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Galadriel55 11-29-2015 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 703037)
DIAMOND is indeed graphite with rearranged particles - but it's the precise clan she belongs to that will give you the final answer to clue 1.

Long Cleeve, then?

Pervinca Took 11-30-2015 10:15 AM

Nearly. What kind of Tooks were the Tooks of Long Cleeve? ( You need a directional word before Tooks. The _____-Tooks).

Pervinca Took 11-30-2015 02:18 PM

As we're on a new page ...
1. Rearrange graphite for a thain’s bride – and she’s one of these!
ISENGRIM (TOOK): Harsh metal, poetically, forms him.
PEARL (TOOK): Add liquid to fruit for her.
PALADIN (TOOK): Regal dwelling loses this French racket for him.
5. Whisky-based tipple is heard to suffer ovine extraction, but through turmoil finds direction for him.
PERVINCA TOOK: A ghazal would do this here.

Galadriel55 11-30-2015 03:49 PM

North-Tooks. Had to search for that one.

And PIPPIN for the second password.

Pervinca Took 11-30-2015 04:44 PM

NORTH-TOOKS: Rearrange graphite for a thain’s bride – and she’s one of these!
ISENGRIM (TOOK): Harsh metal, poetically, forms him.
PEARL (TOOK): Add liquid to fruit for her.
PALADIN (TOOK): Regal dwelling loses this French racket for him.
I: Whisky-based tipple is heard to suffer ovine extraction, but through turmoil finds direction for him.
PERVINCA TOOK: A ghazal would do this here.

Right both times! Well done.

The remaining clue is the hardest, but you'll find the answer in the same place as the others. ;)

I had to invert the password because to use the 'ghazal' clue, Pervinca Took had to come at the end.

Oh, and not only are there no Tooks with names beginning with N, there is only one hobbit! Nob, one of Barliman Butterbur's helpers. So the North-Tooks came to the rescue. I wanted it to be all Tooks if possible.

Pervinca Took 12-04-2015 12:17 PM

Want to guess the remaining clue?

Galadriel55 12-04-2015 05:47 PM

Well I narrowed down the list of Tooks to those who start with I, but being quite unversed in tipples I have not been able to figure out the actual clue, so guessing the answer by a flip of a coin feels like cheating at this point. I may as well post the entire list for you to pick from. I've tried looking up various such drinks, but most of the names don't appear to be long enough or have the right letters. I'm just probably not looking for the right sort of tipples. :)

Pervinca Took 12-04-2015 07:23 PM

I thought that might be the reason. And I certainly don't want to encourage underage drinking! But just as a clue, google for a tipple which is a whisky-based liqueur, and is only one word long.

Mithalwen 12-04-2015 07:34 PM

Isambard is not far off being an anagram of Drambuie but I can't understand the sheepy bits so maybe not.

Galadriel55 12-04-2015 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 703122)
I thought that might be the reason. And I certainly don't want to encourage underage drinking! But just as a clue, google for a tipple which is a whisky-based liqueur, and is only one word long.

It's not even that, it's just that I am terribly ignorant in some areas of life. ;)

Didn't find anything yet that would match any better than Drambuie, but I did find a liqueur called "Flaming Pig". Not sure why anyone would want to drink that.

Pervinca Took 12-04-2015 07:49 PM

Yes, Isembard from Drambuie. (Isambard is the Brunel spelling, but I'd used that clue once before - sounds like a Tookish engineer, or something).

The sheep bit is 'ewe' because it sounds like U. I did start with 'yew,' but reading that the yew tree is highly poisonous, I didn't want to mention it in the same sentence as a drink (yes, I'm weird).

I probably indicated the S by saying add direction - I can't see my clues on my phone at this point without a lot of scrolling.

Well done both, and over to Galadriel! :)

Pervinca Took 12-04-2015 07:53 PM

NORTH-TOOKS: Rearrange graphite for a thain’s bride – and she’s one of these!
ISENGRIM (TOOK): Harsh metal, poetically, forms him.
PEARL (TOOK): Add liquid to fruit for her.
PALADIN (TOOK): Regal dwelling loses this French racket for him.
ISEMBARD (TOOK): Whisky-based tipple is heard to suffer ovine extraction, but through turmoil finds direction for him.
PERVINCA TOOK: A ghazal would do this here.

Galadriel55 12-07-2015 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 703125)
Well done both, and over to Galadriel! :)

Thank you muchly!

This password is rather weird and might be a bit tricky, so I will gladly give hints if you find you need them. I'm not sure how difficult the password as a whole actually is.

1. Finnish invention replaced article with conjunction, tangled lord.
2. Hobbit's reflection confuses action and location of fish.
3. Rodent jumped back after girl beguiled Elves.
4. Small big boy girl puzzled king.
5. I replaced you in plant part before exclamation was heard by hobbit.
6. Leave in the middle of a bargain? Don't want to share assets.
7. Science fiction princess lies back on top of sacrificial table for a crowned maiden.
8. One of stone folk stumbles over nomad wizard.
9. Revive muddled point, get near-palindrome.
10. Dazed, cropped element joins thankless star for smith.


Pervinca Took 12-07-2015 11:45 AM

Wonder if 2 could be POLO, from pool and the fact that continued action is on a loop? Could pool being loop backwards be the reflection bit?

3. Annatar. Anna plus rat backwards, for the form of Sauron that tricked the elves.

Urwen 12-07-2015 12:36 PM

4 is Deagol. Go in the middle of deal.

Galadriel55 12-07-2015 01:29 PM

Only 2/3, I'm afraid.
1. Finnish invention replaced article with conjunction, tangled lord.
2. Hobbit's reflection confuses action and location of fish.
3. ANNATAR Rodent jumped back after girl beguiled Elves.
4. Small big boy girl puzzled king.
5. I replaced you in plant part before exclamation was heard by hobbit.
6. DEAGOL Leave in the middle of a bargain? Don't want to share assets.
7. Science fiction princess lies back on top of sacrificial table for a crowned maiden.
8. One of stone folk stumbles over nomad wizard.
9. Revive muddled point, get near-palindrome.
10. Dazed, cropped element joins thankless star for smith.

2 is the weirdest clue there. It's like the North-Tooks clue in the last password - I had to find a way to make something fit when nothing did. If it is too difficult, I will alter the clue to make it easier.

Pervinca Took 12-07-2015 02:17 PM

There's The Golden Perch - Pippin reflects on the beer there. Not going there confuses the action, as they take a short cut and get lost ....

Galadriel55 12-07-2015 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 703193)
There's The Golden Perch - Pippin reflects on the beer there. Not going there confuses the action, as they take a short cut and get lost ....

Not the Golden Perch either. I suggest ignore the word "reflection". It's a directive word that should be applied to your answer from the rest of the clue.

Pervinca Took 12-07-2015 02:28 PM

I think 7 is Alatariel. The only science fiction princess I know of is Leia, and an altar is a sacrificial table. At first I thought I was lacking an A, but Altariel and Alatariel both seem to exist as maiden with a glittering garland (Galadriel).

Galadriel55 12-07-2015 02:31 PM

1. Finnish invention replaced article with conjunction, tangled lord.
2. Hobbit's reflection confuses action and location of fish.
3. ANNATAR Rodent jumped back after girl beguiled Elves.
4. Small big boy girl puzzled king.
5. I replaced you in plant part before exclamation was heard by hobbit.
6. DEAGOL Leave in the middle of a bargain? Don't want to share assets.
7. ALATARIEL Science fiction princess lies back on top of sacrificial table for a crowned maiden.
8. One of stone folk stumbles over nomad wizard.
9. Revive muddled point, get near-palindrome.
10. Dazed, cropped element joins thankless star for smith.

Pervinca Took 12-07-2015 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 703194)
Not the Golden Perch either. I suggest ignore the word "reflection". It's a directive word that should be applied to your answer from the rest of the clue.

Ah, confustication. ;) That kind of stuffs up my next guess, which was Bywater Pool, which Frodo I think tries to remember in Cirith Ungol and Sam reflects on when suffering thirst in Mordor.

Galadriel55 12-07-2015 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 703197)
Ah, confustication. ;) That kind of stuffs up my next guess, which was Bywater Pool, which Frodo I think tries to remember in Cirith Ungol and Sam reflects on when suffering thirst in Mordor.

Aw man, your guesses are so sophisticated, I wish my clues were that thought-out. :D It's much simpler than that.

Pervinca Took 12-07-2015 02:46 PM

Forbidden Pool - where Gollum enjoys a raw seafood platter? I know you said forget reflection, but he's reflecting on the nasssty hobbitses while he chews his dinner. And how he's thinking of throttling them. ;)

Galadriel55 12-07-2015 02:53 PM

It's not a pool or an inn. It has nothing to do with liquids of any kind. Okay, it's a person. :) Try that. :)

Pervinca Took 12-07-2015 03:03 PM

Samwise - sea and swim muddled? Being the location and action of fish.

Although that does have something to do with liquids!

Pervinca Took 12-07-2015 03:14 PM

1. The SAUNA is a Finnish invention. Lose A (indefinite article), add the conjunction OR, and scramble it to get SAURON.

Galadriel55 12-07-2015 03:22 PM

1. SAURON Finnish invention replaced article with conjunction, tangled lord.
2. Hobbit's reflection confuses action and location of fish.
3. ANNATAR Rodent jumped back after girl beguiled Elves.
4. Small big boy girl puzzled king.
5. I replaced you in plant part before exclamation was heard by hobbit.
6. DEAGOL Leave in the middle of a bargain? Don't want to share assets.
7. ALATARIEL Science fiction princess lies back on top of sacrificial table for a crowned maiden.
8. One of stone folk stumbles over nomad wizard.
9. Revive muddled point, get near-palindrome.
10. Dazed, cropped element joins thankless star for smith.


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 703203)
Samwise - sea and swim muddled? Being the location and action of fish.

Although that does have something to do with liquids!

Not Sam himself! Sorry if that was confusing. I thought that an anagram of two such related words is too dear to pass by. I think that has happened once or twice before, but quite rarely!

For the final answer, though, you're looking for the reflection of said hobbit. :)

Pervinca Took 12-07-2015 03:27 PM

It's a great clue! :)

And I'm slightly embarrassed to admit that I started with Santa for the possible Finnish invention, before finding Sauna ... only one different letter ... plus a relocated one ....

Pervinca Took 12-07-2015 03:44 PM

Could 8 be ISTAR, as an anagram of stair?

Galadriel55 12-07-2015 04:04 PM

Sadly not Istar, but indeed a wizard.

Pervinca Took 12-07-2015 04:22 PM

5. BILBO! Bulb, with I replacing the U, plus O for exclamation.

Just wondering if the password could be Ringbearers.

Galadriel55 12-07-2015 04:28 PM

1. SAURON Finnish invention replaced article with conjunction, tangled lord.
2. Hobbit's reflection confuses action and location of fish.
3. ANNATAR Rodent jumped back after girl beguiled Elves.
4. Small big boy girl puzzled king.
5. BILBO I replaced you in plant part before exclamation was heard by hobbit.
6. DEAGOL Leave in the middle of a bargain? Don't want to share assets.
7. ALATARIEL Science fiction princess lies back on top of sacrificial table for a crowned maiden.
8. One of stone folk stumbles over nomad wizard.
9. Revive muddled point, get near-palindrome.
10. Dazed, cropped element joins thankless star for smith.

The reflection for #2 is quite literal. The answer to the clue is Samwise, but only the reflection will yield the correct password.

Pervinca Took 12-07-2015 04:45 PM

Can't think of any reflection of Sam that could be the answer. Except, perhaps, his Choices. Unless you're thinking of Frodo as Sam's reflection?

Pervinca Took 12-07-2015 06:02 PM

8. I wonder ... perhaps stumbles isn't an anagram indicator ... hmmm ... could refer to Thorin's chance meeting with Gandalf, perhaps ... hazard a guess at Thorin?

Galadriel55 12-07-2015 07:08 PM

Perhaps the reflection bit was unfair. The full answer is Samwise, you don't have to do change anything in it, you just have to reflect it. I think it still counts as a proper answer, full marks, but it was a bit of an unfair question. So I'll give it to you either way, but I'll wait one more post before writing it in (unless you want to keep guessing).

ETA: Not Thorin. You were closer with Istar.

Pervinca Took 12-08-2015 01:05 AM

Just Samwise spelled backwards? I thought of that, but thought it had to spell something.


Olorin for wizard? I can't quite get there, but there is Oin or Ori in his name (dwarves work in stone) or I think trolls are also called Olog-hai. But I can only explain some of the letters, so perhaps not.

Galadriel55 12-08-2015 11:30 AM

1. SAURON Finnish invention replaced article with conjunction, tangled lord.
2. ESIWMAS Hobbit's reflection confuses action and location of fish.
3. ANNATAR Rodent jumped back after girl beguiled Elves.
4. Small big boy girl puzzled king.
5. BILBO I replaced you in plant part before exclamation was heard by hobbit.
6. DEAGOL Leave in the middle of a bargain? Don't want to share assets.
7. ALATARIEL Science fiction princess lies back on top of sacrificial table for a crowned maiden.
8. One of stone folk stumbles over nomad wizard.
9. Revive muddled point, get near-palindrome.
10. Dazed, cropped element joins thankless star for smith.

Samwise is the weird clue. Before writing the clues, I made a list of all - or almost all - possible names that could fit thematically, and out of all of them not a single one had the right letter in the right position. Hence I had to invert Samwise.

You're using the right logic for stone folk, but you haven't found the right folk yet. :)

Pervinca Took 12-08-2015 11:58 AM

Did Roverandom become a wizard? One letter from the Rammas (stoneworkers in Gondor) plus over nomad scrambled.

Pervinca Took 12-08-2015 12:15 PM

10. Ok, completely wrong, no doubt, but HOED for cropped plus RS (star minus ta, colloquial for thank you), for MAEDHROS, AM or A or M for the element ... dazed I have absolutely no idea.

Galadriel55 12-08-2015 12:44 PM

No cigar. Sorry. :(

For 8, you're looking for an alternative name for a member of the "stone folk", mixed with a name of a member of a real-world... hmm, what's the word? Ethnic group? That can be described as nomadic to some extent.

For 10, you have the right logic for star, but the wrong word. Once you find the right word, the whole clue will become much easier.

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