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Pervinca Took 02-23-2023 10:58 AM

MIDDLE: Hey diddle diddle, this earth’s in the centre. (The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins)
OROFARNE: Sandwich a cookie unevenly around a nasally altered farm and see what springs up. (O Orofarne, Lassemista, Carnimirie!)
ROCKETS: They’ll soothe a sore throat, if the liquid is changed. (The finest rockets ever seen)
ERMABWED: After hesitation, the fairies’ midwife married him. (Light as Leaf on Lindentree)

F Christmassy, but dangerous here.
IN: What knights say, if you play the tape backwards. (In Dwimordene, in Lorien)
RINGS: A drummer loses nothing, but hisses for them. ('The Lord of the Rings' / Is one of those things)
S A singer from the Seventies – hoping to sound like this?
TROLL: He’s much nicer when he joins forces with a Moomin. (Troll sat alone on his seat of stone)

L Whether sweet or salt, it cools a hot mouth.
I: Simply the first person. (I sit beside the fire and think)
NOT: You tie one, K? (Take that away). (All that is gold does not glitter)
ELVEN-KINGS: Almost a dozen monarchs have lost their way. (Three Rings for the elven-kings under the sky)
SANG: Of French blood? (I sang of leaves, of leaves of gold, and leaves of gold there grew)


You'll find the L one in a good Indian restaurant, if you ask for it.

Urwen 02-23-2023 10:59 AM

No hints for F one, then?

Pervinca Took 02-23-2023 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 736867)
No hints for F one, then?

I thought you had it! You were just going to look up the song.

Urwen 02-23-2023 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 736868)
I thought you had it! You were just going to look up the song.

Well, the one I thought it was doesn't have F in first line.

Urwen 02-23-2023 11:59 AM

LASSI for L?


A sip of cold milk or a spoon of yogurt will soothe your mouth and take away some of the burning sensation.

Lassi = a yogurt-based drink that can be made either sweet or savory (eg mango lassi is very popular)

Pervinca Took 02-23-2023 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 736869)
Well, the one I thought it was doesn't have F in first line.

It's in 'The Hobbit.'

LASSI is right.

Urwen 02-23-2023 12:12 PM

Is F one Far?

Pervinca Took 02-23-2023 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 736872)
Is F one Far?


Arson and attempted murder, remember.

Urwen 02-23-2023 01:31 PM


Pervinca Took 02-23-2023 02:38 PM

MIDDLE: Hey diddle diddle, this earth’s in the centre. (The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins)
OROFARNE: Sandwich a cookie unevenly around a nasally altered farm and see what springs up. (O Orofarne, Lassemista, Carnimirie!)
ROCKETS: They’ll soothe a sore throat, if the liquid is changed. (The finest rockets ever seen)
ERMABWED: After hesitation, the fairies’ midwife married him. (Light as Leaf on Lindentree)

FIRTREES: Christmassy, but dangerous here. (Fifteen birds in five firtrees)
IN: What knights say, if you play the tape backwards. (In Dwimordene, in Lorien)
RINGS: A drummer loses nothing, but hisses for them. ('The Lord of the Rings' / Is one of those things)
S A singer from the Seventies – hoping to sound like this?
TROLL: He’s much nicer when he joins forces with a Moomin. (Troll sat alone on his seat of stone)

LASSI: Whether sweet or salt, it cools a hot mouth. (Ai laurie lantar lassi surinen)
I: Simply the first person. (I sit beside the fire and think)
NOT: You tie one, K? (Take that away). (All that is gold does not glitter)
ELVEN-KINGS: Almost a dozen monarchs have lost their way. (Three Rings for the elven-kings under the sky)
SANG: Of French blood? (I sang of leaves, of leaves of gold, and leaves of gold there grew)

One to go!

Pervinca Took 02-24-2023 04:55 AM

Urwen 02-24-2023 05:06 AM


Pervinca Took 02-24-2023 05:09 AM

MIDDLE: Hey diddle diddle, this earth’s in the centre. (The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins)
OROFARNE: Sandwich a cookie unevenly around a nasally altered farm and see what springs up. (O Orofarne, Lassemista, Carnimirie!)
ROCKETS: They’ll soothe a sore throat, if the liquid is changed. (The finest rockets ever seen)
ERMABWED: After hesitation, the fairies’ midwife married him. (Light as Leaf on Lindentree)

FIRTREES: Christmassy, but dangerous here. (Fifteen birds in five firtrees)
IN: What knights say, if you play the tape backwards. (In Dwimordene, in Lorien)
RINGS: A drummer loses nothing, but hisses for them. ('The Lord of the Rings' / Is one of those things)
SWEET: A singer from the Seventies – hoping to sound like this? this? (Farewell sweet earth and northern sky)
TROLL: He’s much nicer when he joins forces with a Moomin. (Troll sat alone on his seat of stone)

LASSI: Whether sweet or salt, it cools a hot mouth. (Ai laurie lantar lassi surinen)
I: Simply the first person. (I sit beside the fire and think)
NOT: You tie one, K? (Take that away). (All that is gold does not glitter)
ELVEN-KINGS: Almost a dozen monarchs have lost their way. (Three Rings for the elven-kings under the sky)
SANG: Of French blood? (I sang of leaves, of leaves of gold, and leaves of gold there grew)

And over to you!

Urwen 03-04-2023 05:43 AM

One more for you.

1. Give them this.
2. He doesn't fib.
3. He is above the world, literally.
4. An unmarried woman, she.
5. Much to Robb's chagrin, he could be called 'King in the North' too.
6. Just a preposition.
7. Young boys, they.
8. Wife of the God King.
9. A place of peace and joy.

Galadriel55 03-04-2023 06:31 AM

2. Oliphaunt?

Urwen 03-04-2023 01:41 PM

1. Give them this.
OLIPHAUNT: He doesn't fib.
3. He is above the world, literally.
4. An unmarried woman, she.
5. Much to Robb's chagrin, he could be called 'King in the North' too.
6. Just a preposition.
7. Young boys, they.
8. Wife of the God King.
9. A place of peace and joy.

Pervinca Took 03-05-2023 10:26 AM

1. Miruvor?

8. Varda, spouse of Manwë? Or maybe GILTHONIEL?

Password - MORE SONGS?


6. OVER?

Or MORE LINES, with IN for 6 and ELBERETH for 8?

Urwen 03-05-2023 01:17 PM

1. Give them this.
OLIPHAUNT: He doesn't fib.
3. He is above the world, literally.
4. An unmarried woman, she.
5. Much to Robb's chagrin, he could be called 'King in the North' too.
IN: Just a preposition.
7. Young boys, they.
ELBERETH: Wife of the God King.
SHIRE: A place of peace and joy.

Your password guesses are both wrong.

Urwen 03-05-2023 01:19 PM

It looks like I made a mistake in the password.

Urwen 03-05-2023 01:22 PM

1. Give them this.
OLIPHAUNT: He doesn't fib.
3. He is above the world, literally.
4. An unmarried woman, she.
5. Much to Robb's chagrin, he could be called 'King in the North' too.
IN: Just a preposition.
7. A building that is also a boat.
8. Young boys, they.
ELBERETH: Wife of the God King.
SHIRE: A place of peace and joy.

I've fixed this now.

Galadriel55 03-05-2023 01:30 PM

3. Tilion?

7. Eambar?

Urwen 03-05-2023 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 736924)
3. Tilion?

7. Eambar?


Pervinca Took 03-05-2023 02:09 PM

4. Andreth?

Password: SONG TITLES?

Urwen 03-05-2023 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 736926)
4. Andreth?

Password: SONG TITLES?

Nope, but close.

Pervinca Took 03-05-2023 03:43 PM

Which was close - Andreth or the Password guess?

Pervinca Took 03-05-2023 03:45 PM

Poem titles?

Pervinca Took 03-05-2023 03:48 PM

3. Earendil.

8 must be lads, but I can't think of a poem title it's in.

7. Tol Eressea?

Urwen 03-07-2023 12:00 PM

P: Give them this.
OLIPHAUNT: He doesn't fib.
EARENDIL: He is above the world, literally.
M: An unmarried woman, she.

T: Much to Robb's chagrin, he could be called 'King in the North' too.
IN: Just a preposition.
T: A building that is also a boat.
LADS: Young boys, they.
ELBERETH: Wife of the God King.
SHIRE: A place of peace and joy.

Urwen 03-07-2023 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 736930)
8 must be lads, but I can't think of a poem title it's in.

Oh, really?

Pervinca Took 03-07-2023 03:22 PM

MAID for M? 'An elven-maid there was of old.'

Is the Robb one TURIN?

Is the building TOWER, because a boat can tow something and so be a tower?

Urwen 03-07-2023 03:43 PM

P: Give them this.
OLIPHAUNT: He doesn't fib.
EARENDIL: He is above the world, literally.
MAID: An unmarried woman, she.

T: Much to Robb's chagrin, he could be called 'King in the North' too.
IN: Just a preposition.
TOWER: A building that is also a boat.
LADS: Young boys, they.
ELBERETH: Wife of the God King.
SHIRE: A place of peace and joy.

No to Turin. He doesn't feature in a poem title, as far as I know.

Pervinca Took 03-07-2023 04:03 PM

I wondered if there was one in the Lays of Beleriand.

Where does Tower appear?

Urwen 03-07-2023 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 736937)
I wondered if there was one in the Lays of Beleriand.

Where does Tower appear?

Galadriel55 03-07-2023 05:24 PM

#1 would be really cool if it was just PRESENT. But I can't think of a poem.

Pervinca Took 03-07-2023 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 736938)

Of course! How did I forget the BBC's castrato eagle? ;)

Pervinca Took 03-07-2023 06:32 PM

Only P word I can find is PLATES!

Urwen 03-08-2023 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 736941)
Only P word I can find is PLATES!

Nope. Look again.

Pervinca Took 03-08-2023 11:34 AM


And is T Tom Bombadil?

Urwen 03-08-2023 12:37 PM

Not Tom. Think of the NORTHMEN.

PRAISE: Give them this.
OLIPHAUNT: He doesn't fib.
EARENDIL: He is above the world, literally.
MAID: An unmarried woman, she.

T: Much to Robb's chagrin, he could be called 'King in the North' too.
IN: Just a preposition.
TOWER: A building that is also a boat.
LADS: Young boys, they.
ELBERETH: Wife of the God King.
SHIRE: A place of peace and joy.

Pervinca Took 03-08-2023 04:50 PM


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