![]() |
It isn't spoons. That doesn't satisfy the 'irregulars' part of the clue.
You do, however, have the right colour. Perhaps you're in the wrong poem? |
MORMEGIL: Additional little woman under the weather, they say? See him! (black)
ORALD: The brightly-jacketed One. (blue) RADAGAST: Hear a sigh. A palindrome girl meets a confused, antlered creature to reveal him. (brown) ELVEN-EYES: Keen they are, and often the only indicators of age. (grey) SALVIA: Her little bottles are in a terrible muddle. She's noted for that! (purple) HOLLIN: Heavenly, loving nymphs initially mingle with grease here. (red) AR-FEINIEL: Foreign gunshots mingle for her? (white) DENETHOR: Verdant namesake of one with destructive, burning issues. (green) EYE OF SAURON: Survivor song loses article and beast; add a dark wizard for perspective.(yellow) S Man in the moon's rhyming pair of irregulars. For the new page. |
If you mean this one, I can't find any 'rhyming pair of irregulars' therein.
Okay, but how does 'shoon' mean 'irregular'? Unless it's in some dialect I've never heard of? :confused:
ETA: Oh, I see. I get it. |
MORMEGIL: Additional little woman under the weather, they say? See him! (black)
ORALD: The brightly-jacketed One. (blue) RADAGAST: Hear a sigh. A palindrome girl meets a confused, antlered creature to reveal him. (brown) ELVEN-EYES: Keen they are, and often the only indicators of age. (grey) SALVIA: Her little bottles are in a terrible muddle. She's noted for that! (purple) HOLLIN: Heavenly, loving nymphs initially mingle with grease here. (red) AR-FEINIEL: Foreign gunshots mingle for her? (white) DENETHOR: Verdant namesake of one with destructive, burning issues. (green) EYE OF SAURON: Survivor song loses article and beast; add a dark wizard for perspective.(yellow) SHOON: Man in the moon's rhyming pair of irregulars. (silver) SHOON probably wasn't an irregular plural in the olden days, but it is now. Over to you! |
Mine is also inspired by a different puzzle.
1. A creature with a petrifying stare exchanges one direction for another. A baddie emerges. 2. In confusion, a small, sturdy horse finds him. 3. A palindromic girl meets the Spanish, for him. 4. Two roman numerals surround a confused girl. See her. 5. Her rest by a meandering river is broken. 6. An expression denoting an example surrounded by a scattered military branch for her. 7. In confusion, she brought a rabbit. 8. Close? Just return and switch a sound with its successor to find her. 9. Reverse an anabolic drug to find him. |
Well, you can get DIOR by reversing SOME of STEROID.
Sure, except the layman term is 'ROID'.
1. A creature with a petrifying stare exchanges one direction for another. A baddie emerges. 2. In confusion, a small, sturdy horse finds him. 3. A palindromic girl meets the Spanish, for him. 4. Two roman numerals surround a confused girl. See her. 5. Her rest by a meandering river is broken. 6. An expression denoting an example surrounded by a scattered military branch for her. 7. In confusion, she brought a rabbit. 8. Close? Just return and switch a sound with its successor to find her. DIOR: Reverse an anabolic drug to find him. |
IVRINIEL almost works - I and L are Roman numerals. IV might count as one Roman numeral, perhaps?
IRINE as an alternative form of IRINE? Roman Numerals: I V X L C D M. I don't think there are any others. |
There are also VI, VII, XI...
hS |
3. I will try ADANEL and hope you just forgot about the N.
ADA + ? + EL. Oh, hang on. Adanel is female. Hmmm. Four possible endings: EL LA LOS LAS But none of them go with ADA or ANNA or ELLE or EVE. Or AVA. |
You have the right idea with Adanel, but...Ada is not the only palindromic girl.
I suppose there's no way TAR can stand for THE SPANISH? How about if it were a Spanish sailor? ;) ... However, heading to possible names beginning with ANNA on the Encyclopædia of Arda brought me to ANNAEL, the foster-father of Tuor. Well, so far we are in the First Age. |
Well, we *were.*
4. VIDUMAVI? VI MAUD VI Mother of Eldacar of Gondor. If the three I've guessed so far are right, the answers to far seem to bd parents or foster-parents of arguably more significant people. (If you could say that Elwing is more significant than Dior - and I'm not sure she is). |
8. RIAN?
NEAR backwards is RAEN - switch AE with IA? Or switch A and E and add the succeeding vowel? |
The theme is wrong, as I am sure the solutions to 1 and 5 never had children, or at least, not according to Silmarillion/FoG/HoME. Maybe 5 could have had a stillborn behind the scenes, but not 1...
1. A creature with a petrifying stare exchanges one direction for another. A baddie emerges.
2. In confusion, a small, sturdy horse finds him. ANNAEL: A palindromic girl meets the Spanish, for him. VIDUMAVI: Two roman numerals surround a confused girl. See her. 5. Her rest by a meandering river is broken. 6. An expression denoting an example surrounded by a scattered military branch for her. 7. In confusion, she brought a rabbit. RIAN: Close? Just return and switch a sound with its successor to find her. DIOR: Reverse an anabolic drug to find him. |
They're a BRAVE HERD? :D
... GRAVEYARD? If so, YAVIEN for 6? NAVY around IE? (Which is that is, not example, so around I (aye) and E for example?) |
G: A creature with a petrifying stare exchanges one direction for another. A baddie emerges.
R: In confusion, a small, sturdy horse finds him. ANNAEL: A palindromic girl meets the Spanish, for him. VIDUMAVI: Two roman numerals surround a confused girl. See her. E: Her rest by a meandering river is broken. YAVIEN: An expression denoting an example surrounded by a scattered military branch for her. A: In confusion, she brought a rabbit. RIAN: Close? Just return and switch a sound with its successor to find her. DIOR: Reverse an anabolic drug to find him. |
Could the remaining A be AREDHEL? (LED HARE?)
G: A creature with a petrifying stare exchanges one direction for another. A baddie emerges.
R: In confusion, a small, sturdy horse finds him. ANNAEL: A palindromic girl meets the Spanish, for him. VIDUMAVI: Two roman numerals surround a confused girl. See her. E: Her rest by a meandering river is broken. YAVIEN: An expression denoting an example surrounded by a scattered military branch for her. AREDHEL: In confusion, she brought a rabbit. RIAN: Close? Just return and switch a sound with its successor to find her. DIOR: Reverse an anabolic drug to find him. |
Is the remaining E EILINEL?
LIE + NILE. GORGON might be the starting point for G. Maybe it leads to GORBAG. But neither GON nor BAG are directions. Maybe RUMIL for R, because it sort of contains MULE? (MUIL). |
G: A creature with a petrifying stare exchanges one direction for another. A baddie emerges.
R: In confusion, a small, sturdy horse finds him. ANNAEL: A palindromic girl meets the Spanish, for him. VIDUMAVI: Two roman numerals surround a confused girl. See her. EILINEL: Her rest by a meandering river is broken. YAVIEN: An expression denoting an example surrounded by a scattered military branch for her. AREDHEL: In confusion, she brought a rabbit. RIAN: Close? Just return and switch a sound with its successor to find her. DIOR: Reverse an anabolic drug to find him. |
G: I was poking around with basilisk and Medusa when I remembered gorgon (having not yet seen Pervinca's last comment), and thus GORGOL the Butcher.
No idea about R; my knowledge of horses is very limited. I've tried working back from the theme, but I don't know what that is either. :D 'Graveyard' suggests 'people who died', but Annael doesn't seem to be recorded as dying, and Yavien only is by default (as a mortal). The others I think are significant for their deaths, but those two break my prospective theme and leave me floundering. hS |
I tried little horses - Stybba, Strider and Bill - and pony and mule - but didn't get anywhere.
Perhaps it's a little bit of a big horse's name? |
hS |
There are the names Bombadil gives to those five ponies, too, but they are even harder to incorporate into an answer.
Part of the word HORSE, perhaps? |
So it's a male character, who probably died in significant circumstances. A quick scour of the Encyclopedia of Arda list for R only throws up RADHRUIN, companion of Barahir, who has 'hard' (sturdy) at the start of his name. Perhaps 'ruin' is a part of the name of some horse ('small... horse')?
hS |
Close, very close. Look at other members of that group. |
And also...
GORGOL: A creature with a petrifying stare exchanges one direction for another. A baddie emerges. R: In confusion, a small, sturdy horse finds him. ANNAEL: A palindromic girl meets the Spanish, for him. VIDUMAVI: Two roman numerals surround a confused girl. See her. EILINEL: Her rest by a meandering river is broken. YAVIEN: An expression denoting an example surrounded by a scattered military branch for her. AREDHEL: In confusion, she brought a rabbit. RIAN: Close? Just return and switch a sound with its successor to find her. DIOR: Reverse an anabolic drug to find him. |
Ah, but the Scrabble dictionary of all places tells me that while 'rangor' isn't a word (I was thinking, like 'ranger'?), GARRON is a 'A small and usually Disdained type of Horse'. That seems to fit. :) Though now I'm stuck imagining Dorthonion hill-ponies which glare at you for a while, and then say roooor, roooor. They're so fearsomely adorable! hS |
GORGOL: A creature with a petrifying stare exchanges one direction for another. A baddie emerges.
RAGNOR: In confusion, a small, sturdy horse finds him. ANNAEL: A palindromic girl meets the Spanish, for him. VIDUMAVI: Two roman numerals surround a confused girl. See her. EILINEL: Her rest by a meandering river is broken. YAVIEN: An expression denoting an example surrounded by a scattered military branch for her. AREDHEL: In confusion, she brought a rabbit. RIAN: Close? Just return and switch a sound with its successor to find her. DIOR: Reverse an anabolic drug to find him. And over to Pervinca, I think. |
Also to add, that is indeed the theme, and Annael probably got killed off-page. I mean, if he were alive during the Second and Third Ages, then surely someone, like Cirdan, would have mentioned that fact, or at least someone would have noted he was there during their brief stay at the Havens. Or Cirdan would have mentioned it. So he is dead. :D |
But yes, he joins Nellas on the list of "if they were alive, surely someone would have mentioned it?" Sindar. hS |
OK, have just rustled this one up:
1. Lots of love surrounding article surrounding pronouns surrounding direction. All this, for her. 2. See her preserve a citrus fruit, after a little concoction. 3. A nasal, a liquid and an aspirant mix with some French dog poo for her. 4. Damsel in distress. 5. She's reassembled by one who renders people much less dependent, perhaps? 6. This girl seems blue, though she changes at the end. And she's oh, so precious. |
6. Beryl? It's both a girl's name and a gem, and there is that poem as well, and it's closest to 'blue'
And since she fits the traditional definition best, I am going to say Celebrian. |
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