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Urwen 09-20-2020 07:27 AM

Or Longbottom Leaf in particular, because Fingolfin contains the letters LONG, a bottom is something you can squeeze, and a leaf is green.

Pervinca Took 09-20-2020 11:33 AM

It's a *kind* of leaves. If you know something of the Valinorean. ;)

Pervinca Took 09-20-2020 11:36 AM

CARNIL: Without wheels, so to speak, see it shine. (Red star)
ORALD: He holds currency, though muddled and directionless. (Yellow boots)
LAVA: Turn precedes a palindromic actress? Goodness, it’s hot! (Orange)
BACON: Frodos Dreme? No, but it features heavily in at least one of his kinsman’s – take the fourth. (Pink)
PURPLE EMPERORS: Something Bilbo would have seen, had they not been black. Take the second. (Purple)
ROMESTAMO: He sends no rugs back to the twin city? (Blue wizard)
-S: An ocean! - Fingolfin’s squeeze, in turmoil, changes vowel on the first of November, and we see some – take the second one!



Urwen, bannocks are baking in Rivendell when Bilbo first arrives there, and I think bannocks can be fried as well as baked.

Huinesoron 09-20-2020 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 728973)
It's a *kind* of leaves. If you know something of the Valinorean. ;)


A-SEA [ANAIRE>ARANI[E>O]]-N(ovember)


Pervinca Took 09-20-2020 04:53 PM

CARNIL: Without wheels, so to speak, see it shine. (Red star)
ORALD: He holds currency, though muddled and directionless. (Yellow boots)
LAVA: Turn precedes a palindromic actress? Goodness, it’s hot! (Orange)
BACON: Frodos Dreme? No, but it features heavily in at least one of his kinsman’s – take the fourth. (Pink)
PURPLE EMPERORS: Something Bilbo would have seen, had they not been black. Take the second. (Purple)
ROMESTAMO: He sends no rugs back to the twin city? (Blue wizard)
ASEA ARANION: An ocean! - Fingolfin’s squeeze, in turmoil, changes vowel on the first of November, and we see some – take the second one! (Green)



And over to Huinesoron, I think?

Huinesoron 09-21-2020 03:08 AM

That was good! I have an inordinate fondness for tightly-constrained themes, so this was a lot of fun.

I think these all hold together, but I wouldn't be overly surprised if I'd gotten a mistake in there somewhere.

1. - An ancient city (now? then? Start huffing less) with an older and sadder name.
2. - An endless Elvish gift: one German backwards cries.
3. - Retro voting is full to the-- but dull, topped and tailed by an artisan.
4. - Not ash, and not the dead one, but good for protecting a wandering king.
5. - Lisp, Miss, and dispose (of) fire/a dwarf back to one wearing blue (blue?).
6. - Mother, you are a-- no, cut that down, wounded one.
7. - I rhyme! Or is that frost? Hang out in Hithlum and you'll see (probably).
8. - A road, a short gambler's hint, and a misspelled Hobbit for the second of three (FOUR!).
9. - If you don't know Latin, fear God and guard the ford.
10. - Make lots of money! Say "He know(s) you," and ride to the city.
11. - If Weasley was a werewolf, he might live a wolf, but he would... play music!


Urwen 09-21-2020 05:05 AM

7. Irime ('I rhyme';rime is frost)

Urwen 09-21-2020 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 728979)
11. - If Weasley was a werewolf, he might live a wolf, but he would... play music!


But a Weasley is a werewolf, or at least part-werewolf...and he in particular has a namesake in LoTR world, therefore I deduce that the answer to 11 is Bill Ferny.

Huinesoron 09-21-2020 05:39 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen
7. Irime ('I rhyme';rime is frost)

Correct. (Irime Lalwen presumably lived in Hithlum with her favourite brother, but it's always possible she was somewhere else. Similarly, her fitting the theme is technically an assumption, though I think a very solid one. The others are more certain.)


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 728981)
But a Weasley is a werewolf, or at least part-werewolf...and he in particular has a namesake in LoTR world, therefore I deduce that the answer to 11 is Bill Ferny.

Huh, is he? I didn't know that! Not that Weasley, anyway. :)

1. - An ancient city (now? then? Start huffing less) with an older and sadder name.
2. - An endless Elvish gift: one German backwards cries.
3. - Retro voting is full to the-- but dull, topped and tailed by an artisan.
4. - Not ash, and not the dead one, but good for protecting a wandering king.
5. - Lisp, Miss, and dispose (of) fire/a dwarf back to one wearing blue (blue?).
6. - Mother, you are a-- no, cut that down, wounded one.
IRIME - I rhyme! Or is that frost? Hang out in Hithlum and you'll see (probably).
8. - A road, a short gambler's hint, and a misspelled Hobbit for the second of three (FOUR!).
9. - If you don't know Latin, fear God and guard the ford.
10. - Make lots of money! Say "He know(s) you," and ride to the city.
11. - If Weasley was a werewolf, he might live a wolf, but he would... play music!


Galadriel55 09-21-2020 04:28 PM

5. MITH + RID + NAR = MITHRANDIR (I have to echo you - blue? :confused:)

4 makes me think of Narsil, but can't fit it to the clue.

8 - hey! I swear I've seen this trick before! Except that neither, um, participant has a road and a something and a hobbit.

Huinesoron 09-22-2020 01:43 AM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 728991)
5. MITH + RID + NAR = MITHRANDIR (I have to echo you - blue? :confused:)


Originally Posted by The Hobbit: An Unexpected Party
All that the unsuspecting Bilbo saw that morning was an old man with a staff. He had a tall pointed blue hat, a long grey cloak, a silver scarf over which his long white beard hung down below his waist, and immense black boots.


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 728991)
4 makes me think of Narsil, but can't fit it to the clue.

Not even close.


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 728991)
8 - hey! I swear I've seen this trick before! Except that neither, um, participant has a road and a something and a hobbit.

o.o I am very pleased that I have no idea what you're talking about.

1. - An ancient city (now? then? Start huffing less) with an older and sadder name.
2. - An endless Elvish gift: one German backwards cries.
3. - Retro voting is full to the-- but dull, topped and tailed by an artisan.
4. - Not ash, and not the dead one, but good for protecting a wandering king.
MITHRANDIR - Lisp, Miss, and dispose (of) fire/a dwarf back to one wearing blue (blue?).
6. - Mother, you are a-- no, cut that down, wounded one.
IRIME - I rhyme! Or is that frost? Hang out in Hithlum and you'll see (probably).
8. - A road, a short gambler's hint, and a misspelled Hobbit for the second of three (FOUR!).
9. - If you don't know Latin, fear God and guard the ford.
10. - Make lots of money! Say "He know(s) you," and ride to the city.
11. - If Weasley was a werewolf, he might live a wolf, but he would... play music!


Pervinca Took 09-23-2020 10:53 AM

Could 3 be CELEBRIMBOR? Purely because it contains BRIM and he was a ring artisan.

Huinesoron 09-23-2020 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 728998)
Could 3 be CELEBRIMBOR? Purely because it contsins BRIM anx hd was a ring artisan.

It is! The full derivation is reversed ELECT + BRIM + BORE (dull) gives 'Tcelebrimbore', which is then topped and tailed.

1. - An ancient city (now? then? Start huffing less) with an older and sadder name.
2. - An endless Elvish gift: one German backwards cries.
CELEBRIMBOR - Retro voting is full to the-- but dull, topped and tailed by an artisan.
4. - Not ash, and not the dead one, but good for protecting a wandering king.
MITHRANDIR - Lisp, Miss, and dispose (of) fire/a dwarf back to one wearing blue (blue?).
6. - Mother, you are a-- no, cut that down, wounded one.
IRIME - I rhyme! Or is that frost? Hang out in Hithlum and you'll see (probably).
8. - A road, a short gambler's hint, and a misspelled Hobbit for the second of three (FOUR!).
9. - If you don't know Latin, fear God and guard the ford.
10. - Make lots of money! Say "He know(s) you," and ride to the city.
11. - If Weasley was a werewolf, he might live a wolf, but he would... play music!


Galadriel55 09-23-2020 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 728994)
o.o I am very pleased that I have no idea what you're talking about.

I was thinking about the three (FOUR!) Elf/Mortal couples. But the second - Idril and Tuor - are simply too short to contain that clue. Celebrindal is long enough, but I just don't see how it can fit.

#2 suggests NIE, which gives rise to several mopey name possibilities. An Elvish gift is ANNA or something like it, from Annatar. Hence, NIENNA.

Huinesoron 09-24-2020 01:42 AM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 729001)
I was thinking about the three (FOUR!) Elf/Mortal couples. But the second - Idril and Tuor - are simply too short to contain that clue. Celebrindal is long enough, but I just don't see how it can fit.

Oh, hah. Nothing to do with any of that (except in the sense that this person is distantly related to them... but frankly, it's Middle-earth, isn't everyone?)


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 729001)
#2 suggests NIE, which gives rise to several mopey name possibilities. An Elvish gift is ANNA or something like it, from Annatar. Hence, NIENNA.

Correct; ANN(a)EIN backwards.

1. - An ancient city (now? then? Start huffing less) with an older and sadder name.
NIENNA - An endless Elvish gift: one German backwards cries.
CELEBRIMBOR - Retro voting is full to the-- but dull, topped and tailed by an artisan.
4. - Not ash, and not the dead one, but good for protecting a wandering king.
MITHRANDIR - Lisp, Miss, and dispose (of) fire/a dwarf back to one wearing blue (blue?).
6. - Mother, you are a-- no, cut that down, wounded one.
IRIME - I rhyme! Or is that frost? Hang out in Hithlum and you'll see (probably).
8. - A road, a short gambler's hint, and a misspelled Hobbit for the second of three (FOUR!).
9. - If you don't know Latin, fear God and guard the ford.
10. - Make lots of money! Say "He know(s) you," and ride to the city.
11. - If Weasley was a werewolf, he might live a wolf, but he would... play music!


Pervinca Took 09-26-2020 02:16 PM


Huinesoron 09-26-2020 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 729011)

Oakenshield it is. I was always taught that the three English trees were oak, ash, and elm - up until elm went rather solidly extinct in these parts.

1. - An ancient city (now? then? Start huffing less) with an older and sadder name.
NIENNA - An endless Elvish gift: one German backwards cries.
CELEBRIMBOR - Retro voting is full to the-- but dull, topped and tailed by an artisan.
OAKENSHIELD - Not ash, and not the dead one, but good for protecting a wandering king.
MITHRANDIR - Lisp, Miss, and dispose (of) fire/a dwarf back to one wearing blue (blue?).
6. - Mother, you are a-- no, cut that down, wounded one.
IRIME - I rhyme! Or is that frost? Hang out in Hithlum and you'll see (probably).
8. - A road, a short gambler's hint, and a misspelled Hobbit for the second of three (FOUR!).
9. - If you don't know Latin, fear God and guard the ford.
10. - Make lots of money! Say "He know(s) you," and ride to the city.
11. - If Weasley was a werewolf, he might live a wolf, but he would... play music!


Pervinca Took 09-26-2020 04:24 PM

Is 6 EARWEN, Galadriel's mother?

Huinesoron 09-27-2020 05:42 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 729013)
Is 6 EARWEN, Galadriel's mother?

It is not (and 'Mother' is a cryptic element).


Pervinca Took 09-27-2020 06:38 AM

MA-EADHROS, then, who was cut down, wounded?

Has R A

And ... was about to call her a HOE? :o

Huinesoron 09-27-2020 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 729015)
MA-EADHROS, then, who was cut down, wounded?

Has R A

And ... was about to call her a HOE? :o

This is entirely wrong (though would fit the theme), but hilariously you're only one letter away from getting the answer.


Urwen 09-27-2020 12:49 PM

Hah, I think I got one over Pervinca, concerning this character at least.

Maura? (MA+U+RA)

I know him better than you. :cool:

Huinesoron 09-27-2020 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 729017)
Hah, I think I got one over Pervinca, concerning this character at least.

Maura? (MA+U+RA)

I know him better than you. :cool:

That's the chappie; you see why I was amused? ;)

1. - An ancient city (now? then? Start huffing less) with an older and sadder name.
NIENNA - An endless Elvish gift: one German backwards cries.
CELEBRIMBOR - Retro voting is full to the-- but dull, topped and tailed by an artisan.
OAKENSHIELD - Not ash, and not the dead one, but good for protecting a wandering king.
MITHRANDIR - Lisp, Miss, and dispose (of) fire/a dwarf back to one wearing blue (blue?).
MAURA - Mother, you are a-- no, cut that down, wounded one.
IRIME - I rhyme! Or is that frost? Hang out in Hithlum and you'll see (probably).
8. - A road, a short gambler's hint, and a misspelled Hobbit for the second of three (FOUR!).
9. - If you don't know Latin, fear God and guard the ford.
10. - Make lots of money! Say "He know(s) you," and ride to the city.
11. - If Weasley was a werewolf, he might live a wolf, but he would... play music!


Urwen 09-27-2020 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 729018)
That's the chappie; you see why I was amused? ;)


Indeed so.

Pervinca Took 09-27-2020 02:44 PM


9. Theodred? (Dread of theism in incorrect Latin?)

11. Daeron? (Ron ... not sure about werewolf).

Urwen 09-27-2020 02:50 PM

I expected you to at least say something about the thing. *disappointed*

Pervinca Took 09-27-2020 02:58 PM

You're right - it seems remarkable that you thought of him and I didn't.

I didn't think of Frodo's other names. I'd no reason to, because I had no idea of the theme at that point. ;)

Huinesoron 09-27-2020 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 729021)

9. Theodred? (Dread of theism in incorrect Latin?)

11. Daeron? (Ron ... not sure about werewolf).

"He may live as a wolf, but he will die Ron." :D

All three correct.

1. U - An ancient city (now? then? Start huffing less) with an older and sadder name.
NIENNA - An endless Elvish gift: one German backwards cries.
CELEBRIMBOR - Retro voting is full to the-- but dull, topped and tailed by an artisan.
OAKENSHIELD - Not ash, and not the dead one, but good for protecting a wandering king.
MITHRANDIR - Lisp, Miss, and dispose (of) fire/a dwarf back to one wearing blue (blue?).
MAURA - Mother, you are a-- no, cut that down, wounded one.
IRIME - I rhyme! Or is that frost? Hang out in Hithlum and you'll see (probably).
8. T - A road, a short gambler's hint, and a misspelled Hobbit for the second of three (FOUR!).
THEODRED - If you don't know Latin, fear God and guard the ford.
10. E - Make lots of money! Say "He know(s) you," and ride to the city.
DAERON - If Weasley was a werewolf, he might live a wolf, but he would... play music!

(I'm pretty sure it's 'Dairon' not 'Dayron'.)


Urwen 09-27-2020 04:14 PM

Well, I think that Gandalf and Frodo are very committed towards destroying Sauron, but that could just be me...

Galadriel55 09-27-2020 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 729025)
Well, I think that Gandalf and Frodo are very committed towards destroying Sauron, but that could just be me...

Well, Frodo had his moments of hesitation - maybe this spring, or next year, or after the birthday, etc. Uncommitted to a decision. But what was Nienna uncommitted about?



Are they uncommitted as in... single?

EDIT: Making #1 URWEN = UR + WHEN

Pervinca Took 09-27-2020 06:21 PM

'Single' is what I understood. Hence my remark about not thinking of Frodo until I'd worked out the theme.

I thought the password started with the word 'Once' for a bit.

Ron's brother Bill nearly became a werewolf. I was trying to put Bill into the answer for quite a while.

Huinesoron 09-28-2020 02:54 AM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 729026)
Well, Frodo had his moments of hesitation - maybe this spring, or next year, or after the birthday, etc. Uncommitted to a decision. But what was Nienna uncommitted about?



Are they uncommitted as in... single?

^_^ That's exactly what they are.

(Originally it was going to be single women, but that only gives about 5 letters, and most of those are vowels, so.)


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 729026)
EDIT: Making #1 URWEN = UR + WHEN


URWEN - An ancient city (now? then? Start huffing less) with an older and sadder name.
NIENNA - An endless Elvish gift: one German backwards cries.
CELEBRIMBOR - Retro voting is full to the-- but dull, topped and tailed by an artisan.
OAKENSHIELD - Not ash, and not the dead one, but good for protecting a wandering king.
MITHRANDIR - Lisp, Miss, and dispose (of) fire/a dwarf back to one wearing blue (blue?).
MAURA - Mother, you are a-- no, cut that down, wounded one.
IRIME - I rhyme! Or is that frost? Hang out in Hithlum and you'll see (probably).
8. T - A road, a short gambler's hint, and a misspelled Hobbit for the second of three (FOUR!).
THEODRED - If you don't know Latin, fear God and guard the ford.
10. E - Make lots of money! Say "He know(s) you," and ride to the city.
DAERON - If Weasley was a werewolf, he might live a wolf, but he would... play music!

2 to go.


Pervinca Took 09-28-2020 05:00 AM

I like the Urwen clue, but what is the 'ancient city' element?

Huinesoron 09-28-2020 05:28 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 729030)
I like the Urwen clue, but what is the 'ancient city' element?

Ur. :) It's kind of the ur-ancient city, so to speak. ^_~


Pervinca Took 09-28-2020 07:54 AM


Ey, ahh knaw!

Huinesoron 09-28-2020 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 729033)

Ey, ahh knaw!

I wound up puzzling over this one myself. The answer is indeed Earnur, with 'the city' being Minas Morgul... I think the clue was 'EARNER + "E? No, U!", but I'm honestly not certain.

URWEN - An ancient city (now? then? Start huffing less) with an older and sadder name.
NIENNA - An endless Elvish gift: one German backwards cries.
CELEBRIMBOR - Retro voting is full to the-- but dull, topped and tailed by an artisan.
OAKENSHIELD - Not ash, and not the dead one, but good for protecting a wandering king.
MITHRANDIR - Lisp, Miss, and dispose (of) fire/a dwarf back to one wearing blue (blue?).
MAURA - Mother, you are a-- no, cut that down, wounded one.
IRIME - I rhyme! Or is that frost? Hang out in Hithlum and you'll see (probably).
8. T - A road, a short gambler's hint, and a misspelled Hobbit for the second of three (FOUR!).
THEODRED - If you don't know Latin, fear God and guard the ford.
EARNUR - Make lots of money! Say "He know(s) you," and ride to the city.
DAERON - If Weasley was a werewolf, he might live a wolf, but he would... play music!

Only #8 to go! I quite like this one. ^_^


Pervinca Took 09-28-2020 08:08 AM

Huey, is the T the 4th letter?

Huinesoron 09-28-2020 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 729035)
Huey, is the T the 4th letter?



The clue is not indicating that you need to take the fourth letter, no.


Galadriel55 09-28-2020 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 729035)
Huey, is the T the 4th letter?

I thought it was the second. :confused: Or maybe neither, and both the 2 and 4 are not talkong about letter placement.

Huinesoron 09-28-2020 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 729037)
I thought it was the second. :confused: Or maybe neither, and both the 2 and 4 are not talkong about letter placement.

They aren't, it's just the first letter. :)


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