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The password has a connection with all the answers, and I don't recall Amarie/Androg or Amarie/Maeglin having any connection.
Well, I don't recall Maeglin, Fëanor and Androg having much in common either. I wonder what it can be..?
All three got put under deadly curses- is it that?
Yea, so they were, yet there are more who were.
1. Moody, with a direction? In confusion, he is revealed
MAEGLIN: He played one in endless queue (mixed up), and he lost it. ANDROG: Rearrange the mythical monster for him FEANOR: In the front, with direction? Mix it up for the fiery one 5. Initially, he is taking secretion, without end 6. Elemental destruction? Spin it for him. THEME: CURSED INDIVIDUALS The solution to #1 is a bit of a stretch, but you'll understand my reasoning once this is solved. |
5. Turin was cursed.
I suppose it could be the initial of 'taking' that you're after. |
That's the one
1. Moody, with a direction? In confusion, he is revealed
MAEGLIN: He played one in endless queue (mixed up), and he lost it. ANDROG: Rearrange the mythical monster for him FEANOR: In the front, with direction? Mix it up for the fiery one TURIN: Initially, he is taking secretion, without end 6. Elemental destruction? Spin it for him. THEME: CURSED INDIVIDUALS And that's where the password comes in. Think his aliases, and you'll find it. |
UMARTH, ill fate?
And HURIN for 6 - H(ydrogen) + RUIN.
U: Moody, with a direction? In confusion, he is revealed
MAEGLIN: He played one in endless queue (mixed up), and he lost it. ANDROG: Rearrange the mythical monster for him FEANOR: In the front, with direction? Mix it up for the fiery one TURIN :Initially, he is taking secretion, without end HURIN: Elemental destruction? Spin it for him. THEME: CURSED INDIVIDUALS |
The last one was included because of his epithet (and because I needed someone with an initial U. :p)
Oh ... I was thinking GOLLUM ...GLUM + L, but leaving an O unaccounted for.
Nope, he had no epithets which implied he was cursed. |
ULDOR the Accursed.
DOUR for moody, plus L. |
Here comes the solve
Did you like it? I tried to make it easier this time....
ULDOR: Moody, with a direction? In confusion, he is revealed MAEGLIN: He played one in endless queue (mixed up), and he lost it. ANDROG: Rearrange the mythical monster for him FEANOR: In the front, with direction? Mix it up for the fiery one TURIN :Initially, he is taking secretion, without end HURIN: Elemental destruction? Spin it for him. THEME: CURSED INDIVIDUALS Over to you. |
I did like it, very much. It had an original theme, and they are getting increasingly difficult to find.
You're a dab hand at passwords now! |
I mostly use anagram maker these days, which is why some clues are more difficult than others. Also, technically, Uldor doesn't fit with the theme.
Anyway, I am looking forward to seeing what you'll come up with next.
Uldor is fine. Who were the others cursed by, by the way? Turin I guess was cursed by Glaurung.
Hope you enjoy this one: 1. She's a wheel known (and used) by typists in the recent past. 2. Metal Indian dish rotates to reveal her. 3. Add note to the man (a singer, indeed!) - all for her. 4. An adder may also be a setter! But shake it to see. * 5. She tangles a cloth. 6. Wizard with sparkle, but confusingly, it's not a him, but a her! 7. Article about an actor's part, or is it the other way round? Work it out. For her. * Don't try this at home. Or outside. Or anywhere else! |
Answer to your question: Mim cursed Androg, Hurin and Turin were cursed by Morgoth, along with Morwen and Nienor (and possibly everyone who views any of them in positive light, as the deaths of Gwindor, Finduilas, Beleg, Orodreth, and Brandir prove). Maeglin was cursed by his father. And Feanor, along with his entire house, was cursed by Mandos.
Thank you! :)
1. Daisy (from DAISYWHEEL)
7. Elanor (AN around a ROLE) Theme: Female hobbits |
DAISY: She's a wheel known (and used) by typists in the recent past.
2. Metal Indian dish rotates to reveal her. 3. Add note to the man (a singer, indeed!) - all for her. 4. An adder may also be a setter! But shake it to see. * 5. She tangles a cloth. 6. Wizard with sparkle, but confusingly, it's not a him, but a her! ELANOR: Article about an actor's part, or is it the other way round? Work it out. For her. * Don't try this at home. Or outside. Or anywhere else! Yes. Or rather, ROLE around AN. ;) No to the theme you suggested, though. |
Password: Yavanna?
2. Lalaith (THALI + AL)
DAISY: She's a wheel known (and used) by typists in the recent past.
LALAITH: Metal Indian dish rotates to reveal her. ???V???: Add note to the man (a singer, indeed!) - all for her. ???A???: An adder may also be a setter! But shake it to see. * ???N???: She tangles a cloth. ???N???:Wizard with sparkle, but confusingly, it's not a him, but a her! ELANOR: Article about an actor's part, or is it the other way round? Work it out. For her. * Don't try this at home. Or outside. Or anywhere else! |
Synonyms for cloth: canvas, cotton, nylon.....
And adder is a type of snake..... |
Keep going.
4. Pervinca (Viper+Can)
DAISY: She's a wheel known (and used) by typists in the recent past.
LALAITH: Metal Indian dish rotates to reveal her. ???V???: Add note to the man (a singer, indeed!) - all for her. PERVINCA: An adder may also be a setter! But shake it to see. * ???N???: She tangles a cloth. ???N???:Wizard with sparkle, but confusingly, it's not a him, but a her! ELANOR: Article about an actor's part, or is it the other way round? Work it out. For her. * Don't try this at home. Or outside. Or anywhere else! |
Singer could be a bard, or maybe not......
That's pretty broad. Define 'bard.'
Singer in medieval times.
It's a singer, but not a mediaeval one.
Modern one, then?
Is it a famous singer? Because there are many of those, and there are few synonyms for singer which contain the letter needed.
5. Niniel (Linen+I)
It is. I mean, in the sense of not Elizabethan or something. :D (Although in literature, that's Early Modern). ;) But he's been around a long time. I saw him perform in the late 80's, and he wasn't young then.
DAISY: She's a wheel known (and used) by typists in the recent past.
LALAITH: Metal Indian dish rotates to reveal her. ???V???: Add note to the man (a singer, indeed!) - all for her. PERVINCA: An adder may also be a setter! But shake it to see. * NINIEL: She tangles a cloth. ???N???:Wizard with sparkle, but confusingly, it's not a him, but a her! ELANOR: Article about an actor's part, or is it the other way round? Work it out. For her. * Don't try this at home. Or outside. Or anywhere else! |
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