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BELERIAND: Venture untruth and note well: be troubled, for here be webs of horror!
The straight part of the clue is at the end, and comes from the fact that there were webs of giant spiders in the land of BELERIAND. Frodo uses these exact three words (just prefaced by the past tense) to Sam when they are trapped in Shelob's Lair and the Lady's Phial shows that it is thick spiders' webs that are in their way: 'Come! Let us see what Sting can do. It is an elven-blade. There were webs of horror in Beleriand where it was forged. But you must be the guard and hold back the eyes. Take the star-glass and do not be afraid. Hold it up! Watch!' So from the first part of the clue, we need to collect the right letters to end up with BELERIAND. To 'venture' is to DARE. An 'untruth' is a LIE. The Latin for 'note well' is 'nota bene,' which is commonly abbreviated as NB and used in taking notes to flag up something that is very important to remember. DARE + LIE + NB - and 'be troubled' is the anagram indicator, which means you have to trouble/mix/scramble those letters to end up with the answer. (Other words that indicate an anagram are spin/confuse(d)/muddle(d), etc.) EDIT - I didn't know this would start a new page, so just to say that Nerwen was correct and it is now her go! (As posted on the last page). |
And I am agog hahahah at the clue. Not in one million years would I have solved it. I recall Taur Nu Fuin was where 'webs' were and in the shadow lands of the mountains....that was after Angrod and Aegnor fell after the Ninaeth what's it call Arnodiad I think.... Cheers, I'll stay tuned and see how we go |
I studied it very hard hahaha (the guests just left) and I can see how the clue makes sense. There's the 'clue bit' about literals (webs of horror) and anagram mish mash stuff...the "NB" hahaha sorry, I DON'T see where nota bene came into it, except
EA! hahahaha thanks for the assitance |
Well, it's one of those names from the Appendices that you have to look up. Not an easy or obvious one.
Thanks to your revival of this thread, I have caught the bug again and have been scribbling more clues. :) Over to you. |
Okay, I'll have the next one up shortly.
In the meantime, the latest Werewolf game is still short two players. Would either of you care try your hand (or paw)? |
I won't have time for a couple of weeks, I'm afraid. :( I know that might sound hypocritical, when I am posting so much here, but cryptic clues are a sort of addiction to me, which I manage to slot in somehow ... is the werewolf game a role play game? I have never played one of those.
Hi Ivriniel! I meant that I will continue to post in this thread and try to solve the clues/password, but that I won't have time for the werewolf game as well.
Maybe you understand role play games better than me and can teach me? ;) When I have time to participate in one. |
Next one!
Sorry for the delay- I've been busy the last few days. This one should be nice and easy.
1. Fabled vessel and preposition mingle, with monumental results. 2. A short chieftain tumbled, here. 3. Attempt bargain. Stir up to disclose observant member of Beleg club. 4. Await continental upheaval. May not be over your head. 5. Being sensational- disturb to reveal him. 6. Hunter adds a touch of Spain to find her- and it. |
No problem lovely :)
Now, [note to self] HAHAHA Stavros, ur going to have fun making an idiot of yourself[/Note to self] Thanx Nerwen for the Riddle.....please be patient as I make a series of no doubt, idiotic suggestions, but I am chuckling as I type... Hope ur well by the way :) |
I'll ponder your riddle and post shortly...if not tonight, then tomorrow, and best regards to you. |
Just to help everyone out- none of the answers to this one are particularly obscure, and there is a connection between them, although rather an odd one.
Winter! Ah, you must be from Far Harad too?:smokin:
Back soon |
Is the first one Argonath? they are certainly monumental and the word could be broken down into ARGO - Jason's ship and an anagram of THAN which I suppose is a preposition.
ARGONATH Fabled vessel and preposition mingle, with monumental results. 2. A short chieftain tumbled, here. 3. Attempt bargain. Stir up to disclose observant member of Beleg club. 4. Await continental upheaval. May not be over your head. 5. Being sensational- disturb to reveal him. 6. Hunter adds a touch of Spain to find her- and it. |
That's clever! I was trying to use Vingilot as a vessel, as I couldn't think of any other Middle-earth ships with names.
2. I don't think this is right, but a chieftain is a leader, and if you shorten leader to lead it is an anagram of DALE. |
Oh I thought of arc first. I suppose I thought our world first because Vingilot isn't exactly a fable within the context of ME
I was thinking 'fabled' in the loose sense of known/famous. Earendil's was quite a story.
Quite flummoxed on the rest of the clues! |
I don't know it was one of those that came quickly. I just thought arc first then wondered if there were a character Arcon then thought oh not it is Argon... and then it was simple..apart from not being instantly sure if than counted as a preposistion.
Anyway I have ideas about elements but not to point of guessing yet. |
6. NIMRODEL. Nimrod = hunter, plus the Spanish word el. Nimrodel is a woman (her) as well as a thing (a river), (it).
Hmmm ... although I'm not 100% sure about Dale, I'm sensing a connection with water. Nimrodel and Argonath have river connections, and Dale is on or near a lake, I think? But then, Moria could work for 2 if it's a literal tumbling and a literal (dwarf) short chieftain (and Dale sort of could as well). |
If water is the common theme is the password Anduin?
I thought of that, but thought 2 was Dale. Nar or Nain could be the dwarf, but the clue seems to suggest the answer is a place.
No doubt you're right and all my dwarfy guesses are wrong. ;) |
Ok so
A Short Chieftain Tumbled, here. Nindalf A short chieftain Gandalf shortened to Dalf Tumbled Well plenty of soldiers fell in the Dead marshes which is part of Nindalf... The comma is throwing me off but I feel here just completes the grammatical sentence? Also indicates the answer is a place. |
Keep thinking Telcontar for the last one, cause it contains TOCAR, Spanish for touch. But there's no hunter, and while Estelyn Telcontar may explain the she, I can think of nothing to explain the it. So not Telcontar, but maybe others will have more luck with anagrams.
Edit: oops, missed Pervinca's Nimrodel. That makes a lot more sense. |
Morsul has the password (though "water" is not the common theme). Well done!
ARGONATH Fabled vessel and preposition mingle, with monumental results. N A short chieftain tumbled, here. D Attempt bargain. Stir up to disclose observant member of Beleg club. U Await continental upheaval. May not be over your head. I Being sensational- disturb to reveal him. NIMRODEL Hunter adds a touch of Spain to find her- and it. |
To clarify- as with my last one, the password is the theme. (Recall that the Nimrodel is a tributary of a tributary of the Anduin).
So, by popular demand, let's tackle #2. Quote:
Could the third one be DEAGOL? He was killed untimely, if not due to mistaken identity, like Beleg, and whilst on a fishing trip on the ANDUIN, and the first part of his name is almost 'deal,' so it attempts a bargain.
Also, he's observant as he found the Ring? Although I think that was probably luck (and in the event very bad luck, for him). Err ... can a LOG be an observation? (Trying to account for the letters). |
NAROG has NAR, but it's from the wrong age, so didn't coexist with the Anduin. Unless not all previous waterways were destroyed in the War of Wrath.
There is actually a river NORBOURN in the Shire, which has the first three letters of Nori ... but he wasn't really a chieftain, and I can't account for the remaining letters. |
Yes, it is DEAGOL. You are right about "bargain"; "attempt" however, refers to the word "go", made from the remaining letters. For the other part- Deagol is "observant" because he found the Ring and also because he is described as "sharper-eyed" (than Deagol). He is in the "Beleg club" due to having been killed by a close friend.
For N- no, it is not Narog or Norbourn. The Shire is extremely relevant however (though the answer is not in the Shire). ARGONATH: Fabled vessel and preposition mingle, with monumental results. N A short chieftain tumbled, here. DEAGOL: Stir up to disclose observant member of Beleg club. U Await continental upheaval. May not be over your head. I Being sensational- disturb to reveal him. NIMRODEL: Hunter adds a touch of Spain to find her- and it. |
If it's crucially connected with the Shire but not in it, how about NENUIAL? (Lake Evendim). I don't think the short chieftain can be a dwarf, though .... The first three letters of leader are in there, but ....
It's also 'lieutenant' minus three letters, but for 'short' I'd expect to lop the letters off the beginning or the end. |
No, it's not a dwarf. There are other undersized people in Middle-earth...
As for the actual answer- remember, the theme/password is ANDUIN. All the answers have some connection to that. |
The NAITH ('Thain' tumbled). It's between the Anduin and the Celebrant.
I was put off looking for hobbits because I thought the chieftain element started with N. Nob is the only hobbit whose name starts with an N (I know this from when I put together my All Tooks password). ... INGWE is almost an anagram of 'being.' (And weeing). :D |
U = UNDEEPS, the bends in Anduin? Can't put it together, but an un-deep place may not be quite tall enough to go over one's head.
Ah, yes ... I suppose await would be 'pend' and the continental bit would be the EU.
ISILDUR - anagram of is (being) and lurid (sensational)?
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