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Huinesoron 07-28-2021 06:50 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 733329)
And over to you.

Phew! Because I'd never even heard of him and only ran into him when going through the various answers' pages to see if there were any clues. :D

Okay, difficulty level might be a bit patchwork on this, you know how it goes:

1. - An older sister, almost a maid, lies nearly backward at first.
2. - The king is back - let a criminal rat be back too.
3. - From beginning to end, a massage from the midst of Hell for the father of kings.
4. - The tall game of removal: a short Russian holds the three of diamonds (fake) at the back.
5. - Look northward, bow, glare - or something like that, anyway.
6. - Break a hire around a torn and shortened roll, end up younger by half.
7. - Turn tail, jeweller! Fear the doubled vowel with no injection.
8. - In the middle of the evening, they are when you forget, eh?

At least some answers are not using the first letter, and the clues say as much.


Urwen 07-28-2021 07:09 AM

2. Tar-Calion?

Urwen 07-28-2021 07:12 AM

6. Elrohir? (HIRE+ROL(L))

Urwen 07-28-2021 07:13 AM

7. Feanor (Fear+no)?

Huinesoron 07-28-2021 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 733343)
2. Tar-Calion?

I mean, it fits him, but no.


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 733344)
6. Elrohir? (HIRE+ROL(L))

Correct! And good, because that was the last one I managed to write, and I didn't like it. ;)

1. - An older sister, almost a maid, lies nearly backward at first.
2. - The king is back - let a criminal rat be back too.
3. - From beginning to end, a massage from the midst of Hell for the father of kings.
4. - The tall game of removal: a short Russian holds the three of diamonds (fake) at the back.
5. - Look northward, bow, glare - or something like that, anyway.
ELROHIR - Break a hire around a torn and shortened roll, end up younger by half.
7. - Turn tail, jeweller! Fear the doubled vowel with no injection.
8. - In the middle of the evening, they are when you forget, eh?


Urwen 07-28-2021 07:17 AM

Hmmm...2 could refer to Wormtail...

And is Feanor incorrect too?

Huinesoron 07-28-2021 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 733347)
Hmmm...2 could refer to Wormtail...

:D No, it doesn't, but that's funny.


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 733347)
And is Feanor incorrect too?

I think that one was posted right as I was writing the post; I tend to respond to every guess, so if I've not said anything I probably haven't gotten to it yet.

Anyway, FEANOR is very close but not quite right on #7.


Urwen 07-28-2021 10:51 AM

So then 2 is either Tar-Telperien or Tar-Telemmaite. Or possibly Tarannon...

Huinesoron 07-28-2021 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 733352)
So then 2 is either Tar-Telperien or Tar-Telemmaite. Or possibly Tarannon...

It is not, though it seems like you've got two of the three elements. It doesn't start with Tar.


Urwen 07-28-2021 11:38 AM

Telcontar (TEL+CON+TAR)

Huinesoron 07-28-2021 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 733356)
Telcontar (TEL+CON+TAR)

Correct! Lots of 'back' in that clue...

1. - An older sister, almost a maid, lies nearly backward at first.
TELCONTAR - The king is back - let a criminal rat be back too.
3. - From beginning to end, a massage from the midst of Hell for the father of kings.
4. - The tall game of removal: a short Russian holds the three of diamonds (fake) at the back.
5. - Look northward, bow, glare - or something like that, anyway.
ELROHIR - Break a hire around a torn and shortened roll, end up younger by half.
7. - Turn tail, jeweller! Fear the doubled vowel with no injection.
8. - In the middle of the evening, they are when you forget, eh?


Urwen 07-28-2021 11:53 AM

1 is Arwen, and 3 is Elros, somehow.

Pervinca Took 07-28-2021 03:43 PM


Most of 'lies' backwards and almost (Maid) Marion.

Elder sister of a king and the foremother of Elendil, I think?

Huinesoron 07-29-2021 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 733360)
1 is Arwen, and 3 is Elros, somehow.

They are not.


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 733362)

Most of 'lies' backwards and almost (Maid) Marion.

Elder sister of a king and the foremother of Elendil, I think?

But she is. :)

SILMARIEN - An older sister, almost a maid, lies nearly backward at first.
TELCONTAR - The king is back - let a criminal rat be back too.
3. - From beginning to end, a massage from the midst of Hell for the father of kings.
4. - The tall game of removal: a short Russian holds the three of diamonds (fake) at the back.
5. - Look northward, bow, glare - or something like that, anyway.
ELROHIR - Break a hire around a torn and shortened roll, end up younger by half.
7. - Turn tail, jeweller! Fear the doubled vowel with no injection.
8. - In the middle of the evening, they are when you forget, eh?


Urwen 07-29-2021 03:16 AM

Who else could be father of Kings?

Possible candidates:
Finwe (doesn't contain EL)
Turgon (doesn't contain EL unless you used Elenwe's husband again)
Huor (doesn't contain EL)
Elendil (the rest of the clue doesn't fit)

Urwen 07-29-2021 03:22 AM

4. The clues suggest Russandol...

Huinesoron 07-29-2021 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 733365)
Who else could be father of Kings?

Possible candidates:
Finwe (doesn't contain EL)
Turgon (doesn't contain EL unless you used Elenwe's husband again)
Huor (doesn't contain EL)
Elendil (the rest of the clue doesn't fit)

None of these. The answer is an alternate name for the father of a line of kings, and does indeed contain EL (but not as an Elvish element).


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 733366)
4. The clues suggest Russandol...

They may well, but it's nowhere near the answer.


Urwen 07-29-2021 10:03 AM


Huinesoron 07-29-2021 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 733369)

Not the correct abbreviation of Russian, and dot is not relevant to the answer.


Urwen 07-29-2021 10:22 AM

3. Earendil? Or Earendel?

Urwen 07-29-2021 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 733370)
Not the correct abbreviation of Russian, and dot is not relevant to the answer.


RU, then?

Huinesoron 07-29-2021 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 733371)
3. Earendil? Or Earendel?

Correct person, but wrong name.


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 733372)
RU, then?



Urwen 07-29-2021 11:25 AM

Aerendil? Aerennel?

Pervinca Took 07-29-2021 03:55 PM

3. Az-rub-el.

Urwen 07-29-2021 05:34 PM

Ru+in backwards = runi...

Pervinca Took 07-29-2021 11:37 PM

Password: STARBROW?

Huinesoron 07-30-2021 02:09 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 733378)
3. Az-rub-el.

That's 'im!


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 733380)
Ru+in backwards = runi...

I do not know where you've got 'in backwards' from, but it's not part of the answer.


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 733381)
Password: STARBROW?


SILMARIEN - An older sister, almost a maid, lies nearly backward at first. - ...the Elendilmir itself, the white star of Elvish crystal upon a fillet of mithril that had descended from Silmarien...
TELCONTAR - The king is back - let a criminal rat be back too. - ...before all went Aragorn... and upon his brow was the Star of Elendil.
AZRUBEL - From beginning to end, a massage from the midst of Hell for the father of kings. - ...Eärendil... stood now most often at the prow of Vingilot, and the Silmaril was bound upon his brow...
4. R - The tall game of removal: a short Russian holds the three of diamonds (fake) at the back.
5. B - Look northward, bow, glare - or something like that, anyway.
ELROHIR - Break a hire around a torn and shortened roll, end up younger by half. - ...and Elladan and Elrohir with stars on their brow...
7. O - Turn tail, jeweller! Fear the doubled vowel with no injection.
8. W - In the middle of the evening, they are when you forget, eh?


Urwen 07-30-2021 03:19 AM

Oh, it doesn't say 'in back', it says 'at back'.

So it's RU+something+TA, which is AT backwards...

Huinesoron 07-30-2021 03:42 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 733384)
Oh, it doesn't say 'in back', it says 'at back'.

So it's RU+something+TA, which is AT backwards...

It doesn't say that either; it says "at the back", which in this case indicates "use the last letter".

EDIT: Nor is that the start of the clue...


Urwen 07-30-2021 04:03 AM

Well, then you changed the meaning of 'at the back' clue since last time you've used it. >.>

Huinesoron 07-30-2021 05:16 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 733386)
Well, then you changed the meaning of 'at the back' clue since last time you've used it. >.>

Er, yes, quite possibly. I make these things up as I go along; a given part of a clue will have different meanings depending on the context. If something doesn't work one way, try interpreting it a different way.

I will also note, relevant to several clues, that punctuation marks are almost always irrelevant to the clue. Sometimes they even break up a single part of the clue, as in #2 "back - let".


Urwen 07-30-2021 05:28 AM

7. Feanaro, then?

Huinesoron 07-30-2021 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 733388)
7. Feanaro, then?

Dat's der birdie.

SILMARIEN - An older sister, almost a maid, lies nearly backward at first. - ...the Elendilmir itself, the white star of Elvish crystal upon a fillet of mithril that had descended from Silmarien...
TELCONTAR - The king is back - let a criminal rat be back too. - ...before all went Aragorn... and upon his brow was the Star of Elendil.
AZRUBEL - From beginning to end, a massage from the midst of Hell for the father of kings. - ...Eärendil... stood now most often at the prow of Vingilot, and the Silmaril was bound upon his brow...
4. R - The tall game of removal: a short Russian holds the three of diamonds (fake) at the back.
5. B - Look northward, bow, glare - or something like that, anyway.
ELROHIR - Break a hire around a torn and shortened roll, end up younger by half. - ...and Elladan and Elrohir with stars on their brow...
FEANARO - Turn tail, jeweller! Fear the doubled vowel with no injection. - great feasts Fëanor would wear them, blazing on his brow...
8. W - In the middle of the evening, they are when you forget, eh?


Urwen 07-30-2021 12:10 PM

The rest are too difficult, so I'll leave them to Pervinca.

Pervinca Took 07-30-2021 03:26 PM

The only other person I remember having a star upon her brows is Nimrodel. And she doesn't seem to fit anywhere.

Pervinca Took 07-30-2021 03:39 PM

Is 8 ARWEN, with the W in the middle? She's the Evening/Evenstar of her people.

Oh ... 'are when' ... not sure about 'forget,' though.

Pervinca Took 07-30-2021 03:42 PM

Is 5 BAUGLIR (bow glare) and a reference to the Iron Crown?

Galadriel55 07-31-2021 08:04 AM

I feel like my only thought so far is that a tall game of removal sounds like Jenga. Jengaru, anyone?

Huinesoron 08-01-2021 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 733394)
The only other person I remember having a star upon her brows is Nimrodel. And she doesn't seem to fit anywhere.

She's not in there, which is a shame because I really wanted her to be. Hilariously, while grabbing one of the quotes for the completed clues I found yet another starbrow, who... still wouldn't have been useful. XD


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 733395)
Is 8 ARWEN, with the W in the middle? She's the Evening/Evenstar of her people.

Oh ... 'are when' ... not sure about 'forget,' though.

AREWHEN, but forget EH... :D


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 733396)
Is 5 BAUGLIR (bow glare) and a reference to the Iron Crown?

Entirely correct!


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 733398)
I feel like my only thought so far is that a tall game of removal sounds like Jenga. Jengaru, anyone?

The game of removal is not tall. :) So this last clue is a combination of three cryptic parts, to give a secondary name of one character.

SILMARIEN - An older sister, almost a maid, lies nearly backward at first. - ...the Elendilmir itself, the white star of Elvish crystal upon a fillet of mithril that had descended from Silmarien...
TELCONTAR - The king is back - let a criminal rat be back too. - ...before all went Aragorn... and upon his brow was the Star of Elendil.
AZRUBEL - From beginning to end, a massage from the midst of Hell for the father of kings. - ...Eärendil... stood now most often at the prow of Vingilot, and the Silmaril was bound upon his brow...
4. R - The tall game of removal: a short Russian holds the three of diamonds (fake) at the back.
BAUGLIR - Look northward, bow, glare - or something like that, anyway. - ...the Silmarils in the crown on Morgoth's head blazed forth suddenly with a radiance of white flame...
ELROHIR - Break a hire around a torn and shortened roll, end up younger by half. - ...and Elladan and Elrohir with stars on their brow...
FEANARO - Turn tail, jeweller! Fear the doubled vowel with no injection. - great feasts Fëanor would wear them, blazing on his brow...
ARWEN - In the middle of the evening, they are when you forget, eh? - ...Arwen... glimmering in the evening, with stars on her brow and a sweet fragrance about her...


Pervinca Took 08-02-2021 04:38 PM

Maybe 'the tall' means a character referred to as 'the Tall,' like Elendil.

Wasn't TUOR uncommonly tall?

It's not a secondary name, though.

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