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Mithalwen 01-12-2014 12:59 PM

Your old favourite Nobottle for the hungry baby?

Pervinca Took 01-12-2014 04:57 PM

Yep. ;)

Teleporno: Galadriel’s lord – or a possible alter-ego thereof who might – ahem – indicate misuse of Mirror?
H: Halbarad initially joins the chaotic destruction visited upon him.
Eru: Ultravox’s leader returns? Be that as it may: he commands the music.
Beor: Garment disarrayed for this crosser of mountains.
Isembard: Tookish engineer? Sounds like it!
R: Alice Munro’s sister is perturbed before taking wing?
D: Company, in short, joins moped binge in confusion in the valley.
A: Rise high and mingle to find a water source.
Nobottle: Hungry baby in the Shire?
Dis: Contempt loses one dwarf, but leaves another?
Brill: Fab village which inspired Butterbur’s home?
Argon: Inert or noble grandson of Finwe?
Balin: Losing hair? Loses a couple of notes, too, but remains a valiant fellow.
Yestare: See tray is arranged for the special day.

Galadriel55 01-12-2014 05:09 PM

Working backwards, R is for Roac?

Mithalwen 01-12-2014 05:29 PM

Oh so Cora and so from Last of the Mohicans, not the Nobel Laureate or Literature last year.

Pervinca Took 01-12-2014 06:04 PM

Yes, Cora (from The Last Of The Mohicans) switched around to give Roac. (Nerwen used Roac recently as an anagram of Orca, which gave me the idea).

Teleporno: Galadriel’s lord – or a possible alter-ego thereof who might – ahem – indicate misuse of Mirror?
H: Halbarad initially joins the chaotic destruction visited upon him.
Eru: Ultravox’s leader returns? Be that as it may: he commands the music.
Beor: Garment disarrayed for this crosser of mountains.
Isembard: Tookish engineer? Sounds like it!
Roac: Alice Munro’s sister is perturbed before taking wing?
D: Company, in short, joins moped binge in confusion in the valley.
A: Rise high and mingle to find a water source.
Nobottle: Hungry baby in the Shire?
Dis: Contempt loses one dwarf, but leaves another?
Brill: Fab village which inspired Butterbur’s home?
Argon: Inert or noble grandson of Finwe?
Balin: Losing hair? Loses a couple of notes, too, but remains a valiant fellow.
Yestare: See tray is arranged for the special day.

Mithalwen 01-14-2014 05:49 PM

Deeping coomb? Anagram of moped binge and co..

Pervinca Took 01-15-2014 03:07 PM


Teleporno: Galadriel’s lord – or a possible alter-ego thereof who might – ahem – indicate misuse of Mirror?
H: Halbarad initially joins the chaotic destruction visited upon him.
Eru: Ultravox’s leader returns? Be that as it may: he commands the music.
Beor: Garment disarrayed for this crosser of mountains.
Isembard: Tookish engineer? Sounds like it!
Roac: Alice Munro’s sister is perturbed before taking wing?
Deeping-Coomb: Company, in short, joins moped binge in confusion in the valley.
A: Rise high and mingle to find a water source.
Nobottle: Hungry baby in the Shire?
Dis: Contempt loses one dwarf, but leaves another?
Brill: Fab village which inspired Butterbur’s home?
Argon: Inert or noble grandson of Finwe?
Balin: Losing hair? Loses a couple of notes, too, but remains a valiant fellow.
Yestare: See tray is arranged for the special day.

The Squatter of Amon Rûdh 01-26-2014 05:22 AM

The remaining two are as follows.

Aros - a source of water and anagram of soar
Húrin - an anagram of Halbarad's initial and ruin, which certainly was visited upon him.

Pervinca Took 01-26-2014 06:26 AM

Yes, I once used "oars" as the anagram for Aros, saying that rowing implements might be needed there. ;)

Teleporno: Galadriel’s lord – or a possible alter-ego thereof who might – ahem – indicate misuse of Mirror?
Hurin: Halbarad initially joins the chaotic destruction visited upon him.
Eru: Ultravox’s leader returns? Be that as it may: he commands the music.
Beor: Garment disarrayed for this crosser of mountains.
Isembard: Tookish engineer? Sounds like it!
Roac: Alice Munro’s sister is perturbed before taking wing?
Deeping-Coomb: Company, in short, joins moped binge in confusion in the valley.
Aros: Rise high and mingle to find a water source.
Nobottle: Hungry baby in the Shire?
Dis: Contempt loses one dwarf, but leaves another?
Brill: Fab village which inspired Butterbur’s home?
Argon: Inert or noble grandson of Finwe?
Balin: Losing hair? Loses a couple of notes, too, but remains a valiant fellow.
Yestare: See tray is arranged for the special day.

And so over, once more, to Mithalwen!

Mithalwen 02-10-2014 03:59 PM

Sorry. I mislaid my notes... now found and finished.
1 ANAIRE Most sacred elvish lady
2 REGION Man takes charge here.
3 TUMLADEN Confused dumb boy takes direction to secret place
4 ANCALAGON Can loan silver periodically to this bête noire?
5 NERWEN Elvish hermaphrodite?
6 AMROTH Place in the principality here and in part there.
7 RUMIL Source of scandal shortened in parts for elf or elves.
8 ORODRETH Hot order confused weak ruler

Pervinca Took 02-10-2014 04:50 PM

4 Can loan silver periodically to this bête noire?

Can loan + Ag (symbol for silver in the periodic table).

(Rumoured to be quite a beast, too!)

Mithalwen 02-10-2014 04:59 PM

And a black beast..

Galadriel55 02-10-2014 09:29 PM

3. Tumladen (I'm not quite sure about this one, but it's a secret place and has "lad")

5. Nerwen (man woman)

Mithalwen 02-10-2014 09:58 PM

Both correc5, my cub, Tumladen is an anagram of mute lad and N (for north).

Pervinca Took 02-11-2014 12:21 PM

Nice one, Galadriel! (Nice two, in fact!) I wondered if mute figured somewhere in there, but that was as far as I got! (And I forgot all the elvish secret places and could only think of Henneth Annun!)

8. Was ORODRETH a weak ruler?

Which prompts me to guess ARTANARO for the password.

Mithalwen 02-11-2014 01:19 PM

He was rather cowed by the sons of Feänor and Turin.

Mithalwen 02-11-2014 01:20 PM

And yes I am so predictable...have to get my beloved in somehow...

Pervinca Took 02-13-2014 03:20 PM

7 R Source of scandal shortened in parts for elf or elves.
Before I knew this one started with R, I thought it had something to do with a shortened version of Rumour, and that it might be Rumil. But I couldn't work out "elf or elves." Looked up Rumil, though, and there were two of them. Brother or Haldir and Orophin, of course, but also Rumil of Tirion. I can't work out the "in parts" bit, though.

Mithalwen 02-13-2014 03:30 PM

Rumil is correct...source of scandal = rumour mill.

Pervinca Took 02-13-2014 03:35 PM

Ah - that explains "shortened in parts" and where the "il" comes from. Good clue! Wouldn't have got the mill bit.

LadyBrooke 02-14-2014 12:15 AM

1. Anairë? Most sacred elvish lady coming from her name meaning Holiest?

Mithalwen 02-14-2014 01:20 AM

Exactly! Welcome to the thread!

Mithalwen 02-14-2014 01:21 AM

Oh she is Mrs Fingolfin but I think she only appears in HoME.

Pervinca Took 02-14-2014 08:35 AM

Fabulosity! Another player. An obscure name, too (Anaire, I mean). :)

Fingolfin is one of my favourite elves. I wonder if they met again after his death. I would hope he would have been rebodied by Mandos. He had done no evil that I can remember.

Mithalwen 02-14-2014 01:41 PM

I would think so..wasn't his main reason for going so not to abandon the Noldor to the folly of the Feanoreans? And his valour against Morgoth must count for something.

The Saucepan Man 02-14-2014 06:21 PM

Popping in ...

Originally Posted by Mithalwen (Post 689191)
R Man takes charge here.


Reg is a man. Ion is a charged particle. Eregion is a place.

Mithalwen 02-14-2014 10:47 PM

You said you were only going out for a pint of milk... *squeee*
And right..of course.... but REGION was also a forest in Doriath.

Galadriel55 02-15-2014 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by The Saucepan Man (Post 689245)

Reg is a man. Ion is a charged particle. Eregion is a place.

SAUCEPAN!!!! :eek::D

Mithalwen 02-15-2014 01:25 PM

Indeed.... now will he return? Do I need to amend my clue gor the last one..on reflection I am not aure it works wellenough..l

Pervinca Took 02-17-2014 09:27 AM

6 A Place in the principality here and in short there.
I've been looking for principalities in the First Age, but although elven-princes are alluded to very much, it seems to be a rather loose use of the word. The First Age seems to be about kingdoms with one High King overall.

That seems to leave Dol Amroth and Ithilien. Arnen became known as Ithilien, which isn't really the same thing as being a place in it. But I will venture it as an extremely feeble guess. Can't satisfy "here and there," but it has directions in it, and two letters of "and" ....

Mithalwen 02-17-2014 11:51 AM

Have changed in short to in part. Third age is correct. Here and there is the crucial part. No anagrams or directions involved.

Pervinca Took 02-18-2014 02:44 AM

Here and there - is Anorien partly in Ithilien and partly not? Or is it Anorien and "part" of it - "Anor" - is in Ithilien?

Mithalwen 02-18-2014 07:23 AM

Not Anorien. I think you may be overthinking it. Where would I, as the question setter mean by here and there?

Pervinca Took 02-18-2014 12:23 PM

If you're referring to the Downs, I did think of Arthedain, but as far as I can make out that was only ever a kingdom (albeit a small kingdom).

OK, that was dim of me. I suspect some elvish-sounding name from a principality closer to home (Wales). Hmmmmm.

Mithalwen 02-18-2014 01:28 PM

Now you are on the right line

Pervinca Took 02-21-2014 11:38 AM

Arnor, from parts of Aberdaron?

Mithalwen 02-21-2014 11:49 AM

Nooo you are going backwards... and forgetting the clue. The name occurs in it's entirety in Wales and is part of a placename in one one of the ME Principalities ie Belfalas or Ithilien however it is quite distinguishable. No happening to have the same letters in there somewhere. If you want a hint consult the National Trust... :Merisu: Actually don't.. sorry I thought there was a NT property there but there isn't how odd

Pervinca Took 02-21-2014 01:59 PM

Amroth - a village in Pembrokeshire and part of Dol Amroth?

It wasn't in the lists of Welsh place names I consulted. I found it by working backwards.

Mithalwen 02-21-2014 03:40 PM


Pervinca Took 02-22-2014 09:15 AM

Some good brainteasers there, Mith. Much kudos to Galadriel and The Saucepan Man and LadyBrooke for getting probably the trickiest ones.

1. Stately Elgar piece joins the Spanish and reveals her.
2. Gimli’s father is disturbed, but gains direction for a flower.
3. Siren of French in a whirl for a lady.
4. One of the Professor’s names gains note and direction, but it’s scrambled before it gets to him.
5. Confused rain chart reveals this character.
6. Drain mirth in perturbation to find him.

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