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Gaming = a leisure pursuit. The letters L and R are liquids (just as P and B are plosives). Add an L to gaming and you get Gamling, (incidentally, a rather lovely small part in the BBC dramatisation: "I will hold the gates of Helm as long as my old bones have vigour in them!") Turin is not correct, but there's another flawed hero who might come to mind .... GAFFER GAMGEE: Informal home hesitates before example of a wise man disturbed for a rustic chap. ORODRETH: Crooked cross joins almost completed march in the Shire, to reveal a Calaquendė. T: Approval heard (or maybe not) in an ancient character reveals a flawed hero. HALDIR: Escort through Lothlorien? Dial human resources initially, and mingle accordingly. MIRABELLA: Braille letters in a reversed morning produce an Elf-Friend’s grandmother. ORI: Alternatively one might find him in the Elder Edda. GAMLING: A liquid enters a leisurely pursuit. A warrior is born. |
Oh so clever....and I did four years of linguistics at degree level and it never occurred...plank. gah |
Thorin, Turgon...
Err |
It's Thorin.
Take the Old English letter "thorn" for the "ancient character." (Courtesy of Microsoft Word: Ž). "I" sounds like "aye" (= approval), but not in the name Thorin, where it is a short "i" - hence "heard (or maybe not)." Thorin is a flawed hero. Well done, and over to you! GAFFER GAMGEE: Informal home hesitates before example of a wise man disturbed for a rustic chap. ORODRETH: Crooked cross joins almost completed march in the Shire, to reveal a Calaquendė. THORIN: Approval heard (or maybe not) in an ancient character reveals a flawed hero. HALDIR: Escort through Lothlorien? Dial human resources initially, and mingle accordingly. MIRABELLA: Braille letters in a reversed morning produce an Elf-Friend’s grandmother. ORI: Alternatively one might find him in the Elder Edda. GAMLING: A liquid enters a leisurely pursuit. A warrior is born. |
Ohni really am thick thorn is my second favourite archaic letter after ash. I used to own a domain called ashthorn. Splendid cles though..just me being dim.
Not dim at all - remember me not being able to guess Celebrindal for ages? And not knowing what an epesse was and having to look it up?
I wonder if Oakenshield is an epesse. It seems to act more like a surname, but I suppose dwarves don't really have those. |
Well done Mith! I was thinking, sort of, when I had time, but I was quite hopeless. Excited to try yours now! :D
I thiink it is since it refers to him specifically and otherwise Dwarves seem to use the son of... and house of .... however it is that sort of nickname that developed into surnames
I hope this will provide a bit more of a challenge than the last..
1 ERIADOR Time New Look creator juggled in Middle Earth.
2 LITTLE DELVING Cursory investigation in the Shire 3 FINELLACH French end a measure of endless pain giving starlight another name. 4 HITHLAIN Frozen rain rearranged with thin material. 5 ELPHIR Old record heir smashed himself? 6 LAMEDON Scholar crippled in Gondor. 7 MUNDBURG Gondor's capital!~ according to the neighbours. |
Wheeee!! Password time again.
6. Lamedon? |
Well it took my mnd of the rather nailbiting Laura Robson match at Wimbledon.
Oh and Lamedon is correct..sorry i edited the original post to correct a typo. |
Going to guess Little Delving for 2 - but it is a guess!
A correct one! And fairly self explanatory
I wonder if it might be Osgiliath, the original capital of Gondor, as agreed at the time by its two neighbours, (Isildur in Minas Ithil and Anarion in Minas Anor). Osgiliath was situated between these two cities. |
ISorry have another go. I think the clue is "true so will hold off on hints for a bit.
I would guess Mundburg for 7, because, though Minas Tirith isn't strictly the capital, it's the major city. Have to think about the other ones.
I thought Minas Tirith was considered to be the capital by the time of LOTR. (And Mundburg is what the neighbours in Rohan call it - and they certainly seem to think of it as the capital of Gondor). (Did Middle-earth have capital cities, strictly speaking, in the sense that we use the term, or just "chief cities"?)
Mith, I'm quite relieved I was wrong, because the only names ending in O I know of that kind of length are Sulimo, Ringlo and Singollo - and L as the second letter rules those out. P.S. Just a guess - could Elfhelm be the password? |
Both correct. I felt that Minas Tirith was the capital at the time of LOTR where the term is used since Osgiiath is an outpost and Denethor rules from Minas Tirith
I'm going to guess Helcaraxe for 4, but only because rearranging "frozen rain" doesn't work. I can't completely make the clue work, but we do refer to being on "thin ice" and I suppose the Grinding Ice rearranged the Noldor, or got rearranged a bit during their crossing ....
(I assume, of course, that I am dead wrong). |
FIN (French word for end) + ELL (a measure - Sam uses it to measure rope) + ACH (ohhhh - ache without an E - no wonder trying to put PA or PAI into the answer didn't work. I thought at first it meant "Ach!" as an expression of pain, and couldn't quite work in the "endless" bit). |
Finellach is right for reasons given. Helcaraxe is wrong. You are into the harder ones IMO but I think the clue is fair so I will let you have another go.
Finellach has to be the obscurest of all the Fins! It took a bit of trawling to find that one.
P.S. Isn't it Mundburg, not Mundberg? |
It is but I needed to up the ante! And I am having a Giglalad phase atm. I also suspected the password might be easy to pick with the fairly straight forward L clues so I expected there to be a bit of help there with the others.
This is why I love the Password thread - lots more clues at once and sometimes you get the first letter to help. More like a real cryptic crossword.
A full cryptic would be a challenge to set perhaps more than do!
#4 is the wood near anorien, the name just slipped my mind. Halifirien?
No ..not halfirien..the clue is a tighter fit than that.
Hithlain? (With an anagram of “hail” for the "frozen rain” part.)
Yes. Hithlain isan anagram of hail + thin and is the material used to make Lorien rope. Well done.
Nice one! Hithlain and mithril (and lebethron, and that metal that Eol used) were in the back of my mind as there are so few original materials named in the books, but I couldn't make the clue fit. I was only seeing ice and icicle, and couldn't see hail.
I know I am on a self confessed Ereinion kick but not enough to give his spear a silent aitch.
:confused: (I typed confused, but that emoticon just looks miserable). Did you cross-post with Galadriel? Is Eriador correct? |
Oops sorry ....bad Mamawolf ...
Right well the last one is not such a great clue so should I improve it or will you have stab? |
Hmm maybe right sort of tree wrong forest? For now I will say it follows the sam pattern as the latt two clues . It is the lack of a distinct straight clue which is tricksy and which I may clarify.
I assumed the straight bit of the clue was "himself" and indicated a male character.
It does but more specfically an heir which is part of both the straight and cryptic aspects.
The nearest I can get at present is Elrohir. I don't know which twin was born first (and in fact don't remember offhand if they are twins), but at any rate it only takes care of the heir, and not the old. Eldarion seems more obvious straight-clue-wise, and has old in it, but not heir. And neither seem to refer to records, either of the disc or the archive variety. ;)
Bank to think tank. P.S. Unless "lore" can count as an old record, and can be smashed into Eorl. |
Not Elrohir though in one way you are ver close. He and Elladan are twins and since Elladan is usually named first I assume he is the first born.The chap you are after With an exra e it could have been but as it happens you need the other sort of record.
Not Eorl either... |
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