhros: Rose & Ham & D. I had a feeling Rose was involved but couldn't put the other pieces in place until I worked backwqrds from the theme (Feanorians?).

Nerwen 04-09-2019 09:49 PM

#5 isn't by any chance deriving AMRAS from the ""Mars bar" slogan: "A MARS a day helps you work, rest and play", is it?

Nerwen 04-09-2019 09:58 PM

And I believe #1 is CARANTHIR? ("Chair" + "rant").

Pervinca Took 04-10-2019 12:12 AM

CARANTHIR: Confused convener swallows a tirade, and then he appears.
MAEDHROS: Note, Sam’s bride and father circulate for him.
???R???: Troubled, the enemy hurtled to him.
AMROD: In a dream rode out, he did.
AMRAS: Mingled, one a day will help you work, rest and play. For him.
???N???: Dog of night? He’s a little shaken.
???E???: He’s foolish - changes two (lineless) dollars for other notes – in turmoil.
MAGLOR: See him where the puma glories in his speed.

Nerwen 04-10-2019 12:42 AM

I think #3 is FËANOR ("Foe" + "ran").

Nerwen 04-10-2019 12:45 AM

That, by elimination, would make #6 CURUFIN and #7 CELEGORM, but I haven't actually worked out the clues yet.

Nerwen 04-10-2019 12:50 AM

Er... CELEGORM from "gormless"? But I don't get "lineless dollars".

And "cur" + "fuin" for CURUFIN?

Pervinca Took 04-10-2019 02:07 AM

An S is a dollar sign without lines through it. You lose two S's from gormless, exchanging them for musical notes.

Pervinca Took 04-10-2019 02:11 AM

CARANTHIR: Confused convener swallows a tirade, and then he appears.
MAEDHROS: Note, Sam’s bride and father circulate for him.
FEANOR: Troubled, the enemy hurtled to him.
AMROD: In a dream rode out, he did.
AMRAS: Mingled, one a day will help you work, rest and play. For him.
CURUFIN: Dog of night? He’s a little shaken.
CELEGORM: He’s foolish - changes two (lineless) dollars for other notes – in turmoil.
MAGLOR: See him where the puma glories in his speed.


All correct, and for the reasons you stated. Well done!

See my last post for explanation of 'lineless dollars.'

And over to Galadriel55!

Nerwen 04-10-2019 02:17 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 714573)
CARANTHIR: Confused convener swallows a tirade, and then he appears.
MAEDHROS: Note, Sam’s bride and father circulate for him.
FEANOR: Troubled, the enemy hurtled to him.
AMROD: In a dream rode out, he did.
AMRAS: Mingled, one a day will help you work, rest and play. For him.
CURUFIN: Dog of night? He’s a little shaken.
CELEGORM: He’s foolish - changes two (lineless) dollars for other notes – in turmoil.
MAGLOR: See him where the puma glories in his speed.


All correct, and for the reasons you stated. Well done!

See my last post for explanation of 'lineless dollars.'

And over to Nerwen!

Thanks, but it was G55, not me, who guessed the password, so it's her turn.

Pervinca Took 04-10-2019 02:20 AM

So sorry, G55! Duly amended, and deservedly over to you.

It's you two confusing me, with your nicknames of the same character! :D

Galadriel55 04-10-2019 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 714575)
It's you two confusing me, with your nicknames of the same character! :D

We do it on purpose. :p

This one was inspired by some of Pervinca's masterpieces.

1. Pub locks out of order.
2. Mosquito absent but confused.
3. Fan's friend paid only a fifth of my price.
4. Note in stirred hot water.
5. ...with a bowstring for a harp.
6. Hammer scrambles hard worker.
7. Dwalin's brother loses way.
8. Half as tall as old.

Pervinca Took 04-10-2019 08:03 PM

7. Bain son of Bard? (Balin loses B).

P.S. You've written a fair few masterpieces of your own!

Pervinca Took 04-10-2019 08:06 PM

Ah ... is this one of those puzzles without straight elements?

Galadriel55 04-10-2019 08:32 PM

1. Pub locks out of order.
2. Mosquito absent but confused.
3. Fan's friend paid only a fifth of my price.
4. Note in stirred hot water.
5. ...with a bowstring for a harp.
6. Hammer scrambles hard worker.
BAIN: Dwalin's brother loses way.
8. Half as tall as old.

Balin loses L but yes, the answer is correct. ;)

Not all clues have straight elements because the password is very thematic - knock a couple down and the rest will fall. But not all elements are strictly cryptic.

Pervinca Took 04-11-2019 03:31 AM

As the clues have me baffled, I'll try guessing the theme instead.

Are they all children of a more famous parent?

Galadriel55 04-11-2019 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 714591)
As the clues have me baffled, I'll try guessing the theme instead.

Are they all children of a more famous parent?


Pervinca Took 04-11-2019 06:58 AM

I could have a guess at number 1 if there were a 'sounds like.'


('air for locks; inn for pub). :D

Galadriel55 04-11-2019 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 714618)
I could have a guess at number 1 if there were a 'sounds like.'


('air for locks; inn for pub). :D

Good guess but no. You're thinking the right way though.

Galadriel55 04-11-2019 06:06 PM

I will give hints as needed. Are you working on a particular clue?

Pervinca Took 04-11-2019 11:59 PM

Well ... maybe the theme is kings?

I will make a guess at Thranduil for 'with a bowstring for a harp.'

Galadriel55 04-12-2019 05:53 AM

The theme is not kings. However, all the characters are male.

Huinesoron 04-12-2019 06:05 AM

Is #5 Haldir, who said the bowstring/harp line to Legolas while justifying blindfolding him?

The only theme I can see linking Bain and Haldir is 'showing up in movies when you ain't supposed to'... :D


Galadriel55 04-12-2019 06:37 AM


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 714651)
Is #5 Haldir, who said the bowstring/harp line to Legolas while justifying blindfolding him?

The only theme I can see linking Bain and Haldir is 'showing up in movies when you ain't supposed to'... :D


It's not Haldir. :D There is one person there closely linked to Bain.

Galadriel55 04-12-2019 08:15 AM

If it helps, #3, 5, and 8 are not really cryptic.

Huinesoron 04-12-2019 08:22 AM

I wonder whether the S.B.s only paid a fifth of the value of BAG-END? The only other discussion of price I can remember is in Bree, and there everyone seemed to overpay.

The theme would, of course, be 'starts with B'. :D


Galadriel55 04-12-2019 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 714658)
I wonder whether the S.B.s only paid a fifth of the value of BAG-END? The only other discussion of price I can remember is in Bree, and there everyone seemed to overpay.

The theme would, of course, be 'starts with B'. :D


Not Bag-End. But you're not wrong about the pattern. ;)

Nerwen 04-13-2019 01:44 AM

For #5- BARD?

Nerwen 04-13-2019 01:53 AM

And #4 is BILBO ("B" + "boil").

...They don't really all start with B?

Galadriel55 04-13-2019 05:44 AM

1. Pub locks out of order.
2. Mosquito absent but confused.
3. Fan's friend paid only a fifth of my price.
BILBO: Note in stirred hot water.
BARD: ...with a bowstring for a harp.
6. Hammer scrambles hard worker.
BAIN: Dwalin's brother loses way.
8. Half as tall as old.


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 714679)
...They don't really all start with B?

As I said, the password is very thematic - and there is more than one pattern. :p

Urwen 04-13-2019 06:42 AM

8. Beor....?

Nerwen 04-13-2019 06:53 AM

Or is it BEORN, since so far they've all been "Hobbit" characters (or their offspring)? Beor was old and Beorn was tall...

Galadriel55 04-13-2019 06:57 AM

Neither Beor nor Beorn. I'm curious - why them? How did you get that from the clue?

Urwen 04-13-2019 07:15 AM

Beor is known as the old.

Maybe Dori, or Ori (Halves of Aldor and Beor, who were both called 'Old')

Huinesoron 04-13-2019 09:05 AM

#2 could be no bug == BUNGO Baggins, father of Bilbo.

Which suggests a theme of 'fathers and sons starting with B'.


Galadriel55 04-13-2019 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 714703)
#2 could be no bug == BUNGO Baggins, father of Bilbo.

Which suggests a theme of 'fathers and sons starting with B'.


Correct on both counts!

1. Pub locks out of order.
BUNGO Mosquito absent but confused.
3. Fan's friend paid only a fifth of my price.
BILBO: Note in stirred hot water.
BARD: ...with a bowstring for a harp.
6. Hammer scrambles hard worker.
BAIN: Dwalin's brother loses way.
8. Half as tall as old.

Nerwen 04-13-2019 09:55 AM

I believe #6 is BEREGOND ("Grond" + "bee"), meaning his brat Bergil must be one of the other clues...

Nerwen 04-13-2019 09:59 AM

Aha! He's #8: "I am ten years old already, and shall soon be five feet."

Galadriel55 04-13-2019 10:43 AM

1. Pub locks out of order.
BUNGO: Mosquito absent but confused.
3. Fan's friend paid only a fifth of my price.
BILBO: Note in stirred hot water.
BARD: ...with a bowstring for a harp.
BEREGOND: Hammer scrambles hard worker.
BAIN: Dwalin's brother loses way.
BERGIL: Half as tall as old.

Urwen 04-13-2019 10:59 AM

Password: Bombadil?

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