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Huinesoron 08-04-2020 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 728536)
3. Sounds like repetition is in order. Maybe a name structurally akin to, say, Fingolfin, or Ghan-buri-ghan. But don't have one to fit the clue in a way that makes sense.

Nope, completely the wrong track.


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 728536)
7. There was Aldor the Old and his brother Baldor the (occasionally) drunk. Enc of Arda tells me they had a third brother, Eofor. No odea how that could be related to deer though.

I didn't even think of that. ^_^ No.


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 728536)
8. Okay, maybe a somewhat reasoned amswer. NIRUH? He did fling the Nauglamir at Thingol, and Turin does make more of a name for himself. The other flingers I came up with so far didn't have sons.

This particular flinger has one, fairly famous son. But is not Hurin.


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 728537)
Ah, got one!

6. Fr + do + O = FRODO

Correct. ^_^

1. - I add underclothing, and there are four.
2. - The most powerful will shortly share the way to unlock.
3. - He, or won't he?
4. - A dwarven house has lost its supports (architecture) and gained support (attire), and married a remarkable woman.
5. - The second half of the Millennium follows a ruddy fruit in full.
FRODO - #87, do (it) backwards, #8 - a chemist's hero.
7. - Not old, not drunk - just the first deer.
8. - Run back, flinger of treasure! Your son is more famous than you.
9. - Most of a frond overshadows partial shadows in a mother's domain.
10. - Higher than Odo is a Welshman discovering America.
11. - Too grim to guard, a digger and the first after the old.

Huinesoron 08-07-2020 08:28 AM

It's been a few days, so how about a couple of hints?

#4 is probably the easiest; 'dwarven house' means 'Dwarven House', not settlement. There's only seven, and only one has a support in it.

#10 should be fairly simple too - who is Odo? 'Welshman discovering America' is a perfectly straight clue; I think there's only one name that fits there.

#11 is... wrong. Remove 'and the first after the old'.

To make up for that:

#3 should start with an ellipsis.

#1 just needs a couple of synonyms; 'and there are four' is a straight clue.


Galadriel55 08-07-2020 09:39 AM

3.... Will?

Huinesoron 08-07-2020 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 728608)
3.... Will?


1. - I add underclothing, and there are four.
2. - The most powerful will shortly share the way to unlock.
WILL - He, or won't he?
4. - A dwarven house has lost its supports (architecture) and gained support (attire), and married a remarkable woman.
5. - The second half of the Millennium follows a ruddy fruit in full.
FRODO - #87, do (it) backwards, #8 - a chemist's hero.
7. - Not old, not drunk - just the first deer.
8. - Run back, flinger of treasure! Your son is more famous than you.
9. - Most of a frond overshadows partial shadows in a mother's domain.
10. - Higher than Odo is a Welshman discovering America.
11. - Too grim to guard, a digger.[/QUOTE]


Pervinca Took 08-07-2020 01:46 PM

The answers all appear to be hobbits. I thought at first Will was one of the casualties in Bree, (Willie), but of course it's Will Whitfoot.

There's a sonnet full of the word will / name Will - or are there two? - in which Shakespeare puns on his name the whole way through.

The flinger of treasure has to be 'Scattergold,' the nickname of SARADOC, father of the more famous Meriadoc. I guess 'run backwards' means the name is entered back to front to fit the password?

Galadriel55 08-07-2020 03:31 PM

11 sounds like one of the -grims. Apparently Isengrim II dug the Great Smials, so I'd go with him.

Huinesoron 08-08-2020 04:32 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 728618)
The answers all appear to be hobbits. I thought at first Will was one of the casualties in Bree, (Willie), but of course it's Will Whitfoot.

No comment. ;)


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 728618)
The flinger of treasure has to be 'Scattergold,' the nickname of SARADOC, father of the more famous Meriadoc. I guess 'run backwards' means the name is entered back to front to fit the password?

Exactly correct.


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 728623)
11 sounds like one of the -grims. Apparently Isengrim II dug the Great Smials, so I'd go with him.

That's the one. ISENGRIM, not ISENGARD.

1. - I add underclothing, and there are four.
2. - The most powerful will shortly share the way to unlock.
WILL - He, or won't he?
4. - A dwarven house has lost its supports (architecture) and gained support (attire), and married a remarkable woman.
5. - The second half of the Millennium follows a ruddy fruit in full.
FRODO - #87, do (it) backwards, #8 - a chemist's hero.
7. - Not old, not drunk - just the first deer.
DLOGRETTACS - Run back, flinger of treasure! Your son is more famous than you.
9. - Most of a frond overshadows partial shadows in a mother's domain.
10. - Higher than Odo is a Welshman discovering America.
ISENGRIM - Too grim to guard, a digger.[/QUOTE]


Pervinca Took 08-08-2020 07:24 AM

Yeah, Dlogrettacs is the chap. Cousin of Dogtanian and Spartacus. (Those Brandybucks, eh?)

Password might be SHIRE something.


Maybe ISEMBRAS for the first one? I + BRAS ... + ME??

4 would seem to point towards a spouse of one of the 'remarkable daughters' of the Old Took. Bungo, Gorbadoc and Hugo kibosh 'Shire Rulers,' but it's probably wrong anyway. DROGO doesn't, but does the daughter of a remarkable woman count?

Huinesoron 08-08-2020 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 728636)
Yeah, Dlogrettacs is the chap. Cousin of Dogtanian and Spartacus. (Those Brandybucks, eh?)

[Thumbs up, madly grinning]


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 728636)
Password might be SHIRE something.



Maybe ISEMBRAS for the first one? I + BRAS ... + ME??[/quote]

Oh, come on, did I manage to misspell... HA, no, I didn't. It's I SUM BRAS.


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 728636)
4 would seem to point towards a spouse of one of the 'remarkable daughters' of the Old Took. Bungo, Gorbadoc and Hugo kibosh 'Shire Rulers,' but ut's probably wrong anyway. DROGO doesn't, but does the daughter of a remarkable woman count?

One of these is the correct answer, but I'm not gonna give it to you because you've claimed it doesn't fit the password. :p Not Drogo; I wouldn't be that mean.

ISUMBRAS - I add underclothing, and there are four.
2. H - The most powerful will shortly share the way to unlock.
WILL - He, or won't he?
4. R - A dwarven house has lost its supports (architecture) and gained support (attire), and married a remarkable woman.
5. [highlight]E/highlight] - The second half of the Millennium follows a ruddy fruit in full.
FRODO - #87, do (it) backwards, #8 - a chemist's hero.
7. [highlight]U/highlight] - Not old, not drunk - just the first deer.
DLOGRETTACS - Run back, flinger of treasure! Your son is more famous than you.
9. E - Most of a frond overshadows partial shadows in a mother's domain.
10. R - Higher than Odo is a Welshman discovering America.
ISENGRIM - Too grim to guard, a digger.[/QUOTE]


Galadriel55 08-08-2020 03:03 PM

Trust Pervinca to take care of the hobbits. ;)

10. So, said Welshman is Madoc - which resounds with a surprising number of hobbit names. But my friend the interned tells me there was once a Madoc Brandybuck called PROUDNECK, and as we all know necks are higher than feet, no matter how proud. Wow, that was a twisty clue! :D But very fair once I started working with the elements.

Huinesoron 08-09-2020 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 728640)
Trust Pervinca to take care of the hobbits. ;)

10. So, said Welshman is Madoc - which resounds with a surprising number of hobbit names. But my friend the interned tells me there was once a Madoc Brandybuck called PROUDNECK, and as we all know necks are higher than feet, no matter how proud. Wow, that was a twisty clue! :D But very fair once I started working with the elements.

Count yourself lucky we don't really know what 'Madoc' means...!

ISUMBRAS - I add underclothing, and there are four.
2. H - The most powerful will shortly share the way to unlock.
WILL - He, or won't he?
4. R - A dwarven house has lost its supports (architecture) and gained support (attire), and married a remarkable woman.
5. E - The second half of the Millennium follows a ruddy fruit in full.
FRODO - #87, do (it) backwards, #8 - a chemist's hero.
7. U - Not old, not drunk - just the first deer.
DLOGRETTACS - Run back, flinger of treasure! Your son is more famous than you.
9. E - Most of a frond overshadows partial shadows in a mother's domain.
PROUDNECK - Higher than Odo is a Welshman discovering America.
ISENGRIM - Too grim to guard, a digger.

5 to go!


Pervinca Took 08-09-2020 10:59 AM


Short version of SHARE + KEY.

Originally the most powerful of the Istari.

For some reason I thought Gorbadoc the most likely candidate out of the spouses of the Old Took's daughters, so wondered if it was him after Brandybuck and a comma, but a little googling tells me that he had the nickname BROADBELT, so I guess those BROADBEAMS lose a BEAM and gain a BELT.

Huinesoron 08-09-2020 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 728646)

Short version of SHARE + KEY.

Originally the most powerful of the Istari.

Oh, THAT'S what that clue meant! I'd managed to forget, so well done! ^_^


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 728646)
For some reason I thought Gorbadoc the most likely candidate out of the spouses of the Old Took's daughters, so wondered if it was him after Brandybuck and a comma, but a little googling tells me that he had the nickname BROADBELT, so I guess those BROADBEAMS lose a BEAM and gain a BELT.


ISUMBRAS - I add underclothing, and there are four.
SHARKEY - The most powerful will shortly share the way to unlock.
WILL - He, or won't he?
BROADBELT - A dwarven house has lost its supports (architecture) and gained support (attire), and married a remarkable woman.
5. E - The second half of the Millennium follows a ruddy fruit in full.
FRODO - #87, do (it) backwards, #8 - a chemist's hero.
7. U - Not old, not drunk - just the first deer.
DLOGRETTACS - Run back, flinger of treasure! Your son is more famous than you.
9. E - Most of a frond overshadows partial shadows in a mother's domain.
PROUDNECK - Higher than Odo is a Welshman discovering America.
ISENGRIM - Too grim to guard, a digger.

Galadriel55 08-09-2020 11:21 AM

7. First deer = first buck, but not yet an Oldbuck or a Brandybuck --> BUCCA?

Huinesoron 08-09-2020 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 728648)
7. First deer = first buck, but not yet an Oldbuck or a Brandybuck --> BUCCA?

Exactly that. :) Arguably a dodgy clue, since his name isn't actually 'Buck', but... well, you got it!

ISUMBRAS - I add underclothing, and there are four.
SHARKEY - The most powerful will shortly share the way to unlock.
WILL - He, or won't he?
BROADBELT - A dwarven house has lost its supports (architecture) and gained support (attire), and married a remarkable woman.
5. E - The second half of the Millennium follows a ruddy fruit in full.
FRODO - #87, do (it) backwards, #8 - a chemist's hero.
BUCCA - Not old, not drunk - just the first deer.
DLOGRETTACS - Run back, flinger of treasure! Your son is more famous than you.
9. E - Most of a frond overshadows partial shadows in a mother's domain.
PROUDNECK - Higher than Odo is a Welshman discovering America.
ISENGRIM - Too grim to guard, a digger.[/QUOTE]


Pervinca Took 08-10-2020 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 728648)
7. First deer = first buck, but not yet an Oldbuck or a Brandybuck --> BUCCA?

That is CLEVER! I refer, here, both to the setter and the solver! (An apt piece of sibilant alliteration for this thread, perhaps? (Not wishing to toot my own horn). ;)

Huey, I sometimes forget the solutions and answers to my own clues, too. So far I've always managed to work them out when needed, though!

Pervinca Took 08-10-2020 11:29 AM

I think 9 is FERUMBRAS (I though coniFER was not enough of the frond, but it's FERn, isn't it? And UMBRAS or something similar means shadow.

Ferumbras II didn't marry, because no-one wanted his mother Lalia for a mother-in-law.

Huinesoron 08-10-2020 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 728664)
I think 9 is FERUMBRAS (I though coniFER was not enough of the frond, but it's FERn, isn't it? And UMBRAS or something similar means shadow.

Ferumbras II didn't marry, because no-one wanted his mother Lalia for a mother-in-law.

Bingo! I was going with 'penumbras', with 'overshadows' indicating that fer(n) was over the front of it. And I couldn't resist the Lalia reference. ^_^

ISUMBRAS - I add underclothing, and there are four.
SHARKEY - The most powerful will shortly share the way to unlock.
WILL - He, or won't he?
BROADBELT - A dwarven house has lost its supports (architecture) and gained support (attire), and married a remarkable woman.
5. E - The second half of the Millennium follows a ruddy fruit in full.
FRODO - #87, do (it) backwards, #8 - a chemist's hero.
BUCCA - Not old, not drunk - just the first deer.
DLOGRETTACS - Run back, flinger of treasure! Your son is more famous than you.
FERUMBRAS - Most of a frond overshadows partial shadows in a mother's domain.
PROUDNECK - Higher than Odo is a Welshman discovering America.
ISENGRIM - Too grim to guard, a digger.

One to go! 'Millennium' is not a reference to the year 2000; try 23 years earlier.


Pervinca Took 08-10-2020 05:09 PM

Well, that was the Queen's 25th Jubilee. My school celebrated it with a picnic.

Galadriel55 08-10-2020 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 728670)
Well, that was the Queen's 25th Jubilee. My school celebrated it with a picnic.

Also Star Wars. ;) But I can't get a name out of "Falcon".

Huinesoron 08-11-2020 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 728672)
Also Star Wars. ;) But I can't get a name out of "Falcon".

[Paddington stare]


Pervinca Took 08-12-2020 03:48 AM

BERHAEL or PERHAEL is an elvish translation of SAMWISE, who was Mayor of the Shire for many years. But apart from the beginning of the fruit, BERRY, which is often red, I can't provide anything. And it said 'in full,' although this *might* not refer to the fruit.

I looked into APPLEdore, but I think the Appledores are only in Bree. No E at second letter position, either.

MERIADOC has the E in the right place, but I have no elements to offer for such an answer.

Is 1977 anything to do with the publication of Thr Silmarillion (or was that 1978?)


I do like the FRODO answer, because not only did Frodo Gardner become the head of the family of that name (and Mayor? Not sure), but Frodo Baggins was Deputy Mayor for a little while.

Huinesoron 08-12-2020 04:06 AM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 728672)
Also Star Wars. ;) But I can't get a name out of "Falcon".


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 728688)
I looked into APPLE[...]

What sort of apple would that be? And what sort of falcon?


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 728688)
I do like the FRODO answer, because not only did Frodo Gardner become the head of the family of that name (and Mayor? Not sure), but Frodo Baggins was Deputy Mayor for a little while.

Frodo Baggins was the one I was thinking of. :)


Urwen 08-12-2020 08:32 AM

Peregrin Took, after peregrine apple and peregrine falcon.

Huinesoron 08-12-2020 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 728692)
Peregrin Took, after peregrine apple and peregrine falcon.

Well, the apple is a pippin, which Tolkien explicitly stated, hence 'in full', but yes!

ISUMBRAS - I add underclothing, and there are four.
SHARKEY - The most powerful will shortly share the way to unlock.
WILL - He, or won't he?
BROADBELT - A dwarven house has lost its supports (architecture) and gained support (attire), and married a remarkable woman.
PEREGRIN - The second half of the Millennium follows a ruddy fruit in full.
FRODO - #87, do (it) backwards, #8 - a chemist's hero.
BUCCA - Not old, not drunk - just the first deer.
DLOGRETTACS - Run back, flinger of treasure! Your son is more famous than you.
FERUMBRAS - Most of a frond overshadows partial shadows in a mother's domain.
PROUDNECK - Higher than Odo is a Welshman discovering America.
ISENGRIM - Too grim to guard, a digger.

Theme: Masters, Thains, Mayors, and usurpers of the Shire

I really wanted to do something with just mayors (with Pott, Will, Lotho, Frodo, Sam, and Tom all named as holding the title, it should be possible) but couldn't find a password. As the second-letter thing shows, I could barely find one with this wider set!

Over to Pervinca. :)


Pervinca Took 08-12-2020 11:00 AM

Cor blimey! And I've used the 'Cox's orange pippin' type thing as a clue for Pippin myself!

A pity the password had no A. You could have included the new title that FASTRED took at Undertowers.

Or used it by running it backwards.

At any rate, that was an original and completely FANTASTIC idea, set of clues and password, Huey!

Pervinca Took 08-12-2020 06:31 PM

Here you go:

1. See him lament in confusion, and dine in confusion within.
2. Knights say it and a queen returns to reveal her.
3. Nimble dwarf transforms into her.
4. He disperses little to swallow a preposition.
5. In turmoil, see poet trade for him.
6. In him, a plosiveless hymn meets an automobile that won't start.

Huinesoron 08-13-2020 04:24 AM

Fastred: ooh, I missed that one! Maybe next time? :D

#2: NIENNA? With Queen Anne and a certain set of shrubbery-seeking knights.


Pervinca Took 08-13-2020 05:59 AM


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 728697)
Fastred: ooh, I missed that one! Maybe next time? :D

Especially as it's so easy to write clues for him, being so close to 'farted.' :D


#2: NIENNA? With Queen Anne and a certain set of shrubbery-seeking knights.

Do you know, I wrote it so long ago, I can't remember? :o I'll just go and double-check!

Pervinca Took 08-13-2020 07:30 PM

Nienna it is, of course. ;)

1. See him lament in confusion, and dine in confusion within.
NIENNA: Knights say it and a queen returns to reveal her.
3. Nimble dwarf transforms into her.
4. He disperses little to swallow a preposition.
5. In turmoil, see poet trade for him.
6. In him, a plosiveless hymn meets an automobile that won't start.

Huinesoron 08-18-2020 03:24 PM

#6: I looked at paean for a bit, but then ran into PSALM + CAR = SALMAR, who's... something something sea?


Pervinca Took 08-19-2020 02:18 AM

1. See him lament in confusion, and dine in confusion within.
NIENNA: Knights say it and a queen returns to reveal her.
3. Nimble dwarf transforms into her.
4. He disperses little to swallow a preposition.
5. In turmoil, see poet trade for him.
SALMAR: In him, a plosiveless hymn meets an automobile that won't start.

The car won't start. That's how we lose the C.

Huinesoron 08-24-2020 02:48 AM

#4: TILION starts with about half of 'little', and ends with a preposition.


Pervinca Took 08-24-2020 03:38 AM

Right preposition, but use a synonym of 'little' and disperse it.

Urwen 08-26-2020 09:20 AM

Perhaps 3 is is Lothiriel (LITHE + ORI). It's the closest I can come up with.

Pervinca Took 08-27-2020 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 728786)
Perhaps 3 is is Lothiriel (LITHE + ORI). It's the closest I can come up with.

LITHE is right.

Choose another dwarf, from the same company. (Not the company that tried to retake Moria, which Ori was also in).

Urwen 08-27-2020 01:31 PM


Urwen 08-27-2020 01:38 PM

And 4 is Eonwe (wee swallows on)

Urwen 08-27-2020 01:40 PM

And 1 is Ainwendil (wail + dine)

Urwen 08-27-2020 01:43 PM

And password is angels.

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