![]() |
7. Name.
Isn't that right, big bro? :D ;) |
WORLD - What they sang about (in the vernacular) 2. R - Many warriors had this; 3/4 is what there are 3/4 of 3. I - What manner of hell is this? TREE - A lineage stretching from Tirion to Minas Tirith. TONGUE - What we speak, and what by EAST - Gondorians do not speak of its breath. NAME - Everyone has one (or two... or more!) STARLIGHT - What the first children saw by YOKE - Between two horses, but write otherwise and it's golden treasure MOUTH - Sauron has one of these; unlike most, he can send his away 11. B - By another title, Sauron has six of these 12. O - A heart, a rise, a miner's prize LAMP - Two once died, to be replaced by two and two again SOUTH - Where the stars are strange hS |
R ... I don't know. Rickets? Rice Krispies? Retribution? Could be anything! :D
hS |
Sauron, or rather Mairon, couldn't have had six BROTHERS in the mind of Eru, could he? |
hS |
I tried ANNATAR first of all. Not 6 letters, not 6 of any kind of letter.
Is it that MAIRON has 6 letters? But so has SAURON, so why say 'other name?' |
BAUGLIR THU THAURON Still not 6 of anything. |
Unless it's that THE LORD OF THE RINGS has six VOWELS?
... Oh dear. Neither letters nor vowels begin with B anyway! |
If I point out that '3/4' only means 'three quarters' in the first instance, it might help maybe? hS |
And Rheumatism. :D |
WORLD - What they sang about (in the vernacular) 2. R - Many warriors had this; 3/4 is what there are 3/4 of 3. I - What manner of hell is this? TREE - A lineage stretching from Tirion to Minas Tirith. TONGUE - What we speak, and what by EAST - Gondorians do not speak of its breath. NAME - Everyone has one (or two... or more!) STARLIGHT - What the first children saw by YOKE - Between two horses, but write otherwise and it's golden treasure MOUTH - Sauron has one of these; unlike most, he can send his away BOOK - By another title, Sauron has six of these 12. O - A heart, a rise, a miner's prize LAMP - Two once died, to be replaced by two and two again SOUTH - Where the stars are strange Quote:
What are there 3 / 4 of? hS |
They have rectums. A recto is 3/4 of a folio. It was so obvious. :D
(Peter Pettigrew defected). … Is it something to do with RUNES? Do RUNES cover 3/4 of our modern letters, or something? And did many warriors have the RUNS? :D C'mon - that's 80% of runes - near enough, surely? :p And it has historical precedents - Henry V's soldiers (see, warriors) got the squirts between Harfleur and Agincourt. I believe the king even died of it 5 years later! |
The second '3/4' does not mean 'three quarters'. It means the other thing you'd usually indicate with a slash between two items(eg, 'this clue will probably be solved by Pervinca/Urwen').
hS |
Could 3 be the hells of IRON?
Is it specifically 3 or 4, or could it be 5 or 6, etc? I can't think of any 3/4 things, other than that there were 3 but really 4 Eldar/Edain marriages, because there was also Imrazor and Mithrellas. |
WORLD - What they sang about (in the vernacular) 2. R - Many warriors had this; 3/4 is what there are 3/4 of IRON - What manner of hell is this? TREE - A lineage stretching from Tirion to Minas Tirith. TONGUE - What we speak, and what by EAST - Gondorians do not speak of its breath. NAME - Everyone has one (or two... or more!) STARLIGHT - What the first children saw by YOKE - Between two horses, but write otherwise and it's golden treasure MOUTH - Sauron has one of these; unlike most, he can send his away BOOK - By another title, Sauron has six of these 12. O - A heart, a rise, a miner's prize LAMP - Two once died, to be replaced by two and two again SOUTH - Where the stars are strange Quote:
Eldar-Edain marriages is a good thought; it's not right, nor in the right direction, but it's the right kind of thought process. hS |
O - Ovaltine, after a long night down t'pit? :D
The only O--- gemstones I can think of are ones I don't really remember hearing of in Tolkien, like ONYX. OPALS may be mentioned in a song or a necklace somewhere. |
hS |
It's also probably the biggest hint at the theme, along with 'book' and 'lamp' taken together. WORLD - What they sang about (in the vernacular) 2. R - Many warriors had this; 3/4 is what there are 3/4 of IRON - What manner of hell is this? TREE - A lineage stretching from Tirion to Minas Tirith. TONGUE - What we speak, and what by EAST - Gondorians do not speak of its breath. NAME - Everyone has one (or two... or more!) STARLIGHT - What the first children saw by YOKE - Between two horses, but write otherwise and it's golden treasure MOUTH - Sauron has one of these; unlike most, he can send his away BOOK - By another title, Sauron has six of these ORE - A heart, a rise, a miner's prize LAMP - Two once died, to be replaced by two and two again SOUTH - Where the stars are strange hS |
I thought of ore a while back. But I don't understand the Quenya elements. And what is the rise? Are we talking about a vowel sounded higher in the throat, justifying the two dots?
The umlaut/diaeresis, when used in Quenya, is actually just a reminder to pronounce the letter. You always pronounce a terminal E in Quenya - Tolkien just wanted to make sure people remembered that. hS |
All I can think of for R is roch/rocco/rokko for horse. But can't satisfy the 3/4 element(s) at all.
hS |
Egret? Sorry, that's too much of the word! (Before I look for famous herons of M-e). |
Rage and Age?
(Not counting all the Ages before the Two Trees in Valinor, of course!) |
WORLD - What they sang about (in the vernacular) RAGE - Many warriors had this; 3/4 is what there are 3/4 of IRON - What manner of hell is this? TREE - A lineage stretching from Tirion to Minas Tirith. TONGUE - What we speak, and what by EAST - Gondorians do not speak of its breath. NAME - Everyone has one (or two... or more!) STARLIGHT - What the first children saw by YOKE - Between two horses, but write otherwise and it's golden treasure MOUTH - Sauron has one of these; unlike most, he can send his away BOOK - By another title, Sauron has six of these ORE - A heart, a rise, a miner's prize LAMP - Two once died, to be replaced by two and two again SOUTH - Where the stars are strange And that's that! The password goes to Urwen, I believe. Do you want me to tell you the theme, or do you want to try and figure it out? hS |
Please tell me. It's not things that have been inscribed symbolically, is it? Were there lamps on the doors of Moria?
The first four on the table are Tinco - Parma - Calma - Quessa, representing the letters T, P, C, and Qu; in English, their names mean metal - book - lamp - feather. (I'm pretty sure all of this, including the English, is in the Appendices, but there's a possibility it's somewhere else.) So yes, in essence: "Feanor [wrote] an ABC book for the Tengwar letters, and use[d] [names] of these things because they had the right initials". ;):D hS |
Here it comes
1. The one who should have been 4th.
2. A headwear, a grip and an element reveal a king's best friend. 3. By another name, she is named after a jewel (estrangement). 4. Islandic river? It's the biggest. 5. The first ruler of Atlantis. 6. Fist of silver. The only decent fellow among his immediate kin. 7. A Vala and Turin meet, initially, in this place. 8. A girl who shares a name with a stream. 9. Third of this name. His people are devoted to Mahal. 10. An eager adventurer. Loved the sea. 11. Lady of Adamant. (Call). 12. Sheep land. (Only one of the clues is cryptic. Have fun! :D Also, I think you would like the first clue, Huey. ;) |
6 has gotta be Celebrimbor. Am I remembering my Elvish correctly?
8. Nimrodel? Quote:
6 Books was a fabulous clue! :D |
1. The one who should have been 4th.
2. A headwear, a grip and an element reveal a king's best friend. 3. By another name, she is named after a jewel (estrangement). 4. Islandic river? It's the biggest. 5. The first ruler of Atlantis. CELEBRIMBOR: Fist of silver. The only decent fellow among his immediate kin. 7. A Vala and Turin meet, initially, in this place. NIMRODEL: A girl who shares a name with a stream. 9. Third of this name. His people are devoted to Mahal. 10. An eager adventurer. Loved the sea. 11. Lady of Adamant. (Call). 12. Sheep land. |
Or "Miriel" to her buddies. hS |
TAR-MIRIEL: The one who should have been 4th.
2. A headwear, a grip and an element reveal a king's best friend. 3. By another name, she is named after a jewel (estrangement). 4. Islandic river? It's the biggest. 5. The first ruler of Atlantis. CELEBRIMBOR: Fist of silver. The only decent fellow among his immediate kin. 7. A Vala and Turin meet, initially, in this place. NIMRODEL: A girl who shares a name with a stream. 9. Third of this name. His people are devoted to Mahal. 10. An eager adventurer. Loved the sea. 11. Lady of Adamant. (Call). 12. Sheep land. |
Is 9 Durin?
Technically, no. But if you were to add something extra to that, then yes. ;) |
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