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Nerwen 06-02-2017 09:48 PM

Congratulations, Pervinca!:cool:

Pity Urwen couldn't be here, though, isn't it?:(

Anyway, over to you!

Pervinca Took 06-03-2017 01:07 AM

I have a brother who is very bright but doesn't get cryptic clues at all - says his mind just doesn't work that way. Thanks for the well wishes, Ivriniel. Hope you are well, too.

Is Urwen not around at the moment, Nerwen?

Thanks for a great password and for reviving the thread, anyway.

Nerwen 06-03-2017 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 706780)
I have a brother who is very bright but doesn't get cryptic clues at all - says his mind just doesn't work that way. Thanks for the well wishes, Ivriniel. Hope you are well, too.

Is Urwen not around at the moment, Nerwen?

No- I've trying to get her to return and give us some feedback on her riddle. And why do you think I made "Lalaith" the answer?;):Merisu:

Pervinca Took 06-03-2017 01:22 AM


Ivriniel, Nerwen, Galadriel, Mithalwen and anyone else out there, try this one:

1. He sounds equine, and a damn fine one!
2. It’s a troubled path to the behoofed one.
3. He spins the chamber, adding note.
4. This flower would beautify, indeed.

Nerwen 06-03-2017 01:23 AM

#2 is surely "Arod" (anagram of "road").

Pervinca Took 06-03-2017 01:25 AM

Yes. :)

1. He sounds equine, and a damn fine one!
AROD: It’s a troubled path to the behoofed one.
3. He spins the chamber, adding note.
4. This flower would beautify, indeed.

Nerwen 06-03-2017 01:28 AM

And is #3 by any chance "Oromë"? (Anagram of "room" plus musical note "E").

Pervinca Took 06-03-2017 01:39 AM


1. He sounds equine, and a damn fine one!
AROD: It’s a troubled path to the behoofed one.
OROME: He spins the chamber, adding note.
4. This flower would beautify, indeed.

Nerwen 06-03-2017 01:54 AM

And could #4 be the River Adorn?

Pervinca Took 06-03-2017 02:44 AM


1. He sounds equine, and a damn fine one!
AROD: It’s a troubled path to the behoofed one.
OROME: He spins the chamber, adding note.
ADORN: This flower would beautify, indeed.

Nerwen 06-03-2017 09:57 AM

Hmmn. Now #1 has me puzzled. I'm thinking the clue suggests a name shared between a person and a horse, but I can't make any passwords out of "Bill" or "Strider".

A hint, perhaps?:Merisu:

Pervinca Took 06-03-2017 12:03 PM

That's a good idea, Nerwen, but the horsey bit is only the cryptic part of the clue. Note the word 'sounds.' ;)

Another hint ... the second half of the clue refers to a very upper/middle class English saying.

Nerwen 06-06-2017 11:11 PM

'Nother clue?:Merisu:

I mean I'm sure it's something blindingly obvious and I'm going to feel like an idiot...:rolleyes:

Mithalwen 06-07-2017 01:39 PM

The only thing I could think of that might be upper class expression would be Jolly. But I can't make Jolly Cotton work.

Pervinca Took 06-07-2017 02:23 PM

But you wouldn't call someone a damn fine Jolly ....


Pervinca Took 06-07-2017 11:42 PM

Think of all the horse-related words you know, until you find one that sounds like a 'he.'

Nerwen 06-08-2017 01:03 AM

Horse-related..... Hmmn.

How about "Bard" = equine armour, making the password "Arod" (again)? But I don't see how that would relate to the second part of the clue. Unless the English upper class are in the unlikely habit of referring to one another as "a damn fine bard.":confused:

If it's not that... I think I'm going to be trawling through hobbit family trees, to see if there's anyone called Bronco Bracegirdle, or whatever.:rolleyes:

Pervinca Took 06-08-2017 02:04 PM

The answer isn't a hobbit. It's a he - but the 'equine' element is actually used in an upper class English saying to refer to an attractive *lady/young woman.*

Nerwen 06-08-2017 09:10 PM

Well, I thought of Fili ("filly") a while back, but I can't make a word out of that...

Pervinca Took 06-09-2017 02:32 AM

Fili is correct.

The password isn't always the initial letters. ;)

Pervinca Took 06-09-2017 02:34 AM

FILI: He sounds equine, and a damn fine one!
AROD: It’s a troubled path to the behoofed one.
OROME: He spins the chamber, adding note.
ADORN: This flower would beautify, indeed.

Nerwen 06-09-2017 03:08 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 706842)
Fili is correct.

The password isn't always the initial letters. ;)

I know... but the only thing I can see in there at all is "Fror", and that would be a pretty left-field password given the clues!

Again, it's probably something ridiculously obvious that I'm just not seeing...

Pervinca Took 06-09-2017 04:15 AM

Why on earth would FROR be a left-field password? The password usually has nothing to do with the individual clues.

FROR it is. I didn't want to write a long one because I was pushed for time and no longer had a store of ones I'd made earlier.

Well solved, and over to you. :)

FILI: He sounds equine, and a damn fine one!
AROD: It’s a troubled path to the behoofed one.
OROME: He spins the chamber, adding note.
ADORN: This flower would beautify, indeed.

Nerwen 06-09-2017 04:43 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 706845)
Why on earth would FROR be a left-field password? The password usually has nothing to do with the individual clues.

FROR it is. I didn't want to write a long one because I was pushed for time and no longer had a store of ones I'd made earlier.

Well solved, and over to you. :)

What? You mean I worked out the answer days ago and rejected it?

Thing is, I know the password doesn't have to have anything to do with the clues, but given they all fitted a theme, I assumed the answer just had to be horse-related in some way.:o

Pervinca Took 06-09-2017 09:50 AM

Only two of the clues were horsey, and only one of the answers. The puzzle was nearly as dwarvish as it was equine. ;)

Nerwen 06-09-2017 11:06 AM

Ah, but I made it three answers: a horse, a rider, and a river on the border of
Horsetopia. Was that just coincidence?

Pervinca Took 06-09-2017 04:41 PM

Complete coincidence. I'd forgotten where the Adorn was.

Nerwen 06-10-2017 03:00 AM

Well... I don't know what to say. I guess we must put it down to the human tendency to see patterns in things.:confused:

Nerwen 06-10-2017 03:06 AM

Next one...
1. From a very, very ancient and distant farmer's link with a disordered hobbit feast, a fabled wrangler of small carnivores emerges.
2. From beginning to end, go backwards to find a (somewhat) charitable fellow with a tendency to lose his head in a crisis.
3. I warmed milk, mixed well to find a sobriquet for a lordly victim of fatal misunderstanding.
4. Take note from troubled vision- a Maia's bane is revealed.
5. Sounds like that distant farmer's nephew followed an angry caveman, to find one of Middle-earth's leading gourmands.
6. Cry Havoc (but without Latin call- it is imperative!) and summon a chaotic horde.
7. Add second option to a turbulent Hebraic Mandos, discover a great lady.

Pervinca Took 06-10-2017 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 706864)
Well... I don't know what to say. I guess we must put it down to the human tendency to see patterns in things.:confused:

You did extremely well! And you guessed it really early - and all the clues. You were just being a lot more clever than I was.

To prove this further, I was not thinking of Orome on horseback. I know he's the huntsman of the Valar, but I didn't think of a Vala needing a horse - but I googled him after what you said, and there he was, astride a white horse.

4. Could 4 be GRIMA - Saruman's bane - 'troubled' mirage minus the note E?

1. As cats are small carnivores, I wondered about BERUTHIEL for 1 - and her name does include 'Lithe' disordered. I don't know the name of the distant farmer, though. Eru is distant and very ancient, but is Eru as a metaphorical farmer pushing it? I wondered if the rest of the letters might come from a god connected with farming from Greek mythology, or something. But I don't know of one who fits the remaining letters.

6. YRCH - take voca (Latin imperative for 'call') from Cry Havoc - and orcs/yrch would be a chaotic horde. (Although it puts the kibosh on my idea of Bauglir for the password!)

7. CANNOT be SHELOB, can it - SHEOL (Old Testament underworld) plus B as in 'plan B = 2nd option?'

Nerwen 06-10-2017 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 706870)
You did extremely well! And you guessed it really early - and all the clues. You were just being a lot more clever than I was.

To prove this further, I was not thinking of Orome on horseback. I know he's the huntsman of the Valar, but I didn't think of a Vala needing a horse - but I googled him after what you said, and there he was, astride a white horse.

4. Could 4 be GRIMA - Saruman's bane - 'troubled' mirage minus the note E?

1. As cats are small carnivores, I wondered about BERUTHIEL for 1 - and her name does include 'Lithe' disordered. I don't know the name of the distant farmer, though. Eru is distant and very ancient, but is Eru as a metaphorical farmer pushing it? I wondered if the rest of the letters might come from a god connected with farming from Greek mythology, or something. But I don't know of one who fits the remaining letters.

6. YRCH - take voca (Latin imperative for 'call') from Cry Havoc - and orcs/yrch would be a chaotic horde. (Although it puts the kibosh on my idea of Bauglir for the password!)

7. CANNOT be SHELOB, can it - SHEOL (Old Testament underworld) plus B as in 'plan B = 2nd option?'

You are too good! All correct.:cool:

For "Beruthiel"- the "farmer" is indeed from an external source, but nothing so highbrow as Greek mythology. Hint: what is a more colloquial way of saying something is "ancient and distant"?

Nerwen 06-10-2017 05:20 PM

BERUTHIEL: From a very, very ancient and distant farmer's link with a disordered hobbit feast, a fabled wrangler of small carnivores emerges.
2. From beginning to end, go backwards to find a (somewhat) charitable fellow with a tendency to lose his head in a crisis.
3. I warmed milk, mixed well to find a sobriquet for a lordly victim of fatal misunderstanding.
GRIMA: Take note from troubled vision- a Maia's bane is revealed.
5. Sounds like that distant farmer's nephew followed an angry caveman, to find one of Middle-earth's leading gourmands.
YRCH: Cry Havoc (but without Latin call- it is imperative!) and summon a chaotic horde.
SHELOB: Add second option to a turbulent Hebraic Mandos, discover a great lady.

Pervinca Took 06-10-2017 05:27 PM

Not uber?

I think you meant to put Shelob as the answer, not Sheol?

(Not being pettish - it's past midnight over here and I'm starting to yawn and mix things up myself). Thanks for some great clues ... the remaining 3 are very challenging and I must go to bed now!

Nerwen 06-10-2017 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 706875)
Not uber?

You mean the "farmer"? No, it's a person.


I think you meant to put Shelob as the answer, not Sheol?
Yes I did!:o

Pervinca Took 06-11-2017 02:12 AM

Please put me out of my misery about where the letters BERU in the Beruthiel answer come from! I am flummoxed, bewuthered and confusticated. ;)

Nerwen 06-11-2017 02:54 AM

<<-------This is a clue

Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 706883)
Please put me out of my misery about where the letters BERU in the Beruthiel answer come from! I am flummoxed, bewuthered and confusticated. ;)

Aw, come on, Pervinca it's not even obscure.:rolleyes: I mean I had to work out your "Hitchhiker's" references...

Look: it's a character in one of "our" rival SF&F fandoms... who was a farmer in an ANCIENT and DISTANT time and place and who had a nephew... (not to mention a niece who appeared in a clue a couple of pages back). Think, Pervinca!. Or you could just google it...:rolleyes:

Pervinca Took 06-11-2017 03:54 AM

I do not really read science fiction. 3 HG Wellses and 2001 A Space Odyssey are about it, unless you count Brave New World and a few dystopias. And the first Terry Pratchet. I only like Hitchhikers because it is comedic. And I don't retain much from what I have read of it. I don't like it as a genre; it does very little for me. And I've only seen the 70's Star Wars films once, and apart from that only the Anakin one.

None of the Star Wars characters whose names I know give me the letters I am looking for.

So :rolleyes: back at you, matey!

Nerwen 06-11-2017 04:37 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 706885)
I do not really read science fiction. 3 HG Wellses and 2001 A Space Odyssey are about it, unless you count Brave New World and a few dystopias. And the first Terry Pratchet. I only like Hitchhikers because it is comedic. And I don't retain much from what I have read of it. I don't like it as a genre; it does very little for me. And I've only seen the 70's Star Wars films once, and apart from that only the Anakin one.

None of the Star Wars characters whose names I know give me the letters I am looking for.

So :rolleyes: back at you, matey!

Well, gosh, I had you all figured as a sci-fi nerd.:rolleyes:

May the Force be with you...

Galadriel55 06-11-2017 04:46 AM

I am have as active as I should like, and less than half as active as the thread deserves. I read the posts, but don't have much chance of fiddling with clues.

But only idea that came to me was UGLUK for 5, for Star Wars reasons.

Nerwen 06-11-2017 04:56 AM

<<----The Hand that gives us man's-flesh to eat!

Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 706887)
I am have as active as I should like, and less than half as active as the thread deserves. I read the posts, but don't have much chance of fiddling with clues.

But only idea that came to me was UGLUK for 5, for Star Wars reasons.

Correct. I was starting to get worried about that one...

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