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Urwen 05-08-2019 04:07 PM

2. Lockhole (Pain in the neck is sometimes refered to as locked neck and empty = hole)

Pervinca Took 05-08-2019 04:09 PM

BRANDY HALL: Sing a song of Tolkien: strong’s the spirit here!
2. Pain in neck and empty? Nomenclature is queer.
3. By this may you live, since it’s not by bread alone –
4. And here’s a place where (fancifully) hob-nobs could be grown.
5. Here’s the way that you must serve a tennis ball,
6. Here dwelt one whose stories, (many thought), were tall.
7. Here have fun and paddle, but do not prick your toes -
8. And here big grins abound, they say, and none are lachrymose!


Not Lockhole (or more correctly Lockholes).

Urwen 05-08-2019 04:10 PM

Is the theme correct, at least?

Pervinca Took 05-08-2019 04:11 PM

Yes - I said so!

Urwen 05-08-2019 04:12 PM

2. Needlehole (Needle=pain in the neck, hole = empty)

Password: Norbourne

Pervinca Took 05-08-2019 04:14 PM

No and no.

Urwen 05-08-2019 04:16 PM

3. Bagshot Row (row = paddle, shot = prick)

Urwen 05-08-2019 04:17 PM

Eight letter word beginning with N......

Urwen 05-08-2019 04:18 PM

Password: Northway

Urwen 05-08-2019 04:20 PM

3. Bywater (bread and water)

Pervinca Took 05-08-2019 04:25 PM

BRANDY HALL: Sing a song of Tolkien: strong’s the spirit here!
2. Pain in neck and empty? Nomenclature is queer.
BYWATER: By this may you live, since it’s not by bread alone –
4. And here’s a place where (fancifully) hob-nobs could be grown.
5. Here’s the way that you must serve a tennis ball,
6. Here dwelt one whose stories, (many thought), were tall.
7. Here have fun and paddle, but do not prick your toes -
8. And here big grins abound, they say, and none are lachrymose!


William Cloud Hicklin 05-08-2019 04:38 PM

Password: Nobottle

(just because it's the neatest placename in the Shire)

William Cloud Hicklin 05-08-2019 04:40 PM

2: Crickhollow

William Cloud Hicklin 05-08-2019 04:42 PM

And 6 could well be Bag End, since Bilbo was the noted purveyor of yarns

Urwen 05-08-2019 04:44 PM

I would have gotten it too, if it weren't for my internet connection dying out on me....:mad:

Pervinca Took 05-08-2019 04:52 PM

BRANDY HALL: Sing a song of Tolkien: strong’s the spirit here!
CRICKHOLLOW: Pain in neck and empty? Nomenclature is queer.
BYWATER: By this may you live, since it’s not by bread alone –
???O???: And here’s a place where (fancifully) hob-nobs could be grown.
???T???: Here’s the way that you must serve a tennis ball,
???T???: Here dwelt one whose stories, (many thought), were tall.
???L???: Here have fun and paddle, but do not prick your toes -
???E???: And here big grins abound, they say, and none are lachrymose!


Yes - you get a CRICK in your neck, and HOLLOW means empty.

You're right about the 'tall' (but not really) stories being Bilbo's, but Bag End does not have a T. :D

Urwen 05-08-2019 04:54 PM

I cri everytime......


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 716158)
I would have gotten it too, if it weren't for my internet connection dying out on me....:mad:

Oh, well, I will get it next time, count on it.

Urwen 05-08-2019 04:55 PM

I am half-compelled to just steal the turn like William did, for this very reason, decorum be damned.....

Urwen 05-08-2019 04:58 PM

If for no other reason than because I now have a dangerous combination of being bored and mad that I was cheated of getting it by my brief loss of connection.

Urwen 05-08-2019 05:00 PM


Pervinca Took 05-08-2019 05:01 PM

Come on. William didn't know the rules and made an honest mistake. He would have yielded the turn to me, but I said I didn't mind. And I kind of stole the last password turn from him anyway, albeit 'legally.'

Urwen 05-08-2019 05:09 PM

Oh well

Hello Lomion, my old friend. At least I'll always have you right next to me.

Pervinca Took 05-08-2019 05:11 PM

I thought Riddles In The Downs was very active?

You could revive 'Tolkien Dozen' if you can think of a new category.

William Cloud Hicklin 05-08-2019 06:35 PM

OK, the "tall" bit implies THE HILL.

William Cloud Hicklin 05-08-2019 06:46 PM

7 Needlehole?

Galadriel55 05-08-2019 08:09 PM

Geez! I am away for a day and I miss a password and a half! That was quick work!


Originally Posted by William Cloud Hicklin (Post 716169)
OK, the "tall" bit implies THE HILL.

Or if Bilbo was the right person, it could be HOBBITON.

Galadriel55 05-08-2019 08:11 PM

8. Great Smials ("big smiles")

Pervinca Took 05-08-2019 11:44 PM

BRANDY HALL: Sing a song of Tolkien: strong’s the spirit here!
CRICKHOLLOW: Pain in neck and empty? Nomenclature is queer.
BYWATER: By this may you live, since it’s not by bread alone –
???O???: And here’s a place where (fancifully) hob-nobs could be grown.
???T???: Here’s the way that you must serve a tennis ball,
HOBBITON: Here dwelt one whose stories, (many thought), were tall.
???L???: Here have fun and paddle, but do not prick your toes -
GREAT SMIALS: And here big grins abound, they say, and none are lachrymose!

A modest verse in rhyming couplets, to be sung to the tune of 'Sing a Song of Sixpence.'


Needlehole was a good guess, but not the answer I'm looking for.

Pervinca Took 05-09-2019 01:23 AM

I suspect that Huinesoron knows them all but is holding back. ;)

Nerwen 05-09-2019 05:23 AM


Pervinca Took 05-09-2019 06:03 AM

BRANDY HALL: Sing a song of Tolkien: strong’s the spirit here!
CRICKHOLLOW: Pain in neck and empty? Nomenclature is queer.
BYWATER: By this may you live, since it’s not by bread alone –
???O???: And here’s a place where (fancifully) hob-nobs could be grown.
???T???: Here’s the way that you must serve a tennis ball,
HOBBITON: Here dwelt one whose stories, (many thought), were tall.
THISTLEBROOK: Here have fun and paddle, but do not prick your toes -
GREAT SMIALS: And here big grins abound, they say, and none are lachrymose!

A modest verse in rhyming couplets, to be sung to the tune of 'Sing a Song of Sixpence.'


William Cloud Hicklin 05-09-2019 06:22 AM

By hob-nobs, are you referring to the English cookie brand?

Pervinca Took 05-09-2019 06:25 AM


(I believe Gollum has been known to share them with orcs as well. Dipped in a nice cup of Darjeeling).

Pervinca Took 05-09-2019 06:27 AM

By the way, the red letter could fall anywhere in the remaining answers. ??? is to indicate that there's no pattern.

William Cloud Hicklin 05-09-2019 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 716192)

That's really very culturally specific; I don't think I'd know about them but for having lived there

It would have to be OATBARTON; Hob-nobs are largely oatmeal, and -barton is archaic "farm"

Pervinca Took 05-09-2019 10:30 AM

BRANDY HALL: Sing a song of Tolkien: strong’s the spirit here!
CRICKHOLLOW: Pain in neck and empty? Nomenclature is queer.
BYWATER: By this may you live, since it’s not by bread alone –
OATBARTON: And here’s a place where (fancifully) hob-nobs could be grown.
???T???: Here’s the way that you must serve a tennis ball,
HOBBITON: Here dwelt one whose stories, (many thought), were tall.
THISTLEBROOK: Here have fun and paddle, but do not prick your toes -
GREAT SMIALS: And here big grins abound, they say, and none are lachrymose!

A modest verse in rhyming couplets, to be sung to the tune of 'Sing a Song of Sixpence.'


I have encountered elements not used in the UK in this thread, too. Google is our friend! ;)

'Barton' is indeed an archaic word for a farmyard. 'In the lonely barton by yonder coomb / Our childhood used to know' (Thomas Hardy, 'The Oxen.') Oatbarton suggests a field/farmyard where oats are grown. But a hobnob tree just seemed like a fun (though fanciful) idea. :D They are oaty biscuits, after all ....

(I was possibly hungry when I wrote the clue). ;)

One to go!

William Cloud Hicklin 05-09-2019 10:34 AM

Shame there's no place in the Shire named "Overnet"

Urwen 05-09-2019 10:44 AM

Quick Post?

Pervinca Took 05-09-2019 10:47 AM


There may be an element in the clue that you are overlooking.

Urwen 05-09-2019 10:49 AM

You mean 'way' part?

Then it's Causeway or Northway.

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