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Pervinca Took 09-14-2017 05:25 AM

So - I tried Ragnir, and he was blind and closer to Turin's family.

RAN + RIG for set-up?

Galadriel55 09-14-2017 05:32 AM

Perfect. Over to you.

Pervinca Took 09-15-2017 05:55 AM

Here you go ...
I had Rannveig or something running through my mind, but I think that might be from a Norse saga I read a long time ago. Another great themed password, Galadriel! :)

1. See her as the hue of Edith’s hair meets first person, loses direction, and blends.
2. The French add gold; spin for a metallurgist.
3. Spin a bay window and add direction for him.
4. Part of church changes note, spins, reflects her.
5. See the French Orkling mingled, reflecting him.

Nerwen 09-15-2017 08:08 AM

Is #4 VÁNA? Or rather ANÁV, since it's reflected? ("Nave" - E + A).

Pervinca Took 09-15-2017 08:48 AM

1. See her as the hue of Edith’s hair meets first person, loses direction, and blends.
2. The French add gold; spin for a metallurgist.
3. Spin a bay window and add direction for him.
ANAV: Part of church changes note, spins, reflects her.
5. See the French Orkling mingled, reflecting him.

Galadriel55 09-15-2017 09:06 AM

2. Aule: Le+Au

Pervinca Took 09-15-2017 09:09 AM

1. See her as the hue of Edith’s hair meets first person, loses direction, and blends.
AULE: The French add gold; spin for a metallurgist.
3. Spin a bay window and add direction for him.
ANAV: Part of church changes note, spins, reflects her.
5. See the French Orkling mingled, reflecting him.

Galadriel55 09-15-2017 10:24 AM

1. Vaire: raven - N + I

Pervinca Took 09-15-2017 10:51 AM

VAIRE: See her as the hue of Edith’s hair meets first person, loses direction, and blends.
AULE: The French add gold; spin for a metallurgist.
3. Spin a bay window and add direction for him.
ANAV: Part of church changes note, spins, reflects her.
5. See the French Orkling mingled, reflecting him.

The Squatter of Amon Rûdh 09-18-2017 12:12 PM

3 is Lórien, and I think the password is Valar, so 5 must be rokleM

Pervinca Took 09-19-2017 06:05 AM

VAIRE: See her as the hue of Edith’s hair meets first person, loses direction, and blends.
AULE: The French add gold; spin for a metallurgist.
LORIEN: Spin a bay window and add direction for him.
ANAV: Part of church changes note, spins, reflects her.
ROKLEM: See the French Orkling mingled, reflecting him.

Indeed. Over to you.

Oriel + N.
Le + Mork.

Galadriel55 09-19-2017 08:48 AM

Would you mind explaining Lorien and Melkor please?

Pervinca Took 09-19-2017 09:14 AM

See the bottom of my post, where I added it when I put the answers in.

I do think, though, that when *guessing* an answer, we should provide the working out.

Galadriel55 09-19-2017 10:30 AM

Who or what is Mork? :confused:

The Squatter of Amon Rûdh 09-19-2017 11:05 AM

He was one of the title characters in the Happy Days spin-off Mork and Mindy, and was played by Robin Williams.

Edit: As promised earlier, here's another word of passing

1: Shot and fled up to the water
2: Farm in a southern land hides one worth hearing
3: Flower's deranged smirk on tree? Not half!
4: Nag swallows line on golden ladder: it's a hot one
5: Round on father of a terrible promise
6: Wood's awful threat for a French one
7: Driver of Smiley's people that girl forgot.
8: King's call received by two men
9: Herd root around for fallen leader
10: Wronged outlaw replaced bad boss
11: Questionable country bordering on hostile

Pervinca Took 09-19-2017 03:20 PM

11. South Gondor, now a debatable and desert land?

9. Orodreth (anagram).

The Squatter of Amon Rûdh 09-19-2017 03:27 PM

9 is right and 11 is wrong but close

1: Shot and fled up to the water
2: Farm in a southern land hides one worth hearing
3: Flower's deranged smirk on tree? Not half!
4: Nag swallows line on golden ladder: it's a hot one
5: Round on father of a terrible promise
6: Wood's awful threat for a French one
7: Driver of Smiley's people that girl forgot.
8: King's call received by two men
9: ORODRETH Herd root around for fallen leader
10: Wronged outlaw replaced bad boss
11: Questionable country bordering on hostile

Pervinca Took 09-19-2017 03:46 PM

Harad for 11?

The Squatter of Amon Rûdh 09-19-2017 11:52 PM

It's not Harad. You were close before verbally, not geographically.

Pervinca Took 09-20-2017 09:40 AM

5. Not sure about 'round on,' but possibly a reference to FEANOR and his terrible oath? Eight took it, but he was their biological father and its originator.

Galadriel55 09-20-2017 12:40 PM

10. Neithan, because nothing more cryptic comes to mind with this red flag in front of my eyes.

And maybe Arnor for the questionable country?

The Squatter of Amon Rûdh 09-20-2017 02:26 PM

Neithan is right for 10. Fëanor isn't for 5, but you're heading in the right direction. Arnor isn't the questionable country.

I'm leaving for Oxford tomorrow night and probably won't be able to check in here until Sunday, for which I apologise in advance. I'll pop my head round the door before I leave.

1: Shot and fled up to the water
2: Farm in a southern land hides one worth hearing
3: Flower's deranged smirk on tree? Not half!
4: Nag swallows line on golden ladder: it's a hot one
5: Round on father of a terrible promise
6: Wood's awful threat for a French one
7: Driver of Smiley's people that girl forgot.
8: King's call received by two men
9: ORODRETH Herd root around for fallen leader
10: NEITHAN Wronged outlaw replaced bad boss
11: Questionable country bordering on hostile

Galadriel55 09-20-2017 03:16 PM

Nargothrond for password?

1. NAROG, as it is water and contains "ran"?

6. Keep thinking about Taur-nu-Fuin, as it contains "un" and is a wood. Don't know about awful threat.

The Squatter of Amon Rûdh 09-21-2017 05:47 AM

Narog is right for 1 (Go and ran backwards), and the password is indeed Nargothrond. 6 is not Taur-nu-Fuin

1: NAROG Shot and fled up to the water
2: A Farm in a southern land hides one worth hearing
3: R Flower's deranged smirk on tree? Not half!
4: G Nag swallows line on golden ladder: it's a hot one
5: O Round on father of a terrible promise
6: T Wood's awful threat for a French one
7: H Driver of Smiley's people that girl forgot.
8: R King's call received by two men
9: ORODRETH Herd root around for fallen leader
10: NEITHAN Wronged outlaw replaced bad boss
11: D Questionable country bordering on hostile

Galadriel55 09-21-2017 11:16 AM

Glaurung for G? Gold could be Au, line accounts for L, rung for ladder. Only thing is, NAG doesn't add up exactly to the rest of the letters.

Pervinca Took 09-22-2017 01:05 AM

D ... Dunland? (un-land?)

Pervinca Took 09-22-2017 11:58 PM

OK, Squatter has just confirmed in person that Dunland is wrong.

DAGORLAD? - a plain, so not really a country, and there were certainly hostilities there.


(Faramir Jones has made me aware of another Middle-earth substance - *silmari* - wish I'd known in time for my Mithril password!)

Pervinca Took 09-23-2017 12:13 AM

I think 3 might be RINGWIL - 'grin' rearranged plus half of 'willow' (although it says 'not half' - so one half of willow but not the other half?)

Galadriel55 09-23-2017 10:09 AM

2. Arminas, bringing wise counsel to shut the doors, hiding in the words of the clue.

The Squatter of Amon Rûdh 09-24-2017 12:34 PM

Glaurung is right, but the structure is GG (nag) around l au run (ladder)
Arminas and Ringwil are both right too, but Dagorlad is not.

1: NAROG Shot and fled up to the water
2: ARMINAS Farm in a southern land hides one worth hearing
3: RINGWIL Flower's deranged smirk on tree? Not half!
4: GLAURUNG Nag swallows line on golden ladder: it's a hot one
5: O Round on father of a terrible promise
6: T Wood's awful threat for a French one
7: H Driver of Smiley's people that girl forgot.
8: R King's call received by two men
9: ORODRETH Herd root around for fallen leader
10: NEITHAN Wronged outlaw replaced bad boss
11: D Questionable country bordering on hostile

Galadriel55 09-24-2017 05:45 PM

Thoughts on number 5
My initial thoughts were that this clue is related to the Ring of Barahir, a "round" on Finrod who made the fateful promise to help Barahir's house. Pursuing that line of thought, I couldn't think of anyone related to that story who would start with O. Not sure if there were other named round items belonging to Feanor or Finwe, who could be the father.

If you take Round to mean the initial O, the rest doesn't shape itself too nicely either.

Unless it's just OATH OF FEANOR?

Pervinca Took 09-25-2017 09:17 AM

I wonder if 8 might be RED ARROW.

Pervinca Took 09-25-2017 09:28 AM


Awful= anagram indicator.

So, switch around THREAT, FOR A and UN.

The Squatter of Amon Rûdh 09-25-2017 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca
I wonder if 8 might be RED ARROW.

Wonder no longer! It isn't.


Originally Posted by Galadriel
My initial thoughts were that this clue is related to the Ring of Barahir, a "round" on Finrod who made the fateful promise to help Barahir's house. Pursuing that line of thought, I couldn't think of anyone related to that story who would start with O. Not sure if there were other named round items belonging to Feanor or Finwe, who could be the father.

You're barking up the wrong tree there.


Originally Posted by Galadriel
Unless it's just OATH OF FEANOR?

That's the right tree. Round (O), then an anagram of 'on father of a'.

Pervinca is right about 6 on all counts, so we have:

1: NAROG Shot and fled up to the water
2: ARMINAS Farm in a southern land hides one worth hearing
3: RINGWIL Flower's deranged smirk on tree? Not half!
4: GLAURUNG Nag swallows line on golden ladder: it's a hot one
5: OATH OF FËANOR Round on father of a terrible promise
6: TAUR EN FAROTH Wood's awful threat for a French one
7: H Driver of Smiley's people that girl forgot.
8: R King's call received by two men
9: ORODRETH Herd root around for fallen leader
10: NEITHAN Wronged outlaw replaced bad boss
11: D Questionable country bordering on hostile

Pervinca Took 09-25-2017 02:31 PM

11. Dor-Lomin a questionable country because it was part of Hithlum? Later taken by Morgoth; destroyed in the War of Wrath.

The Squatter of Amon Rûdh 09-26-2017 03:32 AM

Not Dor-Lómin either, I'm afraid. You're overthinking this one.

Pervinca Took 09-26-2017 05:58 AM


If South Gondor was debatable and desert, Dimbar was sandy and a 'sad-land.'

Pervinca Took 09-26-2017 09:03 AM


Declaim + Ron is only one man plus call, but two men/kings were called Romendacil.


Claim + Ron + Ed.

The Squatter of Amon Rûdh 09-26-2017 12:00 PM

Neither Dimbar nor Rómendacil is right.

Pervinca Took 09-26-2017 01:36 PM

Dol Guldur, then.

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