![]() |
2. Maedhros: Rose & Ham & D. I had a feeling Rose was involved but couldn't put the other pieces in place until I worked backwqrds from the theme (Feanorians?).
#5 isn't by any chance deriving AMRAS from the ""Mars bar" slogan: "A MARS a day helps you work, rest and play", is it?
And I believe #1 is CARANTHIR? ("Chair" + "rant").
CARANTHIR: Confused convener swallows a tirade, and then he appears.
MAEDHROS: Note, Sam’s bride and father circulate for him. ???R???: Troubled, the enemy hurtled to him. AMROD: In a dream rode out, he did. AMRAS: Mingled, one a day will help you work, rest and play. For him. ???N???: Dog of night? He’s a little shaken. ???E???: He’s foolish - changes two (lineless) dollars for other notes – in turmoil. MAGLOR: See him where the puma glories in his speed. |
I think #3 is FËANOR ("Foe" + "ran").
That, by elimination, would make #6 CURUFIN and #7 CELEGORM, but I haven't actually worked out the clues yet.
Er... CELEGORM from "gormless"? But I don't get "lineless dollars".
And "cur" + "fuin" for CURUFIN? |
An S is a dollar sign without lines through it. You lose two S's from gormless, exchanging them for musical notes.
CARANTHIR: Confused convener swallows a tirade, and then he appears.
MAEDHROS: Note, Sam’s bride and father circulate for him. FEANOR: Troubled, the enemy hurtled to him. AMROD: In a dream rode out, he did. AMRAS: Mingled, one a day will help you work, rest and play. For him. CURUFIN: Dog of night? He’s a little shaken. CELEGORM: He’s foolish - changes two (lineless) dollars for other notes – in turmoil. MAGLOR: See him where the puma glories in his speed. THEME: NERDANEL, FEANOR & SONS All correct, and for the reasons you stated. Well done! See my last post for explanation of 'lineless dollars.' And over to Galadriel55! |
So sorry, G55! Duly amended, and deservedly over to you.
It's you two confusing me, with your nicknames of the same character! :D |
This one was inspired by some of Pervinca's masterpieces. 1. Pub locks out of order. 2. Mosquito absent but confused. 3. Fan's friend paid only a fifth of my price. 4. Note in stirred hot water. 5. ...with a bowstring for a harp. 6. Hammer scrambles hard worker. 7. Dwalin's brother loses way. 8. Half as tall as old. |
7. Bain son of Bard? (Balin loses B).
P.S. You've written a fair few masterpieces of your own! |
Ah ... is this one of those puzzles without straight elements?
1. Pub locks out of order.
2. Mosquito absent but confused. 3. Fan's friend paid only a fifth of my price. 4. Note in stirred hot water. 5. ...with a bowstring for a harp. 6. Hammer scrambles hard worker. BAIN: Dwalin's brother loses way. 8. Half as tall as old. Balin loses L but yes, the answer is correct. ;) Not all clues have straight elements because the password is very thematic - knock a couple down and the rest will fall. But not all elements are strictly cryptic. |
As the clues have me baffled, I'll try guessing the theme instead.
Are they all children of a more famous parent? |
I could have a guess at number 1 if there were a 'sounds like.'
Aerin ('air for locks; inn for pub). :D |
I will give hints as needed. Are you working on a particular clue?
Well ... maybe the theme is kings?
I will make a guess at Thranduil for 'with a bowstring for a harp.' |
The theme is not kings. However, all the characters are male.
Is #5 Haldir, who said the bowstring/harp line to Legolas while justifying blindfolding him?
The only theme I can see linking Bain and Haldir is 'showing up in movies when you ain't supposed to'... :D hS |
If it helps, #3, 5, and 8 are not really cryptic.
I wonder whether the S.B.s only paid a fifth of the value of BAG-END? The only other discussion of price I can remember is in Bree, and there everyone seemed to overpay.
The theme would, of course, be 'starts with B'. :D hS |
For #5- BARD?
And #4 is BILBO ("B" + "boil").
...They don't really all start with B? |
1. Pub locks out of order.
2. Mosquito absent but confused. 3. Fan's friend paid only a fifth of my price. BILBO: Note in stirred hot water. BARD: ...with a bowstring for a harp. 6. Hammer scrambles hard worker. BAIN: Dwalin's brother loses way. 8. Half as tall as old. Quote:
8. Beor....?
Or is it BEORN, since so far they've all been "Hobbit" characters (or their offspring)? Beor was old and Beorn was tall...
Neither Beor nor Beorn. I'm curious - why them? How did you get that from the clue?
Beor is known as the old.
Maybe Dori, or Ori (Halves of Aldor and Beor, who were both called 'Old') |
#2 could be no bug == BUNGO Baggins, father of Bilbo.
Which suggests a theme of 'fathers and sons starting with B'. hS |
1. Pub locks out of order. BUNGO Mosquito absent but confused. 3. Fan's friend paid only a fifth of my price. BILBO: Note in stirred hot water. BARD: ...with a bowstring for a harp. 6. Hammer scrambles hard worker. BAIN: Dwalin's brother loses way. 8. Half as tall as old. |
I believe #6 is BEREGOND ("Grond" + "bee"), meaning his brat Bergil must be one of the other clues...
Aha! He's #8: "I am ten years old already, and shall soon be five feet."
1. Pub locks out of order.
BUNGO: Mosquito absent but confused. 3. Fan's friend paid only a fifth of my price. BILBO: Note in stirred hot water. BARD: ...with a bowstring for a harp. BEREGOND: Hammer scrambles hard worker. BAIN: Dwalin's brother loses way. BERGIL: Half as tall as old. |
Password: Bombadil?
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