![]() |
4) Pippin (sounds like Pepin the Short, who was certainly diminutive, the little thief! He stole the rightful Merovingian throne!)
And now, for the lashings...
1. No. Elder is the straight clue.
2. Nope. Check your LotR appendices. Or UT. ;) 4. Argh! Too complex, too complex. No. :) |
2. Loa?
1) Ent?
All righty, then...
1. Old and Elder.
2. Loa - Elvish solar year. 3. V. Eärendil - He was the fifth king of Gondor. 4. Sounds like a diminutive king. 5. Hobbit between one hot table. Ent isn't correct. "Old and" will remind you of a puzzle of mine earlier. ;) Oh, vy ze vay, if you plan to create a grid for the puzzle once ll clues are filled in, be sure to include the period before "Eärendil." :) |
Any more hints, as no one seems to be able to get the clues?
there and back again
How about SOLMATH for #5?
Sol= alone, Sam is scrambled, and a Math table |
He's gone, Precious...
Nilpaurion might be gone for a while, until school starts for him again.
I guess this means the thred is open. Does anyone have a new puzzle?
Summer is a'cumin in
If Nil is not available, I could post a simple one on Monday, if you like.
Sorry to interrupt, but...
I'm back. On a regular basis.
You just know that world ain't perfect if it takes a return to the Angband called "school" to bring me back. Oh, well. And, Celebrian: nope. Not that one. Remember those "initial" clues? This is a modification of it. :) |
1) Cirdan?
Well, you're back! :cool: Please forgive our hastiness, Nil. |
Nay, entish (you said you were one once ;) ) lady. This thread deserved replacement oh so long ago. I was quite surprised to see my puzzle still in business.
Anyway, before I say you're wrong...which I already said...let's have some more clues! 1. Old and Elder. Elder is the straight clue. "Old and"... remember "and father"? ;) 4. Sounds like a diminutive king. Diminutive...miniature...oops! :o 5. Hobbit between one hot table. Hobbit is the straight clue. "Between" replaces the usual "initial" or "begins", but still uses the same principle. Good luck! |
Could #1 be Iarwain?
Nope. #1 requires a weedle bit of translation.
When you hinted to "and father", I went back and looked. It was Aratar, ar + atar. So i suppose this is something similar... Hmm. something that ends with -ar. And I think Iant Iaur means "Old Bridge" (haven't got Silm. here), so Iantar? Or is it Iaurar? But Elder? Makes me think about either Tom Bombadil or the ents... Meh, crap. I can't think of anything. Am I heading in the right direction?
The "ar" ending is right, or is it write? Anywhen, I said only a weedle bit of translation, because that's the only part of the clue you have to translate. The other word - Old - remains in English, but you have to find another word for it.
Put the two together and you get something that's...elder. Hope that satisfies. :) |
Could it be Eldar then?
I may have to consult with my lawyers before answering that one...
Yup, you're right.
1. Eldar - Old and Elder. 2. Loa - Elvish solar year. 3. V. Eärendil - He was the fifth king of Gondor. 4. Sounds like a diminutive king. 5. Hobbit between one hot table. |
5. Otho?
Nope. :p
Is #4 Elessar?
He's a King, and the name sounds like "a lesser", meaning diminutive. |
Stove for one hot table...
Is the Pass "Elves"?
Saucy: No. Think "miniature."
Celebrian: I'd say "close," but there's more to it. After all, why would I go to the pains of having V. Eärendil as a third clue, when there are nasty V-clues everywhere? |
4. (Elros) Tar-Minyatur?
We have a hit!!!
1. Eldar - Old and Elder.
2. Loa - Elvish solar year. 3. V. Eärendil - He was the fifth king of Gondor. 4. Elros Tar-Minyatur - Sounds like a diminutive king. 5. Hobbit between one hot table. Hobbit #5 has been used once by me. That's another clue, if you want it. |
5. Odo?
Wrong answer! :p
That completes the clues
1. Eldar - Old and Elder.
2. Loa - Elvish solar year. 3. V. Eärendil - He was the fifth king of Gondor. 4. Elros Tar-Minyatur - Sounds like a diminutive king. 5. Nob - Hobbit between one hot table. Now, the clue to password is found in one down, three up. The period on the third clue counts as a letter. |
Which makes Elven Breed. I found it even before you gave that clue. :p
That is the clue, not the password itself. :p
Oh, crap. :p
Noldor? |
Isn't the clue Elven Bread?
In which case the answer is ... ;)
Wrong, NK! :p
Any takers, please? Why not you, Sauce? |
That should teach me not to answer too quickly. I had Loëndë in my head when I thought of possible answers, so that messed it up. :p I would take it, I even have a Password ready, but I'm going away soon again. I'll just save it for later. ;)
The answer is lembas, which is Elven bread.
Seven-and-eighty days is too long a time. Not even Phileas Fogg took that long to circumnavigate the world. So the first one here with a puzzle gets it. ;) How 'bout you, Sauce? Got any cruelties in mind? :p |
Hmmm... Is anyone interested in making a puzzle for us?
eh why njot im good at password...
ok so i can use a word that sounds like the answer or a straight clue correct? ok then first clue: Size |
Actually, if you look on the first post in this thread, you can see how it's done.
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