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Pervinca Took 05-07-2021 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 732137)
3. RING? A presentsss, yess, for Smeagol's birthday.

2. Participants of a hunt bring to mind that time Beren, Thingol, Mablung, and Beleg went to catch a wolf. Not sure what to do with this information.

Good ideas, but no.

Well, you're right about 'a hunt.' But it's the wrong hunt.

Pervinca Took 05-07-2021 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 732134)
THREE: How many hobbits to a) be company and b) destroy a Ring?
2. Participants in la chasse, as the French would say.
3. Take the second of a golden present.
4. Prayers on a star?
5. Take the third of the third to exist when the Istari came.
6. It’s a hard thing when Harriet Beecher changes direction, (3/4 pence).


For the new page.

Galadriel55 05-07-2021 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by Morsul the Dark (Post 732138)

I’ll think on it I think it might be more cryptic/symbolic then.

I wonder if it's to do with Earendil and/or Numenorian traditions. I don't remember any of their prayers though.

Galadriel55 05-07-2021 12:54 PM

Still thinking of hunts... I believe Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas are called the three hunters. If you count the hunt for Gollum to be a thing, Gandalf and Aragorn. I feel that as I still don't know what to do with this information, I am probably still on the wrong track.

Pervinca Took 05-07-2021 01:26 PM

THREE: How many hobbits to a) be company and b) destroy a Ring?
HUNTERS: Participants in la chasse, as the French would say.
3. Take the second of a golden present.
4. Prayers on a star?
5. Take the third of the third to exist when the Istari came.
6. It’s a hard thing when Harriet Beecher changes direction, (3/4 pence).

Quite right about the hunt, and almost there on the prayer clue.

Huinesoron 05-07-2021 03:16 PM

#3: A box without hinges, key, or lid, yet golden YOLK inside is hid?


Pervinca Took 05-07-2021 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 732145)
#3: A box without hinges, key, or lid, yet golden YOLK inside is hid?


Nope. ;)

That isn't a present.

Urwen 05-07-2021 05:55 PM

#3: Lock (of hair), maybe?

Pervinca Took 05-07-2021 06:45 PM

THREE: How many hobbits to a) be company and b) destroy a Ring?
HUNTERS: Participants in la chasse, as the French would say.
ARTANIS'S GIFT TO GIMLI: Take the second of a golden present.
4. Prayers on a star?
5. Take the third of the third to exist when the Istari came.
6. It’s a hard thing when Harriet Beecher changes direction, (3/4 pence).

I'll accept that, because I think you were referring to Galadriel's gift to Gimli.

Galadriel55 05-07-2021 07:42 PM

I gave up trying to think of something clever for the prayers and looked them up. The Three Prayers in Numenor were the Erukyermë, the Erulaitalë and the Eruhantalë. Any of these?

Pervinca Took 05-08-2021 01:11 AM

THREE: How many hobbits to a) be company and b) destroy a Ring?
HUNTERS: Participants in la chasse, as the French would say.
ARTANIS'S GIFT TO GIMLI: Take the second of a golden present.
5. Take the third of the third to exist when the Istari came.
6. It’s a hard thing when Harriet Beecher changes direction, (3/4 pence).

I thought ERUKYERME meant all three of the prayers together. Just looked it up again, and it's just one of the three, as you rightly state. Apologies! That was the answer, but I've amended the answer to all three of them.

'On a star' means 'on a star-shaped island,' of course.

Urwen 05-08-2021 04:46 AM

Password: Threes?

Morsul the Dark 05-08-2021 07:28 AM

It’s almost definitely threes, which means 5 is not Narya.

Pervinca Took 05-08-2021 10:51 AM

THREE: How many hobbits to a) be company and b) destroy a Ring?
HUNTERS: Participants in la chasse, as the French would say. (Aragorn, Gimli & Legolas)
ARTANIS'S GIFT TO GIMLI: Take the second of a golden present. (3 golden hairs)
__E: Take the third of the third to exist when the Istari came.
S: It’s a hard thing when Harriet Beecher changes direction, (3/4 pence).

Galadriel's last password made me want to hoover up the rest of the 'threes,' as far as I could. ;)

Urwen 05-08-2021 11:04 AM

6. Stowe -> Stone

Pervinca Took 05-08-2021 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 732154)
6. Stowe -> Stone

Yes, but I'd like a bit more than that.

Urwen 05-08-2021 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 732156)
Yes, but I'd like a bit more than that.

More of what?

Pervinca Took 05-08-2021 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 732157)
More of what?

'Stone' is not the whole answer. Only part of it.

Urwen 05-09-2021 07:13 AM

Farthing Stone?

Soriman the Whide 05-09-2021 07:20 AM

Barrow Blade.
East Road.
Brave sam.

Sorry all good luck with new passwords <:)

Pervinca Took 05-09-2021 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 732164)
Farthing Stone?


Thanks for the answers, Soriman! What gift of the lady did 'EAST' come from?

Urwen 05-09-2021 10:24 AM

Three-Farthing Stone?

Soriman the Whide 05-09-2021 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 732166)

Thanks for the answers, Soriman! What gift of the lady did 'EAST' come from?

Poor anagram of Earth if i remeber correctly.

Yeah you guys got all my good ones pretty early, was a lot of fun, lot of stuff happening in life right now for me sorry i couldn't finish the game.

Pervinca Took 05-09-2021 10:42 AM

THREE: How many hobbits to a) be company and b) destroy a Ring?
HUNTERS: Participants in la chasse, as the French would say. (Aragorn, Gimli & Legolas)
ARTANIS'S GIFT TO GIMLI: Take the second of a golden present. (3 golden hairs)
__E: Take the third of the third to exist when the Istari came.
STONE (THREE FARTHING): It’s a hard thing when Harriet Beecher changes direction, (3/4 pence).

Thanks, Soriman. Hope all is well.

Huinesoron 05-10-2021 08:11 AM

AGE for the E, with the Istari coming in the Third Age?


Pervinca Took 05-10-2021 08:19 AM

THREE: How many hobbits to a) be company and b) destroy a Ring?
HUNTERS: Participants in la chasse, as the French would say. (Aragorn, Gimli & Legolas)
ARTANIS'S GIFT TO GIMLI: Take the second of a golden present. (3 golden hairs)
AGES: Take the third of the third to exist when the Istari came.
STONE (THREE FARTHING): It’s a hard thing when Harriet Beecher changes direction, (3/4 pence).

AGES it is! Over to URWEN.

Urwen 05-10-2021 05:15 PM

1. Eye fluids are disturbed, with a vowel switch, and they emerge.
2. Types of boats? Well, not really. They are high.
3. A pen is mightier than these, even if they're deadly.

Morsul the Dark 05-10-2021 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 732187)
1. Eye fluids are disturbed, with a vowel switch, and they emerge.

I don’t have a guess this riddle is just ew

Pervinca Took 05-10-2021 07:22 PM

2. Are there boats called TOWERS, because they tow things? TOWERS are high.

3. SWORDS, from the famous saying?

And could the password be TWO? Using the third letter of each answer?



Two of all three. The swords could be Orcrist and Glamdring, perhaps?

Urwen 05-11-2021 02:44 AM

TREES: Eye fluids are disturbed, with a vowel switch, and they emerge.
TOWERS: Types of boats? Well, not really. They are high.
SWORDS: A pen is mightier than these, even if they're deadly.

Over to you.

Pervinca Took 05-11-2021 04:50 AM

Short, but very sweet! Thank you.

And here we go again:

1. He’s fierce! Vehicle … scorch at great and troubling temperature!
2. Stone cat – proportion without direction, but noted. Why, we ask? And such spin, for an unpleasant way to go!
3. She’s more innovative, with vowel switch and further revolution.
4. He’s sibilant immediately - sounds like a principal.
5. Greeted Radagast, initially, in his confusion.
6. Fruity soap goes end to front to form something much sharper.
7. Large stones, thrown about, lose the original fourth for them, (a multitude, parenthetically).
8. French finished, you hear, with Laurie Lee’s village? Mingling reveals her.
9. No clearing around him.
10. Like Covid, but the next category downwards.
11. Very cold place loses chariot of somewhere very hot (or so it sounds) to leave a weapon?
12. At that time, a song within him.
13. Pester for an animal.
14. Ledge containing French husband produces a shiny thing.

Huinesoron 05-11-2021 08:05 AM

#8: I tried FIN + SLAD (thanks to Wikipedia), and stared at it for a minute before realising I could go for fini > FINUI + SLAD = FINDUILAS.

#12 sounds like something inside THEN. ODE would fit as a song, to give THEODEN.


Galadriel55 05-11-2021 08:20 AM

1. I think is CARCHAROTH: CAR + CHAR + HOT

11. Might be HELCARAXE - HEL(L) CAR= AXE

Pervinca Took 05-11-2021 10:28 AM

CARCHAROTH: He’s fierce! Vehicle … scorch at great and troubling temperature!
2. Stone cat – proportion without direction, but noted. Why, we ask? And such spin, for an unpleasant way to go!
3. She’s more innovative, with vowel switch and further revolution.
4. He’s sibilant immediately - sounds like a principal.
5. Greeted Radagast, initially, in his confusion.
6. Fruity soap goes end to front to form something much sharper.
7. Large stones, thrown about, lose the original fourth for them, (a multitude, parenthetically).
FINDUILAS: French finished, you hear, with Laurie Lee’s village? Mingling reveals her.
9. No clearing around him.
10. Like Covid, but the next category downwards.
AXE: Very cold place loses chariot of somewhere very hot (or so it sounds) to leave a weapon?
THEODEN: At that time, a song within him.
13. Pester for an animal.
14. Ledge containing French husband produces a shiny thing.

Well done, all! Four down, ten to go.

Galadriel55 05-11-2021 11:24 AM

13. Badger? Bug?

Pervinca Took 05-11-2021 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 732206)
13. Badger? Bug?

Good ideas; right logic; wrong creatures.

Urwen 05-11-2021 12:03 PM

13. Hound?

Pervinca Took 05-11-2021 03:07 PM

CARCHAROTH: He’s fierce! Vehicle … scorch at great and troubling temperature!
2. Stone cat – proportion without direction, but noted. Why, we ask? And such spin, for an unpleasant way to go!
3. She’s more innovative, with vowel switch and further revolution.
4. He’s sibilant immediately - sounds like a principal.
5. Greeted Radagast, initially, in his confusion.
6. Fruity soap goes end to front to form something much sharper.
7. Large stones, thrown about, lose the original fourth for them, (a multitude, parenthetically).
FINDUILAS: French finished, you hear, with Laurie Lee’s village? Mingling reveals her.
9. No clearing around him.
10. Like Covid, but the next category downwards.
AXE: Very cold place loses chariot of somewhere very hot (or so it sounds) to leave a weapon?
THEODEN: At that time, a song within him.
HOUND: Pester for an animal.
14. Ledge containing French husband produces a shiny thing.

Indeed! Well done.

Huinesoron 05-13-2021 04:43 AM

#14: I vaguely recall from a song that the French for husband sounds like 'marry'. SILL + MARI = SILMARIL?

#10: if taken literally and considering the Middle-earth theme, PLAGUE is a possibility.


Pervinca Took 05-13-2021 12:11 PM

CARCHAROTH: He’s fierce! Vehicle … scorch at great and troubling temperature!
2. Stone cat – proportion without direction, but noted. Why, we ask? And such spin, for an unpleasant way to go!
3. She’s more innovative, with vowel switch and further revolution.
4. He’s sibilant immediately - sounds like a principal.
5. Greeted Radagast, initially, in his confusion.
6. Fruity soap goes end to front to form something much sharper.
7. Large stones, thrown about, lose the original fourth for them, (a multitude, parenthetically).
FINDUILAS: French finished, you hear, with Laurie Lee’s village? Mingling reveals her.
9. No clearing around him.
10. Like Covid, but the next category downwards.
AXE: Very cold place loses chariot of somewhere very hot (or so it sounds) to leave a weapon?
THEODEN: At that time, a song within him.
13. Pester for an animal.
SILMARIL: Ledge containing French husband produces a shiny thing.

'Plague' is close, and on the right lines, but what is Covid, and what would be the next step down from it?

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